GLTF anim and morph playback issue when using three.js with more than one mixer - three.js

I have a single gltf file, exported from Blender with 6 anims and 20 morph targets. When that's the only skinned gltf object in the scene, everything plays nicely - I can switch between bone anims (run, walk, idle, etc), and get all morph anims (for facial expressions) cycling on a timer, or triggered by events. Yay.
The problem is when I introduce a second skinned object, such as an NPC. At that point lots of weirdness starts to happen.
For example, when morph targets cycle expressions on/off the player object, the NPC model standing nearby scales down and disappears on the off cycle, then scales back up during the on cycle. Another example, at init time the NPC object might randomly turn into an instance of another loaded object (a tree or a building), or occasionally a mini version of some random object, at 10% normal scale, and then start rapidly bouncing around in unpredictable and inconsistent ways. I have no idea what's going on.
I thought it might have something to do with loading multiple mixers, but then that's what the docs state should be done - "When multiple objects in the scene are animated independently, one AnimationMixer may be used for each object." Unless I'm reading that wrong?
I'm using:
npcMixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(npc);
virtually the same as what I do for the player:
playerMixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(player);
Is this a bad/mistaken approach?
Perhaps worth noting: I had FBX versions of the player and NPC working just fine together when exported and accessed as individual files. Then I spent a lot of time converting to GLTF since it's faster and lets me wrap all the actions up in a single file, which the FBX exporter does not seem to support (If I'm wrong about FBX being able to export multiple actions in a single file for playback in the three.js context please let me know!).
Three.js r98
Blender 2.79
Thanks for any advice.


Large lagging on mouse movement with SketchUp Dae model

I’ve designed a 3D model in SketchUp and I didn’t use any texture. I’m faced with an issue related with lagging on mouse move and rotate process. When I exported the model by Dae format and imported to the three js online editor (three js online editor) mouse movement is being very slow. I think it occurs fps drop. I couldn’t understand what’s problem with my model that I designed. I need your suggestions and ideas how to resolve this issue. Thanks for your support. I’ve uploaded 3D model’s image. Please take a look.
Object Count: 98.349, Vertices: 2,107.656, Triangles: 702.552
Object Count: 98.349,
The object count results in an equal number draw calls. Such a high value will degrade the performance no matter how complex the respective geometry eventually is.
I suggest you redesign the model and ensure to merge individual objects as much as possible. Also try to lower the number of vertices and faces.
Keep in mind that three.js does not automatically merge or batch render items. So it's your responsibility to optimize assets for rendering. It's best to do this right when designing the model. Or in code via methods like BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries() or via instanced rendering.

THREE.js - GLTF morph anims with skeletal anims playback problems

I've recently converted a bunch of JSON models to GLTF for playback in Three.js (exported from Blender 2.79b).
The models consist of multiple bone anims (idle, walk, run, attack, etc.) which I can access, playback, and fade between without problem.
They also contain shape keys with facial morphs for expressions and speech - 33 exist per model on average.
I have been unsuccessful at getting any of the facial morphs to play back properly.
When I keyframe a single shape key in Blender, for example in order to access facial morph number 31 out of 32 on the Dope Sheet, then animate it over time, export and play it back via the browser, it defaults to playing back whatever the first shape key is in the list. So I feel like I'm close, a facial morph is animating, just not the right one.
I have been struggling with figuring out how to access the proper morph. Coding is obviously not my greatest strength, but I can usually work off an example if I can find one doing something similar, in this case something that demonstrates how to access morph anim clips and then play them back alongside bone anims.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Performance issues when rendering first frame of ThreeJS app

I currently have a big impact on the performances of my ThreeJS app when I render the very first frame. It causes the Edge and IE 11 browsers to freeze for 5 seconds with a pop-up indicating "This window does not respond", which may scare my users.
Using the Performance profiler of Chrome, it seems the problem come from several ThreeJS functions you can clearly identify in the screenshot below.
WebGLUniforms.upload : 425ms (50.7% frame rendering time)
WebGLProgram.constructor : 327ms (38.9% frame rendering time)
How can I minimize the duration of the functions call ?
Can I create the program over multiple frames? Or upload the uniforms?
Does the number of materials on my 3D models impact these functions ?
I've tried to hide all the models in the scene and show them one at a time, it seems to prevent the freeze, but each model takes 500ms to show, which is not perfect for user experience. Maybe, it's the only way to go.
Thanks for your time
EDIT : The number of materials or their nature (WebGLStandardMaterial?) seems to affect the performances
Put add a few objects to the scene per frame over time. Three.js inits WebGL resources on first use so if there's 100 objects on your scene all 100 objects get initialized the first time you call renderer.render.
So, just put N objects to the scene, call renderer.render, then next frame add N more to the scene, etc until all the objects have been added.
It's probably most important to do it by material and geometry. In other words if you have 10 different materials and 10 different geometries and you're rendering 100 different models (a model takes one material and one geometry), then you want to make sure the first N models you add don't use all the materials and all the models because those are the things that need to get initialized.
Post processing passes also need initialization so if you're using any of those maybe the first frame just init those, then start adding objects.

Animation and Instancing performances

talking about the storage and loading of models and animations, which would be better for a Game Engine:
1 - Have a mesh and a bone for each model, both in the same file, each bone system with 10~15 animations. (so each model has its own animations)
2 - Have alot of meshes and a low number of bones, but the files are separated from each other and the same bone (animations too) can be used for more then one mesh, each bone set can have alot of animations. (notice that in this case, using the same boneset and the same animations will cause a loss of uniqueness).
And now, if I need to show 120~150 models in each frame (animated and skinned by the GPU), 40 of them are the same type, is better:
1 - Use a instancing system for all models in the game, even if I only need 1 model for each type.
2 - Detect wich model need instancing (if they repeat more then one time) and use a diferent render system (other shader programs), use a non-instancing for the other models.
3 - Dont use instancing because the "gain" would be very low for this number of models.
All the "models" talked here are animated models, currently I use the MD5 file with GPU skinning but without instancing, and I would know if there are better ways to do all the process of animating.
If someone know a good tutorial or can put me on the way... I dont know how I could create a interpolated skeleton and use instancing for it, let me explain..:
I can compress all the bone transformations (matrices) for all animation for all frames in a simple texture and send it to the vertex shader, then read for each vertex for each model the repective animation/frame transformation. This is ok, I can use instancing here because I will always send the same data for the same model type, but, when I need to use a interpolate skeleton, should I do this interpolation on vertex shader too? (more loads from the texture could cause some lost of performance).
I would need calculate the interpolated skeleton on the CPU too anyway, because I need it for colision...
Any solutions/ideas?
Im using directX but I think this applies to other systems
=> Now I just need an answer for the first question, the second is solved (but if anyone wants to give any other suggestions its ok)
The best example I can think of and one I have personally used is one by NVidia called Skinned Instancing. The example describes a way to render many instances of the same bone mesh. There is code and a whitepaper available too :)
Skinned Instancing by NVidia

Hierarchical animations in DirectX and handling seperate animations on the same mesh?

I have a hierarchical animated model in DirectX which loads and animates based on the following DirectX sample:
As good as the sample is it does not really go into some of the details of animation that I'd like. For example, if I have a mesh which has a running animation and a throwing animation as seperate animation sets how can I get the throwing animation to occur for bones above the hip and the walking animation to occur for bones underneath the hip?
Also if I wanted to for example have the person lean left or right would I simply have to find the bone for the hip and multiplay a rotation matrix by its matrix? In this case I think the matrix is m_amxBoneOffsets?
Composing multiple animations to a single one is usually the job of an animation system, something that is way out of scope of the D3D sample.
Let's look at your 2 examples:
running and throwing
Well, in this case you could apply the animation for the lower part of the body from the running animation and the animation for the upper part of the body from the throwing animation. And you'd get a very crappy result.
The how is just a matter of knowing which bones are where in the bone palette (something that depends on how they are stored, and in which order, but nothing inherently hard. The definite reference should be the documentation of the tool generating the animation data)
In practice, you're better off with a blending of the 2 animation. This is, in general, is hard, and software packages exist out there that do this for you. Gamebryo, e.g.
Or, an animation of a running guy who throws is different enough from a standing guy who throws that you might be better off having 2 animations.
If you apply a rotation matrix to the root bone, you'll simply rotate your whole character.
Now if you rotate the next bone in the hierarchy (from the spine), you'll get all the bones that depend on it to rotate likewise. It will probably do what you want, but there's a sure way to find out. Try it!
Well the thing is the running animation SHOULD affect the throwing animation slightly. What you need to look into is animation blending.
I'm sure Valve wrote a good paper on how they implemented it in Counter-strike many years ago. Its not on the valve site though so I'm not sure where I got this memory from ...
