RootQuery Resolve: calls a service in a separate js file - graphql

I am OK with javascript but I am very new to GraphQL. I currently have this GraphQL structure and it is working. I found examples online for how to get different types organized into SRP files. I am however unable to find how to do this with the resolve: as it requires a function.
const RootQueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'RootQueryType',
fields: {
ownerData: {
type: OwnerType,
description: 'Get all owners',
args:{key: {type: GraphQLString} },
resolve: (obj, args) => {
const url = 'http://localhost:5001/api/.../' + args.key
return fetch(url)
.then(response => {
return response.json()
.then(json => {
return transform(json)
.catch(err => {
carData: {
type: carType,
description: 'Get owned vehicles',
args:{key: {type: GraphQLString} },
resolve: (obj, args) => {
const url = 'http://localhost:6001/api/.../' + args.key
return fetch(url)
.then(response => {
return response.json()
.then(json => {
return transform(json)
.catch(err => {
I can move the service calls into separate files but not sure how to structure the resolve as it needs a function.
Would it be something like this:
const VehicleService = require('./ExternalServices/Vehicles');
resolve: (obj, args) => { VehicleService.GetVehicles() }

Generally speaking, I've found the best way to keep my code organized is to put all of the business logic elsewhere, initialized into the context object. If you're using graphql-js directly (it'll be set up differently if you're using something like apollo-server, but the context is still the right place for this):
graphql.js excerpt
(dataloaders is the SRP logic here)
const { graphql } = require('graphql');
const dataloaders = require('./dataloaders');
const typeDefs = require('./type-definitions')
const schema = require('./schema')
exports.query = (whatever, args) => {
const context = {};
context.requestId = 'uuid-something';
context.loaders = dataloaders.initialize({ context });
return graphql(schema, query, null, context)
schema.js excerpt
const RootQueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'RootQueryType',
fields: {
ownerData: {
type: OwnerType,
description: 'Get all owners',
args:{key: {type: GraphQLString} },
resolve: (obj, args, context) => {
const key = args.key;
return context.loaders.owner({ key });
dataloaders.js excerpt
exports.initialize = ({ context }) => {
return {
owner({ key }) {
const url = 'http://localhost:6001/api/.../' + key
return fetch(url, { headers: { requestId: context.requestId }})
.then(response => {
return response.json()
.then(json => {
return transform(json)
.catch(err => {
In addition to better code organization, doing it this way allows for easier testing, since your resolvers don't need any external dependencies. You can inject your dependencies this way by preloading the context with whatever you want for testing, and you can handle business logic where business logic belongs.
Initializing your business logic with the context of the request also allows you to adjust functionality based off the request: requestId (as I've shown), access control, etc.

The syntax () => {} is simply a function definition. The resolve field expects a function definition so it can run it when the field must be resolved.
You can move the resolving function to a different file like so:
const resolveCarData = (obj, args) => {
const url = 'http://localhost:6001/api/.../' + args.key
return fetch(url)
.then(response => {
return response.json()
.then(json => {
return transform(json)
.catch(err => {
export default resolveCarData;
And then use it in your schema definition:
import resolveCarData from './car-data-resolve';
const RootQueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'RootQueryType',
fields: {
/* Other fields */
carData: {
type: carType,
description: 'Get owned vehicles',
args: { key: { type: GraphQLString } },
resolve: resolveCarData


How to enable graphql subscription in loopback 4 with openapi-to-graphql

as per the title, I am having problem trying to enable graphql subscription in my loopback 4 application.
Here is my code that I've done so far.
export async function main(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {
const app = new BackendLb4Application(options)
await app.boot()
await app.start()
const url = app.restServer.url;
const oas: Oas3 = <Oas3><unknown>await app.restServer.getApiSpec()
const {schema} = await createGraphQLSchema(oas, {
operationIdFieldNames: true,
baseUrl: url,
createSubscriptionsFromCallbacks: true,
const handler = graphqlHTTP( (request:any, response:any, graphQLParams: any) => ({
pretty: true,
graphiql: true
app.mountExpressRouter(graphqlPath, handler);
const pubsub = new PubSub()
const ws = createServer(app);
ws.listen(PORT, () => {
new SubscriptionServer(
onConnect: (params: any, socket: any, ctx: any) => {
console.log(params, 'here on onconnect')
// Add pubsub to context to be used by GraphQL subscribe field
return { pubsub }
server: ws,
path: '/subscriptions'
return app
Here is my schema
type Subscription {
Equivalent to PATCH onNotificationUpdate
postRequestQueryCallbackUrlApiNotification(secondInputInput: SecondInputInput): String
Equivalent to PATCH onNotificationUpdate
postRequestQueryCallbackUrlOnNotificationUpdate(firstInputInput: FirstInputInput): String
Here is an example of my controller
#patch('/notification-update', {
operationId: 'notificationUpdate',
description: '**GraphQL notificationUpdate**',
callbacks:[ {
onNotificationUpdate: {
//'{$request.query.callbackUrl}/onNotificationUpdate': {
post: {
requestBody: {
operationId: 'notificationUpdateCallback',
description: 'rasjad',
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: {
title: "firstInput",
type: 'object',
properties: {
userData: {
type: "string"
responses: {
'200': {
description: 'response to subscription',
// }
responses: {
'200': {
description: 'Notification PATCH success count',
content: {'application/json': {schema: CountSchema}},
async updateAll(
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: getModelSchemaRef(Notification, {partial: true}),
notification: Notification,
#param.where(Notification) where?: Where<Notification>,
): Promise<Count> {
return this.notificationRepository.update(notification, where);
Ive defined the callbacks object in my controller which will then create a subscription in my schema. Tested it out on graphiql but did not work.
I am not sure where to go from here. Do I need a custom resolver or something? Not sure.
Appreciate it if anyone could help on this.
Just in case someone else is looking to do the same thing.
I switched out graphqlHTTP with Apollo Server to create my graphql server.
So my final index.ts looks like this.
export async function main(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {
const lb4Application = new BackendLb4Application(options)
await lb4Application.boot()
await lb4Application.migrateSchema()
await lb4Application.start()
const url = lb4Application.restServer.url;
const graphqlPath = '/graphql'
// Get the OpenApiSpec
const oas: Oas3 = <Oas3><unknown>await lb4Application.restServer.getApiSpec()
// Create GraphQl Schema from OpenApiSpec
const {schema} = await createGraphQLSchema(oas, {
strict: false,
viewer: true,
baseUrl: url,
headers: {
'X-Origin': 'GraphQL'
createSubscriptionsFromCallbacks: true,
customResolvers: {
"lb4-title": {
patch: (obj, args, context, info) => {
const num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
pubsub.publish("something", { yourMethodName: {count: num} }).catch((err: any) => {
return {count: 1}
customSubscriptionResolvers: {
"lb4-title" : {
"yourMethodName": {
post: {
subscribe: () => pubsub.asyncIterator("something"),
resolve: (obj: any, args: any, context, info) => {
console.log(obj, 'obj')
const app = express();
const server = new ApolloServer({
plugins: [{
async serverWillStart() {
return {
async drainServer() {
const subscriptionServers = SubscriptionServer.create(
// This is the `schema` we just created.
// These are imported from `graphql`.
server: lb4Application.restServer.httpServer?.server,
path: server.graphqlPath,
//path: server.graphqlPath,
await server.start();
server.applyMiddleware({ app, path: "/" });
lb4Application.mountExpressRouter('/graphql', app);
return lb4Application
Also you will need to define the callbacks object in your controller like so.
#patch('/something-update', {
operationId: 'somethingUpdate',
description: '**GraphQL somethingUpdate**',
yourMethodName: {
post: {
responses: {
'200': {
description: 'response to subscription',
content: {'application/json': {schema: CountSchema}},
responses: {
'200': {
description: 'Something PATCH success count',
content: {'application/json': {schema: CountSchema}},
async updateAll(
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: getModelSchemaRef(Something, {partial: true}),
something: Something,
#param.where(Something) where?: Where<Something>,
): Promise<Count> {
return this.somethingRepository.updateAll(something, where);
And that is it. You can test it out from the GraphQL Playground and play around with the subscriptions.
For the time being, I am fine with defining customResolvers and customSubscriptionResolvers but I'm pretty sure I can automate this two objects from the controllers.

React - can't dispatch action in hook component

Using dispatch in useffect hook of functional component,
Below code shows error page like below;
import { GetParks } from "../../../redux/actions/survey_actions"
function BarcodeGenerator(props) {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
export const GetParks = (Id) => async (dispatch, getState) => {
try {
const response = await axiosHelper.get("api/survey/GetParks", {
params: {
response =;
if (response.status !== ResponseStatus.SUCCESS) {
type: GET_PARKS,
payload: [1, 4555, 34],
} catch (error) {
const _getParks = (data) => ({
type: GET_PARKS,
payload: data,
how does dispatch the action to reducer properly
Action must be a plain object, as it is described in the error description. E.g. it is ok to use dispatch directly as is:
if (*statement*) {
action: DO_SMTH,
payload: true
or to make the action creator returning the equal object if you want to make clean re-usable code:
if (*statement*) {
function doSmth(toggle) {
return ({
action: DO_SMTH,
payload: toggle

Nest.js handling errors for HttpService

I'm trying to test NestJS's built in HttpService (which is based on Axios). I'm having trouble testing error/exception states though. In my test suite I have:
let client: SomeClearingFirmClient;
const mockConfigService = {
get: jest.fn((type) => {
switch(type) {
case 'someApiBaseUrl': {
return ''
case 'someAddAccountEndpoint': {
return '/ClientAccounts/Add';
case 'someApiKey': {
return 'some-api-key';
return 'test';
const successfulAdd: AxiosResponse = {
data: {
batchNo: '39cba402-bfa9-424c-b265-1c98204df7ea',
warning: '',
status: 200,
statusText: 'OK',
headers: {},
config: {},
const failAddAuth: AxiosError = {
code: '401',
config: {},
name: '',
message: 'Not Authorized',
const mockHttpService = {
post: jest.fn(),
get: jest.fn(),
it('Handles a failure', async () => {
expect.assertions(1); = jest.fn(() => of(failAddAuth));
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [
provide: ConfigService,
useValue: mockConfigService,
provide: HttpService,
useValue: mockHttpService,
client = module.get<SomeClearingFirmClient>(SomeClearingFirmClient);
const payload = new SomeClearingPayload();
try {
await client.addAccount(payload);
} catch(e) {
console.log('e', e);
And my implementation is:
async addAccount(payload: any): Promise<SomeAddResponse> {
const addAccountEndpoint = this.configService.get('api.someAddAccountEndpoint');
const url = `${this.baseUrl}${addAccountEndpoint}?apiKey=${this.apiKey}`;
const config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const response =, payload, config)
map(res => {
catchError(e => {
throw new HttpException(, e.response.status);
).toPromise().catch(e => {
throw new HttpException(e.message, e.code);
return response;
Regardless of whether I use Observables or Promises, I can't get anything to catch. 4xx level errors sail on through as a success. I feel like I remember Axios adding some sort of config option to reject/send an Observable error to subscribers on failures... but I could be imagining that. Am I doing something wrong in my test harness? The other StackOverflow posts I've seen seem to say that piping through catchError should do the trick, but my errors are going through the map operator.
Your mockHttpService seems to return no error, but a value: = jest.fn(() => of(failAddAuth));
What of(failAddAuth) does is to emit a value(failAddAuth) and then complete.
That's why the catchError from, payload, config) will never be reached, because no errors occur.
In order to make sure that catchError is hit, the observable returned by post() must emit an error notification.
You could try this:
// Something to comply with `HttpException`'s arguments
const err = { response: 'resp', status: '4xx' }; = jest.fn(() => throwError(err));
throwError(err) is the same as new Observable(s => s.error(err))(Source code).

How can I return the data as multiple objects?

I set an empty array inside a state
const state = {
jobs: []
Inside the component, I dispatch an action and the code looks like this:
The viewJobs actions looks like the following:
viewJobs: ({commit}) => {
.then(res => {
const jobss =;
commit('LIST_JOBS', jobss);
.catch(error => console.log(error));
And then the mutations looks like this:
'LIST_JOBS'(state, jobss){;
From the laravel side, my controller looks like this:
$jobs = Employment::all();
return $jobs->toJson(JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
When I load the page, am able to console log jobss, but the state does not get updated.
How can I successfully push the data to the state?
You are adding the entire array as a single element of Instead, you can use the Javascript spread operator, to push each element from the array:
Try to use response()->json()
return response()->json(Employment::all(),200);
and try use {jobss:jobss} in commit section
viewJobs: ({commit}) => {
.then(res => {
const jobss =;
commit('LIST_JOBS', {jobss:jobss});
.catch(error => console.log(error));
Another way, your vuex store looks like this
// state
export const state = () => ({
items: []
// getters
export const getters = {
items: state => state.items
// mutations
export const mutations = {
SET_ITEMS (state, { items }) {
state.items = items
PUSH_ITEM (state, { item }) {
UPDATE_ITEM (state, { index, item }) {
state.items[index] = item
DELETE_ITEM: (state, index) => {
state.items.splice(index.index, 1);
// actions
export const actions = {
setItems ({ commit }, { items }) {
commit('SET_ITEMS', { items })
pushItem ({ commit,state }, { item }) {
commit('PUSH_ITEM', { item })
deleteItem ({ commit,state }, { index }) {
commit('DELETE_ITEM', { index })
updateItem ({ commit,state }, { index,item }) {
commit('UPDATE_ITEM', { index,item })
Then in your component call your action
.then(res => {
const jobss =;
this.$store.dispatch('your_store_name/setItems', {items:jobss});
.catch(error => console.log(error));

How can I test Observable.ajax (redux-observable)?

I have been playing with rxjs and redux-observable for the last few days and have been struggle to find a way to a test for Observable.ajax. I have the following epic which create a request to,
export function testApiEpic (action$) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST)
.switchMap(action =>
Observable.ajax({ url, method })
.map(data => successTestApi(data.response))
.catch(error => failureTestApi(error))
export const REQUEST = 'my-app/testApi/REQUEST'
export const SUCCESS = 'my-app/testApi/SUCCESS'
export const FAILURE = 'my-app/testApi/FAILURE'
export const CLEAR = 'my-app/testApi/CLEAR'
export function requestTestApi () {
return { type: REQUEST }
export function successTestApi (response) {
return { type: SUCCESS, response }
export function failureTestApi (error) {
return { type: FAILURE, error }
export function clearTestApi () {
return { type: CLEAR }
The code works fine when runs in browser but not when testing with Jest.
I have try,
1) Create a test based on The store.getActions() returns only { type: REQUEST }.
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(testApiEpic)
const mockStore = configureMockStore([epicMiddleware])
describe.only('fetchUserEpic', () => {
let store
beforeEach(() => {
store = mockStore()
afterEach(() => {
it('returns a response, () => {
store.dispatch({ type: REQUEST })
{ type: REQUEST },
{ type: SUCCESS, response }
2) Create a test based on Redux-observable: failed jest test for epic. It returns with
Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
it('returns a response', (done) => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of({ type: REQUEST })
const store = { getState: () => {} }
testApiEpic(action$, store)
.subscribe(actions => {
{ type: SUCCESS, response }
Can someone point me out what is the correct way to test Observable.ajax ?
I would follow the second example, from StackOverflow. To make it work you'll need to make some minor adjustments. Instead of importing Observable.ajax in your epic file and using that reference directly, you need to use some form of dependency injection. One way is to provide it to the middleware when you create it.
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax';
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic, {
dependencies: { ajax }
The object we passed as dependencies will be give to all epics as the third argument
export function testApiEpic (action$, store, { ajax }) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST)
.switchMap(action =>
ajax({ url, method })
.map(data => successTestApi(data.response))
.catch(error => failureTestApi(error))
Alternatively, you could not use the dependencies option of the middleware and instead just use default parameters:
export function testApiEpic (action$, store, ajax = Observable.ajax) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST)
.switchMap(action =>
ajax({ url, method })
.map(data => successTestApi(data.response))
.catch(error => failureTestApi(error))
Either one you choose, when we test the epic we can now call it directly and provide our own mock for it. Here are examples for success/error/cancel paths These are untested and might have issues, but should give you the general idea
it('handles success path', (done) => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of(requestTestApi())
const store = null; // not used by epic
const dependencies = {
ajax: (url, method) => Observable.of({ url, method })
testApiEpic(action$, store, dependencies)
.subscribe(actions => {
successTestApi({ url: '/whatever-it-is', method: 'WHATEVERITIS' })
it('handles error path', (done) => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of(requestTestApi())
const store = null; // not used by epic
const dependencies = {
ajax: (url, method) => Observable.throw({ url, method })
testApiEpic(action$, store, dependencies)
.subscribe(actions => {
failureTestApi({ url: '/whatever-it-is', method: 'WHATEVERITIS' })
it('supports cancellation', (done) => {
const action$ = ActionsObservable.of(requestTestApi(), clearTestApi())
const store = null; // not used by epic
const dependencies = {
ajax: (url, method) => Observable.of({ url, method }).delay(100)
const onNext = chai.spy();
testApiEpic(action$, store, dependencies)
next: onNext,
complete: () => {
For the first way:
First, use isomorphic-fetch instead of Observable.ajax for nock support, like this
const fetchSomeData = (api: string, params: FetchDataParams) => {
const request = fetch(`${api}?${stringify(params)}`)
.then(res => res.json());
return Observable.from(request);
So my epic is:
const fetchDataEpic: Epic<GateAction, ImGateState> = action$ =>
.mergeMap((action: FetchModel) =>
fetchDynamicData(action.url, action.params)
.map((payload: FetchedData) => fetchModelSucc(
.catch(error => Observable.of(
Then, you may need an interval to decide when to finish the test.
describe("epics", () => {
let store: MockStore<{}>;
beforeEach(() => {
store = mockStore();
afterEach(() => {
it("fetch data model succ", () => {
const payload = {
code: 0,
data: someData,
header: {},
msg: "ok"
const params = {
data1: 100,
data2: "4"
const mock = nock("")
.reply(200, payload);
const go = new Promise((resolve) => {
url: "",
let interval: number;
interval = window.setInterval(() => {
if (mock.isDone()) {
}, 20);
return expect(go).resolves.toEqual([
url: "",
data: somData
enjoy it :)
