Deploying a Phoenix app to Heroku using CloudFlare - heroku

I started developing my personal blog (and a basic CMS) using Phoenix.
I successfully deployed it to Heroku following the Documentation/Guides, it's live.
Now I added my custom domain "" to the Heroku App but everytime I access it, the URL on the browser switches from that custom domain to the "Heroku app URL" (
Am I missing something?
It might be useful to know that the DNS is being managed by CloudFlare, using CNAME flattening as recommended by CloudFlare itself.

Sure enough, the issue was within config/prod.exs.
I had hard coded the Heroku URL there in order to take advantage of Heroku's free SSL when using their subdomains.


Redirect from generic Heroku domain to custom domain

I have an old version of a web app which was deployed using Heroku to a generic Heroku domain i.e.
I have a newer version of this web app deployed separately using Azure at a custom domain i.e.
However many users are still using the old Heroku domain and are going to the old version of the app.
Is there an easy way in the Heroku Dashboard to redirect from the generic Heroku domain to another domain i.e. my custom domain in this case?

How to point a domain at Siteground to an app hosted by Heroku?

A while back I purchased a domain through siteground. I have a build a react app that I just deployed at Heroku and want to point the domain located at siteground to the app. However I'm having some issues with it. I need to add it to the cname record but I have no idea how. I have tried it now by making a cname record for [www] with resolves to erwer1234adadad.herokudns .com which is the (* however it's still not working (
I contacted the siteground support but they think I speak french.
In my opinion site ground doesn't support naked/root domain pointing so I would suggest to use any service like cloudflare or dns simple , if you don't want to use external service you can go ahead with point dns a heroku addon.
Please follow the below-mentioned steps to configure pointDNS
1.Go to APP -> settings-> under domain section add below domains
2. Go to resources-> add PointDNS addon,
Verify by clicking on pointDNS
3. Copy all NS records from dataplug to pointDNS
4. Update NS issued by pointDNS (, in siteground

error on web browser 'Website not secure'

I have a application hosted when I visit the site
Im getting Website Not Secure. Obviously this doesnot look good if users are accessing the site. How Can I fix this?
My application is hosted on heroku
I have added my domain to heroku:
Domain ->
DNS ->
ACM Staus:OK
Heroku also gives me info that "Your app can be found
And heroku manages the SSL certificate automatically.
The domain however is managed by
And I have configured the DNS to:
www CNAME 10800
That is the responsibility of the one who offers the domain, because they are the ones who have the servers, in the browsers it appears that it is not safe because they do not have the necessary security certificates to be considered a "secure site".
If the hosting provider tells you that you have to install it, you should ask them how to do it

Are heroku apps anonymous?

If I have made 2 different heroku apps, can someone who randomly sees one also find the other and know that I made it? (They are not linking to each other of course)
If you look at Heroku Website you will notice that it is a deployment service for developers equipped with all required tools. On Heroku there is no way to find who is registered with Heroku or list of registered apps on Heroku just like Github.
So Github has a different service model, and we can easily search any repo, any author (if public). On Heroku there is no area or option to search like that.
Except that, if you are using Heroku for free and their free domain, then the prefix in start of your free domain name will let others know that you are using Heroku platform (with free package or have not configured real domain yet).
Twilio a famous SMS API service provider, has their chat service hosted on Heroku, they didn't configured the domain, hence I noticed Herokuapp in start of their chat window URL, which let me know that they are using Heroku.

Custom domain which heroku forwarded to in not secure node.js

What steps do I need to take to move my normal node.js application into a state where it is secure on my custom domain? When I visit my heroku application, the connection is secure across https://.
When I forward that heroku domain to my own site however, it shows a warning that the connection is not secure.
Are there any articles online that have answered this question? I cannot seem to find any information on what steps to take. Thanks all
The steps for setting up custom domain SSL with your Heroku app are as follows:
1- Add your SSL add-on:
$ heroku addons:add ssl
2- Add the certificate to your app
Using the certificate you generated in the previous step, upload it to Heroku:
$ heroku certs:add server.crt server.key
3- Configure DNS
Add a CNAME record in the DNS configuration that points from the domain name that will host secure traffic e.g. to the SSL endpoint hostname, e.g. Consult your DNS provider for instructions on how to do this. The target should be the fully qualified domain name for the SSL endpoint associated with the domain.
You will find further information in Heroku Dev Center:
Assuming you have the hobby or professional account, run the following command to get the automated certificate management (ACM) to work:
heroku certs:auto:enable -a <app name>
Use Expedited CDN add-on and you can force for https for free.
First you need to be in at least hobby plan.
Need to add automated Automated Certificate Management (ACM) and your custom domain/s.
You can add Expedited CDN from resources tab of your project and its free.
Then visit Expedited CDN and configure DNS as mentioned there its easy and hassle free just follow the steps, trust me it will work.
I have provided some screenshots only for reference.
It has lot of additional features you might be looking.
