OSB Editor in JDeveloper 12C and ORACLE SOA SUITE 12C - oracle

Hello I have a question about OracleSOASuite12C and JDEVELOPER 12C.
I have a Server with ORACLE SOA SUITE 12C and I have my computer with JDeveloper 12C.
I want to create an OSB Project in JDeveloper, but I don't have this option, probably I need to connect my Server with JDeveloper or I have to connect to install SOASuite in my PC.
I want to create an OSB Project to edit my OSB Server.
Coul i do?

You MUST use the SOA quickstart installer to install the Jdeveloper version that has support fo SOA and OSB. you can find it here.
11g allowed you to download the extensions to JDeveloper. In 12c+ they are included in the QS install.

Is this JDeveloper installed yourself or the one included in the SOA suite? During installation of the SOA suite you either have to link to your JDeveloper or let it install the one included. The included one is location in your ORACLE_HOME. Jdeveloper does not have SOA compatibility out of the box


Configure SOA Extension for Jdeveloper 12c

I have installed version 12c of OIM, OAM, SOA, Weblogic using Oracle Middleware Quick Start Installer. But when I installed version 12c of Jdeveloper I get to know that I have to install it with soa 12c quick installer then only I can be able to use Jdeveloper for SOA workflow development. Any idea how can I use the Jdeveloper now as SOA is already installed in my system using the Middleware quick installer.
The only way to get the SOA workflow development in JDeveloper was to use the SOA Quickstart installation and not the other OIM/Middleware or Jdeveloper installers.

Install Oracle Apex in Microsoft server 2016

Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle Database XE). Preferably latest version.
Oracle Application Express (APEX) 18.1 or greater. Preferably latest version.
Oracle WebLogic, Glassfish, TomCat, etc. as long as it supports ORDS
Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) release 3.0.12 or later.
Is 1 and 2 installation same as windows? why do I need 3 and 4?
XE latest version of Database isn't available for Windows yet, but will be soon. For now, you have an 11gR2 version of XE.
I'd wait a bit if you can for the 18c version of XE to drop for Windows.
Installation of XE or the database on Windows is via a GUI installer for both the server and creating a database and it's services. On NIX, you have YUM or RPM solutions, which are generally easier (personal opinion).
APEX installation happens in the database itself, process is the same regardless of your OS.
Tomcat or WLS aren't required, but are there to help manage ORDS (Java EE app). Most customers setup Apache with Tomcat for ORDS and APEX.
ORDS itself makes things inside the database available via HTTPS - one of those things is your APEX applications.
ORDS can also be ran as a standalone process, and this also gives you a built-in webserver (Jetty.)
Finally, if you're using ORDS, you can also build and deliver REST APIs for your database.
P.S. You could also use Docker to make things easier. Joel Kallman shows how here.

Can't Install SOA Composite Editor in JDeveloper - Orace SOA Suite 12c

I've installed the Oracle SOA Suite 12c and the installation went fine. When I try to install the Oracle SOA Composite Editor in JDeveloper something goes wrong, it says I finished the install, but when JDeveloper restarts I still can't select a project from the SOA tier.
I'm working on a MAC OS X 10.10.2 and use the JDeveloper Studio Edition Version
Hopefully someone could help me to fix this problem!
SOA Suite editor is not supported on the mac in JDeveloper. Windows and Linux only. The only FMW products that runs on Mac is WebLogic. JDeveloper Studio with ADF and Mobile Application Framework run on the Mac.

Oracle Eclipse BPEL Designer

Presently I am working on Oracle BPEL with Jdeveloper.Infact,I would like to work with Oracle Eclipse BPEL designer.So, where can I download Oracle eclipse BPEL designer and how to configure it with oracle SOA suite.
Eclipse BPEL editor is available in www.eclipse.org but I dont know how to configure it with oracle SOA suite.
Oracle officially supports only jDeveloper as a main tool for Oracle SOA suite.
Unfortunately, I do not think that you will find Oracle-supported Eclipse plugin for Oracle SOA.

Equivalent for Oracle Enterprise Management Console for Mac

Somebody can advise an equivalent for Enterprise Management Console? I found this
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Management Agent. But i cant launch it. There is two jar file. I try to run it, but it doesn't work.
dhcp-176:~ kukodajanos$ java -jar /Users/kukodajanos/Downloads/macosx_10_1_0_3_agent_download/macosx/agent/stage/install1.jar
Invalid or corrupt jarfile /Users/kukodajanos/Downloads/macosx_10_1_0_3_agent_download/macosx/agent/stage/install1.jar
I checked the manifest, and there is no main-class specified. Any suggestion?
You can install
"Oracle Database 10g Client Release 2 ( for MAC OS X on Intel x86 / x86-64", which contains the Java Enterprise Manager Client (if your Mac is have Intel CPU).
But Java based Enterprise Managment Console as included in Client installer is obsolete for 10G. To control the 10G and 11G use Enterprise Manager through the web.
