Equivalent for Oracle Enterprise Management Console for Mac - macos

Somebody can advise an equivalent for Enterprise Management Console? I found this
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Management Agent. But i cant launch it. There is two jar file. I try to run it, but it doesn't work.
dhcp-176:~ kukodajanos$ java -jar /Users/kukodajanos/Downloads/macosx_10_1_0_3_agent_download/macosx/agent/stage/install1.jar
Invalid or corrupt jarfile /Users/kukodajanos/Downloads/macosx_10_1_0_3_agent_download/macosx/agent/stage/install1.jar
I checked the manifest, and there is no main-class specified. Any suggestion?

You can install
"Oracle Database 10g Client Release 2 ( for MAC OS X on Intel x86 / x86-64", which contains the Java Enterprise Manager Client (if your Mac is have Intel CPU).
But Java based Enterprise Managment Console as included in Client installer is obsolete for 10G. To control the 10G and 11G use Enterprise Manager through the web.


Install Oracle Apex in Microsoft server 2016

Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle Database XE). Preferably latest version.
Oracle Application Express (APEX) 18.1 or greater. Preferably latest version.
Oracle WebLogic, Glassfish, TomCat, etc. as long as it supports ORDS
Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) release 3.0.12 or later.
Is 1 and 2 installation same as windows? why do I need 3 and 4?
XE latest version of Database isn't available for Windows yet, but will be soon. For now, you have an 11gR2 version of XE.
I'd wait a bit if you can for the 18c version of XE to drop for Windows.
Installation of XE or the database on Windows is via a GUI installer for both the server and creating a database and it's services. On NIX, you have YUM or RPM solutions, which are generally easier (personal opinion).
APEX installation happens in the database itself, process is the same regardless of your OS.
Tomcat or WLS aren't required, but are there to help manage ORDS (Java EE app). Most customers setup Apache with Tomcat for ORDS and APEX.
ORDS itself makes things inside the database available via HTTPS - one of those things is your APEX applications.
ORDS can also be ran as a standalone process, and this also gives you a built-in webserver (Jetty.)
Finally, if you're using ORDS, you can also build and deliver REST APIs for your database.
P.S. You could also use Docker to make things easier. Joel Kallman shows how here.

Making a connection to an Access Database with SQL Developer v4.0.3 and the JDBC/ODBC Bridge

screenshot of SQL Developer ODBC connection issue to MS-Access
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/sql/o38sql-102034.html (your article at Oracle OTN)
I read the Oracle OTN article about making connections to an Access database using SQL Developer, but I can't get it to work.
The error below shows that the default JDBC/ODBC bridge driver or data source name cannot be found.
Status : Failure -Test failed: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data
source name not found and no default driver specified
The Access
database exists, and the system tables in the access database are not
I am using SQL Developer v4.0.3 that uses JDK 1.7. I know that SQL Developer 4.1 uses JDK 1.8, and Access connections are not supported in that latest version of SQL Developer.
I also installed both JDK 1.6 for 64bit and 32bit computing, and changed my system path setting to use of these versions. I have tried both 1.6 versions, without success.
It's my understanding that SQL Developer uses the JDBC/ODBC Bridge and requires no other configuration. A third party JDBC driver is not required to connect to Access.
How do I configure SQL Developer to locate the JDK v1.6 and use the appropriate version (JDK 1.6 64bit or JDK 1.6 32bit) to connect to an Access Database? I've been working on this all day and I'm stumped.
64bit MS Access ODBC Drivers
The solution to enable SQL Developer v4.0.3 to connect to a MS Access database was to install the 64bit ODBC Drivers from Microsoft. I downloaded the Access Runtime Engine version 2010 which works with an Installed 32 bit version of MS Access (and other 32bit 2007 office products)
The following links were helpful:
The ODBC drivers are coupled with the MS Access runtime engine.

Oracle SOA Suite - Windows 8.1

I have installed Oracle SOA Suite 11g Release 1 (, Repository creation utility ( and Web Logic server (10.3.6) on my operating system - Windows 8.1. I have read somewhere that these versions of the products are not compatible with Win8.1. Is it true? What do you think? Is there a way that I can use Oracle SOA Suite 11g over my OS.
That the O.S. version is not certified doesn't necessarily mean that it won't work at all. If your purpose is only to install a sandbox environment then you can probably try, but not recommended for anything more than that. Alternate solutions would be to install a newer version of SOA Suite or 12c, or even to deploy it into a VM with a supported O.S.
Windows 8.1 is not supported for versions prior to For more information and a reference: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/ias/downloads/fusion-certification-100350.html

Can't Install SOA Composite Editor in JDeveloper - Orace SOA Suite 12c

I've installed the Oracle SOA Suite 12c and the installation went fine. When I try to install the Oracle SOA Composite Editor in JDeveloper something goes wrong, it says I finished the install, but when JDeveloper restarts I still can't select a project from the SOA tier.
I'm working on a MAC OS X 10.10.2 and use the JDeveloper Studio Edition Version
Hopefully someone could help me to fix this problem!
SOA Suite editor is not supported on the mac in JDeveloper. Windows and Linux only. The only FMW products that runs on Mac is WebLogic. JDeveloper Studio with ADF and Mobile Application Framework run on the Mac.

Installing Oracle 10 ODP.NET on Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 64bit

I've tried to install "Oracle10g Release 2 ODAC (64-bit) for Windows x64" from:
on Windows 2008 server 64bit, but it crushes right after i run the setup.exe with the following error:
Problem signature: Problem Event
Name: APPCRASH Application
Name: javaw.exe Application
Version: Application
Timestamp: 42a019e4 Fault Module
Name: StackHash_5c81 Fault Module
Version: 6.0.6001.18000 Fault Module
Timestamp: 4791adec Exception
Code: c0000374 Exception
Offset: 00000000000a6e97 OS
Version: 6.0.6001. Locale
ID: 1037 Additional Information
1: 5c81 Additional Information
2: fa1981fc0da3377cbbec45e762388188
Additional Information 3: 7698
Additional Information
4: 7defb6f15001721d919a359fb7888c17
Read our privacy statement:
can anyone direct me to a version that i can install the latesr version of ODP.NET for Windows 2008 server 64bit?
Best regards,
Guy Bertental
It's a really tricky. Before installing ODP.NET you need to already have working connection setup to oracle database. That means:
Step 1:
Oracle install client (never succeeded with that, not recommended) or Oracle client (succeeded on Win7 ultimate 64bit, file win64_11gR1_client.zip, installed with "Runtime" option selected). After client install make sure you can connect. From command line try "tnsping yourtnanamesentry" to check if tnsnames is ok, and after that "sqlplus username/pwd#yourtnsnamesentry" to check if you know valid user and password and really can connect. Memorize or write down oracle home name and path you choosed during install.
Step 2:
Install ODP.NET (I did with file ODAC1110720.zip). Use exactly the same oracle home name, but different path during installation.
Step 3: try connecting with visual studio. For "server name" I used this: "oraclexe:1521/xe". That means I have machine called "oraclexe" which has oracle listener on port 1521, and database with instance name "xe". It's so-called "EZCONNECT" name.
I'm not sure if Step 1 is really needed or not, because maybe step3 really uses just oracle instant client.
I know, it is real pain, but this works. It took me 2 days to connect to oracle, and I had to install almost 1GB of downloaded oracle software. They could and should make that much, much, much, much easier. Like one-click install that just works. This is shame how complicated client install is.
Donwload and install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) on your development computer.
Delete former references to Oracle.DataAccess on your project.
Add the new reference pointing to this new version.
In Visual Studio, after adding the reference select it, then choose properties to check the setting. Set “Specific Version” true , then check that “Copy Local” is false.
Build your solution using ANY CPU target.
Next, prepare your server. Install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) . When installing, select the RUNTIME OPTION.
Finally, deploy your solution to your server, as you always use to do. This time it should work.
The trick is to have the same ODAC version ( on both the development and deployment enviroments. This ODAC contains the Oracle.DataAcces.Client which you should reference on your code to access classes like OracleConnection, OracleDataReader, etc.
I had problems because I had developed using ODAC (32 bits, latest at this time) but there's no x64 version for this ODAC.
So, always use the latest stable ODAC version which has 32 bits and 64 bits version if you are going to develop on 32 bits and deploy on 64 bits.
Hi Ran into your problem, solution is get a copy of 10204_vista_w2k8_x64_production_client.zip (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/10204-winx64-vista-win2k8-082253.html) run this & it will install the client.
Unpack ODAC10203x64.zip then go to All Programs->OracleHome->Oracle Installation Products & run the Universal Installer. When the installer runs at the Specify Source Location browse to the Stage directory created when you unpacked ODAC10203x64.zip then install as normal.
There is a ODAC112012.zip but this will not talk to Oracle 9 dB's so the above will resolve talking to legacy dB's.
Guy- have a look at this, it may help. Getting Oracle client working is a pain at the best of times, x64 must make it harder.
I had unexpected crashes in my application using Instant Client on Windows Server 2008 x64. After reading a few posts about the lack of support for this platform, I upgraded the client to and it works like a charm !
So I would be surprised if ODP .NET would be stable on Windows Server 2008 x64, if you ever managed to install it. IMHO, your options are :
use another provider (Microsoft+client v11.1, or DataDirect...).
go with the beta version if you dare...
