IIS 10 Multiple requests on Windows 10 Home not working - ajax

After several searches and tries I can't make IIS 10 accepts more than 3 requests concurrently on Windows 10 Home Edition.
I already tried configuring maxConcurrentRequestsPerCPU on Regedit, changed ASP Limits Configuration on IIS but no success.
Is this a limitation for Windows 10 Home edition or is it a configuration I can't find?
Edit: IIS Express running from Visual Studio doesn't have this limitation.


Windows Authentication doesn't work with IIS Express 10 when running Visual Studio 2017 under another account

Original question here:
Windows Authentication doesn't work with IIS Express 10
At my workplace, we do development on a production network, meaning we have a regular, restricted account and an "admin" account, which has greater rights. We recently had a hardware refresh where we went from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and VS 2013 to VS 2017.
Under the old system, I could log in with my regular account, run VS 2013 as my admin account, and I was able to build and run my web application just fine in Firefox.
This does not work under Windows 10. When I try running VS 2017 under my admin account while logged into my regular account, windows authentication fails, giving me either 401.1 or 401.2 errors. The only way I have been able to get everything working is to log into my admin account and run it from there. This isn't the preferred way to do things. So, is there any way to do what I want to do in Windows 10 and VS 2017?

Unable to get VS2010 to connect to remote debugger on Windows 8 PC

I have a Win 7 64 bit PC running VS2010
I have one test machine that is generating issues for me (a Win 8 one), but I cannot connect to it via Remote Debugger.
To complicate issues, this remote machine is a VM hosted via Paralells.
I have turned off all firewalls (I don't like this, but that makes the server appear in the VS2010 window, so I know I need to come back and tweak the firewall.)
I go to the remote machine, start up vsmon (I have tried both x86 and 64 versions), and the server starts ok.
try to connect and I get "MSVSMON.exe does not appear to be running on the remote instance." (Even though I know it is as I just started it!)
I have gone into settings and enabled "Any User" and "No Authentication". Restarted VS2010 and still nothign. Exactly the same error message.
I have a User called Matt on both the Win 7 and Win 8 machines, both with admin rights to the resepctive boxes. But still the same error message.
So what steps have I missed?
(and as a supplemental, I am sure that in teh documentaiton for the remote debug server download, it states that the install will create the necessary firewall rules, so why is my firewall still blocking me seeing the Win 8 Machine?)
Im out of ideas on this one, so if I can't crack this soon I'll have to move my dev envrionment across to the win 8 vm lock stock and barrel, which then means that my test machine is no longer an exact replica of a client workstation.
Copy directory c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\ to the remote computer.
Start x64 version of msvsmon.exe as user Matt. Do not enable "Any User" or "No Authentication". User Matt should have administrator rights.
Start your visual studio 2010 as Matt.
Try to connect to remote debugger. It worked for me every time. If it does not, consider using higher version of visual studio (i.e. vs 2013 community edition is free and should work well).

Windows 8 Home & IIS & VS 2012: Can't find virtual directory

I wonder if this problem is due to the Home Edition of Windows I use.
I have several other development machines (Win 7 Pro) and never had problems with this.
When I open a preexisting ASP.Net project which uses the IIS VS 2012 on Windows 8 Home says it is configured for the use with IIS but doesn't find the web server/directory.
The IIS virtual dir exists though. I have the IIS installed (from the standard Windows feature list). I have setup the web application etc. I can even start websites in the browser with localhost. Only thing is VS 2012 can't find the IIS.
Is there a limitiation in Home?

Installing IIS on Windows 7 Home Basic

I have a ASP.NET application and I would like to deploy it on a webserver.
So I searched for a some tutorials and most of them tell to enable the IIS Management Console in control panel.But I don't have such an entry in there.
So I guessed that I have some component missing(jigsaw) and used the MS WebPI utility to install IIS components and other things even remotely connected to web development.
I have installed
Web deploy 3.0
IIS Express 7.5
.NET framework 4
and MS web tools for Visual studio 2010.
Still no luck.Run>inetmgr still fails.There is no inetpub folder anywhere.(I expected something like apache htdocs folder)
Excuse me for the newbie question.I am in windows7 home basic.
You are NOT able to use full-fledged IIS with Windows 7 Home Basic.
According to MSDN IIS7 installed on Windows 7 Home Basic is too limited and you won't be able to run ASP.Net application there. IIS Management Console is also unavailable on Windows 7 Home Basic.
I think that you can try IIS Express and all-in-one WebMatrix solution. WebMatrix provides you with a neat interface to start /stop / restart IIS Express and to edit some of IIS Express settings.

Deploying a silverlight webapp from Visual Studio 2010 to Windows 7 IIS

Hope somebody can give me some info regarding this.
I have a silverlight web app (.NET 4). I would like to use msdeploy to deploy it to IIS 7 running on a Windows 7 64 bit machine.
I have read many pages and have tried a lot of the steps in them so far but am still struggling.
What I have done:
1. Installed Web Platform Installer.
2. Installed msdeploy
3. Started and set to automatically start: "Web Deployment Agent Service" and "Web Management Service"
4. Created a web site in IIS 7 and set permissions.
5. Tested the website "http://server/page and get a blank directory browsing because nothing is added yet.
So now I would like to deploy but am getting an error : "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it:
I have tested telnet'ing to the address on port 8172 which fails.
It is suggested that msdeploy is not configured correctly and I need to Enable Remote Connections. However it does not seem that Windows 7 IIS 7 has the icons in IIS to do this. (No "Management Service" option under add / remove features of IIS)
Does this mean i can not deploy to Windows 7 IIS 7?
Or is there another way to enable remote connections, perhaps using powershell?
Any help is greatly appreciated
