Colorized comments in Katalon Studio - comments

Is it possible to make a comment in katalon studio colored ? Like how Warning looks yellow , Error looks Red and so?

You can change some color preferences in Preferences > Run/Debug > Console:
Standard Out text color
Standard Error text color
Standard In text color
Bacground color


Debug console text in yellow

so when I debug a program on visual studio community 2019, the debug console text is appearing in yellow, would it be possible to change that color to white? (I might have changed it before, but I don't remember how...).
Here is a picture of the output window:
Thanks in advance.
Right click on top of console window -> choose 'Properties' -> 'Colors' -> 'Screen text' and pick desired color for your console.
You should see something like this:

How to change parameter type color inside tooltips?

The default blue color is unreadable on the gray background:
I couldn't find any option inside Tools > Options > Environment > 'Fonts and Colors' that controlled that particular color. How do I modify that color?
Looks like either VS or Resharper finally fixed the default color. It looks like this now, without me having to change anything:
So, string in C# it's a keyword that means you can simply modify this blue color for all keywords by setting
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors -> Settings for Text Editor -> Keyword -> Item foreground
parameter in Visual Studio settings.
There is the resharper extension EnhancedTooltip. As far as I know it uses the same colors a the editor window. You can install it from ReSharper -> Extension Manager ... .

Can't find VS2010 setting in custom fonts and colours for numerics in .sql files

In Visual Studio 2010, does anyone know how to change the custom font colour for numeric characters in .sql files? Here is an example of the problem I have:
Black characters against my dark brown background aren't the easiest on the eye.
I've been through every single "Display Item" in the Fonts and Colors options have have failed to locate the setting that controls this colour.
If you go to Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors. Look for "Identifier" under Text Editor. It hopefully will allow you to change the color.
Link to what I found

Disabling highlighting of current line in the Visual Studio editor

The Visual Studio editor highlights the current line by changing the background color of the current line. Is there a simple way to disable this highlighting? Otherwise, which parameter in Fonts and Colors dialog controls the background color of the currently selected line in the editor?
Is there a simple way to disable this highlighting?
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor, in the Display group, uncheck "Highlight current line"
Which parameter in Fonts and Colors dialog controls the background color of the currently selected line in the editor?
The colors are named "Highlight Current Line (Active)" and "Highlight Current Line (Inactive)"
To disable the border around the current line
In VS 2019
Go to : Environment -> Fonts and Colors:
Find the display item: Highlight Current Line
Set the item foreground color to: Automatic
In VS 2017 and earlier
Go to : Tools -> Options -> Text Editor:
Find the display items:
Highlight Current Line (Active)
Highlight Current Line (Inactive)
Set the item foreground color to: Automatic
if its visual code make
"editor.renderLineHighlight": "none"
The Visual Studio editor highlights the current line by changing the background color of the current line.
The only time I've seen this is when "Use Windows High Contrast settings" is enabled (Options > Environment > General)
With this setting disabled, I just get a subtle grey box to indicate the current line (this may depend on your Color Theme):
If you're using Resharper, it's:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor:
ReSharper Current Line Highlight
press -> Ctrl + comma
Search => Render Line Highlight
select none from the options
In addition to the previous answer, I'd like to mention that Visual Assist (the tomato icon) also have an highlight current line feature, that can still be active while your Visual Studio highlight option is turned off.
This drove me crazy! Find it in Visual Assist Option panel, Display category.
So don't forget to also uncheck the VisualAssist highlight option.
my settings:
Visual Assist option turned off
Visual Studio option turned on (in the Text Editors part)
In the font color settings, for Highlight current line (active and inactive), set the foreground to Automatic
Finally you can set your highlight color as you want with the background color.
Last point, sometimes Visual Studio mess things up even more, you may have to restart it, or close/open your tabs... sadly, YMMV.
For VsCode 2021 version users
Workspace > Text-Editor > Render Line Highlight > none
Visual assist and vsvim extensions were conflicting. So I disabled it within the visual assist options.
Uncheck the option: Highlighting->Highlight results of Quick Find and Find in Files.
For some reason "esc" doesn't work .

Is there a way to change fonts and colors for the C# Interactive window in the Roslyn CTP?

It seems to have partially inherited fonts and colors from my current settings, which has made it pretty ugly right now. I looked in fonts and colors but there is no settings for C# Interactive.
Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft on the Roslyn team.
We have not done the polish work to create the logical and correct fonts and colors for the C# Interactive Window yet. In this case, the black text in your screenshot should using Text Editor->Plain Text, but it's not. Instead, it's using "Text Editor->Interactive Console - Black". If you change "Text Editor->Interactive Console - Black" to match your "Text Editor->Plain Text" setting, it should look much better.
In the June 2012 CTP you can set the C# Interactive Window output fonts & colors using the following under "Text Editor":
Roslyn - Interactive Window Error Output
Roslyn - Interactive Window Output
Input fonts & colors are governed by the normal text editor settings.
