Disabling highlighting of current line in the Visual Studio editor - visual-studio

The Visual Studio editor highlights the current line by changing the background color of the current line. Is there a simple way to disable this highlighting? Otherwise, which parameter in Fonts and Colors dialog controls the background color of the currently selected line in the editor?

Is there a simple way to disable this highlighting?
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor, in the Display group, uncheck "Highlight current line"
Which parameter in Fonts and Colors dialog controls the background color of the currently selected line in the editor?
The colors are named "Highlight Current Line (Active)" and "Highlight Current Line (Inactive)"

To disable the border around the current line
In VS 2019
Go to : Environment -> Fonts and Colors:
Find the display item: Highlight Current Line
Set the item foreground color to: Automatic
In VS 2017 and earlier
Go to : Tools -> Options -> Text Editor:
Find the display items:
Highlight Current Line (Active)
Highlight Current Line (Inactive)
Set the item foreground color to: Automatic

if its visual code make
"editor.renderLineHighlight": "none"

The Visual Studio editor highlights the current line by changing the background color of the current line.
The only time I've seen this is when "Use Windows High Contrast settings" is enabled (Options > Environment > General)
With this setting disabled, I just get a subtle grey box to indicate the current line (this may depend on your Color Theme):

If you're using Resharper, it's:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor:
ReSharper Current Line Highlight

press -> Ctrl + comma
Search => Render Line Highlight
select none from the options

In addition to the previous answer, I'd like to mention that Visual Assist (the tomato icon) also have an highlight current line feature, that can still be active while your Visual Studio highlight option is turned off.
This drove me crazy! Find it in Visual Assist Option panel, Display category.
So don't forget to also uncheck the VisualAssist highlight option.
my settings:
Visual Assist option turned off
Visual Studio option turned on (in the Text Editors part)
In the font color settings, for Highlight current line (active and inactive), set the foreground to Automatic
Finally you can set your highlight color as you want with the background color.
Last point, sometimes Visual Studio mess things up even more, you may have to restart it, or close/open your tabs... sadly, YMMV.

For VsCode 2021 version users
Workspace > Text-Editor > Render Line Highlight > none

Visual assist and vsvim extensions were conflicting. So I disabled it within the visual assist options.
Uncheck the option: Highlighting->Highlight results of Quick Find and Find in Files.
For some reason "esc" doesn't work .


Searching font and color item for displaying Debug values in editor

I want to edit the background and foreground color from this items, that show the current variable value:
I already searched at Options > Fonts and Colors > Text Editor all the available items but couldn't find it.
Can someone tell me which item is responsbile for that appearance?
I am using a custom theme from the VS marketplace + ReSharper.
This feature comes from ReSharper. So, please look for the ReSharper Debugger Datatips item in Options | Fonts and Colors | Text Editor and check the background color. Then restart Visual Studio.
Check if this is your requirement:
Current statement

Remove vertical dotted indentation lines in Visual Studio 2017

I've just installed Visual Studio 2017 and got strange vertical indentation marks in code editor.
How can I remove them?
P.S. I disabled all extensions but it doesn't help.
There is an option under Tools → Options → Text Editor called Show structure guide lines that should remove that.
In the last version of Visual Studio Code, downloaded in July/2017 (please note that this is not Visual Studio, but as #tambre pointed out, this may help in VS too), the name of this setting changed:
Go to the menu Code->Preference->Settings and search for "renderIndentGuides". The complete setting should appear as:
"editor.renderIndentGuides": true,
Change it to false and that's it.
Just press ctrl+E,S and it will be removed.
The same thing in VS2019 is called Show guides for declaration level constructs in the section of Tools → Options → Block Structure Guides; you might want to uncheck Show guides for code level constructs as well.
A slight update for those using Visual Studio Code, version 1.48.1 (2020-08-19) on Windows 10.
Go to the Settings: Ctrl+, OR File => Preferences => Settings
Search for renderindent
Toggle the settings checkbox for Editor: Render Indent Guides
It's been mentioned in a comment, so I'm just bringing this up as an alternative answer: you can change the color of the vertical dotted lines. They are called "Structure Guide Lines" in the Visual Studio Tools -> Options -> Fonts & Colors dialog. I set mine to { 55, 55, 55} so they are barely visible on the dark-mode background.
Another related setting is "Visible White Space" color, which I set to { 13, 52, 60} after activating the Edit -> Advanced -> View White Space (Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W) option.
Go to Settings->Text editor -> Editor>Guideline:indentation -> uncheck

Highlighting current line in VS.NET Code Editor

Is there anyway to change the color of the current line (that cursor is blinking)?
I try to find such an option in "Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors" but couldn't find a color option for this.
Highlight all occurrences of selected word or HighlightLine
from the Visual Studio gallery.

How to change background color of 'code definition' window in Visual Studio 2008?

see title for question
"Open Tools->Options->Fonts and Color. Change the background color of the text editor and all text tool windows."
There is however a bug there :
"I have changed the background color for the code definition window in VS2008. However, when I close VS and open it again, the background color returns to the default color."
Response from microsoft :
Thank you for reporting this bug. We didn't discover it in time to fix it for Beta1, but you should see it fixed for the next release of VS 2010."
Link to the error report and a patch that will fix the problem here.
On you current install, go to Tools | Import and Export Settings.
Choose Export selected environment settings and click next.
Click the top box to remove the check box from everything.
Expand All Settings | Options | Environment.
Click to check the box next to Fonts and Colors
Click Next and save your file
Restart IDE

How to change Visual Studio whitespace settings?

I have whitespace characters showing in the Visual Studio code editor, and I'd like to remove them.
Ajryan is correct but depending on your profile this menu item may be obscured. The keyboard shortcut should still work though. Ctrl+R,Ctrl+W
You need to turn off showing whitespace characters. Menu: Edit > Advanced > View White Space.
If it is VS2008 then you can use Ctrl+E, S combination to toggle.
For Visual Studio 2019:
Toggle on/off - Option 1: Ctrl+R,Ctrl+W
Toggle on/off - Option 2: Edit > Advanced > View White Space
Change appearance: Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Visible White Space (near top of list, probably because it is a commonly used setting)
