How can I replace "Powered by Odoo" (footer) in outgoing emails, when I sent sale order in odoo? - odoo-11

Which template should I inherit and extend? Is it sale/data/mail_template_data.xml?
I've attached image of how the email looks like now.Outgoing email

Go to odoo-addons and find and find
<a target="_blank" href="">Odoo</a>
you will find email template and inherit it and make changes as you want.


How to track Mailchimp links from merge tags

I've just created a custom template to be used on Mailchimp.
Some links come from custom merge tags and point to the website related to Mailchimp. The problem is that those links from merge tags are not being tracked by Mailchimp.
I found this and of course tried but it didn't work:
how can i tracking click in custom html template mailchimp?
As an example, one of my links looks like this:
<p mc:edit="product1_url">
<a class="product-button" href="*|PRODURL1|*" target="_blank">BUY NOW</a>
The PRODURL1 merge tag is type text and contains a path to a product, so the resulting url looks like and it works if a click it on the sent email.
Any experience or direction?
Well, after trying and trying and trying more I've found out why it wasn't working.
First part of the links MUST include the /, the second part (contained on the merge tag) MUST NOT include the /).
So now with this configuration Mailchimp tracks the links:
<a class="product-button" href="*|PRODURL1|*" target="_blank">BUY NOW</a>
Of course now PRODURL1 = "products/123456". So the same url is rendered, but this time tracked by Mailchimp.

How to add internal bookmarks to Outlook Email via HTML?

I am creating an HTML email, and would like to add a table of contents which shows hyperlinks to items in the email. My currently workflow is simply generating the complete HTML file and then displaying that HTML file within the HTMLBody of an Outlook mail item.
When I open the HTML page in a browser, it works fine. But when I set the Outlook mail HTMLBody equal to that text, the bookmarks no longer work.
The bookmark hyperlinks look akin to:
<a href = "#item" ...>Blah<\a>
Where an item in the HTML has the name and id attributes equal to "item"
How do I get the bookmarks to work?
Please set the email type to html.. something like this..
// Set the format of the mail message body as HTML
mMailMessage.IsBodyHtml = IsBodyHtml;
With Outlook 2010, it helped me, when i use <a name="item"></a> as a bookmark. i.e. exactly "A" item.

personal ad - schema markup

We have a website where people can create personal ads in order to find language-partners.
Does anyone have an idea on how to markup these ads using
By now we only have rel=author on each author-name of an ad. But it would be good if we could also markup the following elements of the ads:
the ad itself (the div that wraps the ad)
authoer location/homelocation
creation date
wanted/learn language
Thanks in advance for your help!
Uhm, not exactly an expert here, but I think you should wrap all that in a and use the already existing tags for that, assuming the ad links to a user's homepage you can just add the link as a url for the person.
Assuming a div contains all that you just define it as:
<div itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">
.... all the properties ....
If I'm not mistaken all the described properties are already defined in Person, in fact you can find most of them in the example at the bottom of the page, just take a look at
Really can't give you any more information without an already existing markup sample.

Send an image in an email with Grails

I am using the Grails mail plugin to send emails and I want to send images in the body of the email, not as attachment. What I want is for images to be shown in the email body itself, as in newsletters. I tried:
img style="display:block; height:100px; width:100; " alt="candle"
but it is being displayed as-is.
I also tried using the wikimedia format:
but again, both seem to link to external.
What am I doing wrong?
This is the email template I am using:
<img src="cid:springsourceInlineImage" /> Dear [username],<br/>
Thank you for shopping with us.<br/>
You have placed a new order with following details.<br/>
Happy shopping!
But, if I want to put 10 images in my template, how would I do that?
You have to do three things
Declare mail as multipart
Attach your image as inline image
Reference you inline image from your mail template
According to this mailing list thread it should work like this:
multipart true
to "[hidden email]"
subject "Subject goes here"
html g.render( template: '/emails/mailTemplate')
inline 'springsourceInlineImage', 'image/jpg', new File('./web-app/images/springsource.png')
In your template you could refer the image like this
<img src="cid:springsourceInlineImage" />
Hope that helps.
In general, most "newsletter" type emails are just HTML emails and don't in-line the images within the body of the emails. In fact, many email servers will outright reject emails that are too big, and putting the image data inside the body of the email can easily run this risk.
Instead, the way to do with this is to just have HTML emails with the images you wish to include as normal HTML image links.
Please refer to the Mail plugin documentation for more info on how to send HTML emails.
Sorry I don't have enough Stackoverflow points to leave comment on others' answers.
In #aiolos 's answer, it contains:
inline 'springsourceInlineImage', 'image/jpg', new File('./web-app/images/springsource.png')
This specifies 'image/jpg' as the output, but the file is in png format. Is this intentional?
Wikipedia provides a list of mime types:
I tried 'image/png' and it worked, so I'm not sure if setting it to 'image/jpg' makes any difference.

Autonomy teamsite item status

I am wondering if you can assign a status to .page or dcr files in teamsite such as new, review, revise, publish and archive so that this would display in the cms system so each item is clearly identified?
I think it's not possible to assign it in the CMS interface. When I try to control the file status, I do it with workflows. For instance, developing a review workflow that creates a dcr, assigns the review to a review user, then finally creates the edition and deploys it to the Livesite server.
You could add your own extended attribute to keep the status of the file, but it won't be seen in the main teamsite interface. You'll have to click on the Tag link in order to see what the status of the file is, then do with the file as you wish. But if you have some backend to check the file's extended attribute, you would know the status. You can use either the command line tool iwextattr or use the cssdk api to get the extended attribute.
You can try using metatags. You can add metatags to files using file->tag. Please configure \interwoven\TeamSite\local\config\datacapture.cfg to add fields to the meta tag ui. You can also add the statuses you mentioned as categories in taxonomy and add a field to select taxonomy categories as meta tag values. Use below code for that. Once we add meta tags. You can find those files via LSCS query filter the documents.
<item name="ContentCategories">
<label>Related Categories</label>
<description>Select other locations on the site where you would like this content to be visible.</description>
<textarea required="f" rows="8" cols="70" wrap="virtual" maxlength="250" readonly="t">
<cgi-callout url="/iw-cc/livesite/taxonomyexplorer/ Categories&method=loadTaxonomyExplorer&selectMode=multiple" label="Select Related Categories..." window-features="width=495,height=375,resizable=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no"/>
