$PATH error every time Terminal is Opened - bash

I had installed Postgres.app before and after I uninstalled via App Cleaner now every time I open terminal this error appears in the first line I should mention that a followed what documentation for uninstalling the Postgres on their website but it doesn't work for me.
Warning: $PATH entry "/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.6/bin" is not valid (No such file or directory)
# source ~/.profile
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/node#6/bin:$PATH"
how can I get rid of this annoying warning?

You should look at all bash initialization files. There may be many, depending on your distro. There's a good list on tldp:
Consider that some of these files may also include all files in some directory. For example on most instances /etc/profile will run every .sh file in /etc/profile.d/, this may include a paths file called /etc/profile.d/extrapaths.sh.
After checking the documentation for PostgresApp (1, 2), and this issue I found that it uses a file called /etc/paths.d/postgresapp. Be sure to check it.
If you'd like to remove the paths, it states that you should run the following command:
sudo rm /etc/paths.d/postgresapp


Terminal (zsh) command not found for global npm installs

This is driving me nuts! I did a lot of googling and tried various things. (I do not consider this to be a superuser topic)
I'm having a lot of troubles with terminal lately. I must have messed up somewhere, because it used to work just fine and now I can't get it to recognize my commands anymore neither nvm or global npm packages like expo. It just gives me errors like this:
▶ expo
zsh: command not found: expo
▶ nvm ls
zsh: command not found: nvm
(BTW: npm, brew and j commands are found 🤔)
If I do echo $PATH I get:
(strange behavior is that if I do echo $PATH again it returns two times the same output in one line)
A readable version of it (replacing : with :\n
My .zshrc file looks like this:
# Node & NPM
# Git
alias master="git checkout master"
alias dev="git checkout develop"
alias hotfix="git flow hotfix"
alias feature="git flow feature"
alias tags="git push --tags"
# Pip - https://gist.github.com/haircut/14705555d58432a5f01f9188006a04ed
# added by Anaconda2 4.4.0 installer
# Android
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/norfeldt/Library/Android/sdk
alias emu="pushd ${ANDROID_HOME}/tools;emulator -avd Pixel_2; popd"
# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.
export ZSH=/Users/norfeldt/.oh-my-zsh
# Autojump
[[ -s `brew --prefix`/etc/autojump.sh ]] && . `brew --prefix`/etc/autojump.sh
# shell startup.
source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh
# Load zsh-autosuggestions.
source /usr/local/share/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
# zsh-syntax-highlighting
source /Users/norfeldt/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
export PATH
ANY help would be HIGHLY appreciated!
Reading the kind answer from #l'L'l and this answer I did the following:
Updated my .bash_profile to
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
(it's the only thing in that file)
created a .bashrc by $touch .bashrc (Might have deleted the old one.. But this is just an empty file..)
Added the following lines to .zshrc
PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.npm-global/bin/" # Changed ~ to $HOME
PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.npm-global/lib/node_modules" # Changed ~ to $HOME
# Bash stuff
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
Did a source ~/.zshrc and restarted my terminal.
NOW the nvm AND expo works! THANKS
There are a few things you might try, the first would be to source ~/.bash_profile from your .zshrc file. It's possible the nvm command was setup there and your zsh shell simply doesn't know it exists.
Note: On OS X, if you get nvm: command not found after running the
install script, one of the following might be the reason:-
your system may not have a .bash_profile file where the command is
set up. Simply create one with touch ~/.bash_profile and run the
install script again you might need to restart your terminal instance.
Try opening a new tab/window in your terminal and retry. If the above
doesn't fix the problem, open your .bash_profile and add
the following line of code:
source ~/.bashrc
For more information about this issue and possible workarounds, please
refer here
↑ Since you are using zsh instead at source ~/.bash_profile & ~/.bashrc in .zshrc.
If you used homebrew to install, then you might want to add the following into .zshrc:
export/source nvm installed with homebrew:
# source nvm
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
if hash brew 2>/dev/null; then
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/nvm.sh
source `brew --prefix`/etc/profile.d/z.sh
npm not installed via homebrew:
export NVM_DIR="~/.nvm"
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
[[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ]] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # load nvm
[[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ]] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # load nvm bash_completion
↳ https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
I have no OSX to try... but the paths for zsh might belong into there:
/etc/paths, /private/etc/paths or into /private/etc/paths.d
Beside that, there's an auto-complete plugin for npm.

Where did I go wrong in virtualenv installation on OSX?

I followed the instructions carefully at http://jamie.curle.io/blog/installing-pip-virtualenv-and-virtualenvwrapper-on-os-x/
Restarted my terminal and typed mkvirtualenv, got a command not found
looked in /usr/local/bin and ls shows me:
brew powerpc-apple-darwin8-gfortran-4.2
charm tclsh8.5
django-admin.py tclsh8.6
django-admin.pyc virtualenv
gfortran-4.2 virtualenv-2.7
gfortran-uninstall virtualenv-clone
i686-apple-darwin8-gfortran-4.2 virtualenvwrapper.sh
node virtualenvwrapper_lazy.sh
pip wish8.5
pip2 wish8.6
So I know it's in the correct directory. I don't understand where I could have screwed up.
The linked article recommends adding the line source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh to bash login profile file ~/.bash_login.
~/.bash_login is rarely used.
it is NOT read if the much more common (on OS X) ~/.bash_profile also exists.
Check if you have a ~/.bash_profile file
and, if so, add the line source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh there.
My recommendation is to never use ~/.bash_login. If you find other content, there, also add it to ~/.bash_profile, and delete ~/.bash_login.
Alternatively, if you're looking for cross-platform compatibility, put all definitions in ~/.bashrc instead, and add only [[ -e ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc to ~/.bash_profile.

Generating ctags tags inside vim within OSX doesn't work

I'm using terminal vim in OSX and I've installed ctags via homebrew
then I have added the /usr/local/bin/ directory to my PATH
and also aliased CTAGS to use the homebrew installed version
all of this in my .zshrc, and It works fine.
The problem is that when I try to run :!ctags -R . within VIM
It fails because it doens't recognized the option '-R'
I have runned :!which ctags and returns
instead the /usr/local/bin/ctags
is any way to solve this?
I add my zshrc file
# number of lines kept in history
export HISTSIZE=1000
# number of lines saved in the history after logout
export SAVEHIST=1000
# location of history
export HISTFILE=~/.zhistory
# append command to history file once executed
setopt inc_append_history
autoload -U compinit
# Colors
autoload -U colors
setopt prompt_subst
# Save a smiley to a local variable if the last command exited with success.
local smiley="%(?,%{$fg[green]%}☺%{$reset_color%},%{$fg[red]%}☹%{$reset_color%})"
# Show the relative path on one line, then the smiley.
PROMPT='%{$fg[cyan]%}%~ ${smiley} %{$reset_color%}'
RPROMPT='%{$fg[cyan]%} $(~/Dotfiles/rbenv-version.sh)$(~/Dotfiles/git-cwd-info.sh)%{$reset_color%}'
# Example aliases
source ~/Dotfiles/zsh/aliases
source ~/Dotfiles/zsh/plugins/bundler.zsh
export SHELL=/bin/zsh
export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8
export LANG="$LC_ALL"
export EDITOR=vim
### Added by the Heroku Toolbelt
export PATH="/usr/local/heroku/bin:$PATH"
I found out what was the problem, accordingly to this answer in superuser
Vim 'ignores' your aliases because your shell is not in a 'mood' to
parse your .bash_profile/.bashrc (you did not specify, where your
aliases are defined) because it is not started as a login/interactive
shell (read here to find out more about what is read when and for what
and the solution for me was to set a global path like described here
was to edit my /etc/paths
and add /usr/local/bin to the beginning of the file (in other case it doesn't work)

My Bash aliases don't work

I'm not sure why but my Bash aliases don't seem to work. Here is my .bashrc file
# v 0.0.1 - 7/03/12
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
# expanding history to 10000 commands
export HISTSIZE=10000
# don't store repeated commands more than once
export HISCONTROL=ignoredups
# where to look for Java
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
# tomcat server configuration
export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.35
# default editor
export EDITOR=vim
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
Here is my .bash_aliases file
# v 0.0.1 - 7/03/12
# aliases for directory traversal
alias ..='cd ../'
alias ...='cd ../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../'
alias gs='git status '
alias ga='git add '
alias gb='git branch '
alias gc='git commit'
alias gd='git diff'
alias go='git checkout '
alias gk='gitk --all&'
alias gx='gitx --all'
alias got='git '
alias get='git '
Add this to the end of your .bashrc:
if [ -f $HOME/.bash_aliases ]
. $HOME/.bash_aliases
I had a similar problem recently. The solution appeared to be closing ALL open shells (root and user; I didn't notice that I was running a minimized root shell at the time while editing my user .bashrc and .bash_aliases files). The .bash_aliases file then seemed to get read.
By default
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
These are available in your .bashrc file in ubuntu 18,19
Actually the problem is sourcing the files, therefore source both files by runing the commands below. I faced the same issues and that is how i solved it.
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_aliases
Bash doesn't look for a file called .bash_aliases; you have to source it explicitly.
Looking around a bit, it appears ~/.bash_aliases is sourced from the default .bashrc on Ubuntu boxes; I don't have access to one to confirm. However, it is not a standard bash configuration file.
I recently installed RVM and changed my terminal profile to "run command as login shell". This disabled .bashrc from loading.
Fix: edit -> profile preferences -> Title and Command -> Run command as a login shell (uncheck)
Find this post for more information, fixed it for me.
Sometimes forgetting to source the bashrc also creates this problem. So after adding your aliases don't forget to source it.
source ~/.bashrc
You need to include the file. Example code to do so from a default .bashrc file is below:
# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
don't forget to
chmod 600 ~/.bash_aliases
on kubuntu 22.04
It may be something simple. Like you are actually running zsh or korn instead of bash. Check your shell. I have done this on installing and testing various flavors. Wasted so much time I now never assume I am on bash anymore.

How can I get rid of something running on every new terminal session?

I am using Lion. I have an error that outputs on every new terminal session:
-bash: __rvm_add_to_path: command not found
It's an almost brand new user account.. RVM is installed on the other account on the machine.. ~/.bashrc & ~/.bash_profile are both blank.. the out put of env is:
I see nothing related to RVM here.. where else can I look?
# System-wide .bashrc file for interactive bash(1) shells.
if [ -z "$PS1" ]; then
PS1='\h:\W \u\$ '
# Make bash check its window size after a process completes
shopt -s checkwinsize
# Tell the terminal about the working directory at each prompt.
if [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == "Apple_Terminal" ] && [ -z "$INSIDE_EMACS" ]; then
update_terminal_cwd() {
# Identify the directory using a "file:" scheme URL,
# including the host name to disambiguate local vs.
# remote connections. Percent-escape spaces.
local SEARCH=' '
local REPLACE='%20'
printf '\e]7;%s\a' "$PWD_URL"
PROMPT_COMMAND="update_terminal_cwd; $PROMPT_COMMAND"
In the bottom of my /etc/profile it was sourcing /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
Don't know how that got there...
Bash loads a series of files during startup. A good overview of the bash startup process can be found here.
Generally, the global settings, /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc, and the associated personalized settings, ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc are loaded, although that is slightly distribution-dependant (and on Mac OS X, for example, by default /etc/profile doesn't exist).
From the RVM Installation page:
The rvm function will be automatically configured for every user on the system if you install as root. This is accomplished by loading /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh on login. Most Linux distributions default to parsing /etc/profile which contains the logic to load all files residing in the /etc/profile.d/ directory. Once you have added the users you want to be able to use RVM to the rvm group, those users MUST log out and back in to gain rvm group membership because group memberships are only evaluated by the operating system at initial login time.
I'd guess that the other use has installed in Multi-User mode;
/etc/profile probably loads /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh.
To stop it being loaded, you could remove the source RVM line from /etc/profile - this will stop it being loaded for all users, though.
For the account that had a working profile, I had the following .rvmrc:
root#sc-27617:~# cat .rvmrc
export rvm_prefix="/usr/local/lib/sc"
export rvm_path="/usr/local/lib/sc/rvm"
To get the error to go away for my other accounts, I simply copied this file to the other accounts and fixed the permissions (chown johndoe:johndoe /home/johndoe/.rvmrc)...
In Ubuntu 12.04, by default, the /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh will not be loaded when starting a new terminal. So every time, when starting a new termail, cmd as follows must be used to start rvm:
source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
And there are two ways to fix it:
open a new terminal-> right click and select Profiles->Profile Preferences->Title and Command->select "Run command as a login shell".
open a new terminal->run cmd as follows then the /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh will be auto loaded in a new terminal:
echo '[[ -s "/etc/profile.d/rvm.sh" ]] && . "/etc/profile.d/rvm.sh" # Load RVM function' >> ~/.bashrc
As some explanation here to say the 1st solution is not a nice one but the 2nd is suggested.
So in other way round, if you do not want the terminal to run something in a new terminal, you need to check whether the auto load is coursed by the two ways:
check whether the "Run command as a login shell" is selected and unselect it.
open the ~/.bashrc file ,find the lines related loading the function and delete it.
I had the same file (/etc/profile.d/rvm.sh) from a previous rvm installation. Deleting that file worked for me as well.
For the sake of being thorough, logging out of the shell seems to be required.
In your /etc/profile change the line:
source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
if [ "${SHELL}" != "/bin/sh" ]; then
source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
In Mac OS X the default shell of superuser (root) is a POSIX shell, not a pure Bash. Adding such condition will disable rvm for (possibly) emerygency shell /bin/sh, used by system administrator. That is good. If you would like to install something using root's account, you can always type bash and then rvm … in a command line.
Debian 6.1 scans the /etc/profile.d/ file for all .sh files and includes them, so there's no listing for rvm in any of the profiles or .bashrc files anywhere. Deleting rvm.sh from /etc/profile.d/ solves this.
if you have ZSH or OH-MY-ZSH, then you need to remove source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh from /etc/zprofile
