I have bash script running by cron for every hour in my Docker container:
/usr/bin/generate_signing_key -k $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -r $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION > /usr/local/nginx/s3_signature_key.txt
{ read -r val1
read -r val2
sed -i 's! aws_signing_key .*; *$! aws_signing_key '$val1';!; s! aws_key_scope .*; *$! aws_key_scope '$val2';!;' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
} < /usr/local/nginx/s3_signature_key.txt
if [ -z "$(pgrep nginx)" ]
nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
nginx -s reload
So it is running Python script generate_signing_key and save result to s3_signature_key.txt file. Then sed takes some values and update nginx config.
Script is working when run manually and if I run it in the cron way:
cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
Unfortunately if cron run it itself then it is zeroing the output s3_signature_key.txt file and erase values in nginx config.
Any idea what is wrong here?
I run a few scripts 1 by 1
cat 001.sh
sh /home/mysqldom/da-cron/f_mysqldom_nrd/5_change_nrd_tld.sh
sh /home/mysqldom/da-cron/f_mysqldom_nrd/5_proxy_removed.sh
sh /home/mysqldom/da-cron/f_mysqldom_nrd/6_sync_nrd.sh
The last script wont work... if I run manually it work very well...
the script is
cat 6_sync_nrd.sh
source /home/mysqldom/da-cron/var.sh
cd /home/mysqldom/da-cron/f_mysqldom_nrd/
mysql -u mysqldom_fnrd -p$mysqldom_fnrd_password -D mysqldom_fnrd -e "UPDATE \`$yesterday\` SET sync='$yesterday';"
mysql -u mysqldom_fnrd -p$mysqldom_fnrd_password -D mysqldom_fnrd -e "DELETE FROM \`$yesterday\` WHERE domain_name = 'domain_name';"
sed s/change_database/$yesterday/g update.conf > $yesterday.conf
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f $yesterday.conf --path.data /var/lib/logstash108
rm -rf nohup.out
The 6 has to be run after 5
any idea whats worn in it
hey guys not sure what I am doing wrong here, but was hoping for some help.
I have a bash script with the following.
docker exec -t wekan-db bash -c "scripts/wekandb_backup.sh"
docker exec -t wekan-db bash -c "rm -r /dump/*; cp -r /mongodb_backup/ /dump/mongodb_backup"
docker cp wekan-db:/dump /home/ikadmin/codes/backup/wekan/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
Everything executes correctly when I run the bash script from the terminal.
However when I try to run it via crontab -e it does not work. Logs do show crontab trying to run it.
Just in case the bash script is currently set as 777 as well.
Any help would be appreciated
EDIT: crontab command
19 8 * * * /bin/bash /home/ikadmin/codes/scripts/backup-wekan-docker.sh
I am using https://stackoverflow.com/a/42955871/308851 and it works from command line but not from cron. I even tried running the script with env -i but it stubbornly works.
filename=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').gz
docker exec -t elastic_db.1.$(docker service ps -f 'name=elastic_db.1' elastic_db -q --no-trunc | head -n1) mysqldump example |gzip -9 > /container/$filename
docker exec -t elastic_drupal.1.$(docker service ps -f 'name=elastic_drupal.1' elastic_drupal -q --no-trunc |head -n1) rclone --config /etc/rclone.conf move /app/$filename example:example/dump/
This compresses a 0 byte file when ran from cron but works just fine otherwise. What am I doing wrong?
Gordon Davisson's comment is correct: changing docker to /usr/bin/docker worked.
I am trying to create my own image based on Centos.
I don't understand why when I use CMD command in my docker file to execute a script at startup, it's impossible to start my image (Exited (0) immediatly).
If build without the CMD command and then I connect to the container and I execute "sh /opt/jbossEAP/Mock/scripts/mock_start.sh". I have no issue
I have tryied to use entrypoint command but same result :(
FROM centos:7
ENV container docker
RUN (cd /lib/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants/; for i in *; do [ $i == \
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service ] || rm -f $i; done); \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/*;\
rm -f /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/*;\
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/local-fs.target.wants/*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/*udev*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/*initctl*; \
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/basic.target.wants/*;\
rm -f /lib/systemd/system/anaconda.target.wants/*;
VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ]
CMD ["/usr/sbin/init"]
RUN yum update -y
RUN mkdir -p /opt/jbossEAP/Mock/scripts/
ADD ./scripts /opt/jbossEAP/Mock/scripts/
RUN chmod +x /opt/jbossEAP/Mock/scripts/mock_start.sh
CMD sh /opt/jbossEAP/Mock/scripts/mock_start.sh
echo "hello"
I suspect your CMD or ENTRYPOINT does work, but that the container simply finishes after outputting hello
You can check your docker's output even after it has been stopped with:
docker logs <container-id>
Read https://stackoverflow.com/a/28214133/4486184 for more information on how it works and how to avoid that.
My guesses could be wrong, so please always add to your question:
How you start your docker image
docker ps -a's output
the relevant part of docker logs <container-id>'s output
You're right!!!
I just add and now it's ok.
CMD sh /opt/jbossEAP/Mock/scripts/mock_start.sh && tail -f /dev/null
Thank you very much
I'm trying to use an ssh command to ssh to a server and run theuseradd command I passed to it. It seems like its running ok for the most part (no errors produced) but the hashed password in the /etc/shadow file is missing the salt (I believe that's the portion that's missing.).
I'm not sure if the quoting that is incorrect or not. But running this command manually on the server works fine, so I'm assuming its the expansion that's messed up.?
The command below is running inside a Bash script...
ssh user#$host "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios"
*When I escape the double quotes inside the perl one-liner, I get the error:
Can't find string terminator '"' anywhere before EOF at -e line 1.
Usage: useradd [options] LOGIN
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
Instead of enclosing the entire command in double-quotes and making sure to correctly escape everything in it, it will be more robust to use single-quotes, and handle embedded single-quotes as necessary.
In fact there are no embedded single-quotes to handle,
only the embedded literal $ in the $6$salt.
ssh "user#$host" 'useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e "print crypt(q{mypassword}, q{\$6\$salt});") -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios'
echo "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios" > /tmp/tempcommand && scp /tmp/tempcommand root#server1:/tmp && ssh server1 "sh -x /tmp/tempcommand && finger nagios && rm /tmp/tempcommand"
In such cases I always prefer to have a local file on the local/remote server from which I execute the command set. Saves a lot of "quotes debugging time". What I am doing above is first to save the long one-liner to a file locally, "as is" and "as works" locally, copy it over with scp to the remote server and execute it there with the shell.
More secure way (no need to copy over the file). Again - save it locally and pass it to the remote bash with -s option :
echo "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios" > /tmp/tempcommand && echo finger nagios >> /tmp/tempcommand && ssh server1 'bash -s' < /tmp/tempcommand