I am new to Linux platform .I am saving my text file but that is giving an error that can't open file to writeAs shown in image below
enter image description here
As you can see from the screen that the file is there but I cannot open it and it says that there is no such file whereas the file is there. How can I solve this problem/
I can work well in Sublime text when I open a single file. However, when I want to open a folder, all the files in that folder will be shown in Hexa and the file name will change to ._filename.
Try opening the file with a different encoding. You can do so using "File > Reopen with Encoding" or put "show_encoding": true in user settings and restart to view the encodings and choose the right one.
If I have some simple text in a .rtf file (called test_file.rtf), how can I run this in terminal?
For example if I have cd Documents/Movies written in this file, I don't want to have to open the file, copy that line, paste it into terminal, then hit enter to get into the Movies folder. I just want to simply 'run' test_file.rtf and then I will be in Movies folder.
Is there a simple way to just call this without loads of ammendments to my setup or to the simple rtf file? Essentially just a word to type in to say 'run this command'?
I'm trying to open a log file to show it to the user using the default application for .log files.
It works on Linux when I run xdg-open file.log, so I expected it to work on Windows when I call start file.log.
The error I get is The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
The file is indeed open by the logging application, but that doesn't stop notepad file.log from working, and notepad is the default application.
Is it possible to open the log file using the default application when the file is already open?
I have a file which is placed in C:\mtn-2\mtn-2.2\logs\messages.txt, if am trying to open this file via script it says no such file or directory, so I have created another file called a.txt in the same location and tried to open via ruby script its working file.
messages.txt file am able to rename/modify manually but the same it not working through the script.
Am working on windows xp.
The code which I have written is :
f=File.open("C://mtn-2//mtn-2.2//logs//messages.txt", "r") // not working, this is created by some tool,
f=File.open("C://mtn-2//mtn-2.2//logs//a.txt", "r") // its woking, this is created by me.
Waiting for your early reply
The messages.txt file should be closed before it is opened by your program for reading.