All file text in hexa when open folder in Sublime Text Editor - sublimetext

I can work well in Sublime text when I open a single file. However, when I want to open a folder, all the files in that folder will be shown in Hexa and the file name will change to ._filename.

Try opening the file with a different encoding. You can do so using "File > Reopen with Encoding" or put "show_encoding": true in user settings and restart to view the encodings and choose the right one.


Command Prompt/Powershell: What Command to Open a non-text file with a Text Editor?

How do I open a non-text file, say server.js, with a text editor (e.g. Notepad) with a command prompt?
I currently use a workaround where I create server.txt, edit it, then rename it to server.js, but it'd be nice to have a more straightforward method.
Thank you in advance!
To open a file which does not have .txt extension in notepad, try
c:\> notepad server.js
Note: You can start also start Visual Studio Code, using commandline with > code <filename>. If the file does not exist, a new file will be created in editor.

open file with particular application where spaces in application name

I want to open in the terminal. If I just go:
open the file opens in textwrangler.
But I want to use sublime. So I tried this:
open -a SublimeText
Unable to find application named 'SublimeText'
open -a Sublime Text 2 ex1.p
The files /Users/macuser/Documents/pyleo/Text and /Users/macuser/Documents/pyleo/2 do not exist.
When I control click sublime > show in finder the name is "Sublime Text 2". Presumably the spaces are causing an issue.
How can I open in Sublime text 2 using the terminal?
Wrap the application name in single quotes:
open -a 'Sublime Text 2'

Block windows file

There can be "This file came from another computer and might be blocked" message in file properties.
Is there a way to block back file in windows 7?
I need this for program testing.
You have to recreate the alternate data stream for the file. The easiest way to do this is by using Notepad. Run cmd.exe and navigate to the directory that contains the file. I'll use test.txt as an example, type this command:
Notepad "test.txt:Zone.Identifier"
Double quotes required. Notepad prompts you to create a new file, click Yes. Paste or write this:
Press Ctrl+S to save.

View this file in Explorer (while open in notepad++)

I have file.txt opened in notepad++.exe
This works with all filetypes (.xlsx .txt .tab .csv .pages .scrivener you get it) on OS X:
I right click the file name using the app I'm in. (On notepad++ on windows, this would be right clicking on my file.txt file.)
A menu pops up, showing me the path to that file. For example /dropbox/work/projectA/subfolderB/file.txt
I choose a certain folder, for example the folder /projectA
That folder opens up in finder.
I want to do this on windows 7. Extra important to do it in notepad++ with .txt-files, since those are part of my GTD-system.
The question is not at all clear about what you want.
Having installed Notepad++ via the normal installer, you should be able to right-click on a file in Windows Explorer (or File Explorer) and select "Edit with Notepad++". That allows any file to be viewed with Notepad++.
The Notepad++ Run menu should contain an entry for Open containing folder that opens Windows Explorer at the folder containing the current file. This command shoul dbe in the file c:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml. The shortcuts file on My Windows 7 computer contains the line
<Command name="Open containing folder" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0">explorer $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)</Command>
If you need to alter the shortcuts file then do not use Notepad++, use another editor.

How can I show hidden files (starting with period) in NERDTree?

How can I make NERDTree show files that begin with an . (period)?
I have a file named .hgignore in a project directory. If I browse to that directory using NERDTree, the file is not displayed within the tree.
I am using gvim on Windows.
Press I (Shift+i) to toggle hidden files in the NERDTree explorer window.
To enable this behavior by default, add this line to your .vimrc file:
let NERDTreeShowHidden=1
For more detail, access the NERDTree help file :help NERD_tree.txt and search for "hidden".
If you are using Neovim on Linux, the configs are in the file :
