I have issue for how to block contact in new application using swift 4.2 ,
Any idea for this questions. please suggest me.
Hi all am trying to achieve an autocomplete using nativescript for a project. It was working fine with nativescript-pro-ui, but i updated that plugin to nativescript-ui-autocomplete. Afterwards it begins to crash whenever i try to invoke that in ios, it works fine in android.Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
There are currently two open issues about a crash in iOS. I see this is an old issue and they are probably not related to this one but I'm listing them here for reference.
I am developing a TvOS app and having issue with interface builder, when I drag objects like Buttons, labels, segments and etc... the current view show me nothing!!! only a blank rectangle that shows position and area of that object
When I run the application objects will be shown fine!
What is wrong with the interface builder?
Xcode Version 7.1 (7B91b),
OS X version: 10.11.1 (15B42)
At the top of that screenshot there is an error.
"An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited"
Solution :
I had transferred all my files via Transfer Assistant form old mac to the new one , so I think this might cause the problem ! the final solution was I created admin new account and the problem is gone ! Unfortunately updating to Xcode 7.1.1 did not any help !
If you face with the same problem be careful backup all data from your current user account.
I get this a lot. I usually just quit out of Xcode and open it again and it will work most of the time.
Just update the Xcode to "7.1.1 (7B1005)", I hope this will solve your problem
I tried to put the buttons on the storyboard its working fine
Ive been running through forums and still can't find a fix. is there a library I'm missing? If there is a forum with an answer somewhere please let me know. Thanks.
Im using mac, version 9.5.1 build 3 Xamarin studio
the error message is: there was a problem rendering this document. Then it gives me an option to view in Xcode.
If I am missing any other details please let me know. I was able to view it once and I have no idea what I did then the program crashed and I cannot view it again. Im just trying to view it as I open the project to add a user interface.
Thanks again
I have gone to add the SystemConfiguration frame work to a project(in the process of setting up admob in an app) in the build phases tab of Xcode to discover it isn't there. I have tryed trashing xcode and then reinstalling from the App Store and it's still not there. I have xcode 5.1. Any help would be great and if I have missed any details please let me but I think I have included everything I know.
So i copied the framework file from a friend and stuck it in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks
which worked for me
I've been following the tutorials in http://www.monobjc.net/ in order to do a small Mac app using monobjc for the GUI. However they are using Interface Builder 3 in order to create the actions and outlets that are needed and I can't find a way to add these into the app delegate when I edit the xib file in XCode 4. Is there a way to do this?
I have updated the documentation to include a step-by-step guide on how to create action/outlet.
I hope it is clear enough for you to go with Monobjc/MonoDevelop/Xcode.