mousePressed not updating within while loop - processing

Posted this on the Processing forum but got no help.
I want to know why the following doesn't work:
void setup(){
void draw(){
while (true) {
if (mousePressed == true) {break;}
mousePressed doesn't update to true during a click, which means the draw loop never prints "OK". Does anyone know why this happens?

The mousePressed variable is only updated between subsequent calls to draw().
Repeatedly testing a variable that cannot change will always fail.


Unity - TextMeshPro text object doesn't update

I have been using TMP objects in several instances in my game, but all of a sudden it decides not to work on a certain object.
public class BeforeRoundTimer : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshProUGUI timer;
private Timer oneSecondTimer;
private int time = 5;
public void StartCountdown()
Debug.Log("One second timer");
oneSecondTimer = new Timer(1000);
oneSecondTimer.Elapsed += UpdateTime;
oneSecondTimer.Enabled = true;
oneSecondTimer.AutoReset = true;
private void UpdateTime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
if(time == 0)
timer.text = $"{time}";
I know the text is updating because I put debug statements (I have since removed them) and they fired when UpdateTime() is called. I also viewed the inspector when the game was playing, and the text value would update in front of my eyes. The text only changes when I make some stylistic change to it (i.e. making it bold, changing the font asset, including changing the text itself). I have looked back to my old code and it basically runs the exact same way, but it actually changes in game.
Ok so after taking a break, I decided to find another way to call my method every second. Instead of using a Timer, I decided to use Unity's InvokeRepeating() function.
public class BeforeRoundTimer : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshProUGUI timer;
private int count = 0;
public void StartCountdown()
InvokeRepeating(nameof(UpdateTime), 0, 1f);
private void UpdateTime()
if(count == 5)
Debug.Log("Update Time");
timer.text = $"{5 - count}";
One thing I noticed when trying to use the Timer in a different way is that it was only updating the text value every other second. It ran 10 times (I put a Debug.Log() in UpdateTime()) but only changed the value every other time while not actually updating the TMP. You could replace nameof(UpdateTime) with "UpdateTime", but Visual Studio recommended that I use the former so I went with that.
In short: don't use timers, use Unity's InvokeRepeating() function because it works perfectly. It is actually very similar to JavaScript's setInterval() which I found interesting.

Is it possible to put a variable in a key() function?

I am trying to make a calculator in processing. My thought process for how this is going to work is to make a function for if a certain number is pressed on the keyboard. So I would create some sort of for loop or array even that would sense when a number is pressed, and then return true if it goes through the if statements, however, in order for this to work, I would need to put a variable in the place of a specific key on the keyboard. Is this possible?
Code (so far):
void setup() {
void draw() {
class Nums {
void create() {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
boolean zero(int amnt) {
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == amnt) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
They keyPressed variable and the functions like keyPressed() and keyReleased() are specifically for keyboard input. They don't, and shouldn't, be concerned with on-screen buttons that you click with the mouse.
Instead, you should probably use the mousePressed() function to detect when the mouse is clicked, and then use if statements to figure out which button was clicked. You can use point-rectangle collision detection to detect which button was clicked. There's also a button sketch in the examples that come with the Processing editor.

reset the content without reloading page p5

I am making my own version of minesweeper using p5.
Right now, when I click on the bomb cell, I show all the bombs in the given grid.. but the game is still playable. Is there any way to restart the game without reloading the page?
I can produce an alert but that does not do much except say that "game is over", is there any way to restart when I click on OK on that?
You'd want to store the state of your game in some sketch-level variables. Then to reset the game, you'd want to set the variables back to their original values. You might do this in something like a reset() function. Here's a simple example:
var y;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function reset(){
y = 0;
function mousePressed(){
function draw() {
ellipse(width/2, y, 20, 20);
In your case, you'd probably want to call the reset() function after the user presses the okay button in the dialog.

Calling drawing commands externally in Processing

I am trying to use g4p-controls library in Processing to create a button that executes a drawing command in another window. In this library, a child window is created by the code
GWindow window = GWindow.getWindow(this, "Main", 100, 50, 500, 500, JAVA2D);
where this is the main applet, and the other arguments specify the name, position, and renderer.
GWindow is a subclass of PApplet, so I should feasibly be able to call a drawing command, for example window.background(0);, from anywhere in my code to paint that window black. However, this does not work, and I cannot figure out why. After all, the same code works when I put it in a handler function and add it to the window:
window.addDrawHandler(this, "windowDraw");
where the windowDraw method is
public void windowDraw(PApplet app, GWinData data) {
Looking into the source code, the draw handler method windowDraw is invoked by the GWindow object with the first argument this, which is exactly the object referred to when I attempted window.background(0);. So window should be the object whose background() method is called to paint the canvas black.
If I am misunderstanding something fundamental about event-driven programming, please let me know. It does seem like the handlers take the relevant applet as an argument for a reason, but I really cannot see what's different about invocation inside and outside the handler functions.
Some additional notes: calling window.background(0); works if it's inside the main draw() function. It does not work if it's in the setup() function, and unfortunately for me, it doesn't work if it's in a button handler method:
public void handleButtonEvents(GButton button, GEvent event) {
if (this.button == button) {
if (event == GEvent.PRESSED) {
Obviously, I have made sure this code actually runs when I press the button.
Even more strangely, if I substitute the above drawing call to window with something like window.strokeWeight(10), the change actually takes place, and subsequent lines in that canvas are drawn thicker. It only fails to actually draw things. I am just at a loss.
In the future, please try to post a MCVE instead of a bunch of disconnected code snippets. Here's an example:
import g4p_controls.*;
GWindow window;
void setup(){
window = GWindow.getWindow(this, "Main", 100, 50, 500, 500, JAVA2D);
void draw(){
background(255, 0, 0);
window.ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 25, 25);
void mousePressed(){
window.background(0, 255, 0);
I would expect this code to draw circles in the second window, and to draw green in the second window when I press the mouse in the first window. However, it seems to only draw those things very sporadically.
In fact, here's the same type of program, in "pure Processing" without using the G4P library:
SecondApplet sa;
void setup() {
String[] args = {"TwoFrameTest"};
sa = new SecondApplet();
PApplet.runSketch(args, sa);
void settings() {
size(200, 200);
void draw() {
sa.ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 25, 25);
void mousePressed() {
sa.background(255, 0, 0);
public class SecondApplet extends PApplet {
public void settings() {
size(200, 200);
void draw() {
I would also expect this to work, but we see a similar gray window for the second sketch. I've filed a bug here to get feedback from the Processing devs about whether this is expected behavior.
In the meantime, you'll have better luck if you do something like this:
SecondApplet sa;
float drawMouseX;
float drawMouseY;
color drawBackground = #0000ff;
void setup() {
String[] args = {"TwoFrameTest"};
sa = new SecondApplet();
PApplet.runSketch(args, sa);
void settings() {
size(200, 200);
void draw() {
drawMouseX = mouseX;
drawMouseY = mouseY;
void mousePressed() {
drawBackground = #00ff00;
public class SecondApplet extends PApplet {
public void settings() {
size(200, 200);
void draw() {
ellipse(drawMouseX, drawMouseY, 25, 25);
Instead of calling the drawing functions directly, we're now setting some variables that are then used in the second applet's draw() function. There are a bunch of ways to do this, but the idea is the same: just don't call the draw functions directly, and call them from the draw() function instead.
Update: I heard back from Ben Fry (a founder of Processing) and codeanticode (a developer of Processing) on the bug I filed on GitHub, and I understand better now why this doesn't work.
The reason it doesn't work is because each sketch has its own UI thread, which is responsible for drawing and handling events. You can't draw to a sketch from a different thread, otherwise weird things happen. But you're trying to draw to a second sketch from the first sketche's event thread, which is not the second sketch's drawing thread, which is why it doesn't work.
See the bug for a discussion on alternative approaches, but honestly your best bet is probably to go with the approach I outlined of just sharing variables between the sketches.

How can I make the image disappear in Processing

I'm using Processing 3.0.1 which is the latest version.
I successed to display the image when I pressed a certain key.
For example, when I press key 'a', then the image will be displayed.
I also want to make the image disappear when I press another key.
However, I can't find a way to do this.
If anyone knows how to do this, please help me
Here is the code
PImage Onepiece1, Onepiece2;
void setup(){
Onepiece1 = loadImage("Onepiece1.jpg");
Onepiece2 = loadImage("Onepiece2.jpg");
void draw(){
void showimage1(){
void keyPressed(){
if(key == 'a'){
else if(key == 'b'){
// I want to make the image disappear when I press 'b'
For this simple scenario #Majlik suggestion is ok, but usually it's not a good idea to draw in callback functions like keyPressed(). Instead use a flag to drive drawings in draw(), like:
PImage Onepiece1, Onepiece2;
boolean showimage = false;
void setup(){
Onepiece1 = loadImage("Onepiece1.jpg");
Onepiece2 = loadImage("Onepiece2.jpg");
background (255);
void draw(){
background (255);
void showimage1(){
void keyPressed(){
if(key == 'a'){
showImage = true;
else if(key == 'b'){
showImage = false;
For the simple scenario like this you just need to redraw image with anything. Best practice is to use background() function. So your reaction to pressing b could look like:
if(key == 'b'){
Also it is good practice to have specified same background color at the beginning inside setup() function:
void setup(){
