Unity - TextMeshPro text object doesn't update - visual-studio

I have been using TMP objects in several instances in my game, but all of a sudden it decides not to work on a certain object.
public class BeforeRoundTimer : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshProUGUI timer;
private Timer oneSecondTimer;
private int time = 5;
public void StartCountdown()
Debug.Log("One second timer");
oneSecondTimer = new Timer(1000);
oneSecondTimer.Elapsed += UpdateTime;
oneSecondTimer.Enabled = true;
oneSecondTimer.AutoReset = true;
private void UpdateTime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
if(time == 0)
timer.text = $"{time}";
I know the text is updating because I put debug statements (I have since removed them) and they fired when UpdateTime() is called. I also viewed the inspector when the game was playing, and the text value would update in front of my eyes. The text only changes when I make some stylistic change to it (i.e. making it bold, changing the font asset, including changing the text itself). I have looked back to my old code and it basically runs the exact same way, but it actually changes in game.

Ok so after taking a break, I decided to find another way to call my method every second. Instead of using a Timer, I decided to use Unity's InvokeRepeating() function.
public class BeforeRoundTimer : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshProUGUI timer;
private int count = 0;
public void StartCountdown()
InvokeRepeating(nameof(UpdateTime), 0, 1f);
private void UpdateTime()
if(count == 5)
Debug.Log("Update Time");
timer.text = $"{5 - count}";
One thing I noticed when trying to use the Timer in a different way is that it was only updating the text value every other second. It ran 10 times (I put a Debug.Log() in UpdateTime()) but only changed the value every other time while not actually updating the TMP. You could replace nameof(UpdateTime) with "UpdateTime", but Visual Studio recommended that I use the former so I went with that.
In short: don't use timers, use Unity's InvokeRepeating() function because it works perfectly. It is actually very similar to JavaScript's setInterval() which I found interesting.


CharmListView Infinite Scroll

I need basically an event that triggers at each 200 records loaded, so more data can be loaded until the end of data.
I tried to extend CharmListCell and using the method updateItem like this:
public void updateItem(Model item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
currentItem = item;
if (!empty && item != null) {
} else {
But the System.out.println(getIndex()); method returns -1;
I would like to call my backend method when the scroll down gets the end of last fetched block and so on, until get the end of data like the "infinite scroll" technique.
The CharmListCell doesn't expose the index of the underlying listView, but even if it did, that wouldn't be of much help to find out if you are scrolling over the end of the current list or not.
I'd suggest a different approach, which is also valid for a regular ListView, with the advantage of having the CharmListView features (mainly headers and the refresh indicator).
This short sample, created with a single view project using the Gluon IDE plugin and Charm 5.0.0, shows how to create a CharmListView control, and fill it with 30 items at a time. I haven't provided a factory cell, nor the headers, and for the sake of simplicity I'm just adding consecutive integers.
With a lookup, and after the view is shown (so the listView is added to the scene) we find the vertical ScrollBar of the listView, and then we add a listener to track its position. When it gets closer to 1, we simulate the load of another batch of items, with a pause transition that represents a heavy task.
Note the use of the refresh indicator. When new data is added, we scroll back to the first of the new items, so we can keep scrolling again.
public class BasicView extends View {
private final ObservableList<Integer> data;
private CharmListView<Integer, Integer> listView;
private final int batchSize = 30;
private PauseTransition pause;
public BasicView() {
data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
listView = new CharmListView<>(data);
setOnShown(e -> {
ScrollBar scrollBar = null;
for (Node bar : listView.lookupAll(".scroll-bar")) {
if (bar instanceof ScrollBar && ((ScrollBar) bar).getOrientation().equals(Orientation.VERTICAL)) {
scrollBar = (ScrollBar) bar;
if (scrollBar != null) {
scrollBar.valueProperty().addListener((obs, ov, nv) -> {
if (nv.doubleValue() > 0.95) {
setCenter(new VBox(listView));
private void addBatch() {
if (pause == null) {
pause = new PauseTransition(Duration.seconds(1));
pause.setOnFinished(f -> {
int size = data.size();
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = size; i < size + batchSize; i++) {
} else {
Note also that you could benefit from the setOnPullToRefresh() method, at any time. For instance, if you add this:
listView.setOnPullToRefresh(e -> addBatch());
whenever you go to the top of the list and drag it down (on a mobile device), it will make another call to load a new batch of items. Obviously, this is the opposite behavior as the "infinite scrolling", but it is possible as well with the CharmListView control.

Why in my unity project the chasing part is not working?

Could someone please maybe download and see my project? It is very simple, but not working as in the tutorial.
In my project, I set IsTrigger to true in either the ThirdPersonController or the AIThirdPersonController for one of the characters. This makes the character fall down from the Plane.
I also changed one of the characters to be tagged as Player and changed the state from PATROL to CHASE but that changed nothing. The other player never chases/follows the player I am controlling and moving around.
Why are the players falling down when I set IsTrigger to true in my project?
I see in the video that the instructor is using a Maze Plane. Is that a package I should import in the Assets or is it already somewhere in the Assets? I just added regular Plane for now because I could not find a Maze Plane.
Here is a link for my project from my OneDrive. The file name is Demo AI.rar:
Project in OneDrive
Here is a link for the video tutorial I am attempting to follow. It is supposes to be simple I suppose:
Here is the BasicAi class I'm using in my project, the same script from the tutorial video:
using System.Collections;
using UnityStandardAssets.Characters.ThirdPerson;
public class BasicAi : MonoBehaviour {
public NavMeshAgent agent;
public ThirdPersonCharacter character;
public enum State {
public State state;
private bool alive;
// Variables for patrolling
public GameObject[] waypoints;
private int waypointInd = 0;
public float patrolSpeed = 0.5f;
// Variable for chasing
public float chaseSpeed = 1f;
public GameObject target;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent> ();
character = GetComponent<ThirdPersonCharacter>();
agent.updatePosition = true;
agent.updateRotation = false;
state = BasicAi.State.PATROL;
alive = true;
StartCoroutine ("FSM");
IEnumerator FSM()
while (alive)
switch (state)
case State.PATROL:
Patrol ();
case State.CHASE:
Chase ();
yield return null;
void Patrol()
agent.speed = patrolSpeed;
if (Vector3.Distance (this.transform.position, waypoints [waypointInd].transform.position) >= 2) {
agent.SetDestination (waypoints [waypointInd].transform.position);
character.Move (agent.desiredVelocity, false, false);
} else if (Vector3.Distance (this.transform.position, waypoints [waypointInd].transform.position) <= 2) {
waypointInd += 1;
if (waypointInd > waypoints.Length) {
waypointInd = 0;
character.Move (Vector3.zero, false, false);
void Chase()
agent.speed = chaseSpeed;
agent.SetDestination (target.transform.position);
character.Move (agent.desiredVelocity, false, false);
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider coll)
if (coll.tag == "Player")
state = BasicAi.State.CHASE;
target = coll.gameObject;
Once a collider is a trigger it no longer collides with objects, your best bet is to place a child object that has a collider and setting that to the trigger, this way the original collider will still collide with your ground.
As for your other question how are you referencing your third person character, are you dragging it from the scene into the inspector, and you also have to bake your navmesh into your scene. I haven't looked at your project as that would take a lot of time, but maybe go through the tutorial again and see how they reference the character. With the inbuilt characters you normally have to access the namespace first.

Use parameters for variable animation

I'd like to animate my Score-GUI text counting up to a variable value but there are two things in my way:
1: How can I animate to a variable instead of a fixed value?
2: Why can't I add own properties (like int) to my script and animate them?
For #2 I created a property in my script. Yet the editor won't show it in the AddProperty-dialog (as shown below):
public int currentScore = 0;
public int score {
get { return currentScore; }
set { this.currentScore += value; }
EDIT: The animator is set up in the most basic way:
Since you only have 1 Animation. An Animator is irrelevant to the solution. This is tested and working. Now you need to make the Animation a Legacy type to get this working because we are not going to use the Animator.
Click the Animation on the Project -> look at the upper right section of the Inspector view, there is a little button there which will drop down a selection. "Debug" then Check the Legacy.
Set your Animation to whatever you want. I force the WrapMode in the script to be wrap mode once. So it will only play once.
Now in the Animation Component make sure you select the Animation that you want by default or it wont work. Cause we only use anim.Play(); Without parameters meaning, run the default animation that is set.
I created a Text UI and added an Animation that alpha is 0 from the start and at the end point making it 1. You have to do that on your own.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class MyScore : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
public int currentScore = 0;
public GameObject Myscore; // Drag the GameObject that has the Animation for your score.
public Text myScoreText; //Drag in the Inspector the Text object to reference
public Animation anim;
public int score
get { return currentScore; }
set { this.currentScore += value; }
void Start()
anim = Myscore.GetComponent<Animation>(); // Reference the Animation Component.
anim.wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; // Legacy animation Set to play once
public void AddScore()
score += 10;
myScoreText.text = score.ToString();
Debug.Log("Current Score is "+ score);
Invoke("AddScore", 2);
Good luck.

Memory usage in IE for gwt application

For the last couple of days I've been trying to find out why my gwt application is leaking on IE 9.
I want to share one of my findings with you and maybe someone can give me a clue about what is going one here...
I wrote this small test:
public class Memory implements EntryPoint
FlowPanel mainPanel = new FlowPanel();
FlowPanel buttonsPanel = new FlowPanel();
FlowPanel contentPanel = new FlowPanel();
Timer timer;
Date startDate;
public void onModuleLoad()
Button startBtn = new Button("start test");
startBtn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
startDate = new Date();
System.out.println("Started at " + startDate);
timer = new Timer()
public void run()
Date now = new Date();
if(isWithin5Minutes(startDate, now))
System.out.println("Complete at " + new Date());
private void manageContent()
if(contentPanel.getWidgetCount() > 0)
for(int i =0; i < 20; i++)
Image image = new Image();
private boolean isWithin5Minutes(Date start, Date now)
//true if 'now' is within 5 minutes of 'start' date
So, I have this Timer that runs every 50 ms (during around 5 minutes) and executes the following:
- if the panel has content, clear it;
- if the panel has no content add 20 png images (30x30 with transparency) to it.
Using the Process Explorer from sysInternals I got the following results:
IE 9:
Firefox 21.0:
I ran the same program with some changes (.jpg images instead of .png, create the images only once and use them as member variables, create the images using a ClientBundle) but the result was the same. Also, I ran the application in production mode.
Is there something wrong with my code that could cause this behavior in IE?
Shouldn't the Garbage Collector (GC) free some of the used memory at least when the timer ends?
Any of you came across this problem before?
Garbage collector in IE is quite strange thing. E.g. you can force it to run by simply minimizing browser window. I guess leaks in your case are images that weren't removed properly by browser when you clear container. Try to remove them by using JS "delete" operation, like that:
private native void utilizeElement(Element element) /*-{
delete element;
Then change your manageContent a little:
if(contentPanel.getWidgetCount() > 0)
for (Iterator<Widget> it = contentPanel.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Hope this helps.

xna 4.0 animation looping

Hello everyone I have been following this tutorial here http://www.gogo-robot.com/2011/05/30/xna-skinned-model-animations/ and so far its great got the animations playing and everything, but now I want to expand it and stop the continuous loops say for instance i press the a key to make the model jump when i release the a key i want him to stop jumping but if i hold the a key i want him to keep jumping. Here what i have tried so far
and none of it works.
I am stumped here on how to do this thanks for any help with this.
private void HandleInput(GameTime gameTime)
currentGamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One);
// Check for changing anims
//SkinningData skinningData = model.Tag as SkinningData;
SkinningData sd = jumper.model.Tag as SkinningData;
if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed)
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Name != "Fire")
if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed)
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Name != "DieF")
//does not work
if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Released)
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Name == "DieF")
if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed)
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Name != "Idel")
//does not work
if (jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentTime == jumper.animationPlayer.CurrentClip.Duration)
//set him back to idel
I have tried these configuration with no luck in the game
// Starts playing the entirety of the given clip
public void StartClip(string clip, bool loop)
AnimationClip clipVal = skinningData.AnimationClips[clip];
StartClip(clip, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), clipVal.Duration, loop);
// Plays a specific portion of the given clip, from one frame
// index to another
public void StartClip(string clip, int startFrame, int endFrame, bool loop)
AnimationClip clipVal = skinningData.AnimationClips[clip];
StartClip(clip, clipVal.Keyframes[startFrame].Time,
clipVal.Keyframes[endFrame].Time, loop);
// Plays a specific portion of the given clip, from one time
// to another
public void StartClip(string clip, TimeSpan StartTime, TimeSpan EndTime, bool loop)
CurrentClip = skinningData.AnimationClips[clip];
currentTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
currentKeyframe = 0;
Done = false;
this.startTime = StartTime;
this.endTime = EndTime;
this.loop = loop;
// Copy the bind pose to the bone transforms array to reset the animation
skinningData.BindPose.CopyTo(BoneTransforms, 0);
Can you not attach a bool on the animation clip to tell it to play only once, or an active variable that can be called.
