Good morning, maybe someone knows how to import a font in the default.css file, is it to change the font type that is sent in the emails generated by Markdown? I'm trying it in these two ways but it does not change. Thank you.
Your #font-face url looks like it is not going to work, you cant run php in css file
Change it to :
#font-face {
font-family: galano;
src: url('../fonts/GalanoGrotesqueMedium.otf');
This will depend on your folder structure but I am guessing fonts dir is inside the public folder
There is no default way to render mail in 5.4 you can follow this guide
// routes/web.php
$this->get(‘preview-notification’, function () {
$message = (new \App\Notifications\TestNotification())->toMail('');
$markdown = new \Illuminate\Mail\Markdown(view(), config(‘mail.markdown’));
return $markdown->render(‘’, $message->toArray());
I'm trying to use a cursive font in puppeteer-sharp for a signature. Puppeteer seems to ignore the font family when assigned. Ex:
.signature { font-family: 'Brush Script MT', cursive; }
Here are my PdfOptions:
var stream = await page.PdfStreamAsync(new PdfOptions
Format = PaperFormat.A4,
MarginOptions = new MarginOptions
Top = "0px",
Right = "0px",
Bottom = "0px",
Left = "0px"
PrintBackground = true,
I've confirmed that it's not the code itself because if I run the html in a browser, the cursive font works as expected. Does anyone have any idea on how or if it's possible to get cursive to work? I imagine I'm missing something.
So I figured this out and there are two approaches to my issue. I am running a Docker container in Debian and it doesn't have this particular font installed.
Solution 1:
Download and install Brush Script MT from a trusted site.
Copy the ttf file to /usr/local/share/fonts inside your DockerFile.
COPY ["font.ttf", "./usr/local/share/fonts/font.ttf"]
RUN fc-cache
For more information see this URL:
Solution 2:
This is the lazier route and the route I took. Find a Google Font like the
cursive one and use that instead.
Go to and find the font that matches to what you
Reference the font.
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'>
.signature {
font-family: 'Cookie';
I have tried to add justify plugin to be able to align text right, left or centre. But after following the instructions in the documentation (, I wonder if the plugin should be located in a specific folder (mine is at public/modules/apostrophe-areas/js/ckeditorPlugins/justify/), as it disappears when the site is loaded, but if I include it in some other folder such as public/plugins/justify still doesn't work.
This is my code just in case: (located at lib/modules/apostrophe-areas/public/js/user.js)
apos.define('apostrophe-areas', {
construct: function(self, options) {
// Use the super pattern - don't forget to call the original method
var superEnableCkeditor = self.enableCkeditor;
self.enableCkeditor = function() {
// Now do as we please
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('justify', '/modules/apostrophe-areas/js/ckeditorPlugins/justify/', 'plugin.js');
Also, it would be nice to know how the plugin should be called at the Toolbar settings for editable widgets.
The URL you need is:
The my- prefix is automatically prepended so that the public folders of both the original apostrophe-areas module and your project-level extension of it can have a distinct URL. Otherwise there would be no way for both to access their user.js, for instance.
I'll add this note to the HOWTO in question, which currently handwaves the issue by stubbing in a made-up URL.
As for how the plugin should be called, use the toolbar control name exported by that plugin — that part is a ckeditor question, not really an Apostrophe one. But looking at the source code of that plugin they are probably JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight and JustifyBlock.
It turns out that it's not enough to simply call CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal inside apostophe-areas. You also need to override self.beforeCkeditorInline of the apostrophe-rich-text-widgets-editor module and explicitly call self.config.extraPlugins = 'your_plugin_name';.
Here's what I ended up with:
In lib/modules/apostrophe-areas/public/js/user.js:
apos.define('apostrophe-areas', {
construct: function(self, options) {
// Use the super pattern - don't forget to call the original method
var superEnableCkeditor = self.enableCkeditor;
self.enableCkeditor = function() {
// Now do as we please
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('justify', '/modules/my-apostrophe-areas/js/ckeditorPlugins/justify/', 'plugin.js');
then in in lib/modules/apostrophe-rich-text-widgets/public/js/editor.js:
apos.define('apostrophe-rich-text-widgets-editor', {
construct: function(self, options) {
self.beforeCkeditorInline = function() {
self.config.extraPlugins = 'justify';
For some reason doing CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'justify' inside apostrophe-areas does not work, probably due to the way how CKEDITOR is initialized;
One more thing: this particular plug-in (justify, that is) does not seem to follow the button definition logic. It has button icons defined as images, whereas CKEditor 4.6 used in Apostrophe CMS 2.3 uses font-awesome to display icons. It means that the icons that ship with the justify module won't be displayed and you'll have to write your own css for each button individually.
There is another issue which you'll probably face when you finally enable the justify buttons. The built-in html sanitizer will be strip off the styles justify adds to align the content.
Apostrophe CMS seems to be using sanitize-html to sanitize the input, so changing CKEditor settings won't have any effect. To solve the issue, add the following to your app.js:
'apostrophe-rich-text-widgets': {
// The standard list copied from the module, plus sup and sub
sanitizeHtml: {
allowedAttributes: {
a: ['href', 'name', 'target'],
img: ['src'],
'*': ['style'] //this will make sure the style attribute is not stripped off
Thank you both for your help. After following both approaches of: locating the plugin at my-apostrophe-areas folder as well as editing editor.js on the apostrophe-rich-text widget (the sanitize.html file was already using that configuration), I got the plugin working. However, I was still having the issue with the icons.
I fixed that adding the Font Awesome icons that correspond to align-justify, align-right, align-left and align-center at the end of public/modules/apostrophe-areas/js/vendor/ckeditor/skins/apostrophe/editor.less
Good Day! Can the Column Header Color can be changed in Odoo?
Many Thanks
Good Day I found some solutions to my problem Just create a css file and JavaScript get class name of your Field..
Create first a JavaScript
openerp.your_module_name= function (instance) {
instance.web.list.columns.add('field.your_field_name', 'instance.your_module_name.your_field_name');
instance.your_module_name.your_field_name = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
_format: function (row_data, options) {
res = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var amount = parseFloat(res);
return "<font color='#0000CD'>"+amount.toFixed(2)+"</font>";
This Javascript I only Found it some Forums this code is to change the font color of some columns.
To Change the Column Header is to Call the your_field_name define in JavaScript and Just create a CSS File
.openerp .oe_list_your_field_name{
background-color: #FF3333;}
Hope to help with this code :D
I am using Fontawesome in my website and have my own CMS to edit the website pages. What I would like to develop is a dialog for the user where he can pick an fontawesome icon but for now it is OK to add them in the codeview of ckeditor.
Icons added to the content are not shown in ckeditor designview. I have changed ckeditor config file so that the editor accepts i tags (*). I added the fontawesome CSS file as an #import rule to contents.css but still no fontawesome icon visible in the editor area.
config.allowedContent = true;
config.ProtectedTags = 'i' ;
config.protectedSource.push( /<i[\s\S]*?\>/g ); //allows beginning <i> tag
config.protectedSource.push( /<\/i[\s\S]*?\>/g ); //allows ending </i> tag
What can I do to make this work?
config.protectedSource.push( /<i class[\s\S]*?\>/g );
config.protectedSource.push( /<\/i>/g );
What you have will interfere with img tags.
AND OR, after all of config:
CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty['i'] = false;
Both work well. Just be sure you have cleared cache completely when making changes.
One works while messing something else up. A no go solution.
I stopped using this bulky editor. Created my own.
However, to solve the solution, use EM or SPAN instead of I tags for this.
When you add something to the protectedSource setting, you're hiding it from the editor, that content is converted into a HTML comment to protect it and avoid that it can be modified by the user, but being a comment it's obviously hidden.
I'm using 4.11.4 and this solution not working correctly
This solution correctly work on 4.11.4
config.protectedSource.push( /<i class[\s\S]*?\><\/i>/g ); // Font Awesome fix
Instead of:
config.protectedSource.push(/<i class[\s\S]*?\><\/i>/g );
use more stronger and best way:
config.protectedSource.push(/<i class="fa[s|r|l|b] [A-Za-z0-9\-]+"><\/i>/g);
Because when user pasting content from another source, CKEDITOR.dtd should remove empty < i >, or convert < i > to semantic < em >, but only fontawesome icons with class="fas/far/fal/fab *" should be preserved.
(Naming in fontawesome:
Take a look at this: ckeditor fontawesome addon.
Basically, you should download the fontawesome addon in zip format, and extract to "ckeditor/plugins/", with the name "fontawesome".
Then, open "ckeditor/config.js" and signal the usage of the new addon:
config.extraPlugins = 'fontawesome';
config.contentsCss = 'path/to/your/font-awesome.css';
config.allowedContent = true;
The next thing is to edit your HTML's section:
<script>CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty['span'] = false;</script>
The final step is to use the toolbargroupname: "FontAwesome" in your toolbar:
config.toolbar = [
{ name: 'insert', items: [ 'FontAwesome', 'Source' ] }
Here is a demo.
This also applies for glyphicons, in the same way the fontawesome is used.
var currentDialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent();
currentDialog._.editor.insertHtml("<customTag myAttr='var'></customTag>");
Throws an error, TypeError: Cannot read property 'isBlock' of undefined
If I try .insertHtml("<span>hello</span>") it works just fine.
How can I change ckeditor to allow me to specify my own custom html tags via .insertHtml()? I'd love to just change it to be something like <span class='custom'... or something like that, but I'm having to deal with legacy CMS articles. Using latest ckeditor. Thanks.
You need to modify CKEDITOR.dtd object so editor will know this tag and correctly parse HTML and process DOM:
CKEDITOR.dtd.customtag = { em:1 }; // List of tag names it can contain.
CKEDITOR.dtd.$block.customtag = 1; // Choose $block or $inline.
CKEDITOR.dtd.body.customtag = 1; // Body may contain customtag.
You need to allow for this tag and its styles/attrs/classes in Advanced Content Filter:
editor.filter.allow( 'customtag[myattr]', 'myfeature' );
Unfortunately, due to some caching, in certain situations you cannot modify DTD object after CKEditor is loaded - you need to modify it when it is created. So to do that:
Clone the CKEditor repository or CKEditor presets repository.
Modify core/dtd.js code.
And build your minified package following instructions in - the only requirements are Java (sorry - Google Closure Compiler :P) and Bash.
PS. That error should not be thrown when unknown element is inserted, so I reported and to solve this inconvenience
I worked around this issue with a combination of createFromHtml() and insertElement()
CKEDITOR.replace('summary', { ... });
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.summary;
editor.on('key', function(ev) {
if ( == 9) { // TAB
var tabHtml = '<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>';
var tabElement = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(tabHtml, editor.document);