SailsJS i18n module not changing lang file even the locale was changed - internationalization

I debugging a SailsJS app, if I print the sails global variables it has the right values for locales, and defaultLocale, etc...
I changing the locale with Accept-Language header in PostMan and works like a charm.
Even it has the right locales, i18n module is taking always the default language translation file. Does someone know what could be happening?

I suppose it was due my local environment locales config(Ubuntu 18.10), given when I deployed to the VPS it worked like a charm.
Thanks anyway ;)


Checking a remote url depending upon config

I am a new NativeScript user and I am trying to understand how to have my app make a GET call to a remote server, depending upon environment. In Java world we pass in an environment variable, but I have not found an example (that I understand) demonstrating how my NativeScript mobile app will know which environment it is running in, and how to get values based upon that.
I am presuming that I will have a config/ with files such as
prod.conf.js and dev.conf.js - and there is where I will put in my urls and other config values.
How do I get my NativeScript (which I will eventually build into iOS) to reach those values to use in an http request upon startup. Any example to direction to documentation would be greatly appreciated.
I finally got the problem solved by using Manoj suggestion of nativescript-dev-appconfig. For any newbie looking for help, try this:
{PROJECT_ROOT}/config - create the environment files as {env}.json. These files are just json, with name-value pairs of the values you want. In may case that is
When you do your build: tns build ios --bundle --env.config {dev | test | prod }
This will take the contents of the selected env.config file (ie -env.config dev and copy it as - {PROJECT_ROOT}/app/config.json .
To use it within your code,
import config from "../config.json";
axios.get(config.MY_URL).then(result => {...}
Unfortunately using environment based config files are not officially supported but there is a plugin hook you could try.
We also have webpack based environment variable support, read more about that in the docs.

Whats is Production enviroment in Laravel?

I am curious to know what the APP_ENV entry is used for in Laravel environment files. Is it just for my own usage so I can detect it in code? If I create a fresh Laravel app and change APP_ENV to production what will it change under the hood? Nothing?
Typically you would have a different .env file on each server. It is up to you if you would like different parts of your app to work differently in different environments. The .env file is usually used so that your code can just grab values with the env helper function. This way when you change environments like switching from a test API key to a live API key for example, you can just edit the .env file and not touch the rest of your code.

Get XUL browser language where the component is running

I want to know if there is a way to get the actual locale of the browser where my component is running (en-EN, es-ES,ru-RU,etc...) so that I can test the different locales of a file I have there.
this is how i know how to do it: Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.navigator.language

Change Rails 4 production.rb constants based on request.url

Please can someone point me in the right direction for what I'm sure is a simple problem, but is causing me to go round in circles.I have three domains
I'm trying to keep a single code base for maintenance.
I've done some manual localisation work to change titles, contact details etc based on the url, using request.original_url and stripping out the relevant parts and setting some constants in the application controller (SITE, EMAIL, TELEPHONE etc).
It all works fine, except for my config.action_mailer.smtp_settings in the production.rb.
These obviously should change so the localised email account is used ( or etc) but
I can't get the constants to be initialised before the environment is loaded. It makes perfect sense why it's not working, but I have no idea how to fix it.
I've tried putting it in initializers, the application.rb and setting it in the production.rb itself. If I move the code anywhere out of the application controller I get a no method error on request.original_url.
Is there a way of pulling out mailer settings so they can be exposed to variables? Or is the production.rb loaded at app start up and after that is unaffected by the end user.
Also, even though the language is remaining the same should I look at i18n for manipulating the site for these features? or is it not worth the effort for the few variables I want to change.
Thanks in advance.
You can just change settings in runtime:
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings[:host] = 'yourhostfromrequest'
You could just change the constants in your mailers, since constants in Ruby are mutable.

How to get firefox language setting? (REALLY)

I know this question has been answered before, but the answer given is not the complete story:
I went into Firefox's Options->Content and removed all languages except German/Germany, and navigator.language hasn't changed - it's still en-GB (I'm in the UK).
I'm told if I get the German Firefox INSTALL it will work, but I shouldn't need to do that, right?
The useragent string still contains en-GB, too; but the accept-language on HTTP headers IS set correctly. So this seems to be a bug in Firefox, I spent a bit of time wading through their bugzilla, but I can't see this exact bug logged, though to me it seems a pretty huge oversight?
Both navigator.language and the HTTP User-Agent header use the value of the preference "general.useragent.locale", which is hard-coded in to the locale of the Firefox build you downloaded:
Or for your en-GB build:
If you'd like to change it for your build, just load about:config, find general.useragent.locale, double-click it, and change the value.
I would recommend to use a Firefox Add-on for this task. Simple Locale Switcher, Locale Switcher or Quick Locale Switcher etc. (* Caution some of this Add-ons may contain ad ware or may not work if you've just updated firefox).
*Another solution is to download a different old firefox version using the language/locale. (Caution) You need and install it in a different folder so you won't overwrite your existing version. Download here I'm using firefox 28 in Spanish. I disabled updates and I rejected using it as my default browser. Only one firefox version should be running at the same time if you do this.
I would assume that navigator.language returns it's interface language (I assume is GB English), not one that it wants documents in. User-agent string too report which version of firefox was downloaded.
Accept-language is what destination server should check.
I consider this behavior of his quite correct (assuming that it's interface (menus and such) are really in GB english).
in firefore, about:config, modify the value of "intl.accept_languages", to your required locale, let's say de-DE will do.
If you want the Accept-Language value, you can't retrieve if using client-side JavaScript. You'll have to get it from your server.
If you really want this value in client-side JavaScript, then read it on the server and write it back to the client:
<script type="text/javascript">
// setting the accept language HTTP header value
// in client-side JavaScript from PHP
var acceptLanguage = '<?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]; ?>';
