Checking a remote url depending upon config - nativescript

I am a new NativeScript user and I am trying to understand how to have my app make a GET call to a remote server, depending upon environment. In Java world we pass in an environment variable, but I have not found an example (that I understand) demonstrating how my NativeScript mobile app will know which environment it is running in, and how to get values based upon that.
I am presuming that I will have a config/ with files such as
prod.conf.js and dev.conf.js - and there is where I will put in my urls and other config values.
How do I get my NativeScript (which I will eventually build into iOS) to reach those values to use in an http request upon startup. Any example to direction to documentation would be greatly appreciated.
I finally got the problem solved by using Manoj suggestion of nativescript-dev-appconfig. For any newbie looking for help, try this:
{PROJECT_ROOT}/config - create the environment files as {env}.json. These files are just json, with name-value pairs of the values you want. In may case that is
When you do your build: tns build ios --bundle --env.config {dev | test | prod }
This will take the contents of the selected env.config file (ie -env.config dev and copy it as - {PROJECT_ROOT}/app/config.json .
To use it within your code,
import config from "../config.json";
axios.get(config.MY_URL).then(result => {...}

Unfortunately using environment based config files are not officially supported but there is a plugin hook you could try.
We also have webpack based environment variable support, read more about that in the docs.


Passing code from CodePipeline to PythonFunction

I'm trying to create a CDK app that will deploy a pipeline-stack and a lambda-stack. Similar to the tutorial here. I'm trying to implement a basic CI/CD application that is triggered with every push to a Github Enterprise Repo.
I chose to use PythonFunction from (#aws-cdk/aws-lambda-python) instead of function from #aws-cdk/aws-lambda because PythonFunction builds the dependencies from requirements.txt. I have various lambdas that use different packages (like awswrangler, pandas, requests, etc.).
But, PythonFunction does not support CfnParametersCode (Where the code is passed through CDK instead of being read from an asset).
What other option do I have to pass my code from GithubEnterprise to
the PythonFunction?
If function from #aws-cdk/aws-lambda is the only option I have, how
can I include the packages from requirements.txt
This does seem like an option for #aws-cdl/aws-lambda, but how would I pass my code from Github? This example relates to building from asset code.
I apologize if I'm missing something obvious, I just started working with AWS CDK last week.
First of all I would recommend to take a look at pipelines.CdkPipeline which is able to deal with Assets. That means you can directly use lambda.Code.from_asset instead of overriding CfnParametersCode in the Pipeline.
Regarding your other question, you can deal with the requirements by installing them into your lambda folder during the build step with: pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
CfnParametersCode gives you the ability to upload your code from an S3 file.
You can do the same via lambda.Code.fromBucket.
Taking your link from the third point ( You just need to use lambda.Code.fromBucket instead of code: lambda.Code.fromAsset. Docs can be found here:

rails generate ckeditor:install --orm=active_record --backend=active_storag not worked Rails 5

I want to use in my project ckeditor with active storage, but when I generate to install ckeditor using orm active record and active storage, it create an initializer but not create any migration file.
Running via Spring preloader in process 23128
create config/initializers/ckeditor.rb
route mount Ckeditor::Engine => '/ckeditor'
Could not find "active_record/active_storage/ckeditor/asset.rb" in
any of your source paths. Your current source paths are:
So I ran into this as well, and after poking around the code I figured I'd just run the generator without the flags like the docs. If you run into this problem just run the generator with no flags rails g ckeditor:install. Also, you'll need to look at these files and make sure your models match.
EDIT: It looks like active_storage is only available on the master branch as of this post.

Play configurations for HTTPS only on Heroku

I searched around and have found topics close to this (for example here and here) but I still can't seem to get this working so here goes.
I'm using play 2.6 and deploying to Heroku. I'd like to force the app to only use HTTPS. As the aforementioned post indicates this filter (with the proper Heoku settings) seems like it should solve my problem. But I can't seems to get it working. Basically if I do the simple setup I suggest below it doesn't redirect to https and if I try anything fancy I get errors.
I guess what I'm asking is how does one setup the Procfile, application.conf and Environment variables for the deployment to Heroku. As an FYI I'm using / I'd like to be able to use play's self signed certificates for my non production deployments in case that's causing problems.
===== For the Procfile ====
Normally a simple Procfile might look like:
web: target/universal/stage/bin/my-app -Dhttp.port=${PORT}
But without heroku I'd want to do something like this (see here)
play -Dhttp.port=disabled -Dhttps.port=443
Since Heroku sets up the port/Https automagically how do I merge these two? ie is there a heroku env var like ${HTTPS_PORT} that I should be using?
===== For the application.conf ====
Presumably we want something like this
play.filters.enabled += play.filters.https.RedirectHttpsFilter
play.filters.https.redirectEnabled = true
"play.filters.https.redirectEnabled = true" shouldn't be needed but I put it there just in case. But do I also need to specify play.filters.https.port? (see here). Something like this:
play.filters.enabled += play.filters.https.RedirectHttpsFilter
play.filters.https.redirectEnabled = true
Thanks in advance.
==== Edit ===
Thanks #codefinger the answers you gave is correct. I'm going to put the details below for future reference.
As mentioned here you need to tell play to check if the request has already been secured. In this case it essentially means white listing the proxy. So the Proc file can be as simple as:
web: target/universal/stage/bin/my-app -Dhttp.port=${PORT}
But you need to enable the RedirectHttpsFilter and configure the trusted proxies. Note here I've trusted all IPs but based on your app you can restrict that (details here).
play.filters.enabled += play.filters.https.RedirectHttpsFilter
play.http.forwarded.trustedProxies=["", "::/0"]
I think you'll need to enable the play.core.server.common.ForwardedHeaderHandler, which will detect the X-Forwarded-Proto header that Heroku sets.
TLS termination is handled by the Heroku router, which means all request are in plain HTTP when they reach your app. The only way for your app to tell if they are HTTP(S) is which this header.

Whats is Production enviroment in Laravel?

I am curious to know what the APP_ENV entry is used for in Laravel environment files. Is it just for my own usage so I can detect it in code? If I create a fresh Laravel app and change APP_ENV to production what will it change under the hood? Nothing?
Typically you would have a different .env file on each server. It is up to you if you would like different parts of your app to work differently in different environments. The .env file is usually used so that your code can just grab values with the env helper function. This way when you change environments like switching from a test API key to a live API key for example, you can just edit the .env file and not touch the rest of your code.

AppHarbor Web.config transforms not being applied

I am developing an application in ServiceStack and am trying to sort out deployment on AppHarbor, however for some reason my web.config transforms are not being applied.
I had originally a Web.AppHarbor.config file and changed the Environment Setting to "AppHarbor" - once this failed to work after several updates, I gave up and changed the Environment setting to "Release" and copied the desired transformations into the Web.Release.Config file.
App gets deployed OK but config settings do not reflect the values in the transform file (I verify this by login on with twitter and seeing the callback url for Twitter Auth still tries to redirect me to localhost, which is one of the settings I change in my transform file)
I have also tried the transform tester tool and all works as expected.
Manually publishing the web application to a local folder correctly applies the transformations according to the selected configuration
Does anyone have this working? Is there something obvious I'm missing?
It sounds like the Web.Release.config file is not included in the build output. You need to set the Build Action attribute to Content to include it in the build output.
You can confirm whether the file is included in the output by downloading the build from the log page.
I stumbled across this post because I was seeing the same lack of action myself. Upon closer inspection (about 15 times that is) of my Web.Release.config I realized one of the nodes in my config file was not marked xdt:Transform="Replace". Unsurprisingly it did nothing when deployed.
