In lazarus is there a way to maximise the console using code [duplicate] - windows

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How to minimize console window?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm using lazarus, I want to try make the console window maximised, I already have code to change the properties, but I would also like to be able to maximise the window in the code as well.

Okay, thanks for the advice, I figured it out,
I used the answer from How to minimize console window? changing the code from:
ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_MINIMIZE);
ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), SW_MAXIMIZE);
which seemed to do the trick. Simple but it hadn't even occurre to me to try it before now.


Xcode 9 Autocomplete Not Working properly

auto compete is not working properly like when i try to type some function like print it is showing autocomplete which is not is happing in every function. it was working fine couple of days before and suddenly it stop showing that auto complete and show such type of autocompelete is there any solution
This happened to me as well. The answers in the suggested link in comments did not work for me.
Try toggling the "Target Memberships" in the right "File Inspector." This should work immediately without restart.

Tab instead of 4 spaces on visual studio code : Mac OS

I know that sound like a stupid question, and we can find many answer on google.
However, i've been trying for one hour and it still not working.
The question is prety simple, i'm coding on visual studio code on Mac OS.
And i want to instert tab when i press tab, and not 4 spaces.
It it supposes to be very simple :
Go on "code"->"preferences"->"users stting"
And add :
// Insert spaces when pressing Tab.
"editor.insertSpaces": false
Into : settings.json
However i have no clue why, but this is not working.
(I've save it, close visual, reboot mac, still not working)
Does anyone has any clues to help me?
Thanks a lot.
(I've save it, close visual, reboot mac, still not working)
--> One thing is missing - did you try it with a completely new file? ;)
I just tried it, had the same issue and almost thought it is a bug, but it seems to be expected behavior as there is another setting editor.detectIndentation which is true by default.
If the indentation is detected then the detected value takes precedence over your defined setting. At first this seemed odd as others also reported in a GitHub issue. But the analogy with CR/CRLF in this issue makes sense.
So as a quick fix you could set editor.detectIndentation to false or convert your existing indentation to tabs so that the next time you open the file the proper detection is done.

Lazarus - No Form Window, Dialogue Grey'd Out [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've got a wee bit of experience with Pascal, as I've used it to create mods via TES5Edit for Skyrim, and I've hit a wee snag with modding Dark Souls, and I figured flexin' me Pascalerrific muscles would be a good exercise.
But, uh, it's all buggered right from the get go. Lazarus supposedly has this "Form Window" feature, where ya can just click one of the icons and then click on the IDE, and bam. Automated GUI creation.
I ain't got that. The window isn't up, and the option to open it is grey'd out. 'Eres an image to demonstrate:
'Ere 'tis, lads.
Bit sad that, right from the get go, I'm flummoxed. LEND ME YO' EARS, MA HOMIES! A BROTHA NEEDS AID!
Achem So, uh, what do I do to enable it? Google gives absolutely nothing in regards to using Lazarus in pretty much any way, so that bridge wasn't even built 'afore it was burnt.
You have to click on "File -> New Form" in the menu to create a new form class.
If that menu entry is disabled as well, first create a new project and make sure to select "Project > Application"

Firefox Open a new tab instead of a pop window? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I found that in recent version of Firefox, there was add a setting called "Open new windows in a new tab instead".
When I keep it on, all the pop windows(Using javascript "" function opened) opened in a new tab, which I realy need opened in a pop window(With settings like "menubar=no" and etc.). Some normal links with "target="_blank" attribute will open in new window if I keep it off.
So, is anyone here knows whether it's a bug or maybe I mistake someting?
I was having the same exact problem, but only with Firefox (3.*+) after a certain date and only on my Mac (Windows machines worked fine). Finally, I used the guest account on my Mac and saw that Firefox worked properly, so I tried disabling all extensions, to no avail. Finally, I manually searched through the about:config properties for anything that looked suspicious or non-default. As it turns out, I think I must have installed an extension that tweaked the property to 0 (instead of the default of 2) - once I changed it back, all was well. See the following for a thorough explanation of this property - which seems to be unexposed through Firefox's other tab/popup/window UI options:
For future searchers who find this question, there is a setting that you can toggle that opens all new windows in a new tab in Firefox.
Firefox Menu>Options>Tabs>Open new windows in a new tab instead - and un-check that check-box.
Switching between browsers for testing, I didn't realize there was that setting.
I know what you mean, but see the link below:
Firefox Support / Knowledge Base / Options window - Tabs panel
It writes:
If you have chosen to open pages in new tabs, Firefox will ignore this optionpreference and will open a new window from a link if the page author specified that the new window should have a specific size, because some pages can only be displayed correctly at a specific size.
I mean, Firefox does not ignore my preference when I open those links created by javascript "" scripts.

Windows7 explorer context strip hook?

Hy everybody,
I'm wondering if it's possible to add a new button via C++ or C# to windows 7 explorer "context strip"(don't know if this is correct name) - like on picture below.
My reason for this is because a lot of times I'm switching on&off "Show hidden files, folders and drives" functionality under Tools->Folder option->View. Therefore i want to simplify this process with a click of a button.
I was looking into ShellExecteEx function, but I am not sure I can do that. Can Anybody direct me in right direction?
I highly recommend using AutoIt for this task. Second URL comes complete with examples of how to insert buttons in various programs - however, be sure to read complete topic for misc. updates to the provided code.
Btw: I misread topic to begin with; gui 'context' related material in Windows is often taken to deal with right-click menus
Edit: limit on urls for new users on Stack Overflow mean I had to cut out some of less essential links - google away.
To answer part of the question, I think it is possible as for quite some time we've seen small programs to add a "New Folder" button to the explorer. I think those still works with Win 7.
Look at for example
[Edit] Forgot to clarify that Source Code for StExBar is on Google Code
