Tab instead of 4 spaces on visual studio code : Mac OS - macos

I know that sound like a stupid question, and we can find many answer on google.
However, i've been trying for one hour and it still not working.
The question is prety simple, i'm coding on visual studio code on Mac OS.
And i want to instert tab when i press tab, and not 4 spaces.
It it supposes to be very simple :
Go on "code"->"preferences"->"users stting"
And add :
// Insert spaces when pressing Tab.
"editor.insertSpaces": false
Into : settings.json
However i have no clue why, but this is not working.
(I've save it, close visual, reboot mac, still not working)
Does anyone has any clues to help me?
Thanks a lot.

(I've save it, close visual, reboot mac, still not working)
--> One thing is missing - did you try it with a completely new file? ;)
I just tried it, had the same issue and almost thought it is a bug, but it seems to be expected behavior as there is another setting editor.detectIndentation which is true by default.
If the indentation is detected then the detected value takes precedence over your defined setting. At first this seemed odd as others also reported in a GitHub issue. But the analogy with CR/CRLF in this issue makes sense.
So as a quick fix you could set editor.detectIndentation to false or convert your existing indentation to tabs so that the next time you open the file the proper detection is done.


I accidentally unbound my c-key in my macOS terminal when enabling autofill. How do I restore it?

So I was looking into how to enable mac terminal auto complete and stumbled upon solutions involving .inputrc. However, I must have messed up some input along the way, because now my c key doesn't work while in the terminal. Whenever I press it my terminal does a quick flash of disapproval and nothing else happens. Also, for some reason, upper case C still works just fine.
I would greatly appreciate any help!
For what it's worth: the auto complete works like a charm....
I've been searching for a way to factory reset my bindings, but to no avail.
Unfortunately I'm so new to messing with the terminal that I don't really now where to start or what to look for :/

IntelliJ `introduce parameter` shortcut on macOS brings up the preferences

I have had this issue for a while, and now, after a fresh install of macOS I am plagued with it again, so, I am sure this isn't the result of some custom program running on the machine. I only have macOS Big Sur and IntelliJ IDEA (I had Catalina before with the same results).
Whenever I try to refactor code to introduce a new parameter using Command-Option-P, the preferences window pops up. This is beyond annoying, and I would rather not throw away years of muscle memory by remapping my extract parameter shortcut to something else.
Has anyone experienced this, and if so, what is the way to fix this?
Thanks to the comment by #CrazyCoder who looked into this.
This is a known issue with the "ABC - Extended" keyboard selection on the macOS. I like this keyboard for the range of optional characters it gives me. But apparently, there is a known issue that prevents correct behavior in this case:

Pressing <ALT>+<ARROW_KEYS> in Visual Studio editor writes single ASCII character

I am using VS2013 as my IDE and ever since I installed it acts very oddly when pressing ALT and any of the ARROW keys. I use ALT+LEFT and ALT+RIGHT to navigate backward/forward which works in principal but once VS completes the jump it writes out a single character.
This is before the jump:
This is after the jump/after pressing ALT+LEFT:
Those are the characters that are being written:
I am using VS2013 at work as well all the time and I have never seen this before. I know that pressing ALT+NUMPAD_KEYS produces ASCII characters but why is that happening for my arrow keys and only in VS? Apparently ALT+UP for me is the same as pressing ALT+6 ( I actually swapped out my keyboard to see if its got anything to do with that. No joy.
Any ideas?
Update 1:
Looks like this fellow has a similar issue but with Eclipse on Windows:
Sadly no answers to his post.
Update 2/Solution:
As per the comment of 'Hans Passant' I found a solution. See below for details.
I have found the cause thanks to Hans Passant.
I did a diagnostic boot and discovered the issue even then still persisted. I then went on to kill all remaining processes until I struck gold:
With this process gone ALT+ARROW_KEYS don't trigger ASCII symbol insertion anymore. I ended up doing two things in total to get rid of this process:
Reinstalled .NET Framework 4.5.1
Renamed/Removed this file: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegSvcs.exe
On booting into Windows there are neither errors pertaining to that particular executable nor have I noticed any other malfunctions. Just to be sure, I ran a couple of virus/malware removal tools. They all came up with no threats.

Code in Firefox about:config variable - what does it do?

Firefox is misbehaving, so I was looking around in about:config, and I stumbled upon something that looks like code. It was in a config variable called extentions.5103ad57a64ad.scode. I'm not familiar with the environment in which this code might run, and it seems to me that it is somewhat obfuscated, but I figure there must be someone here who can figure it out.
For readability, I've put in newlines after most semicolons, and in a few other places; originally, the code was all in one long line.
I'm having trouble with pasting the code and getting the formatting right, so I've uploaded the code to Dropbox here
Since my first guess is that the code is malicious, I cleared the variable. It has since reset itself. I do have an idea of how to clean my machine of any malware I may have caught, but I'm still interested in knowing what this code would do, if it were run.
Seems like you have the IETab plus addon installed, which installs adware. When you go to a google page this addon shows price comparison information.
You should uninstall IE Tab Plus and install IE Tab 2, found here:
Or, if you can, don't install IE Tab at all.

TextMate: Comment-line shortcut does not work anymore (Cmd-/ or Cmd-Shift-7 on my swiss layout)

I experience a quite strange behavior in TextMate since some time.
I had troubles to use the keyboard shortcut for commenting a line (which is Cmd-/ or on my swiss layout it is CMD+SHIFT+7 where SHIFT+7 results in a /) a few times already since I switched to Lion 2 months ago (before I never had any problems). I then used to restart TextMate and it worked again.
But now, restart doesn't solve the problem. So I went into the Bundle Editor and tried to reset the shortcut, and there I can set it to anything I like, but not to Cmd-/! Nothing happens when I want to record the shortcut and press CMD+SHIFT+7`, the input field stays blank!
I have some bundles installed since my switch to Lion (Cucumber, RSpec, RubyAMP, Ruby Debug, Shoulda), so maybe one of those makes troubles?? Or does the fact that I even don't seem to be able to send CMD+SHIFT+7 in the Bundle Editor imply that the Shortcut is blocked from somewhere else "outside" of TextMate?
How should I debug this? Thanks for help.
Turns out it was Skitch that was running and occupied Cmd-Shift-7.
