Need to send multiple PUT request through JMeter - jmeter

Expecting to send multiple PUT requests through JMeter to test PUT API with below mentioned constraints:
Multiple logged in users.
Multiple users with different data to be updated.
Looking forward to get the help in this regards.

You need to create scripts in Jmeter if you want to send multiple PUT requests. You have to create PUT request in Jmeter using HTTP sampler.
Multiple logged in users.
If the APIs that you are testing uses some authentication mechanism (which i reckon it should), then you have to add other HTTP requests(Authentication requests) as part of Jmeter test. Otherwise, you can increase the number of users in the thread group and do testing.
Multiple users with different data to be updated.
For this task - you have to parametrize the PUT request data. You can go through google and learn about parametrization in Jmeter.
I would suggest you to first explore Jmeter, learn some basics of performance testing and then go ahead with testing.


Response errors (403) for signalr labels recorded by Blazemeter for Jmeter

I recorded login and logoff requests using blazemeter. After the record nearly 10 request has been created by blazemeter, which some of them includes .../signalr/.../connectionToken labels.
when i run the test these labels return an error like and .
the test included 10 users. The users have different username and passwords. The other labels (another from these signalr labels) return true.
So, i wonder now if i can disable these pages and not include in the tests? or
any solution for this issue?
if i can disable these pages and not include in the tests
theoretically yes, you can ask around whether SignalR is in scope for performance testing and if not you could disable those, however I believe well-behaved JMeter test should act exactly like a real browser so if the real browser sends these requests to .../signalr/.../connectionToken - JMeter should also send them
or any solution for this issue
I don't think you can record and successfully replay anything in Web 2.0 times, the majority of web applications heavily use dynamic tokens for various reasons (saving client state, security, tracking, etc.). When you record the request you get a hard-coded value which can expire or invalidate by other means, you need to identify all the dynamic values like this SignalR token and perform correlation: the process of dynamic values extraction from the previous responses using suitable JMeter Post-Processors and re-using them in next requests in form of JMeter Variables or Functions
If you record the same user scenario second time and compare two resulting test plans all the request parameters which change will require correlation. There is also an alternative recording option which is capable of exporting recorded requests in "SmartJMX" mode with automatic detection and correlation of dynamic parameters, see How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% for more details.

Jmeter5.2.1 : Test Runs are taking more time in Jmeter

I am working on migration of scripts from performance center to Jmeter5.2.1.
As part of this migration , we are using same functional flow which we did in performance center.
My scenario consists of users logging in to the web application perform 10-15 iterations and then logout.
This is my Testplan.
--Once Only Controller (login of users)
--Loop Controller (10 Iterations)
--Once only Controller (logout of users)
--csv Config data ( username/password)
--csv config data( unique data for the loop controller)
With this approach I am noticing that the time taken to complete the test in Jmeter is much more than what we have in performance center ( I took care of think times and added the similar values)
Why is my test run slow in Jmeter?
Is loop controller sequential? Meaning at a given time it can run only one request?
If not loop controller what other options we have to satisfy my scenario.
If I include different thread groups , carrying JSESSIONIDs needs to be done across thread groups which is not a best practice to do so.
Comparison between performance center and Jmeter settings
Below are the settings in Jmeter.
Thread Group settings:
TestPlan :
HTTP Cookie manager in Thread Group
CSV data files in Test plan
Once Only counters for Login and Logout
Loop Controller for Iterations.
HTTP request Defaults: ( Even with out checking retrieve all embedded and parallel downloads its taking more than an hour for 3 users)
Performance Center results :
Every Sampler has HTTP Header manager
Entire Test Plan
Given you send the same requests you should have the same response times, no matter which tool is being used under the hood.
It's hard to say what the differences are without seeing the full scripts from the both tools so generic advice is to use a third-party sniffer tool like Wireshark or Fiddler in order to identify the differences and configure JMeter to behave exactly like the "performance center" (whatever it is)
For example I fail to see HTTP Cache Manager and it will cause JMeter to download embedded resources (images, scripts, styles, sounds, fonts) for each and every HTTP request while real browser does it only once.
I also don't see HTTP Header Manager which might be very important, for example if you send Accept header the server will be aware that the client can understand gzipped responses which will greatly reduce network traffic.
More information: How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser

Jmeter log replay taking more time

Jmeter log replay taking more time .. can we able to use access log sampler in multiple thread? if so how to share the log files to all the threads?
Please help.
You can convert your access log into a CSV file with a script and use CSV Data Set Config in conjunction with the HTTP Request samplers - this way you will get it replayed with the multiple threads. See Stop Making Assumptions! Learn How to Replay Your Production Traffic With JMeter article to get the idea in more details and see the example implementation.
However be aware that this way most likely you won't be able to replay complex end-to-end scenarios, only simple HTTP GET requests which are not authenticated can be replayed this way. For quick-and-dirty test plan it might be enough, however it is much better to come up with modular test plan, reusable components, full control of workload, etc. so I would rather recommend building a web test plan from scratch.

jmeter active threads and csv - is this setup correct

I am using jMeter to load test logging in and logging out of my application. I have a CSV with 500 uname and pwords, and I have also set the active threads to 500.
Is this the correct way to stimulate a load of 500 users?
From technical perspective - yes, JMeter will pick up credentials from CSV and send them along with the request.
However if you think about what happens in reality logging in and immediately logging out doesn't seem a realistic use case for me. The whole idea of load testing a web application is simulating real users as close as possible, it includes:
Application usage scenario(s): how many users will be accessing your application at the same time and what users will be doing what things? For example given Stack OverFlow the vast majority of users are searching for answers by given criteria, some users are typing questions, some of them providing answers, and some of them are commenting. These all are different behavioral patterns which need to be accurately simulated by your load test
Each user should have a "user session" which identifies him so application would distinguish different users so make sure you have HTTP Cookie Manager in your Test Plan
Real users use real browsers which are downloading images, CSS and JavaScript files using parallel thread pool (around 5 concurrent threads) to speed up page loading process. In order to mimic this behavior you need to configure HTTP Request samplers to download embedded resources and do it in parallel. You can apply this configuration to all the HTTP Request samplers via HTTP Request Defaults.
Don't forget to add HTTP Cache Manager to mimic browser cache as real browsers normally cache embedded resources to disk and don't re-request them on subsequent calls.
So I would recommend reviewing your test scenario and/or load pattern and get familiarized with How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article

JMeter: run parameterized threads

I've written simple test plan in JMeter, plan consists of one thread group and one controller with "HTTP request" elemets. Plan performes login to website, session refresh and logout.
Is there a way to preform thread running, with different params (login/password) each time?
There are lots of different ways to parametrize your test. If you have a lot of users you want to use, I would recommend using a CSV Data Set Config. If you only have a few you want to use, you can try User Defined Variables or User Parameters. Make sure you check out the documentation, as each one is used slightly differently.
