How to perform matrix by vector multiplication with sympy? - matrix

I have:
a vector of type <class 'sympy.vector.vector.VectorMul'>; and
a matrix of type <class 'sympy.matrices.dense.MutableDenseMatrix'>
I would like to multiply the matrix by the vector in order to produce a vector.
Can I perform this operation conveniently or do I need to do some extra manipulation first?
For reference I am attempting to get the symbolic result of a rotation matrix applied to a vector.
Also below, is some of my code that deals with the above matrix and vector.
from sympy.vector import CoordSys3D
σ, θ, γ, λ, a, b, c = symbols('σ, θ, γ, λ, a, b, c, a_v, b_v, c_v')
σ = sin(θ)
γ = cos(θ)
λ = 1 - γ
N = CoordSys3D('N')
u = a*N.i + b*N.j + c*N.k # Axis of rotation
R = Matrix([
[a*a*λ + γ, a*b*λ-c*σ, a*c*λ+b*σ],
[b*a*λ+c*σ, b*b*λ + γ, b*c*λ-a*σ],
[c*a*λ-b*σ, c*b*λ+a*σ, c*c*λ + γ],
# Input vector prior to rotation
v = a_v*N.i + b_v*N.j + c_v*N.k
# How to calculate the post rotation output vector w = Rv?
In summary is there a built-in mechanism in sympy for matrix by vector multiplication?

Although I didn't find a function to do what I wanted, this code achieved the same result. I'm posting it here in case it is useful for others.
w = R * Matrix([v.coeff(N.i), v.coeff(N.j), v.coeff(N.k)])

In the current version of SymPy (1.11), you can calculate the vector matrix product by using the matmul operator (#)
The following code works for me:
v = Matrix([x, y, z])
Kx = Matrix([[1, 0, 0 ],
[0, cos(kx), -sin(kx)],
[0, sin(kx), cos(kx)]])
product = Kx # v
# Don't:
# product = v # Kx


Can I put multiple functions into one matrix using iteration in Julia?

I am new to Julia and trying to see whether I can put different functions as an element of a Mtrix
I constructed a matrix B (2x2)
And I want to put function,for example, x^1 + 1x as a (1,1) element, x^1 + 2x as a (1,2) element, x^2 + 1x as a (2,1) element and x^2 + 2x as a (2,2) element
I was planning to do something like as below but couldn't find a way to implement this. Is it possible to make such Matrix?
B = Array{Function}(undef,2,2)
agrid = 1:1:2
dgrid = 1:1:2
for(i_a,a) in enumerate(agrid)
for(i_d,d) in enumerate(dgrid)
B[i_a,i_d](x) = x^a+d*x
The reason I want to construct this matrix is to solve the following model.
I need to solve the equation with two variables 'm' and 'n' given 'a' and 'd'.
And I thought if I have a matrix consisting of each function with all possible combinations of 'a' and 'd'(in the sample code, the possible combination would be (1,1) (1,2) (2,1) (2,2)), then it would be easier to solve the model at once.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Yes it's possible. You could insert Functions one by one into the B you have. In this case, there's a pattern so you could have built B with anonymous functions and comprehension:
M = 2
N = 2
x = 10
B = [ ((y) -> (y^a + b*y)) for a in 1:M, b in 1:N]
result1 = x .|> B # result1[i] = B[i](x)
I'd rather not tie the array's indices to the functions though; you would have to keep making a new Function matrix for different M and N. Instead, you could make a more memory-efficient CartesianIndices matrix and use a function that takes in CartesianIndex:
# memory-efficient matrix of CartesianIndex{2}
indices = CartesianIndices((M,N))
# if x were an MxN Matrix, you could also do CartesianIndices(x)
f(y, a, b) = y^a + b*y
g(z, index::CartesianIndex{2}) = f(z, index[1], index[2])
result2 = g.(x, indices) # result2[i] = g(x, indices[i])
As an aside, it appears that in the anonymous function comprehension used to create my B, only 1 actual method is compiled, and each element is similar to an instance of a functor with a and b as fields:
struct P{A,B} <: Function # subtype Function to be similar to B
(p::P)(y) = y^(p.a) + (p.b)*x
PB = [P(a, b) for a in 1:M, b in 1:N]
result3 = x .|> PB # result3[i] = PB[i](x) = P(a, b)(x)

Perceptron with weights of bounded condition number

Let N be a (linear) single-layer perceptron with weight matrix w of dimension nxn.
I want to train N under the Boolean constraint that the condition number k(w) of the weights w remain below a given threshold k_0 at each step of the optimisation.
Is there a standard way to implement this constraint (in pytorch, say)?
After each optimizer step, go through the list of parameters and recondition all matrices:
(code looked at for a few seconds, but not tested)
def recondition_(x, max_cond): # would need to be fixed for non-square x
u, s, vh = torch.linalg.svd(x)
curr_cond = s[0] / s[-1]
if curr_cond > max_cond:
ratio = curr_cond / max_cond
mult = torch.linspace(0, math.log(ratio), len(s)).exp()
s = mult * s
x[:] =,, vh))
Training loop:
with torch.no_grad():
for p in model.parameters():
if p.dim() == 2:
recondition_(p, max_cond)

Getting element-wise equations of matrix multiplication in sympy

I've got 2 matrices, first of which is sparse with integer coefficients.
import sympy
A = sympy.eye(2)
A.row_op(1, lambda v, j: v + 2*A[0, j])
The 2nd is symbolic, and I perform an operation between them:
M = MatrixSymbol('M', 2, 1)
X = A * M + A.col(1)
Now, what I'd like is to get the element-wise equations:
X_{0,0} = A_{0,0}
X_{0,1} = 2*A_{0,0} + A_{0,1}
One way to do this is specifying a matrix in sympy with each element being an individual symbol:
rows = []
for i in range(shape[0]):
col = []
for j in range(shape[1]):
col.append(Symbol('%s_{%s,%d}' % (name,i,j)))
M = sympy.Matrix(rows)
Is there a way to do it with the MatrixSymbol above, and then get the resulting element-wise equations?
Turns out, this question has a very obvious answer:
MatrixSymbols in sympy can be indexed like a matrix, i.e.:
gives the element-wise equations.
If one wants to subset more than one element, the MatrixSymbol must first be converted to a sympy.Matrix class:
X = sympy.Matrix(X)
X # lists all indices as `X[i, j]`
X[3:4,2] # arbitrary subsets are supported
Note that this does not allow all operations of a numpy array/matrix (such as indexing with a boolean equivalent), so you might be better of creating a numpy array with sympy symbols:
ijstr = lambda i,j: sympy.Symbol(name+"_{"+str(int(i))+","+str(int(j))+"}")
matrix = np.matrix(np.fromfunction(np.vectorize(ijstr), shape))

Singular value decomposition of complex 2x2 matrix

I was looking for example code showing how to compute a singular value decomposition of a 2x2 matrix that can contain complex values.
For example, this would be useful for "repairing" user-entered matrices to be unitary. You just take u, s, v = svd(m) then omit the s part from the product: repaired = u * v.
Here's some python code that does the trick. It basically just extracts the complex parts then delegates to the solution from this answer for real 2x2 matrices.
I've written the code in python, using numpy. This is a bit ironic, because if you have numpy you should just use np.linalg.svd. Clearly this is intended as example code suitable for learning or translating into other languages in a pinch.
I'm also not an expert on numerical stability, so... buyer beware.
import numpy as np
import math
# Note: in practice in python just use np.linalg.svd instead
def singular_value_decomposition_complex_2x2(m):
Returns a singular value decomposition of the given 2x2 complex numpy
:param m: A 2x2 numpy matrix with complex values.
:returns: A tuple (U, S, V) where U*S*V ~= m, where U and V are complex
2x2 unitary matrices, and where S is a 2x2 diagonal matrix with
non-negative real values.
# Make top row non-imaginary and non-negative by column phasing.
# m2 = m p = | > > |
# | ?+?i ?+?i |
p = phase_cancel_matrix(m[0, 0], m[0, 1])
m2 = m * p
# Cancel top-right value by rotation.
# m3 = m p r = | ?+?i 0 |
# | ?+?i ?+?i |
r = rotation_matrix(math.atan2(m2[0, 1].real, m2[0, 0].real))
m3 = m2 * r
# Make bottom row non-imaginary and non-negative by column phasing.
# m4 = m p r q = | ?+?i 0 |
# | > > |
q = phase_cancel_matrix(m3[1, 0], m3[1, 1])
m4 = m3 * q
# Cancel imaginary part of top left value by row phasing.
# m5 = t m p r q = | > 0 |
# | > > |
t = phase_cancel_matrix(m4[0, 0], 1)
m5 = t * m4
# All values are now real (also the top-right is zero), so delegate to a
# singular value decomposition that works for real matrices.
# t m p r q = u s v
u, s, v = singular_value_decomposition_real_2x2(np.real(m5))
# m = (t* u) s (v q* r* p*)
return adjoint(t) * u, s, v * adjoint(q) * adjoint(r) * adjoint(p)
def singular_value_decomposition_real_2x2(m):
Returns a singular value decomposition of the given 2x2 real numpy matrix.
:param m: A 2x2 numpy matrix with real values.
:returns: A tuple (U, S, V) where U*S*V ~= m, where U and V are 2x2
rotation matrices, and where S is a 2x2 diagonal matrix with
non-negative real values.
a = m[0, 0]
b = m[0, 1]
c = m[1, 0]
d = m[1, 1]
t = a + d
x = b + c
y = b - c
z = a - d
theta_0 = math.atan2(x, t) / 2.0
theta_d = math.atan2(y, z) / 2.0
s_0 = math.sqrt(t**2 + x**2) / 2.0
s_d = math.sqrt(z**2 + y**2) / 2.0
return \
rotation_matrix(theta_0 - theta_d), \
np.mat([[s_0 + s_d, 0], [0, s_0 - s_d]]), \
rotation_matrix(theta_0 + theta_d)
def adjoint(m):
Returns the adjoint, i.e. the conjugate transpose, of the given matrix.
When the matrix is unitary, the adjoint is also its inverse.
:param m: A numpy matrix to transpose and conjugate.
:return: A numpy matrix.
return m.conjugate().transpose()
def rotation_matrix(theta):
Returns a 2x2 unitary matrix corresponding to a 2d rotation by the given angle.
:param theta: The angle, in radians, that the matrix should rotate by.
:return: A 2x2 orthogonal matrix.
c, s = math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)
return np.mat([[c, -s],
[s, c]])
def phase_cancel_complex(c):
Returns a unit complex number p that cancels the phase of the given complex
number c. That is, c * p will be real and non-negative (approximately).
:param c: A complex number.
:return: A complex number on the complex unit circle.
m = abs(c)
# For small values, where the division is in danger of exploding small
# errors, use trig functions instead.
if m < 0.0001:
theta = math.atan2(c.imag, c.real)
return math.cos(theta) - math.sin(theta) * 1j
return (c / float(m)).conjugate()
def phase_cancel_matrix(p, q):
Returns a 2x2 unitary matrix M such that M cancels out the phases in the
column {{p}, {q}} so that the result of M * {{p}, {q}} should be a vector
with non-negative real values.
:param p: A complex number.
:param q: A complex number.
:return: A 2x2 diagonal unitary matrix.
return np.mat([[phase_cancel_complex(p), 0],
[0, phase_cancel_complex(q)]])
I tested the above code by fuzzing it with matrices filled with random values in [-10, 10] + [-10, 10]i, and checking that the decomposed factors had the right properties (i.e. unitary, diagonal, real, as appropriate) and that their product was (approximately) equal to the input.
But here's a simple smoke test:
m = np.mat([[5, 10], [1j, -1]])
u, s, v = singular_value_decomposition_complex_2x2(m)
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, suppress=True)
print "M:\n", m
print "U*S*V:\n", u*s*v
print "U:\n", u
print "S:\n", s
print "V:\n", v
print "M ~= U*S*V:", np.all(np.abs(m - u*s*v) < 0.1**14)
Which outputs the following. You can confirm that the factored S matches the svd from wolfram alpha, although of course the U and V can be (and are) different.
[[ 5.+0.j 10.+0.j]
[ 0.+1.j -1.+0.j]]
[[ 5.+0.j 10.+0.j]
[ 0.+1.j -1.-0.j]]
[[-0.89081-0.44541j 0.08031+0.04016j]
[ 0.08979+0.j 0.99596+0.j ]]
[[ 11.22533 0. ]
[ 0. 0.99599]]
[[-0.39679+0.20639j -0.80157+0.39679j]
[ 0.40319+0.79837j -0.19359-0.40319j]]
M ~= U*S*V: True

Algorithm to evaluate best weights for weighted average

I have a data set of the form:
[9.1 5.6 7.4] => 8.5, [4.1 4.4 5.2] => 4.9, ... , x => y(x)
So x is a real vector of three elements and y is a scalar function.
I'm assuming a weighted average model of this data:
y(x) = (a * x[0] + b * x[1] + c * x[2]) / (a+b+c) + E(x)
where E is an unknown random error term.
I need an algorithm to find a,b,c, that minimizes total sum square error:
error = sum over all x of { E(x)^2 }
for a given data set.
Assume that the weights are normalized to sum to 1 (which happily is without loss of generality), then we can re-cast the problem with c = 1 - a - b, so we are actually solving for a and b.
With this we can write
error(a,b) = sum over all x { a x[0] + b x[1] + (1 - a - b) x[2] - y(x) }^2
Now it's just a question of taking the partial derivatives d_error/da and d_error/db and setting them to zero to find the minimum.
With some fiddling, you get a system of two equations in a and b.
C(X[0],X[0],X[2]) a + C(X[0],X[1],X[2]) b = C(X[0],Y,X[2])
C(X[1],X[0],X[2]) a + C(X[1],X[1],X[2]) b = C(X[1],Y,X[2])
The meaning of X[i] is the vector of all i'th components from the dataset x values.
The meaning of Y is the vector of all y(x) values.
The coefficient function C has the following meaning:
C(p, q, r) = sum over i { p[i] ( q[i] - r[i] ) }
I'll omit how to solve the 2x2 system unless this is a problem.
If we plug in the two-element data set you gave, we should get precise coefficients because you can always approximate two points perfectly with a line. So for example the first equation coefficients are:
C(X[0],X[0],X[2]) = 9.1(9.1 - 7.4) + 4.1(4.1 - 5.2) = 10.96
C(X[0],X[1],X[2]) = -19.66
C(X[0],Y,X[2]) = 8.78
Similarly for the second equation: 4.68 -13.6 4.84
Solving the 2x2 system produces: a = 0.42515, b = -0.20958. Therefore c = 0.78443.
Note that in this problem a negative coefficient results. There is nothing to guarantee they'll be positive, though "real" data sets may produce this result.
Indeed if you compute weighted averages with these coefficients, they are 8.5 and 4.9.
For fun I also tried this data set:
X[0] X[1] X[2] Y
0.018056028 9.70442075 9.368093544 6.360312244
8.138752835 5.181373099 3.824747424 5.423581239
6.296398214 4.74405298 9.837741509 7.714662742
5.177385358 1.241610571 5.028388255 4.491743107
4.251033792 8.261317658 7.415111851 6.430957844
4.720645386 1.0721718 2.187147908 2.815078796
1.941872069 1.108191586 6.24591771 3.994268819
4.220448549 9.931055481 4.435085917 5.233711923
9.398867623 2.799376317 7.982096264 7.612485261
4.971020963 1.578519218 0.462459906 2.248086465
I generated the Y values with 1/3 x[0] + 1/6 x[1] + 1/2 x[2] + E where E is a random number in [-0.1..+0.1]. If the algorithm is working correctly we'd expect to get roughly a = 1/3 and b = 1/6 from this result. Indeed we get a = .3472 and b = .1845.
OP has now said that his actual data are larger than 3-vectors. This method generalizes without much trouble. If the vectors are of length n, then you get an n-1 x n-1 system to solve.
