Mojave - /Library/Webserver/Documents folder permisisons - macos

I hope someone can help. I have apache running on my mac with my websites loacated at: /Library/Webserver/Documents/mywebsite
It works fine if I go to: http://mywebsite.localhost
... but everytime I try to edit a file in 'mywebsite' directory I get a "{filename} is a locked file and can only be viewed".
If I do a 'get info' on /Library/Webserver/Documents - the result is:
{myuser} : read & write
system : read & write
wheel : read only
everyone : read only
If I do a 'get info' on /Library/Webserver/Documents/mywebsite/index.php - the result is:
{myuser} : Read & write
staff : Read only
everyone : read only
.. but it still says it's locked and read only?
I could move the site folder to /Users/{myuser}/Sites/mywebsite which fixes the problem of permissions but I don't want to have to go to:
Can anyone advise?

I moved the site folder to
which solved the permission problem then added the site to the httpd-vhosts.conf file:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/Users/{myuser}/Sites/mywebsite"
ServerName mywebsite.localhost
Which has solved the URL issue:


modify apache httpd.conf using ruby

Hey guys I'm trying to change in httpd.conf using ruby code 1.8.5 could you help me with it please
Apache configuration file The Apache configuration file must be configured specifically
for the server you have installed it on, i.e. the ServerName configuration item must be set to the IP address of the VM, not to or any other generic address. TheServerAdmin configuration item must be set to Create a gmail account with that name if you
have not done so already.
SSL All content must also be accessible using encrypted https versions of your URLs.
User directories Configure the server so that individual users can create their own web
sites by putting files in the public_html subdirectory of their home directory. These files should be available by both URLs of the form http://your_ip/~username and of the form http://your_ip/users/username. This may require that you create rewrite rules with mod_rewrite.
]# ./apconfigure.rb
./apconfigure.rb:8: warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version
./apconfigure.rb:18: syntax error
.gsub(/ServerAdmin (.+)/, "ServerAdmin")
./apconfigure.rb:19: syntax error
.gsub(/UserDir disable/, "UserDir public_html")
./apconfigure.rb:20: syntax error
.gsub(userdir_regex, replacement) + "\nServerName \nRewriteEngine on\nRewriteRule ^/users/(.*)$ /~$1 [PT]"
this is my code
# This script edits the Apache configuration files and enables UserDir,
# as well as a custom RewriteRule
# path to apache config file
config_file = "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"
file = _file)
# regex to uncomment the sample UserDir directives
userdir_regex = /#<Directory \/home\/\*\/public_html>.+?<\/Directory>/m
replacement = file.match(userdir_regex).to_s.gsub('#','')
# make some substitutions: change ServerName and ServerAdmin, enable UserDir,
# add rewrite rules.
edited_file =
.gsub(/ServerAdmin (.+)/, "ServerAdmin")
.gsub(/UserDir disable/, "UserDir public_html")
.gsub(userdir_regex, replacement) + "\nServerName \nRewriteEngine on\nRewriteRule ^/users/(.*)$ /~$1 [PT]"
# write the changes to the file, 'w') do |f|
f.puts edited_file

Magento cache_dir is not writable and throws an error

I am new to Mangento. Any operation i do like navigation in the admin panel i am getting the following error.
Can someone tell me where can i find the cache_dir directory in a Magento Installation ?
Also it was working perfectly fine until 3 days. what could have made this error ?
The cache folder is by default here:
or here:
/var/www/html/<Magento installation dir>/var/cache
By the way, if you're not sure how to find a folder, you can always go to the root directory and do:
ls -R | grep -i cache
The name of the variable is cache_dir. It is taken from: app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config/Options.php:
$this->_data['cache_dir'] = $this->_data['var_dir'].DS.'cache';

How can i debug php scripts in pdt when i use a virtual host?

I'm using apache rewrite modules, and adding a virtual host like this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "D:\wamp\www\fuel\public"
ServerName fuel.local
and then add .htaccess file rewrite all to index.php
I also set pdt debugging environment using a new php server configured as follows:
Server Name : fuel.local
Base Url: http://fuel.local
Local web root: D:\wamp\www\fuel\public\
And choose file: /fuel/public/index.php
But when I start debug, the url generates like this:
However, I want the url like this:
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
When using eclipse-php2, there's a chekbox to not auto generate the url.
I'm using eclipse-php-3.0.2.v2011102768-Win32
I found myself having the same prob so I discovered that what you need hidden due an annoying bug in PDT plugin
Create a new Debug Configuration
Open Eclipse
Select the Run > Debug Configurations… menu option
Double click the PHP Web Page option
Set the following fields
Name: $domain
PHP Server: $domain
File: Browse to the file belonging to this domain that you wish to debug
Breakpoint > Break at First Line: Uncheck this if you do not wish to break at the first line in the file
URL > Auto Generate: Uncheck if necessary (ending / in first checkbox and beggining / in second checkbox is OK) ----- this one is missing and is exactly what you need.. try ZendStudio trial
Click the Apply button
Click the Close button
I hope this will be fixed in 23 of Jun 2012 with the new pdt plugin.

Call to undefined function mysql_connect [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Apache\htdocs\test.php on line 2
(2 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I just installed PHP and Apache on my home PC. When I try to call function mysql_connect I get:
fatal error: call to undefined function mysql_connect.
I have loaded php.ini where I have uncommented lines extension=php_mysql.dll and
extension=php_mysqli.dll and changed extension directory to extension_dir = "C:\php\ext" - which is the directory where files php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll are. How can I fix this problem?
Output of phpinfo():
After looking at your phpinfo() output, it appears the mysql extensions are not being loaded. I suspect you might be editing the wrong php.ini file (there might be multiple copies). Make sure you are editing the php file at C:\php\php.ini (also check to make sure there is no second copy in C:\Windows).
Also, you should check your Apache logs for errors (should be in the \logs\ directory in your Apache install.
If you haven't read the below, I would take a look at the comments section, because it seems like a lot of people experience quirks with setting this up. A few commenters offer solutions they used to get it working.
Another common solution seems to be to copy libmysql.dll and php_mysql.dll from c:\PHP to C:\Windows\System32.
Background about my (similar) problem:
I was asked to fix a PHP project, which made use of short tags. My WAMP server's PHP.ini had short_open_tag = off.
In order to run the project for the first time, I modified this setting to short_open_tag = off.
PROBLEM Surfaced:
Immediately after this change, all my mysql_connect() calls failed. It threw an error
fatal error: call to undefined function mysql_connect.
Simply set short_open_tag = off.
My PC is running Windows 7 (Apache 2.2 & PHP 5.2.17 & MySQL 5.0.51a), the syntax in the file "httpd.conf" (C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf) was sensitive to slashes.
You can check if "php.ini" is read from the right directory. Just type in your browser "localhost/index.php". The code of index.php is the following:
echo phpinfo();
There is the row (not far from the top) called "Loaded Configuration File". So, if there is nothing added, then the problem could be that your "php.ini" is not read, even you uncommented (extension=php_mysql.dll and extension=php_mysqli.dll). So, in order to make it work I did the following step. I needed to change from
PHPIniDir 'c:\PHP\'
PHPIniDir 'c:\PHP'
Pay the attention that the last slash disturbed everything!
Now the row "Loaded Configuration File" gets "C:\PHP\php.ini" after refreshing "localhost/index.php" (before I restarted Apache2.2) as well as mysql block is there. MySQL and PHP are working together!
You have probably forgotten to restart apache/wamp/xamp/whatever webserver you use, you need to do that in order to make it work
Check your php.ini, I'm using Apache2.2 + php 5.3. and I had the same problem and after modify the php.ini in order to set the libraries directory of PHP, it worked correctly. The problem is the default extension_dir configuration value.
The default (and WRONG) value for my work enviroment is
; extension_dir="ext"
without any full path and commented with a semicolon.
There are two solution that worked fine for me.
1.- Including this line at php.ini file
Where X: is your drive letter instalation (normally C: or D: )
2.- You can try to simply uncomment, deleting semicolon. Include the next line at php.ini file
Both ways worked fine for me but choose yours. Don't forget restart Apache before try again.
I hope this help you.
Hi I got this error because I left out the ampersand (&) in
; php.ini
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
Be sure you edited php.ini in /php folder, I lost all day to detect error and finally I found I edited php.ini in wrong location.
After change our php.ini, make sure to restart Apache web server.
Just for future reference, copying all these extension files to Windows/System or Windows/System32 is unnecessary.
All that is required is a copy of the php.ini file you edit in the PHP dir to copied to the root Windows dir.
phpinfo will clearly explain the below:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path C:\Windows
Logical sense will explain that php wants to load a config located in the Windows dir. :-)
One time I had a problem while using Off instead of off. And also check the pads one more time... The path has to be exact. Also add the following line to your environmental variable.
C:\your-apache-path\bin; C:\your-php-path\bin;C:\your-mysql-path\bin
If you are in Windows, right click My Computer, select properties, and navigate to the Advanced tab... (is Windows 7). Click on Advanced system settings first then select the Advanced tab and then Environmental variables. Select PATH and click on Edit. Make a copy of the string in a .txt file for back up (it might be empty)--- set your environmental variables... Log out and log back in.
Since mysql_connect This extension was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, and it was removed in PHP 7.0.0. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used.
by default xampp does not load it automatically
in your php.ini file you should uncomment
;; extension=php_mysql.dll
Then restart your apache you should be fine
This same problem drove me nuts (Windows 10, Apache 2.4, MySql 5.7). For some reason (likely PATH related), the .dlls would not load after uncommenting the correct exension dlls and extension_dir = "ext" in php.ini. After trying numerous things, I simply changed "ext" to use the full directory path. For example. extension_dir = "c:/phpinstall/ext" and it worked.
I think that you should use mysqli_connect instead of mysql_connect

Apache2 doesn't execute .rb files (mod_ruby)

I want to make apache2 run ruby scripts. I managed to do this by using CGI, but now I want to go one step further and do it with mod_ruby. I installed mod_ruby through apt-get so it's supposed to be enabled, but when I visit http://localhost/test.rb my browser downloads the file instead of displaying it's output.
If I open /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ruby.load there is a line containing the path do this mod.
I also added the following lined to my apache2.conf:
<IfModule mod_ruby.c>
<Directory /var/www/>
Options +ExecCGI
RubyRequire apache/ruby-run
#RubySafeLevel 0
<Files *.rb>
SetHandler ruby-object
RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance
<Files *.rbx>
SetHandler ruby-object
RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance
Can you please help me?
PS. Please don't suggest using ROR. I'm familiar with that. Now I just want to use ruby for educational reasons. Also please keep things simple I'm a total newbie to apache.
See this article - it has some instructions. Basically you need to tell Apache to pass your Ruby files through the handler.
Also, consider trying Sinatra - it's a micro web framework that's as simple as plain ruby files. And it runs with Passenger which is the well-documented Ruby module for Apache.
The article on HowtoForge covers almost the whole story, but I needed to add one line inside the <Directory /var/www> directive to prevent browsers from downloading the file:
AddType text/html .rb .rbx
Here are a couple more sites that I found helpful:
Debian Stretch 9.
I tried installing mod_ruby with apt-get install libapache2-mod-ruby but there is no package by that name. In the end, all I needed to do was add this line to the apache-config to get the server to run my scripts.
AddHandler cgi-script .rb
