CubeCamera with BoxGeometry - three.js

I'm trying to use CubeCamera with BoxGeometry, but the rendering is distorted.
How can I make to leave in the same way as the original sphere? Thanks!


Three.js Line Using Orthographic Camera

I am using THREE.MeshLine from to try and draw lines in three.js. The lines appear to work when using a perspective camera to view the scene as the demos showed, but when I use an orthographic camera which is the camera I need to use for my project, the line is distorted.
For now, I am trying to make sure that the line works by creating a sin wave, but with the ortho camera, it looks like this:
Why does the mesh not display correctly with an orthographic camera? Are there any ways to fix this or achieve orthographic lines with a thickness in three.js?
This is a know issue, see
The wide line implementation of three.js does support orthographic cameras, though.

Texture is rendering not correctly with meshStandardMaterial three.js

I'm trying to render texture to material but it rendered is not correctly, maybe my texture is wrong, but when i add the texture in blender it renders correctly. I don't know why.
Sorry I just learned threejs, but the current project needs to render in 3d. So I came here to ask if anyone has a solution, please help me.
Here is my Codesanbox:
The texture I have added in Blender something like this:
You must flip your textures vertically, threejs will by default flip them when you import them using 'useLoader' there is a property flipY for textures but it hasn't been working reliably
Your best bet is to flip them vertically manually before importing
Alternatively, pack the textures in your GLB on blender itself

three.js: Render 2d projection

I want to render a cube similar to .
My problem is how to render the face projections.
I tried using Reflector, but it is tricky to size and position so it captures just the face that I want, and also shows the sides.
I also saw I can use a separate canvas to render (I imagine using an orthographic camera), but I wish for everything to be in the same canvas. I saw an example with multiple views, but it seems that they can't be positioned behind.
So, is there a way to achieve this?
One possible approach to solve the issue:
Setup an orthographic camera such that its frustum encloses the cube. You can then position the camera in front of each side of the cube, use lookAt( cube.position ) to orient it properly and then render the scene into a render target. You need one render target per side. You can then use it as a texture for the respective plane mesh.
There is an official live example that demonstrates how RTT (render-to-texture) is done with three.js. Try to use it as a code template for your own app.

three.js create texture from cubecamera

When using a cube camera one normally sets the envMap of the material to the cubeCamera.renderTarget, e.g.:
var myMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0xffffff,
envMap: myCubeCamera.renderTarget,
side: THREE.DoubleSide});
This works great for meshes that are meant to reflect or refract what the cube camera sees. However, I'd like to simply create a texture and apply that to my mesh. In other words, I don't want my object to reflect or refract. I want the face normals to be ignored.
I tried using a THREE.WebGLRenderTarget, but it won't handle a cube camera. And using a single perpspective camera with WebGLRenderTarget does not give me a 360 texture, obviously.
Finally, simply assigning the cubeCamera.renderTarget to the 'map' property of the material doesn't work either.
Is it possible to do what I want?
Edit: this is not what the author of the question is looking for, I'll keep my answer below for other people
Your envmap is already a texture so there's no need to apply it as a map. Also, cubemaps and textures are structurally different, so it won't be possible to swap them, or if you succeed in doing that the result is not what you probably you might expect.
I understand from what you're asking you want a static envmap instead to be updated at each frame, if that's the case simply don't run myCubeCamera.updateCubeMap() into your render function. Instead place it at the end of your scene initialization with your desired cube camera position, your envmap will show only that frame.
See examples below:
Dynamic Cubemap Example
Static Cubemap Example
The answer is: Set the refractionRatio on the material to 1.0. Then face normals are ignored since no refraction is occurring.
In a normal situation where the Cube Camera is in the same scene as the mesh, this would be pointless because the mesh would be invisible. But in cases where the Cube Camera is looking at a different scene, then this is a useful feature.

How to use part of a texture?

How do I create a three.js material/geometry which uses part of a texture?
I am first rendering a scene to a texture. This texture is used for a Mesh with a CubeGeometry and a MeshLambertMaterial. What I would like to do now is have only a part of the texture displayed on the cube face (like a window into the texture).
I've done this before using OpenGL ES directly, with shaders, but I don't see what parameters might make it possible using the standard three.js library.
That is what texture coordinates are for. See this question and answer:
