calling ApiGatewayManagementApi.postToConnection() gives me 500 internal server error? - aws-lambda

so I am trying to develop an aws websocket function using lambda. But it seems that whenever I try to call "postToConnection" it just gives me 500 internal server error.
Cloud watch also doesn't logs the error that I am receiving.
And what I'm receiving on the terminal once I send the message is this:
"{"message": "Internal server error", "connectionId":"xxx", "requestId":"xxx"}"
(Which doesn't give me any information at all)
This is my whole code on the lambda function.
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({ region: "us-west-2" });
var DDB = new AWS.DynamoDB({ apiVersion: "2012-10-08" });
exports.handler = function (event, context, callback) {
var url_handler = event.requestContext.domainName + "/" + event.requestContext.stage;
// var params = event.requestContext;
// console.log(params);
var scanParams = {
TableName: "tbl-web-socket-connection",
ProjectionExpression: "id"
DDB.scan(scanParams, function (err, data) {
// callback(null, {
// statusCode: 200,
// body: "Data send to"
// });
if (err) {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 500,
body: JSON.stringify(err)
} else {
var apigwManagementApi = new AWS.ApiGatewayManagementApi({
apiVersion: "2018-11-29",
endpoint: event.requestContext.domainName + "/" + event.requestContext.stage
var postParams = {
Data: JSON.parse(event.body).data
var count = 0;
data.Items.forEach(function (element) {
postParams.ConnectionId =;
apigwManagementApi.postToConnection(postParams, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
// API Gateway returns a status of 410 GONE when the connection is no
// longer available. If this happens, we simply delete the identifier
// from our DynamoDB table.
if (err.statusCode === 410) {
console.log("Found stale connection, deleting " + postParams.connectionId);
DDB.deleteItem({ TableName: process.env.TABLE_NAME,
Key: { connectionId: { S: postParams.connectionId } } });
} else {
console.log("Failed to post. Error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
} else {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 200,
body: "Data send to " + count + " connection" + (count === 1 ? "" : "s")
The aws-sdk is also updated, I declared it on a lambda layer and that's what I'm using.
Any idea what's causing this?

This is due to a timeout, the dynamodb loops through all of the records which is causes timeout.
It looks like the cloudwatch was really logging the error, but I was just too focused on the terminal error which gives me the 500, Internal Server Error.
To fix this, just go to the lambda function and increase the time limit.


CloudFormation Custom Resource not finishing deleting

I have setup my custom resource to return immediately on deletes
const aws = require('aws-sdk')
const util = require('util')
exports.handler = (event, context) => {
aws.config.update({ region: event.ResourceProperties.Region })
if (event.RequestType === 'Delete') return ApiMethodCustom.sendResponse(event, context, 'SUCCESS') // HERE!
ApiMethodCustom.setupIntegration(event, context)
static async sendResponse(event, context, responseStatus, responseData = {}) {
var responseBody = JSON.stringify({
Status: responseStatus,
Reason: "See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: " + context.logStreamName,
PhysicalResourceId: context.logStreamName,
StackId: event.StackId,
RequestId: event.RequestId,
LogicalResourceId: event.LogicalResourceId,
Data: responseData
console.log("RESPONSE BODY:\n", responseBody);
var https = require("https");
var url = require("url");
var parsedUrl = url.parse(event.ResponseURL);
var options = {
hostname: parsedUrl.hostname,
port: 443,
path: parsedUrl.path,
method: "PUT",
headers: {
"content-type": "",
"content-length": responseBody.length
console.log("SENDING RESPONSE...\n");
var request = https.request(options, function (response) {
console.log("STATUS: " + response.statusCode);
console.log("HEADERS: " + JSON.stringify(response.headers));
// Tell AWS Lambda that the function execution is done
request.on("error", function (error) {
console.log("sendResponse Error:" + error);
// Tell AWS Lambda that the function execution is done
// write data to request body
But it appears that CloudFormation is stuck in DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. Why is that?
In my logs, it seems like Lambda finished execution correctly:
2018-09-09T01:52:06.913Z f48808d0-b3d2-11e8-9e84-5b218cad3090
"RequestType": "Delete",
"ServiceToken": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:621567429603:function:income2-base-ApiVpcIntegration",
"ResponseURL": "",
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:621567429603:stack/test/5a34d100-b370-11e8-b89d-503a138dba36",
"RequestId": "979b1814-d94c-4a49-b9f7-2fa352ab88f5",
"LogicalResourceId": "ApiTestIntegration",
"PhysicalResourceId": "2018/09/08/[$LATEST]b8a3df0fca884fe3b8abdde3ab525ac0",
"ResourceType": "Custom::ApiVpcIntegration",
"ResourceProperties": {
"ServiceToken": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:621567429603:function:income2-base-ApiVpcIntegration",
"ConnectionId": "24lbti",
"ResourceId": "x1gjyy",
"RestApiId": "aaj0q4dbml",
"Uri": "",
"HttpMethod": "GET"
2018-09-09T01:52:06.914Z f48808d0-b3d2-11e8-9e84-5b218cad3090 RESPONSE BODY:
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"Reason": "See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: 2018/09/09/[$LATEST]29276598cb9c49c1b1da3672c8707c78",
"PhysicalResourceId": "2018/09/09/[$LATEST]29276598cb9c49c1b1da3672c8707c78",
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:621567429603:stack/test/5a34d100-b370-11e8-b89d-503a138dba36",
"RequestId": "979b1814-d94c-4a49-b9f7-2fa352ab88f5",
"LogicalResourceId": "ApiTestIntegration",
"Data": {}
I had a similar issue today while using the cfn-response package, which your code appears to be based on. The cfn-response package is based on a callback but your code also seems to partially use async/await (option with Runtime: node.js8.10).
In your case I suspect that you never saw the "STATUS: " or "HEADERS: " messages even if the response body was dumped to logs (synchronously). That mirrors my experience when using callback-based cfn-response mixed with async/await.
In other words, in all circumstances you will need to ensure that you send a response to Cloudformation (PUT to the event S3 ResponseURL) before your Lambda terminates or the template could hang for up to an hour before giving up and rolling back (probably with a Cloudformation error along the lines of "Failed to stabilise the resource...". Rollback (deletion) in turn can also take an hour because the delete also does not response appropriately. A bit more information here.
I ended up implementing custom resources much like this example on GitHub by (MIT license) with a couple of differences; I didn't set-up a separate lambda to handle the sendResponse functionality and I made the custom resources server-less (using aws cloudformation package and aws cloudformation deploy commands).
Your ApiMethodCustom is not defined so it's hard for me to guide you on that implementation and so I am including my node.js8.10 code using async/await for reference.
First the Custom resource in the Cloudformation template:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: CustomResource Example Stack
Type: 'AWS::Serverless::Function'
Runtime: nodejs8.10
Handler: index.handler
MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 15
Role: !GetAtt CustomResourceRole.Arn
CodeUri: ./CustomResource/
Type: 'Custom::CustomResourceUser'
ServiceToken: !GetAtt CustomResource.Arn
Note that CodeUri is relative to the template path. You will need to define the IAM role and policies for CustomResourceRole.
Now for the CustomResource/index.js Lambda (you will also need to run "npm install --save axios" in the CustomResource directory):
'use strict';
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const axios = require('axios');
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
try {
switch (event.RequestType) {
case 'Create':
await ApiMethodCustom.create(...);
case 'Update':
await ApiMethodCustom.update(...);
case 'Delete':
await ApiMethodCustom.delete(...);
}'Success for request type ${event.RequestType}');
await sendResponse(event, context, 'SUCCESS', { } );
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error for request type ${event.RequestType}: ', error);
await sendResponse(event, context, 'FAILED', { } );
async function sendResponse (event, context, responseStatus, responseData, physicalResourceId) {
var reason = responseStatus == 'FAILED' ? ('See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: ' + context.logStreamName) : undefined;
var responseBody = JSON.stringify({
StackId: event.StackId,
RequestId: event.RequestId,
Status: responseStatus,
Reason: reason,
PhysicalResourceId: physicalResourceId || context.logStreamName,
LogicalResourceId: event.LogicalResourceId,
Data: responseData
var responseOptions = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': '',
'Content-Length': responseBody.length
};'Response body:\n', responseBody);
try {
await axios.put(event.ResponseURL, responseBody, responseOptions);'CloudFormationSendResponse Success');
} catch (error) {
console.error('CloudFormationSendResponse Error:');
if (error.response) {
} else if (error.request) {
} else {
console.error('Error', error.message);
throw new Error('Could not send CloudFormation response');
For more information on using callback vs. async with AWS Lambda's have a look here.
Finally, note the use of Axios. It's promise-based and therefore supports await instead of callbacks.

aws lambda expression with alexa skills

I am able to invoke the lambda expression using Alexa sdk, but unable to call the external service from the lambda expression. I am not getting any error or response. I'm not sure what's wrong with this.
While testing the lambda expression I'm only able to get the logs until 'Do the POST call', not after that. That means something wrong in https.request.
The same logic tested with node.js is able to get the response correctly. Any thoughts?
var https = require('https');
var responseString = '';
var postheaders = {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'//,
//'Content-Length' : Buffer.byteLength(jsonObject, 'utf8')
var optionspost = {
host : '{host name}',
port : 443,
path : '{path name}',
method : 'POST',
headers : postheaders
};'Options prepared:');
//;'Do the POST call');
// do the POST call
var reqPost = https.request(optionspost, function(res) {
console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
// uncomment it for header details
// console.log("headers: ", res.headers);
res.on('data', function(d) {'POST result:\n');
responseString += d;'\n\nPOST completed');
res.on('error', function(e) {
res.on('end', function () {'end');
var responseObject = JSON.parse(responseString);
if (responseObject.error) {"NOAA error: " + responseObject.error.message);
} else {;
}).on('error', function(e) {
console.error('Communications err' + e);
reqPost.on('error', function(e) {
}).on('error', function (e) {
console.log("Communications error: " + e.message);

Alexa app working locally, returning early on Lambda

So I have multiple calls chained all working and posting the update to a google spreadsheet when I run locally, but when I try and run it on Lambda it just returns early without any errors.
skillService.intent("sampleIntent", {
var name = request.slot("NAME");
var category = request.slot("CATEGORY");
var event = request.slot("EVENT");
// slot used for any parts of conversation
var stepValue = request.slot('STEPVALUE');
var sampleHelper = getHelper(request);
// If it hasn't started, see if the user gave some slots and start from that step
sampleHelper.determineStep(name, category, event);
sampleHelper.started = true;
// Did they provide all the necessary info?
// Handles reading out the menu, etc
return sampleHelper.updateSheet(response);
and here's what updateSheet looks
SampleHelper.prototype.updateSheet = function(resp){
var name = this.observance[0].steps[0].value;
var category = this.observance[0].steps[1].value;
var event = this.observance[0].steps[2].value;
console.log("about to auth.");
return authorize(JSON.stringify(this.access_token))
console.log("passed auth");
return getColumns(auth, name, category).then(function(){
console.log("get columns");
return updateSheet(auth,name,category,event).then(function(){
console.log("finished updating");
return resp.say("Successfully logged for " + name + " a " + category + " of " + event).send();
console.log("failed columns");
return resp.say(err).send();
.catch(function (err) {
console.log("Auth err: ", err);
return resp.say("There was an error authenticating. Please check your Alexa app for how to reconnect your google account.").send();
my local terminal ouput:
AWS output using the exact same JSON for the request:
My node versions are both 6.10 and I have both alexa-app-server/my app using alexa-app: "^4.0.0"
local response:
"version": "1.0",
"response": {
"directives": [],
"shouldEndSession": true,
"outputSpeech": {
"type": "SSML",
"ssml": "<speak>Successfully logged</speak>"
"sessionAttributes": {},
"dummy": "text"
Lambda's empty:
"version": "1.0",
"response": {
"directives": [],
"shouldEndSession": true
"sessionAttributes": {}
So with help of an awesome friend at PSU I figured it out.
I was actually returning my code and when Lambda sees that return it kills the function. When running on your local machine, it'll return, but not kill the process and therefore the rest of the code will still run.
To solve this, I wrapped everything in a promise and then returned that with a .then()
// Did they provide all the necessary info?
// Handles reading out the menu, etc
return sampleHelper.updateSheet(response).then(function(data){
return response.say("Successfully logged for " + sampleHelper.getName() + " a " + sampleHelper.getCategory() + " of " + sampleHelper.getEvent()).send();
return response.say("error").send();
and the updateSheet:
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
.then(function (auth) {
console.log("passed auth");
getColumns(auth, name, category).then(function () {
console.log("get columns");
updateSheet(auth, name, category, event).then(function () {
console.log(new Date().getTime());
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log("failed columns");
throw "Failed columns";
// return resp.say(err).send();
.catch(function (err) {
throw err;
console.log("Auth err: ", err);
return resp.say("There was an error authenticating. Please check your Alexa app for how to reconnect your google account.").send();

submitAdapterAuthentication not working

I have been trying to do a specific operation once I receive the submitAdapterAuthentication from the challenge handler and I could not do any operation because my code it does not even compile through it. I am using the submitAdapterAuthentication in one method of my angular service. The method looks like this:
login: function (user, pass) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
tempUser = {username: user, password: pass};
userObj.user = user;
checkOnline().then(function (onl) {
if (onl) { //online
console.log("attempting online login");
var auth = "Basic " + window.btoa(user + ":" + pass);
var invocationData = {
parameters: [auth, user],
adapter: "SingleStepAuthAdapter",
procedure: "submitLogin"
ch.submitAdapterAuthentication(invocationData, {
onFailure: function (error) {
console.log("ERROR ON FAIL: ", error);
onConnectionFailure: function (error) {
console.log("BAD CONNECTION - OMAR", error);
timeout: 10000,
fromChallengeRequest: true,
onSuccess: function () {
console.log("-> submitAdapterAuthentication onSuccess!");
//update user info, as somehow isUserAuthenticated return false without it
onSuccess: function () {
//return promise
} else { //offline
console.log("attempting offline login");
return deferred.promise;
where ch is
var ch = WL.Client.createChallengeHandler(securityTest);
and checkOnline is this function that checks whether the user is online or not:
function checkOnline() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
onSuccess: function () {
console.log("** User is online!");
onFailure: function () {
console.log("** User is offline!");
timeout: 1000
return deferred.promise;
Finally this is the "submitLogin" procedure that I have in my SingleStepAuthAdapter.js. SingleStepAuthAdapter is the name of the adapter.
//-- exposed methods --//
function submitLogin(auth, username){
WL.Server.setActiveUser("SingleStepAuthAdapter", null);
var input = {
method : 'get',
headers: {Authorization: auth},
path : "/",
returnedContentType : 'plain'
var response = "No response";
response = WL.Server.invokeHttp(input);'Response: ' + response.isSuccessful);'response.responseHeader: ' + response.responseHeader);'response.statusCode: ' + response.statusCode);
if (response.isSuccessful === true && (response.statusCode === 200)){
var userIdentity = {
userId: username,
displayName: username,
attributes: {
foo: "bar"
WL.Server.setActiveUser("SingleStepAuthAdapter", userIdentity);
return {
authRequired: false
WL.Logger.error('Auth unsuccessful');
return onAuthRequired(null, "Invalid login credentials");
So I am trying to send a promise to my controller in order to redirect the user to another page but the promise is not being returned as the challenge handler is not even working.
And by the way, I have followed this tutorial:
Does anyone know what this is happening?
Your understanding of the Challenge Handler and mine are considerably different.
Although the
is similar in structure to the standard adapter invocation methods I have never used any callbacks with it.
I work from the IBM AdapteBasedAuthentication tutorial materials
The basic idea is that your challenge handler should have two callback methods:
You will see these functions invoked in response to your submission.
I suggest that start by looking at those methods. I can't comment on the ionic example you reference, but I have myself used angular/ionic with the authentication framework and challenge handlers. My starting point was the IBM material I reference above.

Winjs get request failing to return data

I encountered a strange problem. In my app I have the following code
url: 'София&toStation=Варна&date=30/08/2013&startTime=00:00&endTime=24:00'
}).then(function (success)
function (error)
The problem is I get an empty response text (with status 200). The Url I provided returns data through the browser and other rest clients, but in the app I get no data. Where might be the problem?
You need to encode query string parameters via encodeURIComponent (browser does this for you automatically when pasting url).
Following code will do the trick:
function serialize (obj) {
var str = [];
for (var p in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
var request = {
fromStation: 'София',
toStation: 'Варна',
date: '30/08/2013',
startTime: '00:00',
endTime: '24:00'
url: '' + serialize(request)
}).then(function(success) {
function(error) {
