Does Firebase Unity support Windows UWP or Windows 10 applications? - windows

According to Unity documentation, unity supports Windows Applications (UWP) and Windows 10 applications, I just wonder that does the Firebase Unity support Windows Applications (UWP) and Windows 10 applications?
Thank you very much.

Most Firebase's Unity SDKs are wrappers around their Android and iOS SDKs, so will not work on other platforms.
Some of the Firebase Unity SDKs provide limited support for working on desktop environments, to simplify development and debugging of Android/iOS apps. See the documentation for a list of features that support this desktop workflow.
As far as I know, none of the Firebase Unity SDKs support running in UWP.

firebase works on windows and mac.
User authentication, real-time database, fire store, and storage are supported.


Can I connect an iPhone to a windows 10 machine to see my work in Flutter?

I want to see my work without using a simulator from Android Studio. Currently I have an Android Phone and it works when I connect my phone with Windows 10.
Can I do the same with an iPhone?
Flutter relies on Xcode and the iOS SDK to perform the underlying compilation and publishing of iOS apps. Unfortunately, it's not possible to do iOS development on Windows, a Mac is required.
Some googling reveals there are several online services, such as MacInCloud and MacStadium that provide a means to pay for a remotely accessible VM in the cloud if you'd prefer not to purchase a Mac, though not having used any, I can't personally vouch for any of them.

Xamarin Forms for Windows Desktop app?

I have a need to create a desktop application that can run on Windows machines (Windows 7, 8, 10 and Windows Server). I understand I can use Classic WPF, but prefer to use Xamarin Forms.
Does XF support Windows Desktop apps? If so, are there any gotchas to be aware of?
The next release of Xamarin Forms, Xamarin Forms 3, is going to add full support for desktop apps on Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The MacOS support is in preview now, but the Windows support is still in development.
As I understand it, the plan is to use WPF for the Windows support, so your solution would include a WPF project in addition to each of the other platform specific projects. That will allow development of traditional desktop Windows apps, rather than UWP type apps.
The hope/assumption here is that, because these are WPF apps they should therefore be able to run on versions of Windows that don't support UWP apps - Windows 7 and Server 2008 for example.
There's more on what's coming in Xamarin Forms 3 on the Xamarin Blog here, and also in the Microsoft Build 2017 talk by David Ortinau.
I was at a talk by Xamarin TSP Michael Sivers last night and he mentioned that there are discussions ongoing about a XAML standard that could be adopted by both Xamarin and WPF which makes a lot of sense in the context of Xamarin forms apps on WPF.
on Windows, Xamarin Forms supports UWP apps only.

Will WP Applications for 7.5 work on WP8 also?

Will applications working on wp7.5 work on wp8 also?
Yes, WP 7, WP 7.5 apps will continue to work on WP8, including apps using XNA framework. Although WP8 apps won't work on older platforms (which is expected).
Any of the existing WP devices will NOT receive the WP8 update. They will get the WP 7.8 update, which include the new start screen and 'user experience' but nothing else.
If you write an app targeting WP7.5, it will work on all devices.
UPDATE from BUILD 2012:
Windows Phone 8 SDK is now publicly available.
All your existing apps targeting WP 7 or WP 7.5 will 'just work'
You can update your apps to WP8 platform the same way you've used to upgrade WP 7 to WP 7.5, although this will make your app only work with WP8 devices. (AFAIK. can't confirm this.)
If you mark your app as a WP8 app, it will not work on WP7 or WP 7.5. Although you can mark the app as WP7.5 app, then you can use reflection to find the APIs you want, and call them (and degrade properly on a WP7.5 device where these APIs won't be available.)
In my opinion, reflection is messy, but you still have an option to support both using the same code, until WP 7.5 devices fade away. (You may have to take extra care when using reflection, because AFAIK there are some limitations to reflection on WinRT to avoid security and stability issues, which may be still true for WP8+)
Just as an additional information from my experiments with the currently available WP8 emulators and WP8 prototype devices. Not sure if the below will be changed in the final version:
Some UI controls for native Silverlight apps look different on the same WP8 emulator when app is compiled for 7.5 and 8. For example, check boxes look like WP7 when app is compiled to 7.5 and look more modern if app is compiled for WP8.
HTML5 apps and WebBrowser control. If your app is compiled for 7.5 it will continue to run old IE9 even on WP8. If you recompile it to WP8 the WebBrowser control will use IE10 with many improvements and optimizations. Confirmed by Microsoft WP IE team.
So there are some minor differences for WP7/8 apps run on WP8.

documents and sdks for windows phone 8 development

I'm starting to develop a player for windows phone 8. I have a login on appHub and can access docs and tools for WP7 development. It seems that there are some differences between WP8 and WP7, e.g., WinRT APIs are used instead of Silverlight for player development. I wonder whether the development documents and sdks for WP8 are available now. Where can I get them?
Right now you only have SDK for Microsoft Surface.. The SDK for WP8 is still not available
the sdk for wp8 is still not available hence you won't be able to get any material for those now.
you just have to wait.
you could still continue to develop for wp7 in the meantime and port it over to wp8 later on when the sdk is release.
You can now download the WP8 SDK and documentation here:

Development for different mobile platforms on Mac

I'm developing for iPhone mainly but wonder for what other mobile platform I can develop on my Mac? Info about any mobile platforms (Symbian, Maemo, Win-mobile, Android, Bada etc) is appreciated.
For Android, of course. Only need to install Eclipse with Android SDK.
For Symbian, from what I have heard as well.
With Windows Mobile could be more complicated. Usually you need Visual Studio with Compact Framework, which as you can guess are only available for Windows.
