DPAPI master key migration to a new computerch - windows

First of all, if this question should go into another stackexchange site please let me know.
I have a computer that I used for a lot of years, so it has a lot of stored password, cookies, etc in my Google Chrome folder. I recently bought a new computer and wanted to keep everything that I had before, specially my cookies, extensions, etc.
At first, I just copied over the %APPDATA%\local\google folder from my old computer to my new one. When I launched Chrome i could see my history, extensions, etc. but when I went to common sites like facebook, gmail, etc. it was asking me to login.
I then went and read about how Chrome encrypts that data with DPAPI and so I changed my password and username in my new computer to match my old one, and then copied the folder over again but still nothing.
So, I read some more and discovered that DPAPI uses a master key file, so I went ahead and copied over the %APPDATA%\roaming\microsoft folder, which should contain that file, over to my new PC. So now I have the same password, username, and master key file, but I still can't get it to work. It is asking me to log in everytime instead of using the cookies/saved passwords.
Does anyone know what else I am missing to have Chrome be able to decrypt those things when I go to a website?
Again, if there is another site that would fit this better, please let me know. Thank you.

As to the DPAPI aspect: the S-identifier (which is an internal "LSA-name" (LSA=local security authority subsystem), it's the name of the folder that the mastery files reside in under the Protect directory) for the user within the Windows OS) on both computers is also used in deriving the key from the user password to decrypt the master key files. So these cannot be used on any other computer (as the majority part of the S-identifier is randomly generated when the user is created on the PC, and cannot be set manually, I believe). Using open source tools one could in theory re-encrypt the master keys of the old PC to make them valid on the new PC, but frankly that's a PITA. And still you'd have to mess a bit with the most recent masterkey files etc. No 100% guarantee there even.
Within Chrome itself, when you have it open on the old PC, you can export all the password info some structured format, and then transfer them to the new PC (say by USB) and import them there into Chrome again. You could also turn on Chrome syncing (which requires a Google login) and let "the cloud" handle the transfer (password syncing is optional there, and you can choose for encryption by Google credentials as an extra security option; I don't know the internals for that mechanism. Most password managers also offer a way to sync passwords between browsers on different computers, especially if they already offer browser integration. The export-import option seems the most practical to me.


Secure folder contents and delete them after certain number of days

I would like to secure folder, so that no one can cut or copy any file or contents of file without "secure" password (or happy to get rid of password bit as well, so no one can cut, copy or move any file or file contents from folder). Also, if all files and folders inside my root folder can be deleted after certain number of days, that will be great. This is to stop people from copying and distributing my files to others without my permission and folder contents to "expire" after certain number of days (e.g. 7 days).
Currently, I manually copy folder to other people's machine, so I do have physical access to their machines.
PS. I am happy to write a script as well, in case there is a way to execute script everytime I open the folder.
I understand, I can't stop people from stealing file contents by manually typing file contents to other file or taking photos of file contents, however I want to make it harder of them.
This is not a PowerShell issue, nor a solution provided by PowerShell. This is an data risk management issue as well as a reality check.
Don't get me wrong, you can write a scrip that encrypts data,
Even just use EFS, but each of those have several limitations.
Then there are password encrypted zip files. But.....
None of the above stop cut/copy/paste/print and there is no way to make them.
Here is the simple truth to data security which I deliver at all my public speaking engagements and customer deployment engagements.
Nothing can defeat and ocular attack. Meaning...
'If I can see your data, I can take your data.'
It may take me longer than being able to just bulk exfiltrate you data (copy to a USB, CD, DVD, native print, etc), but I can just take a picture, photo copy it, screen grab it from another device, manually write it down.
Either method allows me to walk away with it and give it to whomever.
You can only mitigate / slow down / prevent bulk exfiltration using DLP/RMS protection solutions.
Why are you putting this manually on their systems, vs hosting it in the cloud where they can access it. If you do this in MS Azure, you can leverage Azure Information Protection.
RMS for individuals and Azure Information Protection
RMS for individuals is a free self-service subscription for users in
an organization who need to open files that have been protected by the
Azure Rights Management service from Azure Information Protection. If
these users cannot be authenticated by Azure Active Directory and
their organization does not have Active Directory Rights Management
(AD RMS), this free sign-up service can create an account in Azure
Active Directory for a user. As a result, these users can now
authenticate by using their company email address and then read the
protected files on computers or mobile devices.
Why are you not heavily watermarking your data?
Putting passwords on files and folders do not prevent that ocular attack.
Neither does DLP/RMS. You can apply cut/copy/paste/print policies, remove access after a certain date, restrict access as per the feature set using policies.
Yet, again, this is just prevention against the bulk dumping / sharing of your data. Not the fine grained, patient, write it down or capture from a remote camera approach. Even if you block cut / copy / paste from the host, I can bring that host up is a screen sharing - think remote desktop, and screen shoot in the RDP session. Meaning, using the host tools that I use to connect to an RDP destination. Heck I create a webcast and share it with a group, meaning, I open it on my system and let people view it with me.
No DLP solution is 100%. Anyone telling you this is lying.
As one that has been doing Info/CyberSec for almost 2 decades, evaluated, deployed and used several DLP solutions, what I state here is from experience. DLP is important, and business must look to it as another mitigation in their risk strategies, but must do so with real vision and reality.
No matter who it is from, no technology can prevent this ocular avenue. If you don't want your data leaving your control, then don't share it. Yet, since you are in the education business, that is not an option.
I'll say it again, and again...
'If I can see your data, I can take your data.'

Why won't server certificate persist after a reboot?

I've written a Windows TCP (NOT IIS) server program in VB that provides the backend for an enterprise iPhone app that I have also developed. The system utilizes Apple Push Notifications, and that works fine, unless the server reboots for whatever reason.
Part of the Push Notification system is the inclusion of Apple certificates on the server. I followed the steps shown here to install the necessary certificates, and even though it's for ASP.NET applications, it works for my Windows-based server. Except, as I said, a reboot requires installing the certificates all over again.
I found this page on Server Fault that suggests adding a user to the certificate through the MMC snap-in, but that didn't work either.
Two questions: Following the steps shown on the Server Fault page, do I need to add a specific user? The only users that pop up are SYSTEM (which I tried), Administrators(ComputerName/Administrators) (also tried) and "S-1-1-5-blah, blah" (didn't try). Would there need to be a different user added to make it work?
Q2: If this won't ever work, is there a different way?
Full disclosure: This is the second time I have submitted this question, but the previous one (four months ago) was never responded to. I'm hoping someone who knows will see this.
Thanks for any advice.
AFTERTHOUGHT: The instructions I linked to above say to install the certificates to Personal/Certificates. Maybe this is wrong? This stuff is way over my head, so I don't understand the function of all the different stores.
Found the problem.
The page on Server Fault left out something. I needed to add a user that the system would recognize to the Permissions list. I added my user authentication, selected it, and after that the certificate persisted after a restart.
It is at least working on my development server. I haven't tried it yet on my production server.
Update: Works the same on the production server. Also, instead of using my user authentication, I used the IUSR authentication, meaning that it should work even after my name is removed from the active directory.

Can Skydrive credentials be shared?

I want to send info between a desktop/laptop/tablet app and Windows Phone. One possibility is to send data to the SkyDrive account and have the other end pick it up from there. Is this feasible? What I have in mind is the "Windows 8" app running on the desktop, laptop, or tablet allowing the Windows Phone app[s] to send data to its account. Is this possible, such as by providing the Windows Phone app with the Skydrive login info, or...???
From all the other questions you've posted around this query, it sounds like you want to put a mechanism in place to communicate between a Windows 8 app and a windows phone app. I would recommend you look at building a service to handle the communication instead of trying to leverage mechanisms that weren't designed for what you want to achieve.
In direct answer to the this question, though, you can probably achieve it in this manner, but what happens if the user deletes the file you create?
So, SkyDrive is unique to a user, not a device. This means if your application is running on more than one device you can use SkyDrive as a shared, unified storage option. Not just for files but also for application settings. There's an SDK for every platform, not just MS.
Here's what you need to consider.
The roaming API in Windows 8 puts information in a protected area of SkyDrive. As a result, the user cannot delete or screw up the files stored there. To that end, using SkyDrive as a shared location (like you are asking) doesn't have this benefit. The user can screw with your files or delete them - and wreck your app. There is no such thing as protecting your app files in SkyDrive (at this time).
Specifically, to your question:
The authorization model for SkyDrive requires a token that cannot be practically cached for any app. Also, you cannot cache credentials because you never get the credentials in the first place - you only get the resulting token. Listen, you would violate every possible best practice if you //asked// the user for their username and password and stored them. Please do not do this.
The final answer is this: an app on multiple devices can use SkyDrive as a shared storage solution for files and settings (like XML files) - but the developer needs to understand the risk and mitigate that (mitigation might be easy for your app). The user, on every device, would need to sign in and grant each application access to it folders. And, that's it.

How can a web application synch a folder of text files on the client's PC?

I want to be able to synchronize several text files on a user's PC in real time from my web application. Basically I want a few data files on the local PC to mirror the state of a user's data in my web application so if the web application or the user's internet connection is lost he can use those data files to get some critical info (possibly using html/javascript code stored in with those files that would run in offline mode on those data files.)
I know that google gears has a lot of interesting tools for working with offline state, but I'd prefer an even simpler application in html/javascript that wouldn't be as reliant on google gears. I'd rather use google gears to just create those files and slowly keep them in synch with the web application's version of data throughout the day.
Update on answers:
PersistJS is a good suggestion I will look into, but I was hoping people would direct me towards really good Google Gears tutorials resources.
You can save data on the browser using PersistJS, which uses the best client-side persistent storage mechanism it can find, supporting:
Google Gears
HTML 5 storage specs
browser-specific extensions
When your app reconnects, you can resync. Creating and reading text files is something the browser will generally block your web site from doing.
Risking of stating the obvious; if you want to store user state locally, isn't cookies the standard way?
maybe more then one cookie will be needed, but that sounds like the simplest of ways.
You're going to need to make an ActiveX control and a FireFox plugin to get these permissions. Short of that I agree with orip try using PersistJS
You can ask the user to download a subversion client that is predefined to interface with your subversion server only. Then write your web application to interface with the subversion service from your side only.
There is a good deal of security harm associated with granting access to a user's file system so you will want to lock down all possible points of exploitation. You will want to ensure that the user cannot access the subversion server except through the client that you ask them to install. You will want to ensure the connection between the application server and the subversion server is extremely secure so that the transmission path cannot be compromised and that malicious logic that may be loaded onto the application server cannot access the subversion server. I would say to encrypt the transmission path between those two servers and put the subversion server behind the firewall separating your network DMZ. I would also suggest use a challenge/response mechanism between the application server and the subversion server to prevent malicious code from appearing to be legitimate decisions made on the application server. Also, ensure that data only flows form the application server to the subversion server in a unidirectional fashion only, because if there is malicious logic planted on your application server then any data that comes from the subversion server is compromised without even accessing that server.
you could use the File System Object FSO through javascript, however it is dependant on Microsoft as it is an ActiveX control, it would also require permissions in the browser, or perhaps a HTA (HTML Application).
Its a real security issue so most avenues are closed down inhrentley.
Inherently the web model was designed not to authorize upstream from server to client. Now things are changing slowly maybe could you do this with Websocket ?

Where should I store my application's "activation" key?

I've written an application and I'd like to add a registration key/serial number to it (I'm big on minimum inconvinience - ala #4 at this Eric Sink article). My question is about where to store the "activation" once the application has been registered. As I understand it, I have a trade-off between storing the key in a public place, where all users can read it (but which requires admin rights to save there) and storing a per-user activation (but then each user on the computer will have to activate independantly). That gives me two choices:
Some user, with local admin rights, activates the product. The activation is stored in HKLM, in the program files folder, or somewhere else where all users can read it, and the product is activated for all users.
A user (with or without admin rights) activates the product. The activation is stored somewhere user-centric (per-user app.config, HKCU, etc). The plus is that the user doesn't have to be an admin. The downside is that if there are 6 users who use the computer, each has to activate the product. They can each re-use the same serial, but they still have to enter it.
Is this really the trade-off? If it is, what have others done? As a developer, I'm used to people being a local admin, but in the real-world, I don't expect many of my corporate users to be local admins, which makes me lean towards option 2. Are computers not shared often enough that I shouldn't be concerned?
Again, I'm not asking about how to physically register a computer - I'm not worried about it. I'm only going to checksum the key provided and give the go-ahead, as I want to be as non-invasive as possible.
I would recommend a solution that does not require admin rights. Lots of users, especially in shared environments, won't have those rights and won't be able to find anyone with them conveniently.
Also, going forward a few years, I think it will be getting increasingly unusual to have admin rights on the computer you are using, as the security situation improves.
Registry seems to be an okay solution for business software. At least at where I used to work, regular user will not be a local computer administrator, so each installation will require local administrator account. This is a good thing since it will lessen the headache of your support staff from people installing just about everything in your business computing environment. The trade off is of course, user will be pissed that they can't install stuff or have to contact support to do it, but hey... :)
Other stuffs:
USB / other type of dongle (ala old
plain old text file (ala
Garmin GPS software on mobile device)
Encode them / rewrite the key into
your binary or part of your binary
(did this trick back in th old DOS
Store them in your own db via web (ala EverQuest / other MMORPG games)
Local key db (ala MathLab I think)
How about using the isolated storrage for you application?
You will have the ability to store this information on a mashiene level for your registration, and the configuration changes can be persisted on a user level.
We save our activation code to the registry for the current user (HKCU) we have had very little problems with it. Our customers run on everything from home computers to thin clients on cooperate networks.
If your software will be used in schools or other educational environments you need to provide some other method. It could be as simple as a separate registration application which will save to the activation for all users. Your software would have to do two registry lookups but that is a small price to pay.
In general, most computers are used by a single user (or multiple people still using the same user account). So a user based storage will work most of the time anyway.
However it's not either/or. There are folder locations that are writable by all users - such as the ProgramData folder. The key is to make the file readable/writable by Everyone so that you can verify the content regardless of the user.
DeployLX Licensing does this for non-secure license data so that it can be used by multiple users without an admin explicitly granting permission.
You should be consistent. If administrator rights were required to install the program, it's not out of line to require administrator rights to register it. Likewise if you somehow managed to install it without administrator rights then register it without too.
If you install and register in one step this won't be an issue.
