Wkhtmltopdf version for Cloud Linux - wkhtmltopdf

I have CloudLinux release 7.6 in my server and I used to have wkhtmltopdf linux generic version 0.12.4 previously. I am trying to upgrade wkhtmltopdf to version 0.12.5 and I noticed they no longer have generic linux version.
How do I install the latest version of wkhtmltopdf in my server that uses CloudLinux?
Can I safely install and use the 0.12.5 version for CentOS 7 instead or is my only option is to continue using the 0.12.4 generic linux version on CloudLinux?

I have installed the CentOS 7 build version of Wkhtmltopdf in my CloudLinux Release 7 and its works fine. I have been using it in my production server for a week now and havent had any issues. Since CentOS and CloudLinux are RHEL compatible, it works fine.
I installed the binaries like this:
$ wget https://downloads.wkhtmltopdf.org/0.12/0.12.5/wkhtmltox-0.12.5-1.centos7.x86_64.rpm
$ rpm -Uvh wkhtmltox-0.12.5-1.centos7.x86_64.rpm
$ which wkhtmltopdf
Thanks to #Rup in comments who helped me with this.

For those who are using Cloud Linux and need to install the latest version (now 12.6) - you might get dependancy errors using the above method.
I used:
yum install -y https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/packaging/releases/download/0.12.6-1/wkhtmltox-0.12.6-1.centos7.x86_64.rpm
Based on suggestion by ashkulz on Github


Where can i get Podman version 3.3 to install in RedHat linux 8 server

I have a RedHat Linux Server with version 8 and Podman included version 4.2.0. But we need to have Podman version 3.3. Here my questions:
1- Where can i get the Podman version 3.3 ?
3 - How to install the Podman version 3.3 if can i get it ?
I've tried to get Podman version 3.3 from google. But i couldn't find it. If you can give a hand where i can to get it, will be a good help.

Unable to install GridDB on Fedora

I am trying to install GridDB on my Fedora 33. I am trying to install it using the guide mentioned https://docs.griddb.net/gettingstarted/using-source-code/ downloaded the latest version using
$ git clone https://github.com/griddb/griddb.git
but it's not responding at all.
Is there anything else need to configure to setup GridDB on Fedora 33?

Can't add gcc-arm-linux-gnueabhf version 7 to Ubuntu

I'm trying to compile u-boot for Raspberry pi 3 but I have an issue
with my cross-compiler on my Ubuntu 16.04. I installed gcc-arm-linux-gnueabhf with sudo apt-get install, it automatically
installed version 4.8.
When I ran make CROSS_COMPILe=arm-linux-gnueabhf- to make u-boot
files, make erros and said that it needs arm-linux-gnueabhf higher version>= 6. To solve this, I downloaded a new 7.4 version and add
it's path to ~/.bashrc file.
I run command arm-linux-gnueabhf-gcc --version. It still in 4.8.
Please help me look into it.
The issue was solved with reference form

Installing Firefox on OEL (Oracle Enterprise Linux)

I am trying to install Firefox 59.0.2 on my linux server(OEL). But everytime I try to install firefox with command (yum install firefox) it installs 52.x version.
Could you please help me with the command to install firefox 59.0.2 in Oracle Enterprise Linux - 7.1
If possible, use yum to install Firefox on Oracle Linux. Using yum you can specify the Firefox version to install. Depending on your OL version, you may or may not be able to install Firefox 59.0.2.
To find which versions are available through the yum repositories on your machine, run:
sudo yum --showduplicates list firefox
You can choose a specific version that is shown in the list. So, on my OL7 VMs I currently have Firefox 60.3.0, and can install it like this:
sudo yum install firefox-60.3.0
Note that you may need to uninstall the existing version of Firefox before installing a new one:
sudo yum remove firefox
Since you're mentioning Enterprise, that's probably the reason why it downloads the 52.x version: it's the latest ESR (Extended Support Release). To install the latest version, you can:
Download the Linux archive from the official page.
Untar it with tar -xjvf firefox-59.02.tar.bz2 (current release).
Run the firefox executable from the unpacked directory.

how to update firefox on redhat via yum

I have firefox 3.0.12 on my redhat 5.8 and I'm trying to update it.
But, yum update firefox does not find and new version and keeps finding only 3.0.12
I have also tried updating yum itself.
I have also tried downloading firefox tgz, but I get a lot of dependency files missing. So going that route is very tedious and I'm finding it hard to download the dependent .so files.
How do I update using yum or is there a .rpm for firefox that I can download and install(I did not find one on the mozilla website)
If yum upgrade firefox does not report any possible updates, you probably do not have proper channels enabled (you are not subscribed into these). You should see rhel-x86_64-server-5 (depends on your architecture and RHEL variant - Server/Client...) in output of command yum repolist. If it is not there you have to register into RHN Classic (rhn.redhat.com) or your company's Red Hat Satellite or something else - depends on your company's policy.
If you have that channel available, upgrade to firefox-31.2.0-3.el5_11.x86_64 (which seems to be latest in RHEL5 channel) should be offered.
Firefox 3.0.12 is the latest version available in repository of 5.8 and so you are getting same. If you need the latest version then upgrade the OS itself or download the rpm manually and install with yum localinstall command.
