Handling Multiple SOAP Actions in Tibco BW 5 - tibco

How do I go about creating a SOAP service in Tibco BW 5 with only one endpoint with multiple SOAP actions which can be invoked to provide different services just like how different endpoints in the same WSDL can provide different services.

It's not clear what are you trying to achieve. For me it sounds like you need to create one EndPoint with multiple operations.
In Tibco designer:
1) right click on the folder where you want to create wsdl-> Add resource->WSDL->WSDL
2) right click on wsdl->Add resource->WSDL->PortType
3) right click on created PortType->Add resource -> Operation
repeat step 3 for each operation that you need to create
then you need to generate SOAP service from wsdl.
here is good tutorial how to create SOAP web service http://tutorialspedia.com/step-by-step-developing-soap-web-service-in-tibco/ You need to create multiple operations on step5.


How to Transfer Data Between Multiple Microservices?

As part of my project, I'd like to use microservices. The application is a store website where the admin can add products and the user can order and buy them.
I envision implementing four services: admin service, user service, product service, and order service.
I had trouble with handling data between multi services but it's solved by duplicating some necessary data using message brokers.
I can do this solution between product and user and order service because I need some of the data not all of them
Now, my question is about handling admin service because in this service I need to access all of the data, for example, the admin should have a list of users and the ability to add new products or update them.
how can I handle data between these services and the admin service?
should I duplicate all data inside the admin service?
should I use Rest API?
no thats wrong. it seems you want run away from the fact. in general duplication is an anti-pattern mostly in case you describe.
the way you thinking about admin-service is wrong.
because in this service I need to access all of the data
i dont think you need to have such a service. accessing the data based on users must be handled by Identity server(oidc Oauth) which is the separated service and handle the accessing end points .
for example the product-service provides 1-return product list 2-return individual product data 3-create data. the first two can access by both user and admin but the 3rd must be accessed by admin. one of identity server duty is to identify user in case of user interaction(login) with services.
ADMIN Scenario
user-client request create product endpoint(services eg:product.service).
client-app(front end app) is configed with identity server and realize there is no require identity tokens and redirect to identity server login.
NOTE: there is also identifying the client-app itself i skipped.
user-client login and get require token that based on his claims and roles and etc.
user-client request create product endpoint with tokens included in request header
endpoint (product service) receives the request and check the header (the services also configured base on identity server and user claims)
get the user claims info.
the create-product requires admin role if its there then there we go otherwise no access.
the image uses identity server 4 . there are also several kinds and also you can implement by your self using 0AUTH and oidc protocol libraries.
so the admin just request to the certain service not getting data through the separate service for this goal.
Communication between Service:
the most struggling part of microservices is the wiring it up. the wiring is directly the consequence of your design.(recommand deep study on Domain Driven Design).
asynchronous communication :
to avoid coupling between services mostly use asynchronous communication which you pass event eg:brokers like rabbitmq and kafka..etc , redis etc. in this communication the source service who send event does not care about response and not wait for it.just it always ready to listen for any result event. for example
the inventory service creates item
and this service fire event with data 123|shoe-x22(duplicate maybe or maybe not just id) to product service to create but it does not wait for response from product service that is it created successfully or not.
as you see this scenario is unreliable in case of fault and you need handle that so in this case you have to study CAP theory,SAGA,Circuit-breaker.
synchronous communication :
in this case the service insist to have response back immediately. this push service to become more coupling. if you need performance then you can use gRPC communication other wise simple api call to the certain service. in case of gRPC i recommand using libraries like MassTransit
which also can be used for implementingf gRPC with minimum coupling.
Some of Requests need data from multiple services
if you are in such situation you have two options.
mostly microservices architecture using APIGATE WAY (EG:nginx,OCELOT,etc)
which provide reverse-proxy,load balancing,ssl terminations etc. one of its ability is to merge the multiple responses from a request.but it just merge them not changing the data structure of response.
in case of returns desire response data structure you may create an Aggregator service which itself calls other two, gathers data and wrap it in desire format and return it.
so in the end still the Domain Driven Design is the key and i think i talked tooooo much. hope help you out there.

How to migrate REST APIs to GraphQL Apollo Federation

Planning to migrate my PHP APIs to Graphql using Apollo Federation. After a bit of research, I see it is done using the following way:
My questions are:
Is there any better way to create the federated services so it is not a separate layer (1 for each REST API)? Maybe something close to the previous schema stitching approach where all can sit in one place and be stitched together at the end (instead of a specific federated layer for each service).
If this is the recommended way, how do I deploy this infrastructure? From the diagram, does it mean I have 5 instances running to cover all of the services?
Is it recommended to run Gateway and Federated services all inside one instance (from diagram - 3 servers running in one instance)?
Let me know if it helps.
Federated services are great when you want to break the monolithic structure of the non federated implementation of apollo server. It can be designed by incorporating the micro-service best practices. Instead of blindly having one federated service per rest endpoint, you can have federated services based on the functionality the service is suppose to take care. One service can call multiple rest endpoit. This would provide you better control on scaling, securing and managing services at infrastructure level. An example can be as simple as amazon where item browsing hits will be way more than buying transactions. In this case you can have one federated service which provides browsing data where as another one can for managing transactions. Then you can scale one to multiple instance to handle user load and have additional security in place for the one hadnling transactions.
2 & 3. Yes you would need to have deploy all the components separately. I would recomend to have all the services in the same VPC cluster so that you don't have to worry about network layer security. If the services are deployed across multiple clusters, it will be adding handling firewall and https/tls for every request, which would cause unnecssaery delay becuase of network call. Although it would be in milliseconds but can be easily avoided.

Integrating SharePoint online with external application using Microsoft Flow scheduler

I need to integrate an external application with SharePoint Online where i need to retrieve data on a daily basis.
Was thinking of implementing it as a Microsoft Flow scheduler and using HTTP REST API action . Is this the right way or is there any other way ?
Thanks in advance
Apart from it sounds rather like general question about some business process architecture, let's go through it:
i need to retrieve data on a daily basis.
That's ok and what MS Flow is widely used for. You can list items/folders, create new ones or delete them and get file content.
Was thinking of implementing it as a Microsoft Flow scheduler
This sounds like Reccurence trigger which runs an event at regular, customized time intervals.
using HTTP REST API action
Indeed, HTTP action allows you to invoke REST API. On the other hand When a HTTP request is received trigger allows you to start the flow from other flow/app.

How to communicate different integration services in IIB?

I using IIB to make a ESB project with 2 integration services.
One for register account, and one for access database.
I can do with SOAPRequest node for Request and recieve Response.
But now i'm trying to using another way to communicate 2 services.
I know IIB have Label node, but it just work internal service, not for 2 different services.
So how can I communicate 2 service in IIB without SOAPRequest ( maybe Route node or something). Its like messages can go one by one service.
Tks !
You can use "msgflow" instead of integration services, and then you can put MQInput, JMSInput, HTTPInput and so on.
If you want to use only one message flow. The better way is to transform the flows and subflows in a shared a library keeping your Integration service intact.

How do you develop a microservice in isolation when it depends on other microservices?

We are evaluating a move to microservices. Each microservice would be its own project developed in isolation. During planning, we have determined that some of the microservices will communicate with other via REST calls, pub/sub, messaging (ie. a order service needs product information from product service).
If a microservice depends on retrieving data from another microservice, how can it be run in isolation during development? For example, what happens when your order service requests product details, but there is nothing to answer that request?
What you probably need is an stub rest service. Create a webapp that takes the expected output using a path that is not part of the public api. When you invoke the public api it sends what it just received
If a microservice depends on retrieving data from another microservice, how can it be run in isolation during development?
It should be always temporally isolated from other services during development and production as well.
For example, what happens when your order service requests product details, but there is nothing to answer that request?
This is a place where design flaw reveals itself: order service should not request product details from another service. Product details should be stored in the message (event) that order service will be subscribed to. Order service should be getting this message in an asynchronous manner using publish-subscribe pattern and saving it in its own database. Data about the product will be stored in 2 places as the result of that.
Please consider reading this series of articles about microservices for more details. But in a nutshell: your services should be temporally decoupled, so when your product service is down - order service can continue its operations without interruptions. This is the key thing to understand about good distributed systems design in general.
