Integrating SharePoint online with external application using Microsoft Flow scheduler - power-automate

I need to integrate an external application with SharePoint Online where i need to retrieve data on a daily basis.
Was thinking of implementing it as a Microsoft Flow scheduler and using HTTP REST API action . Is this the right way or is there any other way ?
Thanks in advance

Apart from it sounds rather like general question about some business process architecture, let's go through it:
i need to retrieve data on a daily basis.
That's ok and what MS Flow is widely used for. You can list items/folders, create new ones or delete them and get file content.
Was thinking of implementing it as a Microsoft Flow scheduler
This sounds like Reccurence trigger which runs an event at regular, customized time intervals.
using HTTP REST API action
Indeed, HTTP action allows you to invoke REST API. On the other hand When a HTTP request is received trigger allows you to start the flow from other flow/app.


Laravel best practices listening to JSON data from external API

I have this use case of building an automation tool, that needs to get data from an external API and notify a specific user.
I'm thinking about using a cron job to fetch the API every 2 minutes and triggering an event to notify the user.
Is there any alternative approach, something to listen to an API?

1-to-n user-agent Communication in Bot Framework

I have implemented the "tompaana" solution for bot-agent-handoff (1 to 1 conversation), but how can I establish a "1 to n" scenario (i.e. one agent handling multiple users after bot escalation)?
I have implemented as per the link given below :
Referred link :
The way I have implemented it was using back channel in the directline api. When agent connects pass the agent details as well as session details with the "start conversation". However any mechanism that stores conversation reference of specific chat with the session would work
For the intermediate-bot-sample, here is a comment by #tompanna with regards to a call center support scenario issue:
I think the best bet to implement a call center, given that one want to use the message router, is to take the message routing component source and customize it based on one's needs. LiveEngage is one that has routing capabilities out-of-the-box, but can be enhanced with custom code. I have implemented a simple connector for LivePerson service (Node.js). Ibex Dashboard is another OSS project by Microsoft containing enablers for this kind of a scenario (but does not do the job out-of-the-box).
You can take a look at the BotFramework HandOff experimental sample. Also, there is a Node sample by TDurnford where you can message #list to get a list of users waiting to talk to an agent in the queue, and message #connect to connect to the user waiting at the top of the queue.
Hope this helps.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 bulk update/import via Microsoft Flow

Is there a way to perform a bulk update from an CSV file into Dynamics 365 via Microsoft Flow?
I have been looking at the following capability that was supposed to be released (September 2019), but could find the "Batch" action anywhere under common data service:
Automated flows support batch operations in Common Data Service
Release notes:
What's new and planned for Microsoft Flow
However, I was hoping there is an alternative that could even possibly leverage some bulk update task in the mean time.
The requirement is that I would like to perform a bulk update of records once a day, updating/inserting as needed.
ETL job for Dynamics 365 is huge deal, we have third party providers like Kingswaysoft for SSIS, Scribe, Cozyroc, etc to furnish the necessary connector versions along with rapidly changing CRM endpoints. They support batch operations, multi threading using RESTful web api as well.
Pro developers will do console app & do task schedulers for the same ETL job. Now we want to do the same in MS Flow (Power Automate), surprisingly the links you shared were removed for the trace of those terminologies. Impossible?
We can do read the CSV file & iterate the rows, then transform the values for the datatypes like currency, picklist (optionset), lookup, and finally update/create in Dynamics 365 as per our need.
Microsoft Flow: CSV Integration with Dynamics 365 (Example)
Yes, this is not batch operation, but CRM REST web api endpoint supports batch operation, I know to use it only using C# and JavaScript :)

Cloud / server side code with Apigee or Usergrid

Is it possible to execute server side code (something like Parse "Cloud Code") with Apigee, as backend for a mobile app as client?
I'd want to use the out of the box "App Services" functionality, but perform some extra stuff (like updating data) from the server side,
The only (naive?) way I can think of is this:
Have my own server running.
The mobile app uses standard "App Services" API on Apigee
If necessary, the client calls
some custom API on my server,
which lets my server call Apigee via REST to fetch data, calculate some results, and post the updated data Apigee
and then returns the result to the client
Sounds a bit complicated (especially in terms of handling authentication) - are there any best practices to achieve something like I described?
Consider App Services as your database in the cloud to which you can talk using APIs. Therefore, you really don't need that server in the between unless you are doing some heavy lifting in it. You could make that API call directly from the app.
Even if you want to have a back end server for your app, you can leverage the node.js functionality that Apigee Edge provides and have a server up and running in the cloud in quick time. More info can be found here
If you want to do server side validation, you should use a Node.js proxy that incorporates Usergrid. This will allow you to perform a query on the database and do processing of the results. Check out this presentation: In particular, see Section 7, which discusses using Usergrid and Node.js.

Web application control through text messages

I want to develop an application that works by receiving text messages from users to gather data. I have no clue where to begin and what to begin with. I can code in Python, C++, PHP and can do Java also.
I was wondering if there can be a personal development setup or framework on which I can develop such application. Releasing it is a different story but I do not have any idea about what setup is needed to develop this application.
Also, how much would this setup cost? Are there open-source or any other cheap alternatives?
There are a lot of services out there that let you receive SMS via a web request. The one I work for Twilio will send you a simple POST request to a URL of your choice containing To, From and Body whenever you receive an incoming message. You can read more about how it works here.
This service offers an api for receiving text messages. You can use the shared number and send it to your server with a keyword or you can pay a monthy fee to have your own dedicated number. So there would be a good place to start.
