passing multiple vars as params to a macro - nunjucks

I would need some help to solve this.
My plan is to create a "universal" macro that is able to call all other macros.
It already works when the macro it wants to call just has 1 param.
This is my macro with 2 params
{% macro render(type,txt="Button to push") %}
This is the macro I want to call that then calls the other macro
{% macro render(path,vars) %}
{% import "partials/"+path+".nunjucks" as ce %}
{{ ce.render(vars) }}
and the vars looks like this right now:
{% set vars = [{ var: "type='primary'"}, { var: "text='Primary'" }] %}
so, in the end, I want to call the macro
Thanks in advance for your help!


Using Jinja2 Expression within Jinja2 Statement

Let's say I have the following Jinja2 variables:
'dev_ami' = 'ami-123456'
'dev_located_ami' = 'ami-123456'
'prod_ami' = 'ami-654321'
'prod_located_ami' = 'ami-654321'
I would like to set a condition upon when the 'dev_ami' variable is equal to the 'dev_located_ami' variable. This would easily be done as shown in the following statement:
{% if dev_ami == dev_located_ami %}
... do some stuff
{% else %}
... do some other stuff
{% endif %}
But I would like to dynamically compare amis based on the deployment environment contained in a list ['dev','prod', etc...]. The following contains a templating error since there is an expression within a statement as such - {% {{ .. }} %}:
{% for env_type in ['dev','prod'] %}
{% if {{ env_type }}_ami == {{ env_type }}_located_ami %}
... do stuff
{% else %}
... do other stuff
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I have tried to set variables to represent the expressions I would like in the following code but unfortunately they are compiled literally as 'dev_ami' and 'dev_located_ami' whereas I would like them compiled to their corresponding variable values 'ami-123456' and 'ami-123456':
{% for env_type in ['dev','prod'] %}
{% set ami = "%s_ami"|format(env_type) %}
{% set located_ami = "%s_located_ami"|format(env_type) %}
{% if ami == located_ami %}
... do stuff
{% else %}
... do other stuff
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I have checked through various filters and so far have had no success. Would appreciate advice on getting this specific implementation to work properly. Thank you in advance.
I think you might be approaching the problem with the wrong datastructure in mind.
Dynamically generating variable names in order to compare amis in different environemts sounds like a massive overkill to me. Are you familiar with lists & dictionaries?
Try to start from something like this (pseudocode):
dict = { environments:
ami1: foo
ami1_located: foo
ami1: bar
for env in dict[environments]:
if env[ami1] == env[ami1_located]:

Ansible: Include a file if it exists and do nothing if it doesn't

I have a Jinja2 template in Ansible and I need to include some files conditionally.
Basically, I have a for loop that includes "subparts" that might or might not be present. The following sample demonstrates the basic code that would work if all tools actually had a 'pbr.j2' file, but it crashes because Ansible cannot find some of the files:
{% for tool in tools %}
{% set template = 'tools/' + + '/pbr.j2' %}
{% include template %}
{% endfor %}
I have also tried the exists and is_file filters, but I always get "false" even when the file exists. Here is a sample code of what I have tried:
{% for tool in tools %}
{% set template = 'tools/' + + '/pbr.j2' %}
{% if template|exists %}
{% include template %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The result of this last sample is that no file gets included. If I replace exists with is_file, I get the same behavior.
What do I need to change to accomplish what I want?
I have found a solution to my problem: using ignore missing in the include directive.
In this case, I would use:
{% for tool in tools %}
{% set template = 'tools/' + + '/pbr.j2' %}
{% include template ignore missing %}
{% endfor %}
Ansible will ignore missing files and only the existing files from that loop will get included.
You are trying to use Ansible filters (exists, is_file) in a Jinja2 template. This works for templates processed by Ansible templating engine, but not for templates processed by the template module.
Jinja2 does not have capability to check the existence of a file, so you need to move your logic to Ansible.
For example: create a find task to search for directories in tools/, and provide an intersection of find-results list with tools list to Jinja2.

In Nunjucks, how to conditionally output a line?

I want to output a line conditionally in nunjucks, but don't want to have an empty line if the condition is false.
{{ 'Something' if false }}
renders like this:
I would like to remove the empty line without lowering the readability of the template. Is there a nice way to do that?
I would expect something like {{- 'Something' if false }} but that doesn't work.
Nunjucks has it's own conditional methods. Note the percent symbol instead of double moustaches.
{% if hungry %}
I am hungry
{% elif tired %}
I am tired
{% else %}
I am good!
{% endif %}

Display session parameters with twig

I would like to display all session variables with twig but I dont know exactly how:
{% for variable in app.session %}
session[ {{variable clef}}] = {{variable value}}
{% endfor %}
thank you for your help
You can use this, it will work for other associative arrays as well:
{% for key, value in app.session %}
session['{{ key }}'] = {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
It's also explained in the documentation: Iterating over Keys and Values.
You could also use twig's debugging function, dump. This will work even if the value of a key is an object or array.
{{ dump(app.session.all) }}

Liquid templates - accessing members by name

I'm using Jekyll to create a new blog. It uses Liquid underneath.
Jekyll defines certain "variables": site, content, page, post and paginator. These "variables" have several "members". For instance, will return the date of a post, while post.url will return its url.
My question is: can I access a variable's member using another variable as the member name?
See the following example:
{% if my_condition %}
{% assign name = 'date' %}
{% else %}
{% assign name = 'url' %}
{% endif %}
I have a variable called name which is either 'date' or 'url'.
How can I make the liquid equivalent of post[name] in ruby?
The only way I've found is using a for loop to iterate over all the pairs (key-value) of post. Beware! It is quite horrible:
{% for property in post %}
{% if property[0] == name %}
{{ property[1] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Argh! I hope there is a better way.
I don't know what I was thinking.
post[name] is a perfectly valid liquid construction. So the for-if code above can be replaced by this:
{{ post[name] }}
I thought that I tried this, but apparently I didn't. D'oh!
Liquid admits even fancier constructs; the following one is syntactically correct, and will return the expected value if post, element, categories, etc are correctly defined:
{{ post[].categories[1].name }}
I am greatly surprised with Liquid. Will definitively continue investigating.
Actually, this did not work for me. I tried a bunch of different combinations and what finally worked was
<!-- object myObj.test has the string value "this is a test" -->
{% assign x = 'test' %}
{{ myObj.[x] }}
this is a test
