Acess value of previous query into new nested query laravel - laravel

I'm trying to query a data using the value of the previous model, like: MyModel->whereHas(MyModel.NestedModel.value > MyModel.value)
Here is the code that I'm trying to do:
My problems is on $q->where('quantity', '<', 'inventoryItems.minimum_to_shopping');, I need a way to compare the current quantity with the quantity of previous scope.
$itemShould = InventoryItemMeta::with('inventoryItems', 'inventoryItems.lastItemValue', 'inventoryItems.inventory', '')
->whereHas('inventoryItems', function ($q) {
$q->where('should_shopping', true)
->whereHas('lastItemValue', function ($q){
$q->where('quantity', '<', 'inventoryItems.minimum_to_shopping');

You can try with the whereColumn() function, it is used to compare two columns instead that a column against a value, i.e:
$q->whereColumn('quantity', '<', 'minimum_to_shopping')


Eloquent count occurrence with where clause

I'm trying to do a simple query using Eloquent. My test_registrants table looks like this
I want to add new column with value of all user_id with payment_status = 1
This is my query using whereColumn
->where('payment_status', 1)
'attempt' => TestRegistrant::select(DB::raw('count(*) as attempt'))
->whereColumn('test_registrants.user_id', 'user_id')
->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('payment_status', 1);
but I get all user_id instead
What I'm trying to achieve is this one
So what do I do wrong here? thank you
The reason your query is returning 3, is because it is simply counting all the records that have payment_status = 1. The whereColumn() is not working properly, because it does not reflect the right columns.
When you define an alias for the user_id column on the test_registrants table, it should work. For example, you could name it: outer_user_id. I have updated your example accordingly:
TestRegistrant::select(['test_registrants.payment_status', 'test_registrants.user_id as outer_user_id'])
->where('payment_status', 1)
'attempt' => TestRegistrant::selectRaw('count(*) as attempt')
->whereColumn('test_registrants.user_id', 'outer_user_id')
->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('payment_status', 1);
Alternatively, you could also look into grouping the results, so that you can count all the rows in a specific group.

I want to find the value who exist in array

I have 2 queries and I would like to know the elements (date_debut) of the second query which exists in the first query (dateincal). The elements of the second query can appear one or more times in the first query.
once the dates (date debut) (dateincal) have been found i want to be able to then retrieve also the other information for the element found
$feries = Jourferie::Select('dateincal', 'description')
->where('dateincal', '>=', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth())
->where('dateincal', '<=', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth())
$plannings = Planning::Select('date_debut', 'id', 'agent_id', 'site_id')
->where('id', '!=', 0)
->where('statut', 'provisoire')
I don't know if that way can help you:
foreach($feries as $ferie){
$myresult = $plannings->contains('date_debut',$ferie->dateincal)
/* do things */

Avoid overriding eloquent data

This is my collection of data I need:
$author_id = 12345;
$newsTagCollection = NewsTag::
->where('author_id', $author_id);
$postTodaycnt =$newsTagCollection->where('post_date', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::today())->get()->count();
$postWeekcnt =$newsTagCollection->where('post_date', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(7))->get()->count();
$newsTags = $newsTagCollection->simplePaginate(12);
What I'm trying is to avoid calling the Model multiple times and just past post_date on postTodayCount and PostWeekCount. But $postWeekcnt seem to get value same as $postTodaycnt.
How do I not replace the value and get $postTodaycnt, $postWeekcnt and $newsTags value from $newsTagCollection as desired?
Thank you
Good question.
Answer to that is Optimization. Laravel provide Collection which is very helpful when it comes to such scenarios.
// This will return a *Collection* of NewsTag model.
$newsTagCollection = NewsTag::where('author_id', $author_id)->get(); // One query. Use ->get() here to fetch all the data
// Here no new queries will triggered.
$postTodaycnt = $newsTagCollection->where('post_date', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::today())->count(); // No need to use get() again
$postWeekcnt =$newsTagCollection->where('post_date', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(7))->count();

Querying related table data with Eloquent

i have a problem trying to get records from a model based on a related table.
I have two tables one called leads and one called recycle_logs, my app will basically send the same record in the leads table like once a month, and when it does so i'll store a new record in recycle_logs.
The problem is that i need to select all leads with a specific campaign_id value and that have a specific status that is different from invalid, so far so good, now the problem is i need to get them only if they don't have any recycleLogs associated with them OR if the last recycleLog associated with that particular lead is older than 30 days ago for instance.
What i currently have looks somewhat like this.
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
['leadRecyclingLog' => function($query) {
$query->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays))
->orWhere(LeadRecyclingLog::ID, null);
What exactly am i doing wrong? It always selects the same number of records regardless of me adding or removing recycleLogs
I've managed to get it done through a raw SQL query which i'll post below in case it helps anyone, i'd still like to know how to do it in Eloquent/Query Builder.
SELECT * FROM `leads` LEFT JOIN `lead_recycling_logs` ON `leads`.`guid` = `lead_recycling_logs`.`original_lead_guid` WHERE `leads`.`campaign_id` = :campaignID AND `leads`.`duplicated` = 0 AND `leads`.`lead_status` != :invalidStatus AND (`lead_recycling_logs`.`id` IS NULL OR `lead_recycling_logs`.`created_at` < :recyclingDate) ORDER BY `leads`.`created_at` DESC
Try this:
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
->where(function($q) {
$q->whereHas('leadRecyclingLog', function($q) {
$q->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays));
->orWhereHas('leadRecyclingLog', '<', 1); // Where count of the relationship is smaller than 1
I assumed the first part of the query is working well (up until the relationship).
What you're looking for is ->whereHas(relationship), not ->with(relationship). ->with(relationship) will attach the associated results to the original model (the query for the original model will not be affected by ->with()). ->whereHas(relationship) filters the original model by the condition.
Got it to work through #devk 's help
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
->where(function($q) {
$q->whereHas('leadRecyclingLog', function($q) {
$q->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays));
->doesntHave('leadRecyclingLog', 'or');

Laravel WhereIn or Wheren with where

Im trying to design a query, but I have no idea where to start.
I'll type it out how I want it to function.
Thats how I want it to work, but I know that wont work, because it will just ignore the WHERE type=$type query, because the whereIN's would have already pulled records, that dont adhere to the Where query.
Basically I want the eloquent version of this...
"SELECT * FROM items WHERE type!=$type AND (id IN (1,2,3) OR id_2 IN(1,2,3))"
What you are attempting to do is to group statements:
What you need to do is to make the code something like this:
Items::where('type', '!=', $type)
->where(function ($query) use ($ids) {
That way you are grouping the where in clauses.
$user_id = 2 ;
$user_ids = [2,3,4,5,6,7,78,87,88,90] ;
where('id',$user_id) vs whereIn('id',$user_ids)
Note: where will compare with just first value of array or just one single value. and whereIn will compare evey index of array.
You're gonna want to do something like this:
Item::where('type','!=','ATypeTest')->where(function ($query) {
$query->whereIn('id',[1, 2, 3])->orWhereIn('id_2',[1, 2, 3]);
Check the Laravel documentation on more regarding grouping:
This will by the way generate the following SQL query:
SELECT * FROM "items" WHERE "type" != `ATypeTest` AND ("id" in (1, 2, 3) OR "id_2" in (1, 2, 3))
