Avoid overriding eloquent data - laravel

This is my collection of data I need:
$author_id = 12345;
$newsTagCollection = NewsTag::
->where('author_id', $author_id);
$postTodaycnt =$newsTagCollection->where('post_date', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::today())->get()->count();
$postWeekcnt =$newsTagCollection->where('post_date', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(7))->get()->count();
$newsTags = $newsTagCollection->simplePaginate(12);
What I'm trying is to avoid calling the Model multiple times and just past post_date on postTodayCount and PostWeekCount. But $postWeekcnt seem to get value same as $postTodaycnt.
How do I not replace the value and get $postTodaycnt, $postWeekcnt and $newsTags value from $newsTagCollection as desired?
Thank you

Good question.
Answer to that is Optimization. Laravel provide Collection which is very helpful when it comes to such scenarios.
// This will return a *Collection* of NewsTag model.
$newsTagCollection = NewsTag::where('author_id', $author_id)->get(); // One query. Use ->get() here to fetch all the data
// Here no new queries will triggered.
$postTodaycnt = $newsTagCollection->where('post_date', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::today())->count(); // No need to use get() again
$postWeekcnt =$newsTagCollection->where('post_date', '>', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(7))->count();


How to sort Eloquent collection after fetching results?

In my controller I have this query
$query = Market::whereHas('cities', function($query) use ($city) {
$query->where('id', $city);
Then I want to make a few operations with this collection and remove my subquerys from the main object
$return['highlighted'] = $markets->where('highlighted', true);
$markets = $markets->diff($return['highlighted']);
The problem is when I try to sort it by created_at
$return['latest'] = $markets->sortByDesc('created_at')->take(4);
$markets = $markets->diff($return['latest']);
It just won't work, keeps returning the first 4 objects order by id, I've tried parsing created_at inside a callback function with Carbon::parse() and strtotime with no results.
I'm avoiding at all cost to make 2 different database querys since the original $markets has all the data that I need.
Any suggestion?
I think your problem is you try to sort and take in one-go and also missing a small thing when you try to access the values of the collection.
Try below approach:
$return['latest'] = $markets->sortByDesc('created_at');
$markets = $markets->diff($return['latest']->values()->take(4));
Or you may need to do it like:
$return['latest'] = $markets->sortByDesc('created_at');
$return['latest'] = $return['latest']->values()->take(4);
$markets = $markets->diff($return['latest']->all());

How to use search value contain in array field using eloquent in Laravel

I'm working on laravel array serialize. Below is serialize in controller.
public function CreateSave(CreateTestTopicRequest $request){
$testtopic->class_room_id = $request->classroom;
$testtopic->roomno = serialize($request->roomno);
Then, roomno will be saved to database like.
I would like to get result. For example class_room_id = 1 and roomno only contain in roomno array. I may use command to get all as below.
$testtopics = TestTopic::where('class_room_id',1)->get();
But, I do not know to get record only class_room_id = 1 and roomno contain in array. Any advice or guidance on this would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
You can use like search in json fields
TestTopic::where('class_room_id',1)->where('roomno', 'like', '%"id": 1%')->first()
When checking for an array of values the whereIn method can be used:
$roomno = 'a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"2";}';
$testtopics = TestTopic::where('class_room_id',1)
->whereIn('roomno', unserialize($roomno))
Multiple where statements can be combined by passing an array:
$roomno = 'a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"2";}';
$users = TestTopic::where([
['class_room_id', '=', '1'],
['roomno', '=', $roomno],

Laravel Query Builder use multiple times

Is it possible to save a query bulider and use it multiple times?
for example, I have a model 'Tour'.
I create a long query buider and paginate it:
$tour = Tour::where(...)->orWhere(...)->orderBy(...)->paginate(10);
For example, 97 models qualify for the above query.
"Paginate" method outputs first 10 models qualifying for the query, but I also need to so some operations on all 97 models.
I don't want to 'repeat myself' writing this long query 2 times.
So I want something like:
$query = Tour::where(...)->orWhere(...)->orderBy(...);
$tour1 = $query->paginate(10);
$tour2 = $query->get();
Is that a correct way to do in Laravel? (my version is 5.4).
You need to use clone:
$query = Tour::where(...)->orWhere(...)->orderBy(...);
$query1 = clone $query;
$query2 = clone $query;
$tour1 = $query1->paginate(10);
$tour2 = $query2->get();
You can but it doesn't make any sense because every time a new query will be executed. So this code will work:
$query = Tour::where(...)->orWhere(...)->orderBy(...);
$tour1 = $query->paginate(10);
$tour2 = $query->get();
But if you want to execute just one query, you'll need to use collection methods for ordering, filtering and mapping the data. You'll also need to create Paginator instance manually:
$collection = Tour::where(...)->orWhere(...)->orderBy(...)->get();
$tour1 = // Make Paginator manually.
$tour2 = $collection;
$sortedByName = $collection->sortBy('name');
$activeTours = $collection->where('active', 1);

Querying related table data with Eloquent

i have a problem trying to get records from a model based on a related table.
I have two tables one called leads and one called recycle_logs, my app will basically send the same record in the leads table like once a month, and when it does so i'll store a new record in recycle_logs.
The problem is that i need to select all leads with a specific campaign_id value and that have a specific status that is different from invalid, so far so good, now the problem is i need to get them only if they don't have any recycleLogs associated with them OR if the last recycleLog associated with that particular lead is older than 30 days ago for instance.
What i currently have looks somewhat like this.
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
['leadRecyclingLog' => function($query) {
$query->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays))
->orWhere(LeadRecyclingLog::ID, null);
What exactly am i doing wrong? It always selects the same number of records regardless of me adding or removing recycleLogs
I've managed to get it done through a raw SQL query which i'll post below in case it helps anyone, i'd still like to know how to do it in Eloquent/Query Builder.
SELECT * FROM `leads` LEFT JOIN `lead_recycling_logs` ON `leads`.`guid` = `lead_recycling_logs`.`original_lead_guid` WHERE `leads`.`campaign_id` = :campaignID AND `leads`.`duplicated` = 0 AND `leads`.`lead_status` != :invalidStatus AND (`lead_recycling_logs`.`id` IS NULL OR `lead_recycling_logs`.`created_at` < :recyclingDate) ORDER BY `leads`.`created_at` DESC
Try this:
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
->where(function($q) {
$q->whereHas('leadRecyclingLog', function($q) {
$q->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays));
->orWhereHas('leadRecyclingLog', '<', 1); // Where count of the relationship is smaller than 1
I assumed the first part of the query is working well (up until the relationship).
What you're looking for is ->whereHas(relationship), not ->with(relationship). ->with(relationship) will attach the associated results to the original model (the query for the original model will not be affected by ->with()). ->whereHas(relationship) filters the original model by the condition.
Got it to work through #devk 's help
$leads = $this->leadModel->where(Lead::CAMPAIGN_ID, $this->campaignID)
->where(Lead::LEAD_STATUS, "!=" ,Lead::LEAD_STATUS_INVALID)
->orderBy(Lead::CREATED_AT, 'desc')
->where(function($q) {
$q->whereHas('leadRecyclingLog', function($q) {
$q->where(LeadRecyclingLog::CREATED_AT, '<', (new Carbon())->subDays($this->configRecyclingDays));
->doesntHave('leadRecyclingLog', 'or');

Codeigniter Pagination: Run the Query Twice?

I'm using codeigniter and the pagination class. This is such a basic question, but I need to make sure I'm not missing something. In order to get the config items necessary to paginate results getting them from a MySQL database it's basically necessary to run the query twice is that right?
In other words, you have to run the query to determine the total number of records before you can paginate. So I'm doing it like:
Do this query to get number of results
$this->db->where('something', $something);
$query = $this->db->get('the_table_name');
$num_rows = $query->num_rows();
Then I'll have to do it again to get the results with the limit and offset. Something like:
$this->db->where('something', $something);
$this->db->limit($limit, $offset);
$query = $this->db->get('the_table_name');
foreach($query->result_array() as $row){
## get the results here
I just wonder if I'm actually doing this right in that the query always needs to be run twice? The queries I'm using are much more complex than what is shown above.
Unfortunately, in order to paginate you must know how many elements you are breaking up into pages.
You could always cache the result for the total number of elements if it is too computationally expensive.
Yeah, you have to run two queries, but $this->db->count_all('table_name'); is one & line much cleaner.
Pagination requires reading a record set twice:
Once to read the whole set so that it can count the total number records
Then to read a window of records to display
Here's an example I used for a project. The 'banner' table has a list of banners, which I want to show on a paginated screen:
Using a public class property to store the total records (public $total_records)
Using a private function to build the query (that is common for both activities). The parameter ($isCount) we pass to this function reduces the amount of data the query generate, because for the row count we only need one field but when we read the data window we need all required fields.
The get_list() function first calls the database to find the total and stores it in $total_records and then reads a data window to return to the caller.
Remember we cannot access $total_records without first calling the get_list() method !
class Banner_model extends CI_Model {
public $total_records; //holds total records for get_list()
public function get_list($count = 10, $start = 0) {
$query = $this->db->get();
$result = $query->result();
$this->total_records = count($result); //store the count
$this->db->limit($count, $start);
$query = $this->db->get();
$result = $query->result();
return $result;
private function build_query($isCount = FALSE) {
$this->db->select('*, b.id as banner_id, b.status as banner_status');
if ($isCount) {
$this->db->from('banner b');
$this->db->join('company c', 'c.id = b.company_id');
$this->db->order_by("b.id", "desc"); //latest ones first
And now from the controller we call:
$data['banner_list'] = $this->banner_model->get_list();
$config['total_rows'] = $this->banner_model->total_records;
Things get complicated when you start using JOINs, like in my example where you want to show banners from a particular company! You may read my blog post on this issue further:
