VHDL Pulse Generation with External Trigger and Trigger Out - vhdl

I am stuck in this program to create a custom pulse from external trigger and internal trigger.
Here is my program for external trigger. It will take a trigger signal from "trig_in" input port to generate a custom pulse:
if state_trig = extrig then
if (trig_in = '1') then
counter1 <= "000000";
if(counter >= 1 and counter <= 2) then
pwm_out1 <= '1';
pwm_out2 <= '0';
end if;
if(counter > 2 and counter <= 600) then
pwm_out1 <= '0';
pwm_out2 <= '0';
end if;
if(counter > 600 and counter <= 3000) then
pwm_out1 <= '1';
pwm_out2 <= '1';
end if;
counter <= counter + 1;
else if (trig_in = '0') then
counter <= "000000";
counter1 <= counter1 + 1;
if (counter1 >= 2100) then
pwm_out1 <= '0';
pwm_out2 <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
And here is the program for internal trigger. It will generate a 1kHz repetition pulse to trigger out on "trig_out" output port:
if state_trig = intrig then
if(i >= 1 and i <= 2) then
pwm_out1 <= '1';
pwm_out2 <= '0';
end if;
if(i > 2 and i <= 600) then
pwm_out1 <= '0';
pwm_out2 <= '0';
end if;
if(i > 600 and i <= 3000) then
pwm_out1 <= '1';
pwm_out2 <= '1';
end if;
if(i > 3000) then
pwm_out1 <= '0';
pwm_out2 <= '0';
end if;
if(i = 300000) then i := 0; end if;
i := i + 1;
end if;
end if;
I use the fsm state to determine for "extrig" and "intrig" state.
type fsm_trig is (none, intrig, extrig);
signal state_trig : fsm_trig := none;
Two programs work separately perfect. But when i put both of them in one process (clock). The pulse which is generated in each trigger program conflicts each other.
I am using UART to determine the state of trigger.
Two signal "pwm_out1" and "pwm_out2" are assigned to output ports to generate the pulse:
out_clk1 <= pwm_out1;
out_clk2 <= pwm_out2;
Here are ports for two programs:
sys_clk : in STD_LOGIC; --system clock
rx : in STD_LOGIC; --receive for UART
trig_in : in STD_LOGIC; --External trigger
trig_out : out STD_LOGIC; --Internal trigger
out_clk1 : out STD_LOGIC; --Pulse out1
out_clk2 : out STD_LOGIC; --Pulse out2
Please give me any idea to avoid the conflicts between two programs.
Thanks in advance.


Testbench for FSM

I'm trying to implement a testbench for the following fsm in created in vhdl. The problem is that currently, I'm not seeing any state transitions in the test bench. The simulation stays at state 0.
library IEEE;
entity FPGA_Challenge is
Port ( led : out STD_LOGIC;
clk_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- 100 MHZ internal clock
reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- is reset necessary
button : in STD_LOGIC;
data_line : in STD_LOGIC);
end FPGA_Challenge;
architecture Behavioral of FPGA_Challenge is
type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s20);
signal state: state_type;
signal x:std_logic;
signal y:std_logic;
signal count : integer:= 0;
--signal tmp: std_logic:= '1';
process(clk_in, reset)
if rising_edge(clk_in)then
if reset = '1'then -- Goes back to known state (state 0)
state <= s0;
count <= 0;
count <= count + 1;
case state is
-- Initial state- if button is pressed, then LED is lit and machine goes to state 2, if not it stays in state 1
when s0 =>
if (button <= '1') then
led <= '1';
state <= s1;
state <= s0;
led <= '0'; --is this necessary?
end if;
-- Beginning of preamble detection(states 1-17)
-- Count = ((freq in) / (freq out))/ 2 -1 = (100 MHz/ 2 MHz)/ 2 -1 = 50/2 - 1 (due to 50% duty cycle)
when s1=> -- do I need to put led = '1' in each state because it stays on ?
if (count = 25 -1) then
count <= 0;
if (data_line = '1')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s2;
-- led = '1';
y <= '0';
state <= s1;
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s2 =>
if (count = 25-1) then
count <= 0;
if (data_line = '0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s3;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s3 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0; ----reinitializes count
if (data_line <= '1')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s4;
state <= s1;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s4 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s5;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s5 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s6;
state <= s4;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s6 =>
if (count= 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s7;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s7 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count<= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s7;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s8 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='1')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s9;
state <= s1;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s9 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s10;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s10=>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='1')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s11;
state <= s1;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s11 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s12;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s12 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
state <= s13;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s13 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s14;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s14 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <=0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s15;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s15 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <=0;
if (data_line <='0') then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s16;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s16 =>
if (count = 25-1) then
count <= 0;
if (data_line <='0')then
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
state <= s17;
state <= s2;
y <= '0';
-- led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s17 =>
if (count = 25-1)then
count <= 0;
if (data_line ='1')then
y <= '1';
-- led = '1';
state <= s18;
state <= s1;
y <= '0';
--led = '1';
end if;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when s18 => -- no real condition here except varying period of clock
if (count = 25)then
count <= 0; ----reinitializes count
state <= s19;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
-- clock_out <= tmp;
when s19=> -- no real condition here except varying period of clock
if (count = 25)then
count <= 0; ----reinitializes count
state <= s0;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
--clock_out <= tmp;
when others=>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
The following is the testbench I have so far. I have internal signals such as y(output for each state), and count(counter for how long I'm in a state) that I probably should be using as drivers in the testbench. Any input is appreciated
library IEEE;
entity FPGA_tb is
-- Port ( );
end FPGA_tb;
architecture Behavioral of FPGA_tb is
component FPGA_Challenge is
Port( led : out STD_LOGIC;
clk_in : in STD_LOGIC; -- 100 MHZ internal clock
reset : in STD_LOGIC; -- is reset necessary
button : in STD_LOGIC;
data_line : in STD_LOGIC);
end component;
signal led : STD_LOGIC;
signal clk_in : STD_LOGIC; -- 100 MHZ internal clock
signal reset : STD_LOGIC; -- is reset necessary
signal button : STD_LOGIC;
signal data_line : STD_LOGIC;
type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s20);
signal state: state_type;
signal x,y: std_logic;
signal count : integer:= 0;
UUT: FPGA_Challenge
led => led,
clk_in => clk_in,
reset => reset,
button => button,
data_line => data_line
Testing: Process
--wait until rising_edge(clk_in);
--wait until rising_edge(clk_in);
clk_in <='0';
reset <= '1';
button <= '0';
data_line <= '0';
WAIT For 10ns;
clk_in <='1';
reset <= '0';
button <= '1';
data_line <= '0';
WAIT For 10ns;
clk_in <='1';
reset <= '1';
button <= '0';
data_line <= '1';
WAIT For 10ns;
clk_in <='0';
reset <= '1';
button <= '0';
data_line <= '0';
WAIT For 10ns;
clk_in <='1';
reset <= '1';
button <= '0';
data_line <= '0';
WAIT For 10ns;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Try this in the testbench to have a running clock and proper reset
signal clk_in : STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- 100 MHZ internal clock
signal reset : STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- is reset necessary
clk_in <=NOT clk_in after 10ns;
reset <= 0 after 30ns;
play with button after the reset. that is, from 40ns

How to switch between datasamples in VHDL?

I have written a code for my I2S interface. this interface has a PISO function (parallel in and serial out). In my testbench, I've added 2 x 24 bits datasamples (left / right channel). Now I would like to switch between this sample and the new second sample (something like: Left1, Right1 , Left2, Right2 , Left1, Right1).
elsif rising_edge(BCLK) then
READY <= '1';
VALID <= '1';
bitcounter := bitcounter + 1;
if bitcounter = 1 then
WSP <= '1';
WSP <= '0';
end if;
if bitcounter >= 0 and bitcounter <= 23 then
WS <= '0';
elsif bitcounter > 24 then -- and bitcounter <= 48
WS <= '1';
WSP <= '0';
end if;
if WS = '0' then
SD <= PDL_BUF(23);
PDL_BUF <= PDL_BUF(22 downto 0) & '0';
else --if WS = '1' then
SD <= PDR_BUF(23);
PDR_BUF <= PDR_BUF(22 downto 0) & '0';
end if;
if bitcounter = 48 then
bitcounter := 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
this is a block that is repeated twice for two channels, it is clear that you can't access the other channel in that.
you need to add a block let's call it a merging block.
in merging block consider both samples as input then you can have both of them in your code.

ERROR:Xst:827 = Signal count cannot be synthesized, bad synchronous description

I am trying to simulate an elevator and as a result i get the error
ERROR:Xst:827 = Signal count cannot be synthesized, bad synchronous description
I am following the code from this source [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i03_-NMwmDs] since mine is very similar,(i have 7 floors and two more elevators). At first i am working with the code mentioned on the video and later i am going to implement two more elevators to work together in this simulation.
Thanks in advance.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity elevator is
port (clk: in std_logic;
sensors1: out std_logic:='0'; --sensors at each level for elevator 1
a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7: out std_logic; -- for LED display at FPGA
insideopendoor, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in1up, in2up, in3up, in4up, in5up, in5down, in4down, in3down, in2down, in1down: std_logic; -- input request for each floor
opendoor: out std_logic; -- from inside elevator
closedoor: out std_logic); -- from inside elevator
end elevator;
architecture sequence of elevator is
constant timedoorclose: integer := 3;
constant timedoorclosed: integer := 2;
constant time_nx_state: integer :=4;
signal demand: std_logic_vector(0 to 4) := "00000";
signal direction_of_elevator : integer range 0 to 2 := 0;
signal updownpassenger : std_logic := '0';
signal signalstatus: std_logic := '1';
type status is (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5);
signal pr_state, nx_state: status;
main: process (clk, insideopendoor, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5, in1up, in2up, in3up, in4up, in5up, in5down, in4down, in3down, in2down, in1down)
variable digit1 : std_logic_vector (6 downto 0);
variable count : integer range 0 to (time_nx_state + timedoorclose + timedoorclosed);
variable bufferopendoor : std_logic;
variable position : integer range 0 to 4;
variable tempup : integer range 1 to 2 := 1;
variable tempdown : integer range -4 to 4;
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
demand(0) <= demand(0) or in1 or in1up or in1down;
demand(1) <= demand(1) or in2 or in2up or in2down;
demand(2) <= demand(2) or in3 or in3up or in3down;
demand(3) <= demand(3) or in4 or in4up or in4down;
demand(4) <= demand(4) or in5 or in5up or in5down;
case pr_state is
when L1 => position := 0;
when L2 => position := 1;
when L3 => position := 2;
when L4 => position := 3;
when L5 => position := 4;
end case;
for i in 1 to 4 loop
if demand(i) ='1' then
tempup := i - position;
else null;
end if;
end loop;
for i in 3 downto 0 loop
bufferopendoor := '1';
closedoor <= '0';
count := 0;
end loop; --
elsif (updownpassenger = '1') then
if (count < timedoorclose) then
opendoor <= '1';
bufferopendoor := '1';
elsif count < (timedoorclose + timedoorclosed) then
opendoor <= '0';
bufferopendoor := '0';
closedoor <= '0';
end if;
--else null; ------
--end if; ------
-----------part main-----------------
count := count +1;
if insideopendoor = '1' then
bufferopendoor :='1';
closedoor <= '0';
count := 0;
elsif (updownpassenger ='1') then
if (count < timedoorclose) then
opendoor <= '1';
bufferopendoor := '1';
closedoor <= '0';
elsif (count < (timedoorclose + timedoorclosed)) then
opendoor <= '0';
bufferopendoor := '0';
closedoor <= '1';
closedoor <= '0';
pr_state <= nx_state;
if signalstatus = '1' then
signalstatus <= '0';
signalstatus <= '1';
end if;
count := 0;
end if;
else null; --
end if;--
case nx_state is
when L1 =>
digit1 := "1111001";
if demand(0) = '1' then
demand(0) <= '0';
else null;
end if;
when L2 =>
digit1 := "0100100";
if demand(1) = '1' then
demand(1) <= '0';
else null;
end if;
when L3 =>
digit1 := "0110000";
if demand(3) = '1' then
demand(3) <= '0';
else null;
end if;
when L4 =>
digit1 := "0011001";
if demand(3) = '1' then
demand(3) <= '0';
else null;
end if;
when L5 =>
digit1 := "0010010";
if demand(4) = '1' then
demand(4) <= '0';
else null;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
a1 <= digit1(0);
a2 <= digit1(1);
a3 <= digit1(2);
a4 <= digit1(3);
a5 <= digit1(4);
a6 <= digit1(5);
a7 <= digit1(6);
end if;
end process main;
step: process (pr_state, signalstatus)
case pr_state is
--end if;
when L1 =>
if (demand(0)='1') then
nx_state <= pr_state;
updownpassenger <= '1';
updownpassenger <= '0';
if direction_of_elevator = 1 then
nx_state <=L2;
elsif direction_of_elevator = 2 then
nx_state <= pr_state;
nx_state <= pr_state;
end if;
end if;
when L2 =>
if (demand(1)= '1') then
nx_state <= pr_state;
updownpassenger <= '1';
updownpassenger <= '0';
if direction_of_elevator = 1 then
nx_state <= L3;
elsif direction_of_elevator = 2 then
nx_state <= L1;
nx_state <= pr_state;
end if;
end if;
when L3 =>
if (demand(2)= '1') then
nx_state <= pr_state;
updownpassenger <= '1';
updownpassenger <= '0';
if direction_of_elevator = 1 then
nx_state <= L4;
elsif direction_of_elevator = 2 then
updownpassenger <= '1';
updownpassenger <= '0';
if direction_of_elevator = 1 then
nx_state <= L5;
elsif direction_of_elevator = 2 then
end if;
end if;
end if;
when L5 =>
if (demand(4)='1') then
nx_state <= pr_state;
updownpassenger <= '1';
updownpassenger <= '0';
if direction_of_elevator = 1 then
nx_state <= L4;
elsif direction_of_elevator = 2 then
nx_state <= L1;
nx_state <= pr_state;
end if;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end process step;
end sequence;
Your code seems very mixed up. There is a specific reason why it won't synthesise: think carefully when the code immediately following this line here
elsif (updownpassenger = '1') then
will be executed. It will be executed following a positive edge or negative edge on any input in the sensitivity list, apart from clk where it will be executed only following a negative edge. How would you design logic with such behaviour? Well, your synthesiser can't do it, either.
Basically, you need to refactor your code. You need to split it into sequential and combinational processes. (Combinational logic is logic whose output depends only on it's input and thus is logic that contains no latches or flip-flops. Sequential logic is logic that contains latches or flip-flops, but will also usually contain some gates too. Do not use latches - they are not synchronous design.) Whilst there are many ways to code such processes, it is wise to be consistent by sticking to a template. Here are three templates, which if followed, will give you everything you need and will keep your VHDL coding life simple:
Here is the template for sequential logic with an asynchronous reset, which all synthesis tools should understand:
process(clock, async_reset) -- nothing else should go in the sensitivity list
-- never put anything here
if async_reset ='1' then -- or '0' for an active low reset
-- set/reset the flip-flops here
-- ie drive the signals to their initial values
elsif rising_edge(clock) then -- or falling_edge(clock) or clk'event and clk='1' or clk'event and clk='0'
-- put the synchronous stuff here
-- ie the stuff that happens on the rising or falling edge of the clock
end if;
-- never put anything here
end process;
Here is the template for sequential logic without an asynchronous reset:
process(clock) -- nothing else should go in the sensitivity list
-- never put anything here
if rising_edge(clock) then -- or falling_edge(clock) or clk'event and clk='1' or clk'event and clk='0'
-- put the synchronous stuff here
-- ie the stuff that happens on the rising or falling edge of the clock
end if;
-- never put anything here
end process;
And here is the corresponding template for a combinational process:
process(all inputs in the sensitivity list) -- an 'input' is a signal either on the LHS of an assignment or a signal that is tested
-- combinational logic (with complete assignment and no feedback)
end process;

why the elevator stuckes in a state?

this is vhdl code for an elevator for 7 floors
the coding is encapsulated into 3 states s0=no move ,s1=move up , s2 =move down
if it is in s0 it should wait for 2 cycles after that move up/down according to the desired floor or called floor on the next positive edge .
The problem is that the elevator is stuck in s1 state
could anyone help me please ?
-- Cad Project
-- Project Name : Elevator
-- Date : 18\12\2013
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
--Entity Decleration
entity Elevator is
port (call, clk, press : in std_logic;
-- Call To Call The Elevator ,press if a key is pressrd from the pannel inside the elevator .
Desire_floor, Call_Floor : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
-- Desired_floor is the floor number choosed from inside the elevator .
-- called_floor is the floor number that the "Call" Key has been pressed from .
weight : in std_logic;
Door_open_close, Move_up, move_down, OverWeight : out std_logic;
-- Door_open_close is 1 when opened ,0 when closed .
-- OverWeight is 1 when the weight is over 500 KG.
Current_Floor : buffer std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
temp1_state, temp2_state : buffer std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7 : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0));
--architecture Decleration
architecture Elevator of Elevator is
type state is (s0, s1, s2);
--s0 state represents no move ,s1 state represents move up ,s2 state represents move down .
signal current_state : state := s0;
signal next_state : state;
signal Desired_floor, Called_Floor : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
signal X : std_logic := '0'; -- X is a signal used to restart the timer or to resume it's count.
signal counter : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- Timer befor closing/opening the doors "timer".
signal counter2 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- Timer for the elevator to move up or down.
signal temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
P1 : process (clk , weight, x)
variable s11 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
-- Variable insted of the counter signal -->to have the direct assigment
if (weight = '1') then
OverWeight <= '1';
current_state <= s0;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (x = '1') then -- if X equals to 1 that means restart the timer.
s11 := "000";
elsif (x = '0') then -- if X equals 0 then count up "keep counting ".
s11 := s11+1;
end if;
current_state <= next_state;
counter <= s11;
OverWeight <= '0';
end if;
counter <= s11;
o5 <= counter;
end process P1;
P2 : process (clk) -- this process if for the 2nd timer.
variable s4 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
-- Variable insted of the counter2 signal -->to have the direct assigment
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (press = '1') then
Desired_floor <= Desire_floor;
if (Current_Floor < Desired_floor) then
s4 := s4 +1;
elsif (Current_Floor > Desired_floor) then
s4 := s4 -1;
end if;
counter2 <= s4;
elsif (call = '1') then
Called_Floor <= Call_Floor;
if (Current_Floor < Called_Floor) then
s4 := s4 +1;
elsif (Current_Floor > Called_Floor) then
s4 := s4 -1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
counter2 <= s4;
o1 <= counter2;
o2 <= Desired_floor;
o3 <= Called_Floor;
counter2 <= s4;
end process P2;
P3 : process (counter, current_state)
case current_state is
when s0 =>
if(counter < "001") then
x <= '0';
Current_Floor <= Current_Floor;
next_state <= s0;
temp1_state <= "00";
if (press = '1') then
if(Desired_floor > Current_Floor) then
next_state <= s1;
temp2_state <= "01";
elsif (Desired_floor < Current_Floor) then
next_state <= s2;
temp2_state <= "10";
end if;
if (call = '1') then
if (Called_Floor > Current_Floor) then
next_state <= s1;
temp2_state <= "01";
elsif (Called_Floor < Current_Floor) then
next_state <= s2;
temp2_state <= "10";
end if;
end if;
end if;
x <= '1';
end if;
Door_open_close <= '1';
Move_up <= '0';
move_down <= '0';
Current_Floor <= counter2;
temp1_state <= "00";
when s1 =>
temp1 <= (Desired_floor - Current_Floor);
temp2 <= (Called_Floor-Current_Floor);
o4 <= temp1;
if ((temp1 /= "000") or (temp2 /= "000")) then
next_state <= s1;
temp2_state <= "01";
Current_Floor <= counter2;
elsif (((Desired_floor-Current_Floor) = "000")or ((Called_Floor-Current_Floor) = "000")) then
next_state <= s0;
temp2_state <= "00";
end if;
Door_open_close <= '0';
Move_up <= '1';
move_down <= '0';
Current_Floor <= counter2;
x <= '1';
temp1_state <= "01";
when s2 =>
temp3 <= (Current_Floor-Desired_floor);
temp4 <= (Current_Floor-Called_Floor);
if ((temp3 /= "000") or (temp4 /= "000")) then
next_state <= s2;
temp2_state <= "10";
Current_Floor <= counter2;
elsif (((Current_Floor-Desired_floor) = "000") or ((Called_Floor-Current_Floor) = "000")) then
next_state <= s0;
temp2_state <= "00";
end if;
Door_open_close <= '0';
Move_up <= '0';
move_down <= '1';
Current_Floor <= counter2;
x <= '1';
temp1_state <= "10";
end case;
end process P3;
I mad a lot of changes on the code and still have a problem .How can i save the value of an input at a certain state and ignore it's value until the next entering of the same state
-- Cad Project .
-- Project Name : Elevator .
-- Date : 18\12\2013.
-- Group Number : 13.
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
--Entity Decleration
entity Elevator is
port (clk, press : in std_logic;
-- Call To Call The Elevator ,press if a key is pressrd from the pannel inside the elevator .
Desire_floor : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
-- Desired_floor is the floor number choosed from inside the elevator .
-- called_floor is the floor number that the "Call" Key has been pressed from .
weight : in std_logic;
Door_open_close, Move_up, move_down, OverWeight : out std_logic;
-- Door_open_close is 1 when opened ,0 when closed .
-- OverWeight is 1 when the weight is over 500 KG.
Current_Floor : buffer std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
temp1_state, temp2_state : buffer std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7 : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0));
--architecture Decleration
architecture Elevator of Elevator is
type state is (s0, s1, s2);
--s0 state represents no move ,s1 state represents move up ,s2 state represents move down .
signal current_state : state := s0;
signal next_state : state;
signal Desired_floor : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
signal X : std_logic := '0'; -- X is a signal used to restart the timer or to resume it's count.
signal counter : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- Timer befor closing/opening the doors "timer".
signal counter2 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- Timer for the elevator to move up or down.
signal temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
signal temp6 : std_logic;
P1 : process (clk , weight, x)
variable s11 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
-- Variable insted of the counter signal -->to have the direct assigment
if (weight = '1') then
OverWeight <= '1';
current_state <= s0;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (x = '1') then -- if X equals to 1 that means restart the timer.
s11 := "000";
elsif (x = '0') then -- if X equals 0 then count up "keep counting ".
s11 := s11+1;
end if;
current_state <= next_state;
counter <= s11;
OverWeight <= '0';
end if;
counter <= s11;
o5 <= counter;
end process P1;
P2 : process (clk) -- this process if for the 2nd timer.
variable s4 : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000";
-- Variable insted of the counter2 signal -->to have the direct assigment
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (press = '1') then
if (Current_Floor < Desired_floor) then
s4 := s4 +1;
elsif (Current_Floor > Desired_floor) then
s4 := s4 -1;
end if;
counter2 <= s4;
end if;
end if;
counter2 <= s4;
o1 <= counter2;
o2 <= Desired_floor;
counter2 <= s4;
end process P2;
P3 : process (counter, current_state)
case current_state is
when s0 =>
if(counter < "010") then
x <= '0';
Current_Floor <= Current_Floor;
next_state <= s0;
temp1_state <= "00";
if (press = '1') then
if(Desired_floor > Current_Floor) then
next_state <= s1;
temp2_state <= "01";
elsif (Desired_floor < Current_Floor) then
next_state <= s2;
temp2_state <= "10";
end if;
end if;
x <= '1';
end if;
Door_open_close <= '1';
Move_up <= '0';
move_down <= '0';
Current_Floor <= counter2;
temp1_state <= "00";
temp6 <= '1';
when s1 =>
temp1 <= (Desired_floor - Current_Floor);
o4 <= temp1;
if ((temp1 /= "000")) then
next_state <= s1;
temp2_state <= "01";
Current_Floor <= counter2;
elsif ((Desired_floor-Current_Floor) = "000") then
next_state <= s0;
temp2_state <= "00";
end if;
Door_open_close <= '0';
Move_up <= '1';
move_down <= '0';
Current_Floor <= counter2;
x <= '1';
temp1_state <= "01";
temp6 <= '0';
when s2 =>
temp3 <= (Current_Floor-Desired_floor);
if ((temp3 /= "000")) then
next_state <= s2;
temp2_state <= "10";
Current_Floor <= counter2;
elsif ((Current_Floor-Desired_floor) = "000") then
next_state <= s0;
temp2_state <= "00";
end if;
Door_open_close <= '0';
Move_up <= '0';
move_down <= '1';
Current_Floor <= counter2;
x <= '1';
temp1_state <= "10";
temp6 <= '0';
end case;
end process P3;
P4 : process (temp6, clk)
if (clk 'event and clk = '1') then
if (temp6'event and temp6 = '1')then
--if ( current_state =s0 ) then
Desired_floor <= Desire_floor;
Desired_floor <= Desired_floor;
end if;
Desired_floor <= Desired_floor;
end if;
end process P4;
It looks like the floor counter is only being incremented when the user presses 'press'.
If we're not on the desired floor yet, then Current_Floor is driven by counter2
temp1 <= (Desired_floor - Current_Floor);
o4 <= temp1;
if ((temp1 /= "000")) then
next_state <= s1;
temp2_state <= "01";
Current_Floor <= counter2;
counter2 is driven by s4:
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (press = '1') then
if (Current_Floor < Desired_floor) then
s4 := s4 +1;
elsif (Current_Floor > Desired_floor) then
s4 := s4 -1;
end if;
counter2 <= s4; <-
end if;
end if;
counter2 <= s4; <-
o1 <= counter2;
o2 <= Desired_floor;
counter2 <= s4; <-
(Aside, why do you assign s4 to counter2 three times?)
s4 is only changed when press is asserted. So your lift is only going to be moving up or down a floor when someone pushes the button.
General comments
Your process sensitivity lists are all over the place! Your sensitivity lists should either be clock or clock,reset. Asynchronous processes (those without a clock in the sensitivity list) do have their place, but I generally avoid them unless absolutely necessary. I find it a lot easier to visualise the timing behaviour in my head when everything is strictly synchronous.
P1 : process (clk , weight, x) <- BAD
P2 : process (clk) <- GOOD
P3 : process (counter, current_state) <- OKAY
P4 : process (temp6, clk) <- BAD
Indenting has a huge impact on how you read the code. Learn to indent properly. I use the emacs VHDL mode, it has a great beautify function which really helps. I ran your code through it when I edited the comment and wrote this answer.
Your signal names need work. things like temp are a bad idea. you are doing pretty well with commenting though, so that's a plus. keep that up!
I'm going to briefly mention the code redundancy, example:
if (temp6'event and temp6 = '1')then
--if ( current_state =s0 ) then
Desired_floor <= Desire_floor;
Desired_floor <= Desired_floor;
end if;
Desired_floor <= Desired_floor;
If it was different before, totally understandable, but clean that stuff up, unnecessary reading for whoever is on the receiving end of your code.

VHDL Code for State Machine

I am attempting to write a Successive Approximation Register in VHDL for an ADC. I am making it a state machine. I am just a little unsure about my code in the final State block (current_state = S_LSB). Is this code valid? Is there a better way to reset DigitalOutTemp and OutTemp before going back to state one?
NOTE The value of Comparator depends on the DigitalOutTemp output after it goes through a Digital to Analog Converter.
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Comparator, Clock : IN std_logic;
DigitalOutFinal, DigitalOutTemp : OUT std_logic_vector (13 downto 0)
ARCHITECTURE Behavioural OF SARegister IS
CONSTANT S_MSB : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0000";
CONSTANT S_TWELVE : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0001";
CONSTANT S_ELEVEN : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0010";
CONSTANT S_TEN : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0011";
CONSTANT S_NINE : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0100";
CONSTANT S_EIGHT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0101";
CONSTANT S_SEVEN : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0110";
CONSTANT S_SIX : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "0111";
CONSTANT S_FIVE : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1000";
CONSTANT S_FOUR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1001";
CONSTANT S_THREE : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1010";
CONSTANT S_TWO : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1011";
CONSTANT S_ONE : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1100";
CONSTANT S_LSB : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1101";
IF (rising_edge (Clock)) THEN
Current_state <= Next_state;
PROCESS (Current_state, Comparator)
Next_state <= Current_state;
DigitalOutTemp <= "10000000000000";
OutTemp <= "10000000000000";
DigitalOutFinal <= "00000000000000";
IF (Current_state = S_MSB) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(13) <= '0';
OutTemp(13) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(12) <='1';
OutTemp(12) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_TWELVE;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_TWELVE) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(12) <= '0';
OutTemp(12) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(11) <='1';
OutTemp(11) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_ELEVEN;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_ELEVEN) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(11) <= '0';
OutTemp(11) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(10) <='1';
OutTemp(10) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_TEN;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_TEN) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(10) <= '0';
OutTemp(10) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(9) <='1';
OutTemp(9) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_NINE;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_NINE) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(9) <= '0';
OutTemp(9) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(8) <='1';
OutTemp(8) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_EIGHT;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_EIGHT) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(8) <= '0';
OutTemp(8) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(7) <='1';
OutTemp(7) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_SEVEN;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_SEVEN) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(7) <= '0';
OutTemp(7) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(6) <='1';
OutTemp(6) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_SIX;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_SIX) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(6) <= '0';
OutTemp(6) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(5) <='1';
OutTemp(5) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_FIVE;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_FIVE) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(5) <= '0';
OutTemp(5) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(4) <='1';
OutTemp(4) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_FOUR;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_FOUR) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(4) <= '0';
OutTemp(4) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(3) <='1';
OutTemp(3) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_THREE;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_THREE) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(3) <= '0';
OutTemp(3) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(2) <='1';
OutTemp(2) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_TWO;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_TWO) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(2) <= '0';
OutTemp(2) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(1) <='1';
OutTemp(1) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_ONE;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_ONE) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(1) <= '0';
OutTemp(1) <= '0';
DigitalOutTemp(0) <='1';
OutTemp(0) <= '1';
Next_state <= S_LSB;
ELSIF (Current_state = S_LSB) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(0) <= '0';
OutTemp(0) <= '0';
DigitalOutFinal <= OutTemp;
DigitalOutTemp <= "10000000000000";
OutTemp <= "10000000000000";
Next_state <= S_MSB;
Its hard to tell what your code is trying to accomplish, so I thought I'd make some general observations that might help you along.
There is a lot of needless repetition in your code that you can fix by using a counter to index your bits rather than a hard coded index in each state, for example using a counter idx that counts from your MSB to LSB you can do:
elsif (current_state = COMPARE) then
OutTemp(idx) <= comparator;
if idx > 0 then
OutTemp(idx-1) <= '1';
idx <= idx - 1;
next_state <= current_state;
idx <= MSB;
next_state <= idle;
end if;
end if;
This assumes you want to set OutTemp(idx-1) in the previous state, which strikes me as a bit pointless, but maybe its required by your external hardware...
You have also duplicated your OutTemp by assigning to both a signal and a port, I would remove all your assignments to the port DigitalOutTemp and instead add the following to your clocked process:
process (clock)
if rising_edge(clock) then
Current_state <= Next_state;
DigitalOutTemp <= OutTemp;
end if;
end process;
This will set DigitalOutTemp synchronously, if you dont want this you can set it outside of the clocked process instead, but I would advise you to set it synchronously to avoid glitches.
To answer your question, the final state:
ELSIF (Current_state = S_LSB) THEN
IF (Comparator = '0') THEN
DigitalOutTemp(0) <= '0';
OutTemp(0) <= '0';
DigitalOutFinal <= OutTemp;
DigitalOutTemp <= "10000000000000";
OutTemp <= "10000000000000";
Next_state <= S_MSB;
.. will just set DigitalOutTemp to "10000000000000" and DigitalOutFinal to whatever was in OutTemp in the previous state. It appears that you expect OutTemp to have been updated by the assignment to OutTemp(0) further up, but this wont be the case. The assignment to OutTemp(0) is scheduled for the end of the process; it isn't visible immediately.
The assignments to OutTemp(0) and DigitalOutTemp(0) in the IF statement will do nothing as their scheduled writes are cancelled by your assignments to them further down.
So to answer your question, it looks like valid code in that it will probably compile and synthesize, but it wont exhibit the behaviour you seem to expect.
Hope this helps.
