SDL 1.2 and SDL 2.0 show black screen on MACOS Mojave when rendering OpenGL - macos

While working OpenGL code using SDL 1.2 and 2.0 on MAC Mojave, the SDL window is now showing a black screen (It was working perfectly before updating to MACOS Mojave).
I googled a solution for a while and I didn't find any.
The only thing that solved the issue was updating to Mojave 10.14.3 and Xcode 10.1 . I recommend you to do the same

Downgrading is not treating the problem, it's just masking the symptoms.
the SDL window is now showing a black screen
To me this looks like an issue with double buffer configuration and/or use. But it's hard to tell without seeing some code.


Xcode 12.3 iOS 14.3 simulators Yellow Dock / yellow translucent issues

Today I downloaded the release of Xcode 12.3, and I went running the iOS 14.3 simulators and it seems like there is a graphic glitch that all translucent views are yellow, dock included.
I redownloaded iOS 14.2 and those seem fine. It just seems really odd. I've submitted feedback, but I was curious if anyone else has seen this?
I'm on macOS v10.15.7 (Catalina) and am curious of if it's just Catalina or also macOS v11 (Big Sur).
Xcode 12.4 RC has announced fix.
iOS simulated devices no longer display an incorrect yellow tint in translucent UI elements. Certain GPUs may continue to display the tint with some tvOS simulators. (71203015)
I think it is a bug related to the discrete GPU.
In addition, this bug causes the background of the on-screen keyboard to be almost RGB(0,0,0). Experienced on MBP 2017 with Catalina.
Workaround I - Using integrated GPU
In the simulator, set menu File → GPU Selection → Prefer Integrated GPU to work around this bug.
Restart the simulator.
This was tested on a MacBook Pro with Catalina and Big Sur. As comments suggest that it won't work on iMac.
Workaround II - Reduce transparency
In the simulated device (e.g. iPhone), Settings → Accessibility → Display & Text Size → turn on Reduce Transparency.
Notice that it can only reduce the previous 'solid' yellow to 'fairly light'.
I find this workaround, as the discrete GPU can be used, is more suitable for testing the UI logic than the previous solution.
This was tested on a MacBook Pro with Catalina. Might work on iMac.
Are you using a MacBook Pro? I had the same bug.
I solved in the following ways.
Step 1: Unplug all cables, including the charging cable
Step 2: Restart the iOS simulator
Best way around it (what I've done), is to download the 14.2 Simulator pack from within Xcode.
Open Xcode->Preferences
Tap Components
Tap the 14.2 Simulator pack and Xcode is going to start installing it.
It's a workaround till they fix that miserable error.
It is Xcode 12.3 bug! you can see that sometimes in the code interface builder too:
It is not critical but If you really care about it, download and use the previous Xcode from here
Nothe that you can't build for iOS 14.3 if you choose to use Xcode 12.2.
More description
Xcode always have unknown issues at the release point. Some of them are critical like this with 54K views! and some are not like this issue with about 5K views in only 13 days.
My suggestion is to always have 2 Xcodes at the same time until you are sure about Xcode bugs!
Happened to me as well, while I was charging my MacBook Pro 2016. I closed my Xcode, disconnected my charger from the Macbook and run it again. The problem was fixed.
One thing to point out/confirm: Seems the issue is limited to the simulator. The issue does not persist when sideloading the project to iPhone.

Xocde canvas crashes

I am creating and running a simple hello world app in Xcode 11.3.1. When I try to preview it in canvas the build succeeded and the canvas collapses. I am using Catalina version 10.15.3. The same issue is shown in Xcode 11.4 beta 3.
In my case, choosing Show Current Editor in Focused Editor solves the problem.

Mac OS Siera PyQt5 QTabWidget Issue

I usually program on windows (at work) or linux (free time).
Now im doing a project for my wife, and she uses a mac.
In this project there is a QTabWidget with closeable tabs.
On windows the close icon appears properly, and as excepted, however on MAC there is no close icon.
When you click far left on the tab title it just closes unexpectedly, because you cant see a close icon, and im not 100% sure why that is.
Anyone seen this before and know of a fix?
Mac is latest Siera os (just updated)
Python 3
PyQt5 (installed with pip3)
Thanks very much in advance
This is caused by a bug which has been fixed in Qt-5.9.2 (see QTBUG-61092).
In the meantime, it should be possible to work around the issue by setting your own icon using a stylesheet. To do this, you would need to use the QTabBar::close-button selector, which is documented in the Qt Style Sheets Reference.

Yosemite OSX 10.10.1 Asset image not shown Properly

I am using OS Seiera and xcode 7.3.1 for making .dmg. Images with same properties are acting differently on Yosmemite. Some of them works perfectly but some are getting weird, as you can see images. What could be the issue in image I am using, as all are coming from same designer. Is there a slicing issue for from some property twicking should me made?

Interface Builder appears blurry on retina display in Xcode 6.3

I just recently downloaded the latest public release of Xcode (6.3) and I noticed the storyboard for my app is now low res on my Retina MacBook Pro. Images, text and standard UI elements all appear blurry. On the actual device everything looks fine and code still looks sharp its just while working in the Interface Builder.
Has anybody else noticed this and figured out a way to fix it? This is happening to me in both Swift and Objective-C projects including in Apple's sample projects (Master-Detail Application and etc).
I submitted this as a bug report, and Apple responded by saying that it is the desired appearance. They did not give an explanation, that was all they said.
It appears to be related to a bug in the newest iOS SDK, and as a workaround, they've forced Interface Builder to render everything at 1x. Currently, there doesn't seem to be any solution to this annoying problem other than to wait.
Just installed Xcode version 6.3.2 and this issue appears to have been fixed.
Have you tried re-installation of the same version? That helped once.
Alternatively, can upgrade to newer version, too.
