How can I pull and return variables from a list? - scheme

I'm working on a project and want to create a function that will take a logical proposition in the form of a list as input and return a new list consisting of the variable names.
For example:
(A and (not B or C)) would return (A B C)
But I'm having a hard time with looping through the input list, especially when it involves nested lists like in the example.
edit: Thanks, got some code that works:
(define (flatten list)
(cond ((null? list) '())
((pair? (car list))
(append (flatten (car list))
(flatten (cdr list))))
(else (cons (car list) (flatten (cdr list))))))
(define (remove-element list)
(filter (lambda (x)
(and (and (and (not (equal? x 'and))
(not (equal? x 'or)))
(and (not (equal? x 'implies))
(not (equal? x 'not))) )
(not (equal? x 'iff))))
(flatten list)))

A typical beginner assignment is to flatten a list. You'll find lots of questions here about that and basically it will make '(A and (not B or C)) into (A and not B or C). Then you're almost there.
Basically there is no distinction between a variable and an operator since eg. not can come before and and can come between. I guess you cannot have variable names that are the same as your operators and you need to know the operators in advance. Then you can filter the flattened list to remove the operators. you'll then be left with (A B C).
It's difficult helping with specifics when you don't even have any code in your question so this is a s far as I can help you. Good luck.


The Little Schemer: What is a function or argument's structure?

In Chapter 3 of The Little Schemer, the answer to the question of why we don't simplify the rember function right away is "because then a function's structure does not coincide with its argument's structure." I'm having trouble understanding what a function's structure is, what an argument's structure is, and what the difference is between them.
Here's the unsimplified version:
(define rember
(lambda (a lat)
((null? lat) (quote ()))
(else (cond
(( eq? (car lat) a) (cdr lat))
(else (cons (car lat)
(rember a
( cdr lat)))))))))
And here's the simplified:
(define rember
(lambda (a lat)
((null? lat) (quote ()))
((eq? (car lat) a) (cdr lat))
(else (cons (car lat)
(rember a (cdr lat)))))))
From what I can tell, the main difference is that the function has gone from two conds asking one question each to one cond asking two questions.
The function's arguments are the atom "a" and the list "lat."
This is the first time, outside of the densely written foreword, where the book references the word "structure." In my mind, the definition of the word "structure" so far is open to interpretation.
Someone has asked this exact question here before, but I have trouble following the answer. Why does a two-cond structure coincide or not coincide with the structure of a list? A list, in my mind, doesn't have any conditions at all!
Isn't a condition equivalent to a question in Scheme? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what a condition is, which could be a reasonable root of my frustration. Anyways, any clarification on this would be very much appreciated! Thank you!
Here for “structure of function” the author probably means that the body of the function, that is the condition:
((null? lat) ...)
(else ... (cond... (car lat) ... (cdr lat) ...)))
patterns exactly the “recursive” definition of a list, as either:
an empty list, or
a value with at least one element (the car), and a list (the cdr).
The new definition instead “folds” the two cond inside a single one, so that the “structure” of the function (the structure of the cond) does not reflect any more the “structure” of its list argument.
List is a type that could have been defined, with some pseudocode, as
(define-variant-record list
( () ) ; '() is a list
((hd . tl) ; a cons pair (with car field named `hd` and cdr `tl`)
(list tl)) ) ; is a list, if `tl` itself is a list
Then, it could be handled with a hypothetical (cf. EOPL) patern-matching construct variant-case:
(define rember
(lambda (a lat) ; an atom and a list of atoms
(variant-case (lat) ; follow the `lat` --
( () ; an empty list case, or
(quote ()))
( (hd . tl) ; a non-empty list, with car field `hd` and cdr `tl`
(( eq? hd a) tl)
(cons hd
(rember a tl))))))))
which, by way of using the variant-case belonging to the data-type definition of list, naturally and visibly follows its structure (i.e. the two cases of its definition).
The first formulation (with the nested conds) just emulates the non-existent variant-case with the explicit access to the concrete data-type implementation, with the cars and the cdrs as it does.
The inner cond does not belong to this, and just deals with the specifics of rember on its own. That's why mashing the two conds into one may be seen as mixing the non-related concerns into one mish-mash (generally speaking; although here both are extremely simple and clear).

Lists traversal in Scheme

myList is a list with elements both as symbols or lists of the same type of myList.
For example: myList = '(a b (a d c) d ()) , etc.
I want to write a function in Scheme which would just traverse it (eventually I will replace the symbols with other values).
I wrote this function:
(define traversal (lambda (myList)
(if (null? myList) '()
(if (and (list? (car myList)) (not (null? (car myList))))
(list (traversal (car myList)) (traversal (cdr myList)))
; else if car is an empty list
(if (null? (car myList))
(list (traversal (cdr myList)))
; else car is a symbol
(append (list (car myList)) (traversal (cdr myList))))))))
It gives correct results for some configuration of myList, but definitely it is not the one.
For example,
(display (traversal '((f) h (r t b) (x m b m y) b (c (d)))))
adds additional paranthesis which I don't need.
What would be a correct way to display such a list?
You're testing null? in so many places, where one test is generally enough.
You rarely use list in these traversals, but simply cons.
Also, append is best avoided, and not needed here.
Repetitive use of (car ...) is optimised with a let form.
The simplified form of your code would be:
(define traversal
(lambda (myList)
(if (null? myList)
(let ((c (car myList)))
(cons (if (list? c) (traversal c) c)
(traversal (cdr myList)))))))
While this procedure works well for proper lists, it doesn't correctly work for improper lists (although it appears to). The following is a more general approach that works for every kind of S-expression, including proper lists, and I recommend this over the previous code:
(define traversal
(lambda (sexp)
((null? sexp) '())
((pair? sexp) (cons (traversal (car sexp))
(traversal (cdr sexp))))
(else sexp))))
You are close to the solution. Here are a few hints:
Instead of nested ifs try using the cond form, it is more readable.
The expression (and (list? (car myList)) (not (null? (car myList)))) is correct, but you may use (pair? (car myList)) which is shorter and does almost the same thing.
traversal should return a list but using list with list arguments here
(list (traversal (car myList)) (traversal (cdr myList)))
will return a list of lists. E.g. (list '(a) '(b)) will return ((a) (b)) instead of (a b). In these cases you should use append (append '(a) '(b)) -> (a b).
If a value is not a list but you want to add it to an existing list, use the cons procedure.
(cons 'a '(b c)) -> (a b c).

Scheme - car/cdr on empty list

I wrote a big program that use car and cdr, and do:
(map car (append (map caddr lists) (map cadr lists))
When lists is list of lists in the next format ((a (b) (c)) (d (e) (f))...(x (y) (z)))
When I did it I got one list (b c e f... y z)
(Note: b,c,...y,z is a list of numbers; a,d...x is a symbol)
But now, I found that b,c,...,y,z can be also empty list, and It gives the next error:
car: expects argument of type <pair>; given ()
What can I do?
Have you tried filtering away empty lists before your map? Something like this:
(map car (filter pair? (append (map caddr lists) (map cadr lists))))
The fundamental issue is that () is not a pair while car only acts on pairs. The simplest solution is just to get rid of everything that isn't a pair before mapping car onto the list; this is what (filter pair? ...) does.
Here's my shot. It's a straight solution, without using map, filter; in that way, I avoid going over and over the elements of the list constructing intermediate lists - except that I used a reverse operation for preserving the original order of the elements, if that's not an issue, remove reverse. For each element in the original list, if either the (b)... or (c)... part is empty, it's skipped.
(define (process lists)
(let loop ((l (reverse lists))
(a '())
(b '()))
(cond ((null? l)
(append b a))
((or (not (pair? (cadar l))) (not (pair? (caddar l))))
(loop (cdr l) a b))
(loop (cdr l) (cons (caadar l) a) (cons (car (caddar l)) b))))))

Scheme evaluation order standard

I've got a program I'm writing for a class to substitute the left-most occurrence of a variable with a new variable. (It actually allows you to provide an equivalence relation yourself, as well). The thing is, in Chez Scheme 8.2, this substitutes the right-most occurrence, if the left most is inside a list. We use a server running some version of scheme (I'm not sure which version), and on the server it substitutes, correctly, the left-most occurrence. Below is the code:
(define subst-leftmost
(lambda (new old ls proc)
(let ([keep-going? #t])
(letrec ([helper
(lambda (ls)
(cond [(null? ls) ls]
[(or (pair? (car ls)) (null? (car ls)))
(cons (helper (car ls)) (helper (cdr ls)))]
[(and keep-going? (proc old (car ls)))
(set! keep-going? #f) (cons new (cdr ls))]
[else (cons (car ls) (helper (cdr ls)))]))]) (helper ls))))
This is called like so: (subst-leftmost 'x 'a '(d b c (a) b a) eq?) which should produce the output (d b c (x) b a), and does on the server. In Chez scheme, however, it produces (d b c (a) b x). I think the difference is due to the line
[(or (pair? (car ls)) (null? (car ls)))
(cons (helper (car ls)) (helper (cdr ls)))]
evaluating the helper of the car and the helper of the cdr in a not-set order.
My question is this: Which version of scheme is following the standard, and how can I modify my code so that it works correctly in both versions?
(I've already talked to my professor about this. He's going to address the class about it on Monday, once he can think about it some, but I'm curious. I also already got the full points for the assignment, so don't worry about the ethics of helping me, in that regard.)
There isn't any, sorry. Here's the relevant legalese. Use LETs or LET* if you need to evaluate sub-expressions in a particular order.
Scheme guarantees no specific order (as Cirno has said). If your code has no side-effects, this doesn't matter.
However, your code is side-effecting (because of the set! to an outside variable), so, you have some choices:
Use Racket (which is committed to using left-to-right order, last time I talked to a Racket dev)
Structure your code to remove side-effects, so that your helper function doesn't change any variable or state outside it
Use appropriate lets to ensure the ordering you need (as Cirno suggested); in particular, change (cons (helper (car ls)) (helper (cdr ls))) to:
(let ((depth-first (helper (car ls))))
(cons depth-first (helper (cdr ls))))

double in scheme

How to write a program in scheme that takes an arbitrary
sexpression consisting of integers and which returns an sexpression that is identical to
the original but with all the integers doubled?
We want a procedure that takes an S-expression as input, and outputs an S-expression with the same structure, but where each integer is doubled; generally, a procedure to map S-expressions:
(define (double x)
(if (number? x)
(* x 2)
(define (sexp-map op sexp)
(sexp-map double some-sexpression)
The S-expression we get (SEXP) is going to be either an atom, in which case the result is (OP SEXP), or a list of S-expressions. We might think to map OP across SEXP in this case, but S-expressions nest arbitrarily deep. What we should actually do is map a procedure that will transform each element in the smaller S-expression with OP. Well would you look at that, that's just another way to describe of the goal of the procedure we're currently trying to write. So we can map SEXP-MAP across SEXP.
Well, no we can't actually, because SEXP-MAP needs to be called with two arguments, and MAP will only give it the one. To get around that, we use a helper procedure F of one argument:
(define (sexp-map op sexp)
(define (f x)
(if (list? x)
(map f x)
(op x)))
(f sexp))
F winds up doing all the real work. SEXP-MAP is reduced to being a facade that's easier to use for the programmer.
It sounds like what you want is to find each integer in the s-expression, then double it, while keeping the rest of it the same.
If you're not aware, s-expressions are just lists that may happen to contain other lists, and it makes sense to deal with them in levels. For instance, here's a way to print all the values on level one of an s-expression:
(define (print-level-one sexp)
(display (car sexp))
(print-level-one (cdr sexp)))
This will end up calling display on the car of every part of the s-expression.
You could do something similar. You'll need the functions integer? and pair? to check whether something is an integer, which should be doubled, or another list, which should be treated just like the top-level list.
(Note: I'm being deliberately vague because of the comment about homework above. If you just want the answer, rather than help figuring out the answer, say so and I'll change this.)
An Sexp of numbers is one of
-- Number
-- ListOfSexp
A ListOfSexp is one of
-- empty
-- (cons Sexp ListOfSexp)
So, you'll need one function to handle both of those data definitions. Since the data definitions cross-reference each other, the functions will do the same. Each individual function is pretty straight forward.
(define (double E)
(cond ((null? E) '())
((list? (car E)) (cons (double (car E)) (double (cdr E))))
((number? E) (list E))
(else (cons (* 2 (car E)) (double (cdr E))))
(map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) '(1 2 3 4 5)) => '(2 4 6 8 10)
What does it do? (lambda (x) (* x 2)) takes a number and doubles it, and map applies that function to every element of a list.
Edit: Oh, but it won't go into trees.
(define double
(lambda (x)
(cond ((null? x) (list))
((list? (car x)) (cons (double (car x)) (double (cdr x))))
(else (cons (* 2 (car x)) (double (cdr x)))))))
Fixed this. Thanks to Nathan Sanders for pointing out my initial oversight concerning nested lists.
