context switching in an operating system - cpu

good evening everyone
I would like to know what will happen if during a context switch, the new context is already in one of the registers or if it is ever in memory and all the registers are occupied?

Basically, a context switch is a way of saving the current state of the machine and replacing it with a new one. Steps are vaguely like this:
enter privileged mode, where the CPU will have access to system/kernel memory
save old program counter (now we know where we were when the task-switch event happened - maybe a system call, maybe an interrupt; basically the running process was forced to yield control)
save current register state (either on the stack, or in a specific set of OS-allocated-and-managed memory)
save the stack pointer (if the architecture has one)
save memory information for the task being suspended by marking all the pages used by this process as eligible for eviction (if the next task or the OS needs the main memory that the old process was using, that will be copied out to page storage and then memory-mapped into the correct address space; if not, they may hang around and be available when the task regains control)
It is now safe for the OS to do anything it pleases, as the transient state of the old process is saved, and its memory is safe. Maybe it handles an interrupt, or executes a system call. We'll skip all that and just do a task switch.
set up memory for new task (map main memory to the new process's virtual memory; some may be in main memory already, if there's not a lot of memory in use, or it may have been paged out to external storage, in which case it will be loaded via a "page fault" when the program tries to reference it - the program will suspend in the same way as above, the OS will read in the memory block, and the process will be resumed by the OS)
load register state from the new process's OS control block or stack
load the stack pointer if required
exit privileged mode
branch to the last suspend program counter or entry point for new task
The key point is that the the OS is in charge of preserving state; it manages this process appropriately for the CPU architecture. Registers are not "busy" because the task switch process saves them and restores them. The process which lost control then regained it does not have any idea that it lost control; its world state is saved and restored seamlessly.


what happens during context switch between two processes in linux?

Let's say process p1 is executing with its own address space(stack,heap,text). When context switch happens, i understand that all the current cpu registers are pushed into PCB before loading process p2. Then TLB is flushed and loaded with p2 address mapping and starts executing with its own address spaces.
What i would like know is the state of p1 address space. Will it be copied to disk and updates its page table before loading process p2?
The specifics of a context switch depend upon the underlying hardware. However, context switches are basically the same, even among different system.
The mistake you have is " i understand that all the current cpu registers are pushed into stack before loading process p2". The registers are stored in an area of memory that is usually called the PROCESS CONTEXT BLOCK (or PCB) whose structure is defined by the processor. Most processors have instructions for loading and saving the process context (i.e., its registers) into this structure. In the case of Intel, this can require multiple instructions saving to multiple blocks because of all the different register sets (e.g. FPU, MMX).
The outgoing process does not have to be written to disk. It may paged out if the system needs more memory but it is possible that it could stay entirely in memory and be ready to execute.
A context switch is simply the exchange of one processor's saved register values for another's.

How do I write to a __user memory from within the top half of an interrupt handler?

I am working on a proprietary device driver. The driver is implemented as a kernel module. This module is then coupled with an user-space process.
It is essential that each time the device generates an interrupt, the driver updates a set of counters directly in the address space of the user-space process from within the top half of the interrupt handler. The driver knows the PID and the task_struct of the user-process and is also aware of the virtual address where the counters lie in the user-process context. However, I am having trouble in figuring out how code running in the interrupt context could take up the mm context of the user-process and write to it. Let me sum up what I need to do:
Get the address of the physical page and offset corresponding to the virtual address of the counters in the context of the user-process.
Set up mappings in the page table and write to the physical page corresponding to the counter.
For this, I have tried the following:
Try to take up the mm context of the user-task, like below:
/* write to counters. */
This apparently causes the entire system to hang.
Wait for the interrupt to occur when our user-process was the
current process. Then use copy_to_user().
I'm not much of an expert on kernel programming. If there's a good way to do this, please do advise and thank you in advance.
Your driver should be the one, who maps kernel's memory for user space process. E.g., you may implement .mmap callback for struct file_operation for your device.
Kernel driver may write to kernel's address, which it have mapped, at any time (even in interrupt handler). The user-space process will immediately see all modifications on its side of the mapping (using address obtained with mmap() system call).
Unix's architecture frowns on interrupt routines accessing user space
because a process could (in theory) be swapped out when the interrupt occurs. 
If the process is running on another CPU, that could be a problem, too. 
I suggest that you write an ioctl to synchronize the counters,
and then have the the process call that ioctl
every time it needs to access the counters.
Outside of an interrupt context, your driver will need to check the user memory is accessible (using access_ok), and pin the user memory using get_user_pages or get_user_pages_fast (after determining the page offset of the start of the region to be pinned, and the number of pages spanned by the region to be pinned, including page alignment at both ends). It will also need to map the list of pages to kernel address space using vmap. The return address from vmap, plus the offset of the start of the region within its page, will give you an address that your interrupt handler can access.
At some point, you will want to terminate access to the user memory, which will involve ensuring that your interrupt routine no longer accesses it, a call to vunmap (passing the pointer returned by vmap), and a sequence of calls to put_page for each of the pages pinned by get_user_pages or get_user_pages_fast.
I don't think what you are trying to do is possible. Consider this situation:
(assuming how your device works)
Some function allocates the user-space memory for the counters and
supplies its address in PROCESS X.
A switch occurs and PROCESS Y executes.
Your device interrupts.
The address for your counters is inaccessible.
You need to schedule a kernel mode asynchronous event (lower half) that will execute when PROCESS X is executing.

In what order does a context switch to the kernel occur

Out of these three steps, is this the right order, or do I need to switch any?
1) Save current state data
2) Turn on kernel mode
3) Determine cause of interrupt
So, let me try to help you figuring out the correct order.
Only the kernel can switch a context as only the kernel has access to the necessary data and can for example change the page tables for the other process' address space.
To determine whether to do a context switch or not, the kernel needs to analyse some "inputs". A context switch might be done for example because the timer interrupt fired and the time slice of a process is over or because the process started doing some IO.
Only the kernel can save the state of a user process because a user process would change its state when it would try storing it. The kernel however knows that if its running, the user process is currently interrupted (eg because of an interrupt or because the user space process voluntarily entered the kernel eg for a system call)
The current context of a process is first saved partly by the hardware(processor) and rest by the software(kernel).
Then the control is transferred from the user process to the kernel by loading the new eip, esp and other saved context of kernel is loaded by hardware from Task State Segment(TSS).
Then based on the interrupt or trap no. the request is dispatched to the appropriate handler.

Does Windows clear memory pages?

I know that Windows has an option to clear the page file when it shuts down.
Does Windows do anything special with the actual physical/virtual memory when it goes in or out of scope?
For instance, let's say I run application A, which writes a recognizable string to a variable in memory, and then I close the application. Then I run application B. It allocates a large chunk of memory, leaves the contents uninitialized, and searches it for the known string written by application A.
Is there ANY possibility that application B will pick up the string written by application A? Or does Windows scrub the memory before making it available?
Windows does "scrub" the freed memory returned by a process before allocating it to other processes. There is a kernel thread specifically for this task alone.
The zero page thread runs at the lowest priority and is responsible for zeroing out free pages before moving them to the zeroed page list[1].
Rather than worrying about retaining sensitive data in the paging file, you should be worried about continuing to retain it in memory (after use) in the first place. Clearing the page-file on shutdown is not the default behavior. Also a system crash dump will contain any sensitive info that you may have in "plain-text" in RAM.
Windows does NOT "scrub" the memory as long as it is allocated to a process (obviously). Rather it is left to the program(mer) to do so. For this very purpose one can use the SecureZeroMemory() function.
This function is defined as the RtlSecureZeroMemory() function ( see WinBase.h). The implementation of RtlSecureZeroMemory() is provided inline and can be used on any version of Windows ( see WinNT.h)
Use this function instead of ZeroMemory() when you want to ensure that your data will be overwritten promptly, as some C++ compilers can optimize a call to ZeroMemory() by removing it entirely.
WCHAR szPassword[MAX_PATH];
/* Obtain the password */
if (GetPasswordFromUser(szPassword, MAX_PATH))
/* Before continuing, clear the password from memory */
SecureZeroMemory(szPassword, sizeof(szPassword));
Don't forget to read this interesting article by Raymond Chen.

Context switch internals

I want to learn and fill gaps in my knowledge with the help of this question.
So, a user is running a thread (kernel-level) and it now calls yield (a system call I presume).
The scheduler must now save the context of the current thread in the TCB (which is stored in the kernel somewhere) and choose another thread to run and loads its context and jump to its CS:EIP.
To narrow things down, I am working on Linux running on top of x86 architecture. Now, I want to get into the details:
So, first we have a system call:
1) The wrapper function for yield will push the system call arguments onto the stack. Push the return address and raise an interrupt with the system call number pushed onto some register (say EAX).
2) The interrupt changes the CPU mode from user to kernel and jumps to the interrupt vector table and from there to the actual system call in the kernel.
3) I guess the scheduler gets called now and now it must save the current state in the TCB. Here is my dilemma. Since, the scheduler will use the kernel stack and not the user stack for performing its operation (which means the SS and SP have to be changed) how does it store the state of the user without modifying any registers in the process. I have read on forums that there are special hardware instructions for saving state but then how does the scheduler get access to them and who runs these instructions and when?
4) The scheduler now stores the state into the TCB and loads another TCB.
5) When the scheduler runs the original thread, the control gets back to the wrapper function which clears the stack and the thread resumes.
Side questions: Does the scheduler run as a kernel-only thread (i.e. a thread which can run only kernel code)? Is there a separate kernel stack for each kernel-thread or each process?
At a high level, there are two separate mechanisms to understand. The first is the kernel entry/exit mechanism: this switches a single running thread from running usermode code to running kernel code in the context of that thread, and back again. The second is the context switch mechanism itself, which switches in kernel mode from running in the context of one thread to another.
So, when Thread A calls sched_yield() and is replaced by Thread B, what happens is:
Thread A enters the kernel, changing from user mode to kernel mode;
Thread A in the kernel context-switches to Thread B in the kernel;
Thread B exits the kernel, changing from kernel mode back to user mode.
Each user thread has both a user-mode stack and a kernel-mode stack. When a thread enters the kernel, the current value of the user-mode stack (SS:ESP) and instruction pointer (CS:EIP) are saved to the thread's kernel-mode stack, and the CPU switches to the kernel-mode stack - with the int $80 syscall mechanism, this is done by the CPU itself. The remaining register values and flags are then also saved to the kernel stack.
When a thread returns from the kernel to user-mode, the register values and flags are popped from the kernel-mode stack, then the user-mode stack and instruction pointer values are restored from the saved values on the kernel-mode stack.
When a thread context-switches, it calls into the scheduler (the scheduler does not run as a separate thread - it always runs in the context of the current thread). The scheduler code selects a process to run next, and calls the switch_to() function. This function essentially just switches the kernel stacks - it saves the current value of the stack pointer into the TCB for the current thread (called struct task_struct in Linux), and loads a previously-saved stack pointer from the TCB for the next thread. At this point it also saves and restores some other thread state that isn't usually used by the kernel - things like floating point/SSE registers. If the threads being switched don't share the same virtual memory space (ie. they're in different processes), the page tables are also switched.
So you can see that the core user-mode state of a thread isn't saved and restored at context-switch time - it's saved and restored to the thread's kernel stack when you enter and leave the kernel. The context-switch code doesn't have to worry about clobbering the user-mode register values - those are already safely saved away in the kernel stack by that point.
What you missed during step 2 is that the stack gets switched from a thread's user-level stack (where you pushed args) to a thread's protected-level stack. The current context of the thread interrupted by the syscall is actually saved on this protected stack. Inside the ISR and just before entering the kernel, this protected-stack is again switched to the kernel stack you are talking about. Once inside the kernel, kernel functions such as scheduler's functions eventually use the kernel-stack. Later on, a thread gets elected by the scheduler and the system returns to the ISR, it switchs back from the kernel stack to the newly elected (or the former if no higher priority thread is active) thread's protected-level stack, wich eventually contains the new thread context. Therefore the context is restored from this stack by code automatically (depending on the underlying architecture). Finally, a special instruction restores the latest touchy resgisters such as the stack pointer and the instruction pointer. Back in the userland...
To sum-up, a thread has (generally) two stacks, and the kernel itself has one. The kernel stack gets wiped at the end of each kernel entering. It's interesting to point out that since 2.6, the kernel itself gets threaded for some processing, therefore a kernel-thread has its own protected-level stack beside the general kernel-stack.
Some ressources:
3.3.3 Performing the Process Switch of Understanding the Linux Kernel, O'Reilly
5.12.1 Exception- or Interrupt-Handler Procedures of the Intel's manual 3A (sysprogramming). Chapter number may vary from edition to other, thus a lookup on "Stack Usage on Transfers to Interrupt and Exception-Handling Routines" should get you to the good one.
Hope this help!
Kernel itself have no stack at all. The same is true for the process. It also have no stack. Threads are only system citizens which are considered as execution units. Due to this only threads can be scheduled and only threads have stacks. But there is one point which kernel mode code exploits heavily - every moment of time system works in the context of the currently active thread. Due to this kernel itself can reuse the stack of the currently active stack. Note that only one of them can execute at the same moment of time either kernel code or user code. Due to this when kernel is invoked it just reuse thread stack and perform a cleanup before returning control back to the interrupted activities in the thread. The same mechanism works for interrupt handlers. The same mechanism is exploited by signal handlers.
In its turn thread stack is divided into two isolated parts, one of which called user stack (because it is used when thread executes in user mode), and second one is called kernel stack (because it is used when thread executes in kernel mode). Once thread crosses the border between user and kernel mode, CPU automatically switches it from one stack to another. Both stack are tracked by kernel and CPU differently. For the kernel stack, CPU permanently keeps in mind pointer to the top of the kernel stack of the thread. It is easy, because this address is constant for the thread. Each time when thread enters the kernel it found empty kernel stack and each time when it returns to the user mode it cleans kernel stack. In the same time CPU doesn't keep in mind pointer to the top of the user stack, when thread runs in the kernel mode. Instead during entering to the kernel, CPU creates special "interrupt" stack frame on the top of the kernel stack and stores the value of the user mode stack pointer in that frame. When thread exits the kernel, CPU restores the value of ESP from previously created "interrupt" stack frame, immediately before its cleanup. (on legacy x86 the pair of instructions int/iret handle enter and exit from kernel mode)
During entering to the kernel mode, immediately after CPU will have created "interrupt" stack frame, kernel pushes content of the rest of CPU registers to the kernel stack. Note that is saves values only for those registers, which can be used by kernel code. For example kernel doesn't save content of SSE registers just because it will never touch them. Similarly just before asking CPU to return control back to the user mode, kernel pops previously saved content back to the registers.
Note that in such systems as Windows and Linux there is a notion of system thread (frequently called kernel thread, I know it is confusing). System threads a kind of special threads, because they execute only in kernel mode and due to this have no user part of the stack. Kernel employs them for auxiliary housekeeping tasks.
Thread switch is performed only in kernel mode. That mean that both threads outgoing and incoming run in kernel mode, both uses their own kernel stacks, and both have kernel stacks have "interrupt" frames with pointers to the top of the user stacks. Key point of the thread switch is a switch between kernel stacks of threads, as simple as:
pushad; // save context of outgoing thread on the top of the kernel stack of outgoing thread
; here kernel uses kernel stack of outgoing thread
mov [TCB_of_outgoing_thread], ESP;
mov ESP , [TCB_of_incoming_thread]
; here kernel uses kernel stack of incoming thread
popad; // save context of incoming thread from the top of the kernel stack of incoming thread
Note that there is only one function in the kernel that performs thread switch. Due to this each time when kernel has stacks switched it can find a context of incoming thread on the top of the stack. Just because every time before stack switch kernel pushes context of outgoing thread to its stack.
Note also that every time after stack switch and before returning back to the user mode, kernel reloads the mind of CPU by new value of the top of kernel stack. Making this it assures that when new active thread will try to enter kernel in future it will be switched by CPU to its own kernel stack.
Note also that not all registers are saved on the stack during thread switch, some registers like FPU/MMX/SSE are saved in specially dedicated area in TCB of outgoing thread. Kernel employs different strategy here for two reasons. First of all not every thread in the system uses them. Pushing their content to and and popping it from the stack for every thread is inefficient. And second one there are special instructions for "fast" saving and loading of their content. And these instructions doesn't use stack.
Note also that in fact kernel part of the thread stack has fixed size and is allocated as part of TCB. (true for Linux and I believe for Windows too)
