Laravel 5.8 How to order by sum of pivot table value in foreach? - laravel

I have the following tables:
id | name
1 | Lock
2 | Light
id | name
1 | 1A
2 | 1B
id | part_id | shelf_id | stock
1 | 1 | 1 | 5
2 | 1 | 2 | 10
3 | 2 | 1 | 4
The relations:
In Part model:
public function shelves()
return $this->belongsToMany( Shelf::class )->withPivot( 'stock' );
In shelf model:
public function parts()
return $this->belongsToMany(Part::class)->withPivot('stock');
What I would like to do is order all the parts based on the total stock of the pivot table.
What I have tried is the following:
$parts = Part::all(); // This is inside controller
#foreach($parts->shelves()->orderBy('pivot_stock', 'desc') as $part)
#foreach($parts->shelves()->orderBy('part_shelf.stock', 'desc') as $part)
I do know that I can get the total stock for individual parts with:
I just don't know how to approach it for all parts in the foreach-loop.
Also looked at other questions but that didn't really help:
How to order by pivot table data in Laravel's Eloquent ORM
Order by pivot table created_at in Laravel
Laravel 5.4 Eloquent SUM and ORDER BY pivot table column I think is the closest to what I'm looking for

I had similar problem. I had three tables. Players (in my code "Igrac"), tournaments(in my code "Turnir_Piramida"), and players_tournaments pivot table(in my code "Nastup_piramida"). In pivot table was also column point for points for each player in each tournament. And i needed to summarize points from each player and then sort table by sum of points.
I manage to do that with third link you posted. You can see my solution on this link


Assign id from foreign table to current table laravel

I am using laravel eloquent to get the query results. I have two tables below:
users table:
| id | department_id
| 1 | 1
| 2 | 3
| 3 | 2
department table:
| id | name
| 1 | A
| 2 | B
| 3 | C
| 4 | D
| 5 | E
How to get one unassigned ID, not existing department ID, into the users table? Example, 4 & 5 are not yet existing in users table, so how can I get 4 or 5 using an eloquent?
I am thinking of this but this is not correct.
Department::select(' as id')
->leftJoin('users', 'users.department_id' ,'')
Does anybody know?
Try this
//here you first got all the department which is assigned to user
$assigned_dept = Users::pluck('department_id')->toArray();
$department = array_values($assigned_dept); //output:['1','3','2']
//here you can select department which is not assigned to user with limit
$user = Department::whereNotIn('id',$department)
hope it works for you..
You can do it like this:
Department::whereNotIn('id', User::pluck('department_id'))->get();
I believe below code will work for you :
Department::select(' as id')
->whereNotIn('id', User::whereNotNull('department_id')->pluck('department_id'))
From the answers others, there is a problem with the array if department_id is NULL. So, I added whereNotNull and also last() and then the problem is solved. Let me post the answer here:
Department::select(' as id')
->whereNotIn('id', User::whereNotNull('department_id')->pluck('department_id'))
->last(); // since I only need one row

How to find only last row from second table, along with its first table row

I have two tables.
journals and volumes.
Journal Table has unique rows, and volumes table have rows based on journal table id, name is journal_id(may be multiple).
journals table is:
id | journal_name
1 | journal1
2 | journal2
volumes table is:
id | journal_id | volume_name
1 | 1 | volume1
2 | 1 | volume2
3 | 1 | volume3
4 | 2 | volume4
5 | 2 | volume5
Now I need join with row from journal table and only last rows of volumes based on journal_id.
Result should be:
id | journal_name | journal_id | volume_name
1 | journal1 | 1 | volume3
2 | journal2 | 2 | volume5
Not all the rows from volumes table. (Need only last rows from each group of journal_id).
required result from mysql query is:
SELECT J.journal_name,,V.journal_id FROM journals AS J
FROM volumes
FROM volumes
GROUP BY journal_id
)) AS V ON = V.journal_id
Now my try in laravel is:
controller is:
public function index()
$volumes = volume::with('volumes')->orderBy('id','desc')->limit(1)->get();
return view('welcome',compact('volumes'));
volume model is:
function volumes()
return $this->belongsTo(journal::class, 'journal_id');
But it is giving only one row from entire volume table. I need last one row from each group of journal_id in volume table.
You can use a HasOne relationship:
class Journal extends Model
public function latestVolume()
return $this->hasOne(Volume::class)->orderByDesc('id');
$journals = Journal::with('latestVolume')->get();
Be aware that this will still fetch all volumes from the database. It then discards the "old" ones.
If you want to improve the performance by really only fetching the latest volume, you can use this package I've created:
The package allows you to apply limit() to the relationship:
class Journal extends Model
use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
public function latestVolume()
return $this->hasOne(Volume::class)->orderByDesc('id')->limit(1);
The right way to define the models would be:
Journal model
function volumes()
return $this->belongsTo(Volume::class);
Volume model
function journals()
return $this->hasMany(Journal::class);
Now $journal->volumes should return all the volumes that belong to that journal.

Laravel Eloquent Model with multiple IDs

I will have a table that is full of information that involves other tables (relations). Most of the information in this table will only have the ID's of the referencing related table. If I were to use "products" as an example for this table it may look like this for some of the columns:
id | name | type_id | price_id | location_id | sale_id
1 | prod1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4
2 | prod2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1
3 | prod3 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 2
4 | prod4 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
I'm trying to take this "products" table and dump it out into a list. I would need to look up all of the items in these columns as I dump it out (the relation). I know how to do belongsToMany and hasMany, but I'm not sure how I can do this in one shot with an Eloquent model if I have a "products" model? Should I just make the products table just a pivot table? Can I do it with an Eloquent model or should I use query builder directly? I think if I were to use withPivot it would return the extra columns but the raw ID value from the column. I would need the value lookup from their respective table (the relation).
Tried something like this:
public function productItems(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class)->withPivot(["type_id","price_id",...]);
As suggested by #BagusTesa, you should eager load your relations:
$products = Product::with(['type', 'price', 'location'])->get();
That will query for the related models allowing you to access them as model properties:
foreach ($products as $product){
// $product->type;
// $product->price;
// $product->location;

Retrieving 1 pivot row per relation based on pivot values in Laravel belongsToMany relation

Background - I'm creating a system where administrators can create arbitrary fields, which are then combined into a form. Users then complete this form, and the values input against each field are stored in a table. However, rather than overwrite the previous value, I plan on keeping each past value as individual rows in the table. I then want to be able to display the contents submitted in each form, but only the most recently submitted value.
I have a model, Service, that features a belongsToMany relationship with another model, Field. This relationship is defined as:
public function fields()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Field')->withPivot('id', 'value', 'date')->withTimestamps();
The intermediary table has 3 values I wish to retrieve, id, value and date.
A Service may have 1 or more Fields, and for each field it may also have more than 1 pivot row. That is, a single Service/Field pairing may have multiple entries in the pivot table with different pivot values. For example:
Table field_service
id | service_id | field_id | value | created_at
1 | 1 | 1 | lorem | 2018-02-01
2 | 1 | 1 | ipsum | 2018-01-01
3 | 1 | 1 | dolor | 2017-12-01
4 | 1 | 2 | est | 2018-03-10
5 | 1 | 2 | sicum | 2018-03-09
6 | 1 | 2 | hoci | 2018-03-08
What I want is to get either:
A specific row from the pivot table for each Field associated with the Service, or
A specific value from the pivot table for each Field associated with the Service.
For example - in the table above, I would like the Service with ID 1 to have 2 Fields in the relationship, with each Field containing an attribute for the corresponding pivot value. The Fields attached would be specified by the corresponding pivot table entry having the most recent date. Something akin to:
$service->fields()[0]->value = "lorem"
$service->fields()[1]->value = "est"
I feel there's an obvious, 'Laravel'ly solution out there, but it eludes me...
Somewhat unbelievably this is another case of me not understanding windowing functions. I asked a question 7 years ago that is basically this exactly problem, but with raw MySQL. The following raw MySQL basically gives me what I want, I just don't know how to Laravelise it:
SELECT,, field_service.value, field_service.created_at, field_service.field_id
FROM field_service
(SELECT field_id, max(created_at) as ts
FROM field_service
WHERE service_id = X
GROUP BY field_id) maxt
ON (field_service.field_id = maxt.field_id and field_service.created_at = maxt.ts)
JOIN fields ON = field_service.field_id
JOIN services ON = field_service.service_id
Try this:
public function fields()
$join = DB::table('field_service')
->select('field_id')->selectRaw('max(`created_at`) as `ts`')
->where('service_id', DB::raw($this->id))->groupBy('field_id');
$sql = '(' . $join->toSql() . ') `maxt`';
return $this->belongsToMany(Field::class)->withPivot('id', 'value', 'created_at')
->join(DB::raw($sql), function($join) {
$join->on('field_service.field_id', '=', 'maxt.field_id')
->on('field_service.created_at', '=', 'maxt.ts');
Then use it like this:
$service->fields[0]->pivot->value // "lorem"
$service->fields[1]->pivot->value // "est"

How to insert data to the additional field which is inside pivot table with laravel eloquent

My pivot table has additional field...
id | user_id | language_id | level
and my code:
User::find($this->userId)->languages()->attach(['language_id' => $lang_id, 'level' => $level]);
but the result is:
id | user_id | language_id | level
1 1 1 null
1 1 2 null
actually, second line's language_id must be first line's level...
how can i do it properly like this?
id | user_id | language_id | level
1 1 1 2
attach() works a bit differently. The first parameter is the id or an instance of the other model and the second parameter are other pivot fields:
User::find($this->userId)->languages()->attach($lang_id, ['level' => $level]);
As #ceejayoz mentioned you also don't have withPivot() defined in your relationship. That means level won't be available in the result. Change that by adding withPivot() to both sides of the relation:
public function languages() {
return $this->belongsToMany('Language')->withPivot('level');
Per the docs, you need to define the pivot table's data columns with the relationship.
public function languages() {
return $this->belongsToMany('User')->withPivot('level');
