Maven: how can I deploy two artifacts with the release plugin? - maven

My project generates two jar: the original-artifact-name.jar and the artifact-name.jar (I have shade plugin setup).
I want to use mvn release:prepare and mvn release:perform and be able to deploy not only the simple jar but also the origial one.
So far I am invoking the mave deploy:file goal manually after the release plugin has been executed. How can I incorporate this step in the release plugin execution?
Edit: this is my attempt with maven-deploy-plugin:
which for some reasons is deploying the main jar in the snapshot repo, while the nodeps jar in the release repo. This is my repositories setup

If you want to deploy additional files, you can configure the deploy:deploy-file goal in the POM.


replace nexus staging maven plugin with maven-deploy-plugin

Our project inherits nexus staging maven plugin from a parent pom which we don't have control on. I have this configuration in my root pom to disable the nexus staging maven plugin and this configuration seems to disabling the default-deploy execution.
and I have the maven deploy plugin defined in my root pom, but the maven-deploy plugin seems to be not kicking off
I am not able to figure out how i can replace the inherited nexus staging maven plugin with the maven deploy plugin. Any help is much appreciated
You may qualify the goal by the plugin groupID:artefactID:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:deploy
I faced a similar issue, and for success disabling of nexus-staging-maven-plugin I only need to add following to my main pom:
And as one of my dependencies was disabling maven-deploy-plugin(I reccomend to check it also in your project) I also need to add:

maven: With one pom.xml I am creating jar and tar.gz but don't want to deploy jar

With one pom.xml first I am creating a jar file with maven-jar-plugin and signing it with maven-jarsigner-plugin, second I am creating a tar.gz package with maven-assembly-plugin, copying jar file and other necessary files into tar.gz. Just because only tar.gz package is enough for me, I want only tar.gz package to deploy remote repository. When I run the "mvn deploy" command, both the jar and tar.gz packages are being deployed. Are there any method for not to deploy jar file to remote repository.
I tried your suggestion. It is not working for maven-deploy-plugin but it is working for maven-install plugin. Here is the relative part of my pom.xml:
maven-install-plugin is installing only tar.gz file to local repository but maven-deploy-plugin deploying both tar.gz and jar files to remote repository. I think this behaviour can be maven-deploy-plugin's bug.
By default the Maven Deploy plugin will deploy all the artifacts attached to your project or module, i.e. both your .jar and tar.gz file.
deploy:deploy is used to automatically install the artifact, its pom and the attached artifacts produced by a particular project.
What you can do is skip the deploy:deploy goal and configure a personalized deploy:deploy-file goal, such as:
<skip>true</skip> <!-- Skip the default deploy -->
<!-- Deploy our tar.gz -->
You'll have to configure <file> to use your generated tar.gz file.

How can I execute following maven plugin before resolving the dependencies

I am from ANT background and newbie to Maven.
For some reason, I need to execute shell script before maven tries to fetch snapshot dependencies.
So I wrote following plugin configuration, but I not getting how can I make it invoke before resolving dependencies task.
I am using Apache Maven 3.0.5
Following is the part of my pom.xml
Any help is appreciated.

Maven jarsigner plugin

I just tried to configure the maven jarsigner plugin for signing a jar project.
As far as I can understand, the plugin should run automatically when I run mvn clean package but it doesn't.
I must run mvn clean package jarsigner:sign for the plugin to be executed.
I could find the error on my own. The configuration element has to be within the execution element.

How does maven deploy snapshot without dependencies with maven-assembly-plugin

I am using mvn release-plugin and assembly-plugin to deploy jar with dependency. It works fine, when I use it with mvn release. It creates two files: normal XXX.jar and XXX.jar-with-dependencies.jar and deploys them both.
But I need also deploy snapshot to another repository by using mvn deploy. In this repository I only need the XXX.jar without dependencies.
So I hope that I could use mvn deploy to deploy snapshot version without dependencies with followed setting.
POM.xml setting:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>install</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
PS: mvn clean install deploy will be called by jenkins scm pulling schedule every morning.
Artifacts produced by maven-assmbly-plugin are automatically attached to the project and hence are deployed when you call mvn deploy.
What you can do is to define a profile (say 'with-dependencies') where you put the assembly plugin execution. In this case if you call mvn deploy it will build a -SNAPSHOT version and push it to the snapshot repository and for the release you will have to call mvn release:prepare release:perform -Pwith-dependencies
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>install</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
