How can I execute following maven plugin before resolving the dependencies - maven

I am from ANT background and newbie to Maven.
For some reason, I need to execute shell script before maven tries to fetch snapshot dependencies.
So I wrote following plugin configuration, but I not getting how can I make it invoke before resolving dependencies task.
I am using Apache Maven 3.0.5
Following is the part of my pom.xml
Any help is appreciated.


replace nexus staging maven plugin with maven-deploy-plugin

Our project inherits nexus staging maven plugin from a parent pom which we don't have control on. I have this configuration in my root pom to disable the nexus staging maven plugin and this configuration seems to disabling the default-deploy execution.
and I have the maven deploy plugin defined in my root pom, but the maven-deploy plugin seems to be not kicking off
I am not able to figure out how i can replace the inherited nexus staging maven plugin with the maven deploy plugin. Any help is much appreciated
You may qualify the goal by the plugin groupID:artefactID:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:deploy
I faced a similar issue, and for success disabling of nexus-staging-maven-plugin I only need to add following to my main pom:
And as one of my dependencies was disabling maven-deploy-plugin(I reccomend to check it also in your project) I also need to add:

convert maven plugin into gradle plugin

I'm planning to use aspects-jcabi for benchmarking my methods ( However, it uses maven-plugin, and my project is on gradle. I'm not yet that familiar with Gradle though.
Can I write the following in gradle (

Maven jarsigner plugin

I just tried to configure the maven jarsigner plugin for signing a jar project.
As far as I can understand, the plugin should run automatically when I run mvn clean package but it doesn't.
I must run mvn clean package jarsigner:sign for the plugin to be executed.
I could find the error on my own. The configuration element has to be within the execution element.

Maven how to invoke a plugin goal?

In the Tomcat Maven plugin, tomcat7-maven-plugin, how to invoke the goal, tomcat7:deploy, after package phase ? can you please give me concise sample pom file ?
Add an execution for the plugin and tie it to a phase after the package phase, i.e. verify or install..

maven execute java command

I want to execute a jar file with parameters from maven. The command I want to execute is listed below. I have the perf4j jar file in the dependency. The times.log file is in they filesystem.
java -jar perf4j-0.9.16.jar times.log
You might want to take a look # exec-maven-plugin
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="Args"
What do you really want to do ? Using a jar (which is a dependency) to monitor your app ?
Did you took a look at maven exec plugin ?
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I had looked at maven exec plugin but wasn't sure how and where to specify the jar file name, hence thanks for your responses, but I was looking at a little more info especially with jar file. With some trial and error the following worked. I had to find the main class to use from the jar file. mvn install runs the file and produces the following output:
