How to fix IndexOutOfBoundException in Java 8 Streams? - java-8

I was trying to update an outside map in IntStream parallel loop. But it is giving IndexOutOfBoundException before it reaches the end of loop.
IntStream.range(0, 16384).parallel().forEach(index -> {
String slotKey = String.valueOf(index);
slotMap.put(slotKey, cacheService.getCountOfKeysInSlots(index));
It gives error when value of i is 16264, which is well before the final value of I (16384)
Appreciate if somebody help me fix the problem.


Stream in java 8 for nested loop

I am trying to convert this piece of code into stream and filter but finding it really hard. help will be highly appreciated. Here is the code portion.
protected void processFacetData(final List<FacetData<SearchStateData>> facets){
final List<FacetValueData<SearchStateData>> facetValueEmptyDatas = new ArrayList<FacetValueData<SearchStateData>>();
for (final FacetData<SearchStateData> facetData : facets)
final List<FacetValueData<SearchStateData>> facetValueDatas = facetData.getValues();
for (final FacetValueData<SearchStateData> facetValueData : facetValueDatas)
if (facetValueData.getCount() == 0)
There is no way that I can test the following code, based solely on the information in your question, but it looks like you need to use method flatMap.
.flatMap(f -> f.getValues().stream())
.filter(f -> f.getCount() == 0)
Method flatMap will return a single stream which you can think of as the concatenation of all the elements in all the lists of all the elements in the method parameter.
Then you filter for all the values in that stream where method getCount returns zero.
Finally you collect all the filtered elements into a single list.

Reactive stream backpressure with spring reactor project

I have research and read documents by they are not very understandable.
What i am trying to achieve is the following functionality:
I am using Spring Reactor project and using the eventBus. My event bus is throwing event to module A.
Module A should receive the event and insert into Hot Stream that will hold unique values. Every 250 Milisecons the stream should pull all value and make calulcation on them.. and so on.
For example:
The eventBus is throwing event with number: 1,2,3,2,3,2
The Stream should get and hold unique values -> 1,2,3
After 250 miliseconds the stream should print the number and empty values
Anyone has an idea how to start? I tried the examples but nothing really works and i guess i don't understand something. Anyone has an example?
When trying to do the next i always get exception:
Stream<List<Integer>> s = Streams.wrap(p).buffer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
s.consume(i -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " data=" + i));
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
The exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The environment has not been initialized yet
at reactor.Environment.get( ~[reactor-core-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar:?]
at reactor.Environment.timer( ~[reactor-core-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar:?]
at reactor.rx.Stream.getTimer( ~[reactor-stream-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar:?]
at reactor.rx.Stream.buffer( ~[reactor-stream-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar:?]
at ~[classes/:?]
As you can see i cannot proceed trying without passing this issue.
BY THE WAY: This is happeing only when i use buffer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) If i use buffer(50) for example it works.. Although this is not the final solution its a start.
Well after reading doc again i missed this:
static {
This solved the problem. Tnx

Java8 streams map - check if all map operations succeeded?

I am trying to map one list to another using streams.
Some elements of the original list fail to map. That is, the mapping function may not be able to find an appropriate new value.
I want to know if any of the mappings has failed. Ideally I would also like to stop the processing once a failure happened.
What I am currently doing is:
The mapping function returns null if there's no mapped value
I filter() to remove nulls from the stream
I collect(), and then
I compare the size of the result to the size of the original list.
For example:
List<String> func(List<String> old, Map<String, String> oldToNew)
List<String> holger =
if (holger.size() < old.size()) {
// ... appropriate error handling code ...
else {
return holger;
This is not very elegant. Also, everything is processed even when the whole thing should fail.
Suggestions for a better way of doing it?
Or maybe I should ditch streams altogether and use good old loops?
There is no best solution because that heavily depends on the use case. E.g. if lookup failures are expected to be unlikely or the error handling implies throwing an exception anyway, just throwing an exception at the first failed lookup within the mapping function might indeed be a good choice. Then, no follow-up code has to care about error conditions.
Another way of handling it might be:
List<String> func(List<String> old, Map<String, String> oldToNew) {
List<String> failed=map.get(false);
throw new IllegalStateException(failed.size()+" lookups failed");
return map.get(true);
This can still be considered being optimized for the successful case as it collects a mostly meaningless list containing null values for the failures. But it has the point of being able to tell the number of failures (unlike using a throwing map function).
If a detailed error analysis has a high priority, you may use a solution like this:
List<String> func(List<String> old, Map<String, String> oldToNew) {
.map(s -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(s, oldToNew.get(s)))
.collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(e -> e.getValue()!=null,
Collectors.mapping(e -> Optional.ofNullable(e.getValue()).orElse(e.getKey()),
List<String> failed=map.get(false);
throw new IllegalStateException("The following key(s) failed: "+failed);
return map.get(true);
It collects two meaningful lists, containing the failed keys for failed lookups and a list of successfully mapped values. Note that both lists could be returned.
You could change your filter to Objects::requireNonNull and catch a NullPointerException outside the stream

SCAN command with spring redis template

I am trying to execute "scan" command with RedisConnection. I don't understand why the following code is throwing NoSuchElementException
RedisConnection redisConnection = redisTemplate.getConnectionFactory().getConnection();
Cursor c = redisConnection.scan(scanOptions);
while (c.hasNext()) {;
java.util.NoSuchElementException at
java.util.Collections$ at
Yes, I have tried this, in 1.6.6.RELEASE spring-data-redis.version. No issues, the below simple while loop code is enough. And i have set count value to 100 (more the value) to save round trip time.
RedisConnection redisConnection = null;
try {
redisConnection = redisTemplate.getConnectionFactory().getConnection();
ScanOptions options = ScanOptions.scanOptions().match(workQKey).count(100).build();
Cursor c = redisConnection.scan(options);
while (c.hasNext()) { String((byte[]);
} finally {
redisConnection.close(); //Ensure closing this connection.
I'm using spring-data-redis 1.6.0-RELEASE and Jedis 2.7.2; I do think that the ScanCursor implementation is slightly flawed w/rgds to handling this case on this version - I've not checked previous versions though.
So: rather complicated to explain, but in the ScanOptions object there is a "count" field that needs to be set (default is 10). This field, contains an "intent" or "expected" results for this search. As explained (not really clearly, IMHO) here, you may change the value of count at each invocation, especially if no result has been returned. I understand this as "a work intent" so if you do not get anything back, maybe your "key space" is vast and the SCAN command has not worked "hard enough". Obviously, as long as you're getting results back, you do not need to increase this.
A "simple-but-dangerous" approach would be to have a very large count (e.g 1 million or more). This will make REDIS go away trying to search your vast key space to find "at least or near as much" as your large count. Don't forget - REDIS is single-threaded so you just killed your performance. Try this with a REDIS of 12M keys and you'll see that although SCAN may happily return results with a very high count value, it will absolutely do nothing more during the time of that search.
To the solution to your problem:
ScanOptions options = ScanOptions.scanOptions().match(pattern).count(countValue).build();
boolean done = false;
// the while-loop below makes sure that we'll get a valid cursor -
// by looking harder if we don't get a result initially
while (!done) {
try(Cursor c = redisConnection.scan(scanOptions)) {
while (c.hasNext()) {;
done = true; //we've made it here, lets go away
} catch (NoSuchElementException nse) {
System.out.println("Going for "+countValue+" was not hard enough. Trying harder");
options = ScanOptions.scanOptions().match(pattern).count(countValue*2).build();
Do note that the ScanCursor implementation of Spring Data REDIS will properly follow the SCAN instructions and loop correctly, as much as needed, to get to the end of the loop as per documentation. I've not found a way to change the scan options within the same cursor - so there may be a risk that if you get half-way through your results and get a NoSuchElementException, you'll start again (and essentially do some of the work twice).
Of course, better solutions are always welcome :)
My old code
ScanOptions.scanOptions().match("*" + query + "*").count(10).build();
Working code
ScanOptions.scanOptions().match("*" + query + "*").count(Integer.MAX_VALUE).build();

Why is my log printing so many weird characters and messing up the function's output?

I have a function that returns the last word typed on a third party keyboard:
var lastWordTyped: String? {
let proxy = self.textDocumentProxy as! UITextDocumentProxy
if let documentContext = proxy.documentContextBeforeInput as NSString? {
let length = documentContext.length
if length > 0 && NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet().characterIsMember(documentContext.characterAtIndex(length - 1)) {
let components = documentContext.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet().invertedSet) as! [String]
return components[components.endIndex - 1]
return nil
For some reason although the function works normally and returns the correct output, I looked at the output in the log by chance and discovered that it was butchering the output and outputting it many times (as seen in the picture below).
Would this cause the memory usage of my keyboard to increase? Does it slow it down?
How can I fix this?
Edit 1: This error is not reproducible when using the simulator.
println is not synchronized, so if there are multiple threads calling your code, their output can overlap.
I'd suggest replacing println(components) with NSLog(components) to get a better view on what's actually going on.
