I am using the virtual machine instant-veins-4-7-1-i1.ova on VirtualBox.
I have created a sumo scenario with 2 vehicles (my_nodes.nod.xml, my_edge.edg.xml, my_type.type.xml, my_net.net.xml, my_net.rou.xml, my_config_file.sumocfg ).
Launching the sumo-gui command from the terminal and selecting my_config_file.sumocfg file, I can run the scenario simulation.
I have followed the Tictoc tutorial on Omnet++ site and if I run it on Omnet++ IDE, it will work fine.
In the Omnet++ IDE, I am able to run correctly the Veins Erlangen example.
Now, I would like to integrate my sumo scenario and the Tictoc network to realize a simulation similar to the Veins Erlangen example.
Which are the steps that I should follow?
A straightforward answer would be to modify the Veins 4.7.1 tutorial simulation's network by adding a Tic node and a Toc node. I am guessing, though, that this is not what you had in mind. You probably want to change the Veins tutorial simulation to use your my_config_file.sumocfg instead of its own erlangen.sumo.cfg file.
The file that is configured as the road traffic simulation in omnetpp.ini is called erlangen.launchd.xml. By changing this file (or configuring the simulation to use another one) you can change which SUMO scenario is simulated when you run the Veins example.
Is there a reference or a tutorial to simulate a generic transmitter in Omnet++ that transmits noise on a particular frequency? Basically, it is just a simple jammer that disturb the channel by sending random noise (no MAC layer, no Network layer, nothing).
Yes, there is the NoiseSource module that does this. It is available since INET 4.2:
This showcase has more info:
In order to solve this problem, you need to install Omnet, and install manually Inet by cloning the repository from GitHub: https://github.com/inet-framework/inet.
I found a weird question about simulation running time about omnetpp and sumo.
If I run sumo alone, it will end after 999s
However, when I run sumo with omnetpp, the simulation will ends after 999s in omnetpp, 452s in sumo.
I'm curious why these two simulations have different running time in sumo. Does anyone have ideas?
I'am a beginner in omnetpp .
i have to create a vehicle in omnet using inet then to connect it via veins to sumo how could i start my project.
Veins 4.7.1 comes with a subproject called veins_inet, which you can use to create an INET simulation that uses Veins for node mobility (which, in turn, uses SUMO to simulate vehicle movement). Simply import the subprojects/veins_inet directory as a project into the OMNeT++ IDE, then create an INET simulation that configures both veins_inet and veins as project references.
You can also download Instant Veins 4.7.1, a virtual machine image that has all of this set up already. This should give you a running simulation in two minutes.
I'm trying to simulate a wireless network with 3 access point. I need to set the range of each AP and simulate mobile devices walking around these APs that are sending wireless sign.
I read that a good omnet framework to do so is the INET. I already ran some examples and tutorials but I still cant't do my experiment. Does anybody knows a step by step tutorial to simulate an AP sending sign for a mobility device?
Googled for resources for INET and following these,
I am using a buildroot image (3.12 kernel) running on my raspberry Pi with a USB LED light connected to it and I want to control on/off through the CLI.
I went through this. However, there is no control or level file in the power folder.
Is there any kernel configuration that I have to enable to get this ?
Found the answer to this. I have to enable PM_SUSPEND in the kernel configuration to get the class files. But then, as mentioned in the comments, RaspberryPi has the power lines directly connected to the power rails