How to implement SignalR using websockets - websocket

I am trying mostly for learning purposes to implement a module similar to SignalR(still a beginner in SignalR) using raw websockets. (I am already very familiar with websockets)
Is there any guide or something that explains what functionality does SignalR have on top of websockets? (so that i know what features i need to implement) ? .
From what i understood it keeps a persistent connection , and can fallback to other protocols if websockets are not supported (long polling ...etc).
I have already checked this video but i need something more in detail.

I had written one article regarding SignalR one year back. It contains SignalR basic information and code example.
Following is the link of it -
Hope this helps you!


What are the differences between using a websocket based technology versus a realtime database like RethinkDB?

Recently, I found myself wanting to develop a web application using real-time technologies. As far as I see, I have two ideal solutions.
Use WebSockets. (in my case
use a real-time database like RethinkDB (I guess stuff like Pusher and PubNub also fall into this category too)
I am lost, however. What are the technical differences between these two solutions? When should I prefer one over the other?
They actually work really well together. Using RethinkDB changefeeds to watch for changes in the database and then using to pass those changes to the client(s) is a good way to use them in tandem. I'd recommend taking a look at Jorge Silva's answer to this similar question. vs RethinkDB changefeed
I was only familiar with this because of a tutorial I did with an interesting tech stack of React, Redux, RethinkDB, Express, & I'm not sure what you're using for your front-end/view layer but this might be helpful for learning how to integrate
Good Luck!

Titanium Mobile Sockt programming

I had Mobile project using Titanium which need Chatting functionality so i found two way to do using socket programming and by using Web services so which way is better and what are the Requirements for Sockets Based programming .....plz Help me.....
i had got reference for code
but i confuse which way i have to fellow ...
If you want to implement chat application you have more option to do that.
I have already do that with that is really fine for me and also helps me a lot. And its very speedy .
And i have also experience with cloud that is also good but as per i say that is good compare to webservices. In Appcelerator
Prefer this it really helps you to you to understand

Dummies tutorial for Websocket in tomcat8 server and client

My first post.
I have experience of basic java servlet and jsp and have got my webpage implemented in tomcat7.
Regarding Websocket, I am finding difficult to build understanding of how to implement it, i want to use tomcat8 implementation of websocket api and uplift my webpage (jsp, java, jquery, tomcat7) to use the websocket features, have not been able to find the the tutorial that can guide me through, something like hello world example. any pointers (sample codes, tutorials)?
have tried to understand tomcat8 examples but not understanding them at all
You need to understand that you don't just "add" WebSocket to an existing web application.. to make it faster, better, cheaper, more scalable, etc. Instead, you have to completely re-architect the web-layer of the application to take advantage of its capabilities.
I suggest that you first read a lot about WebSocket and what the whole idea is before you try to write any code, using Tomcat or any other WebSocket-capable server.
Nick Williams has a forthcoming book that appears to cover everything in the web application world, and as I understand it, will have a great deal of information about WebSocket-based code. You will unfortunately have to wait until March 2013 (at least) to use that particular book.
I'm sure there are similar books available, or even online tutorials to help get you started using WebSocket. Just be aware that switching to WebSocket isn't some simple configuration option: it's a very disruptive change to any existing web application.

Is there a port to Dart?

I've taken a look at the basic websocket capabilities in Dart, using this simple example:
But I was wondering if there's a nice library I could use to build a realtime online game using websockets. I've had experience in this using node.js with, which worked out quite well. I need to be able to have "rooms", join rooms, leave rooms, broadcast to clients in a room, etc. as well as some nice notion of connection "health", reconnection etc. So what I'm asking is if there's a nice library for dart that has similar functionality? Even cooler would be a library on top of that library that could enable nice RPC functionality with variable syncing etc. such as which achieves this using But I guess that might be too ambitious.
If anyone's had any experience or found a project which is similar to what I'm talking about, let me know :)
Duct is clone of Socket.IO in Dart which aims to be protocol-level compatible with the original implementation.
Sorry, at the time of this writing, I'm not aware of a port for Dart. is nice because it has a bunch of implementation options for browsers that don't support Web sockets.
Sounds like a good idea for a hackathon project!

AJAX Server Push

Well, I have doubts about this technology, more precisely in its implementation, can not find good examples on the Internet, as it involves javascript and php, only, you would have some links where I can find this stuff really works and that ?
A great source for all things Comet is Comet Daily. Unfortunately it's not updated all that often any more but there are some fantastic old articles in there. It's contributed to by guys that have been developing Comet solutions for over 10 years.
Comet seems to get incorrectly bundled as meaning just one particular connection mechanism is used, but it's actually a paradigm for realtime push from server to client. Comet servers can use HTTP Streaming, HTTP Long-Polling, classic polling and WebSockets.
If you are interested in the latest Push Technology then you should take a look at WebSockets which is a standardised approach to not only server to client push, but also bi-directional realtime communication between servers and clients (web browsers and other clients).
Some current trending push technologies are:
Hosted WebSockets services such as Pusher - who I work for
Faye for self hosted Ruby or Node dev
SignalR for IIS and .NET
There are many more and more information on realtime web technologies can be found on this guide.
If you want to use PHP you could struggle to build an application using realtime Push which will scale above a small number of connections. Have a read through this question on concurrency - How to implement event listening in PHP for more information.
Do you specifically mean Ajax push? Because a more common method is comet push, I has been a while I worked with this, probably more browsers support this.
A good implementation can be found here:
Well it's called Ajax Push engine, so I suppose that is what you are looking for.
If you work with Java/Scala/Ruby/Groovy, take a look at Atmosphere, which is being actively developed/used (I'm the creator). There are many samples available.
Check out the Bayeux Protocol and CometD implementation in Java & Javascript.
From :
CometD is a scalable HTTP-based event routing bus that uses a Ajax Push technology pattern known as Comet.
Here the link to an interesting article describing the technologies involved and a comparison of CometD and Atmosphere implementations.
