A lot of classes are missing after upgrading reactor-netty from 0.7.x to 0.8.x. Do we have a document explaining the upgrade process? - reactor-netty

I am trying to upgrade spring boot and it looks like reactor-netty have removed reactor.ipc package with all it's classes.
I am trying to find a document/pointers which can help me understand what is the new equivalent for reactor.ipc package.
I looked at: https://github.com/reactor/reactor-netty/releases for what's new section for 0.8.0 release(which actually removed these classes/package), but there is no link available.
I would appreciate if there is a doc or some note which can help in the transition for 0.7.x to 0.8.x release.


the spring boot oauth2 doc teaches deprecated annotation?

it's a confusing problem but suffered me several days.
Firstly, I got to know that the new spring security oauth2 is changed, then I come to learn:https://docs.spring.io/spring-security-oauth2-boot/docs/2.5.2/reference/html5/.
However, when I try to add the annotation #EnableAuthorizationServer to the "main method", the Intellij throws it's deprecated".
Then, I tried to check the version: springframework.boot:2.5.2 , spring-security-oauth2:2.5.1.RELEASE, spring-security-oauth2-autoconfigure:2.5.2.
It means all the dependencies are new, and the doc is new too.
Then why the Intellij says the annotation is deprecated? I just wanna follow the new trend. Please tell me what to do?
thanks a lot.
As the documentation to which you have linked states, the project is in maintenance mode. Where possible, it should not be used and the equivalent features in Spring Security 5.x should be used instead.
The deprecation message on EnableAuthorizationServer links to a migration guide. From there you can learn about the Spring Authorization Server project which you may want to use.

Missing config features on Opendayligth Rest API

I am using the YangUI on the REST API of ODL(Oxygen Release) and I want to use the config features of opendaylight-inventory but I can only see the operational ones. Like this.
¿What can be the problem?
I have solved installing the same features on a previous ODL release. I don't know why but I can't see config features on Oxygen.

How to find what version of EclipseLink my Eclipse Project is using?

I have a Maven jersey-quickstart-webapp Project I am developing in Eclipse. The project is a JERSEY REST backend with angularjs javascript frontend.
I would like to know how to check what version of EclipseLink my project is using.
Where can I find this property? I've searched high and low but I can't find it - I know that I did stumble across it before, so it definitely exists....
This question is trying to get to the bottom of the following question I posed months ago about a problem with eclipselink and Jersey REST, that still hasn't been fixed: Class not found when using JAX-RS with Eclipse and Glassfish
This should be fixed with jersey 2.22.1 and eclipselink 2.6.1, but I think somewhere in my setup, eclipselink 2.6.0 is still hanging around and screwing the whole thing up. Highly frustrating!
I know that eclipselink is being used in this project, because the following code returns 2.6.1 when the project is running. However, previously I saw that even though this was saying 2.6.1, that the eclipselink configuration somewhere(I can't remember where - doh!) was still saying version 2.6.0.
//This helps us tell what version of eclipse link we are using
Class<?> myClass = Class.forName("org.eclipse.persistence.Version");
Method myMethod = myClass.getMethod("getVersion");
String version = myMethod.invoke(null).toString();
System.out.println("version = " + version);
Here is what the Maven dependency hierarchy looks like - as you can see it has no eclipselink stuff in there:
All help highly appreciated...
The eclipselink you're running is provided by the Glassfish server. Look in the glassfish/modules directory and find the org.eclipse.persistence.core.jar file. Inside it will be a readme.html. Open that and the version of eclipselink that is installed in Glassfish will be there.
Mine says, for glassfish 4 (somewhat old) is:
<B>EclipseLink 2.5 Read Me</B>
Duplicated! Refer this
There is a static class and static method to get this information.
Example: How to print in java code
AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(SessionLog.INFO, DatabaseLogin.getVersion());

guava version conflict with HBase 1 and ES 2

I'm having a project using both HBase 1.0.0 (Cloudera version) and Elasticsearch. With the upgrade to ES 2.0 I'm experiencing a problem with guava version. ES 2.0 requires guava version 18.0, but Cloudera requires guava 14.0.1.
No matter what version I define in my dependency management in my parent pom one of the two won't work.
Looking around I see that this problem occurs quite some time (e.g. http://gbif.blogspot.co.at/2014/11/upgrading-our-cluster-from-cdh4-to-cdh5.html)
1) Any ideas on how to solve this problem without any complex re-design of my application?
If not, I'm thinking of doing all the ES-stuff in a separate application. Communicating via messaging (already using AMQ) for indexing. Not sure though how to communicate for search/filter requests (at the moment implemented via Java API).
2) Any other ideas?
3) Any ideas/hints on how to solve the communication issue?
I found this blog post when googling in combination with maven-shade plug-in, so this might be another option.

Are Spring Integration Extensions up-to-date and useable?

Does anyone know what the state is of the Spring Integration Extensions at https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration-extensions ?
Some seem outdated with regards to Spring versions. And others, whilst updated, don't seem to have recent releases or snapshots available at http://repo.spring.io/libs-snapshot/org/springframework/integration/ .
For example I wanted to integrate with AWS, but cant find a release or snapshot for the latest version of Spring Integration. And SQS support has been "coming soon" for some time.
The outdatedness of those that do exist, and lack of clarity on what is intended, make me concerned to use any of them. Does anyone know what the Spring team's intention is with regards to the release cycle of these extensions? Are they viewed as incubators that will eventually move into Spring Integration core, or something else?
Spring Integration extensions are community provided, and they will constantly change according to the will of the community. Your best chance is to get in touch with the contributors of the AWS extension.
You should use them, once you understand what they are doing, there are no more guarantees than other Spring projects, only the fact that others are also using it.
