Are Spring Integration Extensions up-to-date and useable? - spring

Does anyone know what the state is of the Spring Integration Extensions at ?
Some seem outdated with regards to Spring versions. And others, whilst updated, don't seem to have recent releases or snapshots available at .
For example I wanted to integrate with AWS, but cant find a release or snapshot for the latest version of Spring Integration. And SQS support has been "coming soon" for some time.
The outdatedness of those that do exist, and lack of clarity on what is intended, make me concerned to use any of them. Does anyone know what the Spring team's intention is with regards to the release cycle of these extensions? Are they viewed as incubators that will eventually move into Spring Integration core, or something else?

Spring Integration extensions are community provided, and they will constantly change according to the will of the community. Your best chance is to get in touch with the contributors of the AWS extension.
You should use them, once you understand what they are doing, there are no more guarantees than other Spring projects, only the fact that others are also using it.


Lagom with Spring

Lagom by default uses Google Guice as implementation od DI pattern.
I would like to use Spring Framework instead.
Is it possible? IF so, how should it be done?
I have successfully integrated Akka with Spring (using hints from documentation and Internet), however I cannot find anything in documentation about integrating with Spring.
Possible? Yes. Will you be constantly swimming upstream, with reach upgrade break in new and unexpected ways requiring you to debug undocumented internal APIs? Most probably.
Lagom is built on Play, Play's DI support is ostensibly pluggable, when I wrote it I hacked together a proof of concept to ensure that Spring could be plugged into it. But it was only ever a proof of concept, neither I or the Play team ever had any desire or intention of maintaining it, so I published my work to GitHub:
So that anyone for whom Spring support was important could continue where I left off. That was 3 years ago. In spite of a community of over a hundred thousand developers, no one ever took the work up. There's not a lot of work to do on the module itself, where most of the work would be is in Play and Lagom to fix areas where they have grown incompatible with Spring.
But really, why do you want to use Spring? The whole Lagom and Play ecosystems are built on Guice, saying you want to use Spring with Lagom is like saying you want to use a narrow gauge train in a country that only has standard guage rails, you're going to have to build yourself an entire new rail system to do so. What do you hope to achieve?

Customizing Spring Initializr

I am working on bringing up a new team in the Spring Boot ecosystem. I love the Spring Initializr service. We have written custom Gradle plugins for unifying our build systems across many Spring Boot projects. I am looking to provide our team with an Initializr that will take advantage of our build tooling as well as inject some of our business practices into the scaffolding of the project.
With these goals in mind we have decided that extending the wonderful Spring Initializr and running a custom instance locally makes a lot of sense.
Unfortunately, it appears that the Initializr project has very little documentation about customizing it, beyond the basics of editing the YAML configuration and the Templates for the java files, it is difficult (for someone with no Groovy Templating experience) to figure out how to best extend the Initializr such that we maintain much of the functionality but can also extend the site and service appropriately.
We have built the github project from source, and published the artifacts to our local artifactory, and have successfully created our own project that uses those artifacts as a dependency and stands up a mildly customized service (basic HTML and Java source editing, simple YAML configuration).
Can anyone help with even basic resources for extending the functionality of the Initializr? perhaps a roadmap? a project specific forum? really any help is appreciated, my google-foo seems to be failing me.
I know this is a reasonably broad question, but I am failing to get in touch with the right people, or find the resources for this.
So the answer is indeed Gitter. Spring Initializr should be seen at the moment as a service and not a library. We do our best to make sure things are nicely separated but that's not the case yet for everything (read: designed for extension).
We have some plans to allow external components to customize how the project is generated. It would help if you could share your use cases on the gitter channel. Thanks!

Is spring-security-saml project still actively developed?

Is the spring-security-saml extension still being developed/maintained? It has very good documentation and codebase but it looks like there is only one maintainer and recently all the activities has decreased. I mean the project looks like in a good shape, but it is based on older Spring releases and OpenSAML dependencies. I found other security frameworks (pac4j) being actively developed/maintained. Trying to determine if I can base a SAML 2.0 SP off the Spring project or i should go with something that is more actively maintained?
I'll most likely find time to update the Spring + OpenSAML dependencies, but cannot commit to a precise date, time is scarce.

Spring Dynamic Modules and Netbeans Platform

Has anyone integrated Spring Dynamic Modules (or Eclipse Gemini Blueprint) with Netbeans Platform? I cannot find any information on this.
I was thinking about potential use of Spring Services within the Netbeans Platform Application. Is this reasonable?
I don't know anything about Spring Dynamic Modules, but as long as it produces regular Spring services and DAOs, it's totally do-able. I outlined the process in this post. I am now also considering writing up a blog post complete with code examples on this topic since this seems to be a common issue. I'll update this answer with a link as soon as I'm done.

Should i use the latest version of Spring

I am just starting to learn about spring and was looking at the difference between Spring 3.0 and Spring 2.5.
Initially i was following this tutorial which is a step by step guide to developing a Spring MVC application. It is based on Spring 2.5 and i notice there are quite a few differences with Spring 3.0. I tried to find the equivalent tutorial that is based on 3.0 but couldnt find it.
The difference i notice with 3.0 is that there is a lot of use of annotations and a lot of things is done for you in the background. I am sure this is a good thing but i am wondering for the purpose of learning the framework should i continue with 2.5 so that i can understand what goes on behind the scenes before i use spring 3.0?
Please also if you can recommend a spring book that is suitable for a beginner i would appreciate it.
I'd recommend to always use the latest version of a framework. Especially if you're starting on a new project. There are always (well usually) tons of improvements, and simplifications, and migrating to the latest version later may be a pain.
Spring has a great user manual (see, and IMHO a book doesn't have an added value in this case. I found the Spring user manual always easy to read and understand, so don't get intimidated. I think this is definitely the best starting for beginners as well. You don't have to read it all. Only the sections of interest!
Note that Spring 3.x contains many other improvements such as SpEL (Spring Expression Language), improved web support (you already saw that), REST support, and more.
... should i continue with 2.5 so that i can understand what goes on behind the scenes before i use spring 3.0?
That's really up to you to decide, but if you are going down the Spring 3.x annotation-based route, it is not clear that you >>need<< to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Especially for run-of-the-mill applications.
I was not aware of the purchase of Spring by VMware. Do you think this might affect the open source aspect of Spring in that it might not be open source anymore?
First, the SpringFramework guys are thoroughly committed to open source (from what I can see). So a change would probably entail lots of developers leaving.
Second, most of the people who use Spring do so because it is open source, so a change would risk a major migration of (paying) customers away.
Third, turning Spring into a closed source product would be a politically awful move for VMware, and would likely have fallout for other VMware product lines.
Finally, and most importantly for people committed to using Spring: there is no way that the VMware could legally "undo" the open sourcing of current Spring releases. The best they could do would be say that Spring 4.0 etc was closed source. Anyone who wanted to would be free to continue distributing and using SpringFramework 1.0.x, 2.0.x, 2.5.x, 3.0.x and all associated open sourced technologies. And anyone would be free to create a "fork" of any of them to continue Spring open source development. The only possible issue would be the use of trademarks, and that is easily worked around.
Add that all up, and (IMO) there is nothing to worry about.
"Spring in Action", "Pro Spring", and "Spring Recipes" are the three that I'd recommend to anyone.
If you've never used Spring, I'd say that learning either one will suit your purposes. The majority of Spring 2.5 carries over to 3.0, so it's not wasted.
The books and tutorials haven't kept up with Spring 3.0. Another change between versions was the purchase of Spring by VMWare. They've separated paid support from open source, so it's hard to tell what the future will be for non-paying customers.
