CloudWatch to Elastic Cloud: missing data? - elasticsearch

I am currently using Elastic Cloud to store my AWS CloudWatch logs. Everything seems to work fine as I'm already able to display charts and to query ElasticSearch correctly. Yet, I got a strange behavior I can't explain.
I am logging some events from my app. Let's say request_start and request_end. They are both available on Kibana. Yet, I'm also logging another event, let's say request_middle. I can see it on CloudWatch.
When checking in the Discover tab of Kibana, I don't see this event. I tried event:"request_middle" query, in vain. And if I display a list of all events under this same tab, I get a full list, except request_middle.
I tried to query directly Elastic Search, in case of. But no results as well.
Have some of you already encountered such a case? If so, how did you fix it?


Not able to filter on log message in kibana but able to see the logs

I am using filebeat, elasticsearch, kibana to ship and view logs on ec2.
all the three services are working fine and I am able to see the logs on kibana.
But when i try to search in these logs, the result is not displayed.
As we can see in the previous screenshot we have "WARNING" keyword but when I am searching it, it is not displayed.
Also the full json look like this.
Try searching for message: *exists*. Without the wildcards the string needs to do an exact match.

Elastic Cloud APM not showing logs in Transactions Page

What makes Kibana to not show docker container logs in APM "Transactions" page under "Logs" tab.
I verified the logs are successfully being generated with the "" associated for proper linking.
I have the exact same environment and configs (7.16.2) up via docker-compose and it works perfectly.
Could not figure out why this feature works locally but does not show in Elastic Cloud deploy.
UPDATE with Solution:
I just solved the problem.
It's related to the Filebeat version.
From 7.16.0 and ON, the transaction/logs linking stops working.
Reverted Filebeat back to version 7.15.2 and it started working again.
If you are not using file beats, for example - We rolled our own logging implementation to send logs from a queue in batches using the Bulk API.
We have our own "ElasticLog" class and then use Attributes to match the logs-* Schema for the Log Stream.
In particular we had to make sure that was the same as the the actual Traces, property. Then the logs started to show up here (It does take a few minutes sometimes)
Some more info on how to get the ID's
We use OpenTelemetry exporter for Traces and ILoggerProvider for Logs. The fire off batches independently of each other.
We populate the Trace Id's at the time of instantiation of the class as a default value. This way you in the context of the Activity. Also helps set the timestamp exactly when the log was created.
This LogEntry then gets passed into the ElasticLogger processor and mapped as displayed above to the ElasticLog entry with the Attributes needed for ES

Where can we create queries in Kibana dashboard

If we need to create queries in Kibana dashboard without creating any codebase change where can we do it. Is there any place to create queries in Kibana. Please tell me anyone who knows that place. Because I have a big problem in our project, creating a dashboard for the logs.
see either or
and may also be relevant

ELK - Removing old logs viewable in Kibana

I have managed to process log files using the ELK kit and I can now see my logs on Kibana.
I have scoured the internet and can't seem to find a way to remove all the old logs, viewable in Kibana, from months ago. (Well an explaination that I understand). I just want to clear my Kibana and start a fresh by loading new logs and them being the only ones displayed. Does anyone know how I would do that?
Note: Even if I remove all the Index Patterns (in Management section), the processed logs are still there.
Context: I have been looking at using ELK to analyse testing logs in my work. For that reason, I am using ElasticSearch, Kibana and Logstatsh v5.4, and I am unable to download a newer version due to company restrictions.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Kibana screenshot displaying logs
I've typed "GET /_cat/indices/*?v&s=index" into the Dev Tools>Console and got a list of indices.
I initially used the "DELETE" function, and it didn't appear to be working. However, after restarting everything, it worked the seond time and I was able to remove all the existing indices which subsiquently removed all logs being displayed in Kibana.
Kibana is just the visualization part of the elastic stack, your data is stored in elasticsearch, to get rid of it you need to delete your index.
The 5.4 version is very old and already passed the EOL date, it does not have any UI to delete the index, you will need to use the elasticsearch REST API to delete it.
You can do it from kibana, just click in Dev Tools, first you will need to list your index using the cat indices endpoint.
GET "/_cat/indices?v&s=index&pretty"
After that you will need to use the delete api endpoint to delete your index.
DELETE /name-of-your-index
On the newer versions you can do it using the Index Management UI, you should try to talk with your company to get the new version.

How to get details of log form dashboards of kibana

Hi I am new to Kibana (ELK stack).I have created an error dashboard in Kibana but If I need more information about errors how can I get that.Like If I want to know because of what error has been created.How can I get it.
Any initiatives will be appreciated.
For any information that you want to display in Kibana you need to have a source from where that particular information is available. In this case if we assume that the logs being parsed by Logstash has the information on the errors, then you can parse/filter the logs via the pipeline of Logstash to extract the information and store it in a field.
Now the document which are saved in the ES contain the information, this can be used to perform various aggregations or apply different mathematical functions and then eventually visualize it.
