Where can we create queries in Kibana dashboard - elasticsearch

If we need to create queries in Kibana dashboard without creating any codebase change where can we do it. Is there any place to create queries in Kibana. Please tell me anyone who knows that place. Because I have a big problem in our project, creating a dashboard for the logs.

see either https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/kuery-query.html or https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/lucene-query.html
and https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/save-load-delete-query.html may also be relevant


ELK - Removing old logs viewable in Kibana

I have managed to process log files using the ELK kit and I can now see my logs on Kibana.
I have scoured the internet and can't seem to find a way to remove all the old logs, viewable in Kibana, from months ago. (Well an explaination that I understand). I just want to clear my Kibana and start a fresh by loading new logs and them being the only ones displayed. Does anyone know how I would do that?
Note: Even if I remove all the Index Patterns (in Management section), the processed logs are still there.
Context: I have been looking at using ELK to analyse testing logs in my work. For that reason, I am using ElasticSearch, Kibana and Logstatsh v5.4, and I am unable to download a newer version due to company restrictions.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Kibana screenshot displaying logs
I've typed "GET /_cat/indices/*?v&s=index" into the Dev Tools>Console and got a list of indices.
I initially used the "DELETE" function, and it didn't appear to be working. However, after restarting everything, it worked the seond time and I was able to remove all the existing indices which subsiquently removed all logs being displayed in Kibana.
Kibana is just the visualization part of the elastic stack, your data is stored in elasticsearch, to get rid of it you need to delete your index.
The 5.4 version is very old and already passed the EOL date, it does not have any UI to delete the index, you will need to use the elasticsearch REST API to delete it.
You can do it from kibana, just click in Dev Tools, first you will need to list your index using the cat indices endpoint.
GET "/_cat/indices?v&s=index&pretty"
After that you will need to use the delete api endpoint to delete your index.
DELETE /name-of-your-index
On the newer versions you can do it using the Index Management UI, you should try to talk with your company to get the new version.

CloudWatch to Elastic Cloud: missing data?

I am currently using Elastic Cloud to store my AWS CloudWatch logs. Everything seems to work fine as I'm already able to display charts and to query ElasticSearch correctly. Yet, I got a strange behavior I can't explain.
I am logging some events from my app. Let's say request_start and request_end. They are both available on Kibana. Yet, I'm also logging another event, let's say request_middle. I can see it on CloudWatch.
When checking in the Discover tab of Kibana, I don't see this event. I tried event:"request_middle" query, in vain. And if I display a list of all events under this same tab, I get a full list, except request_middle.
I tried to query directly Elastic Search, in case of. But no results as well.
Have some of you already encountered such a case? If so, how did you fix it?

How to get details of log form dashboards of kibana

Hi I am new to Kibana (ELK stack).I have created an error dashboard in Kibana but If I need more information about errors how can I get that.Like If I want to know because of what error has been created.How can I get it.
Any initiatives will be appreciated.
For any information that you want to display in Kibana you need to have a source from where that particular information is available. In this case if we assume that the logs being parsed by Logstash has the information on the errors, then you can parse/filter the logs via the pipeline of Logstash to extract the information and store it in a field.
Now the document which are saved in the ES contain the information, this can be used to perform various aggregations or apply different mathematical functions and then eventually visualize it.

Elastic search next steps

I'm new to elasticsearch and am still trying to set it up. I have installed elasticsearch 5.5.1 using default values I have also installed Kibana 5.5.1 using the default values. I've also installed the ingest-attachment plugin with the latest x-pack plugin. I have elasticsearch running as a service and I have Kibana open in my browser. On the Kibana dashboardI have an error stating that it is unable to fetch mappings. I guess this is because I havn't set up any indices or pipelines yet. This is where I need some steer, all the documentation I've found so far on-line isn't particularly clear. I have a directory with a mixture of document types such as pdf and doc files. My ultimate goal is to be able to search these documents with values that a user will enter via an app. I'm guessing I need to use the Dev Tools/console window in Kibana using the 'PUT' command to create a pipeline next, but I'm unsure of how I should do this so that it points to my directory with the documents. Can anybody provide me an example of this for this version please.
If I understand you correctly, let's first set some basic understanding about elasticsearch:
Elasticsearch in it's simple definition is a "Search engine". so you need to store some data, and then elastic will help you to search using a search criteria, and it will retrieve relevant data back
You need a "Container" to save your data to, and elastic has this thing like any database engine to store your data, but the terms are somehow different. for example a "Database" in sql-like systems is called "Index", and what you know as "table" is called "Type" in elastic.
from my understanding, you will need to create your index (with or without mappings) to have a starting point, and I recommend you to start without mappings just to "start" and get things working, but later on it's highly recommend to work with "mappings" if applicable, because elastic is smart, but it cannot know more about your data than you do
Because Kibana has failed to find a proper index to start with, it has complained and asked you to either provide a syntax for index names, or a specific index name so it can infer the inline mappings and give you the nice features of querying, displaying charts, etc of your data, so once you create your index, you will provide that to the starting page of Kibana, and you will be ready to go.
Let me know if you need something more specific to your needs :)

Multitenant setup with Kibana and Elasticsearch

I am going to use logstash+ES+kibana for my project. I want to know how to use this framework for multi tenants. Can any one explain me how after the authentication Kibana query the elastic search index and load in Kibana's dashboard? Can I restrict kibana to look for a specifix index of Elastic search for a particular user or some-id? Anybody has tried this?
You could, but depending on your use case it is probably not a good idea. There are a few gotchas, particularly regarding security and separating the users. First Kibana is just javascript running in the browser. So whatever Kibana is allowed to do so is your user. You can however have a separate index pattern for each "user", but elastic search does not provide you any ways of authenticating a users or authorizing a user access to a specific index. You would have to use some sort of proxy for this.
I recommend http://www.found.no/foundation/elasticsearch-in-production/ and http://www.found.no/foundation/elasticsearch-security/ for a more in depth explanation.
Create an index for each tenant.
In this way you can use a proxy (like the app the hosts kibana) to intercept the request and return a settings that includes the index to use.
The value that specifies the index to use can be the logged in user or you can get that value somewhere else.
To separate even more the data, you can use a prefix in each index name, and then when you specify an index you can use a pattern to take all the index related to only certain kind of data/entities.
Hope this help.
Elasticsearch announced today a plugin they are working on that should provide security features to ES product. Probably, this will contain ways of restricting access based on roles and users setup at cluster and indices level. If this happens I see no way for them not to extend this security layer to Kibana, as well. Also, it seems this plugin will have a commercial version only.
