How to change text color of label in segment controller? - temenos-quantum

I want to set different text color of label in each row SegmentControl programmatically.
Please check my ref. code.
var arrColors = [
this.view.segCont.widgetDataMap = {lblColorName: "color"};
I want to do something like attached image.
Thanks in advance!!

I got solution from kony team.
1) Create different skin for different color label. See below image:
2) Set condition for as per your require color label.
var arrColors = [
{"color": "white"},
{"color": "orange"},
{"color": "blue"},
{"color": "yellow"},
{"color": "gray"}
for (i = 0; i < arrColors.length; i++) {
if (arrColors[i].color === "orange") {
arrColors[i].color = {
"skin": "sknLblOrange"
} else {
arrColors[i].color = {
"skin": "sknLblGreen"
this.view.segCont.widgetDataMap = {
lblColor: "color"
Hope this helpful to you. Happy Coding :)

This is fine if your data is finite and static, or if the data array is always the same length, like with a menu.
However, if your data is dynamic you should consider instead this solution:
var arrColors = [
{"skin": "whiteRowSkin"},
{"skin": "orangeRowSkin"},
{"skin": "blueRowSkin"},
{"skin": "yellowRowSkin"},
{"skin": "grayRowSkin"}
this.view.segCont.widgetDataMap = {
lblColor: "color"
// plus any other properties you need for this data.
// Lets assume this getData function fetches your dynamic data from a service.
var segData = getData();
for (var i = 0; i < segData.length; i++) {
var colorIndex = i % arrColors.length;
segData[i].color = arrColors[colorIndex];
The key above is the Modulus/Remainder % operator, which allows you to decide dynamically which of the colors/skins in the skin array to corresponds to each data row, even if the size of the data array varies.
Note: This obviates the fact that the data may be a matrix if you're using segment sections.


How to create a stock event in amCharts v4?

Is it possible to indicate events along a series in amCharts v4 similar to the Stock Event in the v3 stock chart?
While I was brought on board specifically for v4 and am not familiar with v3, I'm confident you can simulate some of these features using Bullets.
A bullet is a Container (basically a placeholder parent for whatever visual object or additional Containers that you want), that will appear at every point of data. You can put a label there as well as a line and any other shape, e.g.:
var stockBullet = series.bullets.push(new am4charts.Bullet());
stockBullet.dy = -20;
var circle = stockBullet.createChild(am4core.Circle);
circle.stroke = "#000";
circle.strokeWidth = 1;
circle.radius = 10;
circle.fill = series.fill.brighten(-0.3);
circle.dy = -10;
var line = stockBullet.createChild(am4core.Line);
line.stroke = "#000";
line.strokeWidth = 1;
line.height = 20;
var label = stockBullet.createChild(am4core.Label);
label.fill = am4core.color("#000");
label.strokeWidth = 0;
label.dy = -20;
label.textAlign = "middle";
label.horizontalCenter = "middle"
Since we don't want a bullet to appear at every point of data, only at Stock Events, we can handle that once the bullets are ready on the chart by going through their data, disabling them if need be, otherwise providing text for our label (and maybe tooltipText if need be) (presume there is a property stockEvent in the data):"inited", function(event) {
if ( && && { =;
} else { = true;
Getting tooltips of different objects to play well with each other can be tricky depending on your chart, e.g. if it has Chart Cursor enabled there's a cursorTooltipEnabled property to prevent triggering a tooltip over bullets. To simplify things in this case what I did is make an invisible series per unique stock event bullet. For each stock event, use adapters to set its paired series' tooltipText to what's desired, and the base, visible series' tooltipText to "":
series.adapter.add("tooltipText", function(text, target) {
if (target.tooltipDataItem.dataContext.stockEvent) {
return "";
return text;
// ...
hiddenSeries.adapter.add("tooltipText", function(text, target) {
if (target.tooltipDataItem.dataContext.stockEvent) {
return target.tooltipDataItem.dataContext.stockEvent.description;
return "";
Here's a demo:

AmChart move labelText to right a few pixels

I'm trying to move label test to right few pixels because the way it's displayed now it looks like it is more to the left:
Label text is aligned to center for 2d bar charts but when you have 3d bars you have this slight offset effect to left that needs to be corrected.Label position values are: "bottom", "top", "right", "left", "inside", "middle".
I wasn't able to fine tune it.
Any ideas on this?
As mentioned in my comment, the labels are centered with respect to the angle setting for 3D charts. The API doesn't allow you to shift the label left or right, so you have to manipulate the graph SVG nodes directly through the drawn event. If you set addClassNames to true, you can retrieve the label elements using document.querySelectorAll through the generated DOM class names and then modifying the translate value in the transform attribute accordingly. You can use a technique from this SO answer to easily manipulate the transform attribute as an object:
// ...
"addClassNames": true,
"listeners": [{
"event": "drawn",
"method": function(e) {
document.querySelectorAll(".amcharts-graph-g4 .amcharts-graph-label"),
function(graphLabel) {
var transform = parseTransform(graphLabel.getAttribute('transform'));
transform.translate[0] = parseFloat(transform.translate[0]) + 5; //adjust X offset
graphLabel.setAttribute('transform', serializeTransform(transform));
// ...
// from
function parseTransform(a) {
var b = {};
for (var i in a = a.match(/(\w+\((\-?\d+\.?\d*e?\-?\d*,?)+\))+/g)) {
var c = a[i].match(/[\w\.\-]+/g);
b[c.shift()] = c;
return b;
//serialize transform object back to an attribute string
function serializeTransform(transformObj) {
var transformStrings = [];
for (var attr in transformObj) {
transformStrings.push(attr + '(' + transformObj[attr].join(',') + ')');
return transformStrings.join(',');
Updated fiddle

Xamarin.Android Couchbase.Lite Map Reduce

I simply want to create a View that uses Map-Reduce to do this: Say I have Documents for the Automobile Industry. I would like the user to query for a particular Make - say Ford for example. I would like the user to provide the Ford value via an EditText, Tap a Button, and the "Count" be shown in a TextView. So, to clarify, I want to do a count of a certain type of Document using Map-Reduce. I have searched for over 100 hundred hours on this and have not found not one single example - REAL example I mean. (I have read all the docs, only generic examples - no actual examples)
I am an experienced programmer 15+ yrs exp - all I need is one example, and I am good to go.
Can someone please assist me with this?
Here is my Actual Code:
string lMS = "MS:5"; // just to show what type of value I am using
var msCount = dbase.GetView ("count_ms");
msCount.SetMapReduce ((doc, emit) => {
if (doc.ContainsKey ("DT") && doc["DT"].Equals ("P")) {
if (doc.ContainsKey ("MS") && doc["MS"].Equals (_ms))
emit (doc ["id"], 1);
(keys, values, rereduce) => values.ToList().Count, "1");
var mscView = dbase.GetView ("count_ms");
var query = mscView.CreateQuery ();
query.StartKey = "MS:1";
query.EndKey = "MS:9999";
var queryResults = query.Run ();
var nr = queryResults.Count; // shows a value of 1 - wrong - should be 40
// the line below is to allow me to put a stop statement to read line above
var dummyForStop = nr;
Try setting something like
var docsByMakeCount = _database.GetView("docs_by_make_count");
docsByMakeCount.SetMapReduce((doc, emit) =>
if (doc.ContainsKey("Make"))
emit(doc["Make"], doc);
(keys, values, rereduce) => values.ToList().Count
, "1");
when you create your view.
and when you use it:
var docsByMake = _database.GetView("docs_by_make_count");
var query = docsByCity.CreateQuery();
query.StartKey = Make;
query.EndKey = Make;
var queryResults = query.Run();
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} documents has been retrieved for that query", queryResults.Count));
if (queryResults.Count == 0) return;
var documents = queryResults.Select(result => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Value, Formatting.Indented)).ToArray();
var commaSeperaterdDocs = "[" + string.Join(",", documents) + "]";
DocumentText = commaSeperaterdDocs;
In my case Make and DocumentText are properties.
There are some optimizations to be made here, like rereducing, but it's the straight forward way.

Draw multiple line in jqplot using json Data

Iam trying to Draw multiple line in jqplot using json Data
I have doubt on jqPlot, i am using json data to plot a chart in jqPlot.I have two sets
of json data like this
var jsonData1 = {"PriceTicks": [{"Price":5.5,"TickDate":"Jan"},
var jsonData2 = {"PriceTicks": [{"Price":1.5,"TickDate":"Jan"},
suppose i have a javascript arrays i can call like this
$.jqplot('chartdiv', [cosPoints, sinPoints, powPoints1, powPoints2, powPoints3],
title:'Line Style Options',
seriesDefaults: {
where cosPoints,sinePoints etc are the javascript arrays in the similar way i have to
call the json data , i Used the following way it is failed ,please help me.
$.jqplot('jsonChartDiv', [jsonData1,jsonData2] {
dataRenderer: $.jqplot.ciParser,
axes: {
xaxis: {
I didn't manage to get the ciParser Renderer Plugin to work with your Data Format Requirement.
In the following jsFiddle you see a working example to convert your JSON objects to the required datastructure which is needed to display a Line Chart.
// get array with both series
arSeries = [jsonData1, jsonData2];
// initalizat the output array for jqPlot
arJQ = [];
// for each Data Series
for (var z = 0; z < arSeries.length; z++)
// array for the prices
jqPrices = [];
var prices = arSeries[z].PriceTicks;
for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++)
jqPrices.push([prices[i].TickDate.toString(), prices[i].Price]);
// Result [["Jan",1.5],["Feb",2.8],["Apr",3.9],["Dec",9.1]]
// add to series array
To prevent the line going backward you should spedify either your date more granular or with the same tickes on each data record.

Is it possible to modify the colModel after data has loaded with jqgrid?

I've got a jqGrid where I need to change the model after the data is loaded, but before it's parsed into the grid. In otherwords, I think I want to do it in the loadComplete handler. I see this approach: Setting JqGrid's colName and colModel from JSON data, but I'm have a bunch of grids already written that use the "load data with jqGrid" approach, rather than the "pre-load data and pass it to jqGrid" one used there, and I'm hoping to avoid re-coding, or making this one different.
(Hiding and showing hidden columns isn't practical, either.)
Is this possible?
More details:
Basically, I don't know what columns I need till I see the data. Say I'm showing traffic by state:
4/20 100 90 85 72
4/21 95 85 89 70
There's only room to show four states, but there might be many more in the data (or there might be fewer), so I want them listed in order of traffic. Right now, the data is coming in like:
date : 4-20,
ca : 100,
wa : 90,
ny : 85,
mn : 72
hi : 56,
il : 30
date : 4-21,
ca : 95,
wa : 85, // note: for a given row, a column might be relatively lower
ny : 89, // than another. The column order is based on the overall
mn : 70
hi : 60,
il : 45
or it could be:
date : 4-20,
ny : 110,
hi : 95,
il : 90,
wa : 80
I've tried setting up columns like state1, state2, state3, state4 and then using jsonmap to remap them, but it didn't work.
loadonce = true, datatype = json
I found one way which seems work OK.
The idea of my solution is following. You use colModel having many hidden columns with the dummy names like 'cm0', 'cm1', 'cm2', ... All the columns has the same data like you need in your case. To fill the data more easy I use column templates existing since jqGrid 3.8.2:
var mygrid=jQuery("#list"),
cmIntTemplate = {
cm = [
// here we define the first columns which we always has
// the list can be empty or has some columns with
// the properties other as the rest (without cmIntTemplate)
{name:"date",label:"Date",key:true,width:100, fixed:true,
], maxCol = 30, dummyColumnNamePrefix = "cm";
// Add dummy hidden columns. All the columns has the same template
for (i=0;i<maxCol;i++) {
After that I create jqGrid in the standard way, but with the jsonReader which use the page as function:
jsonReader: {
repeatitems: false,
page: function (obj) {
// ------------------------
// here I add the main code
// ------------------------
The function from the return the same value like as do default jsonReader, but I use the way with function because the function will be called directly before the reading of the main contain of JSON data. Inside of the code I get the first row of the data and use it's property names to fill jsonmap property of the corresponding column and set the column name. Additionally I make some dummy columns needed to display all the JSON data visible and the rest dummy column hidden. The last thing which should be done is correction of the grid width which was calculated previously. So the grid will look like this:
or like this
depend on the JSON input data.
The code of the page function is following:
page: function (obj) {
var rows = obj.rows, colModel = mygrid[0].p.colModel,
cmi, iFirstDummy, firstRow, prop,
orgShrinkToFit, isFound,
showColNames = [], hideColNames = [];
if (typeof(rows) === "undefined" || !$.isArray(rows) || rows.length === 0) {
// something wrong need return
// find the index of the first dummy column
// in the colModel. If we use rownumbers:true,
// multiselect:true or subGrid:true additional
// columns will be inserted at the begining
// of the colModel
iFirstDummy = -1;
for(i=0;i<colModel.length;i++) {
cmi = colModel[i];
if (dummyTestRegex.test( {
iFirstDummy = i;
if (iFirstDummy === -1) {
// something wrong need return
orgShrinkToFit = clearShrinkToFit();
// we get the first row of the JSON data
firstRow = rows[0];
for (prop in firstRow) {
if (firstRow.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
// we will use the properties name of the first row
// as the names of the column headers of the grid
// find column index having prop as the name
isFound = false;
for(i=0;i<colModel.length;i++) {
cmi = colModel[i];
if ( === prop) {
isFound = true;
if(!isFound) {
// labels defines the column names
cmi = colModel[iFirstDummy];
// because of bug in jqGrid with calculation of width
// we have to reset the width
cmi.width = cmIntTemplate.width;
// we set jsonmap which jqGrid will use instead
// of dummy column names to read all row data
cmi.jsonmap = prop;
// fill the list of unused columns
for(i=0;i<colModel.length;i++) {
cmi = colModel[i];
if ($.inArray(, showColNames) === -1 && dummyTestRegex.test( {
Inside of the page function I use small helper functions
var clearShrinkToFit = function() {
// save the original value of shrinkToFit
var orgShrinkToFit = mygrid.jqGrid('getGridParam','shrinkToFit');
// set shrinkToFit:false to prevent shrinking
// the grid columns after its showing or hiding
return orgShrinkToFit;
setGridWidthAndRestoreShrinkToFit = function(orgShrinkToFit) {
// calculate the new grid width
var width=0, i=0, headers=mygrid[0].grid.headers, l=headers.length;
for (;i<l; i++) {
var th = headers[i].el;
if ( !== "none") {
width += $(th).outerWidth();
// restore the original value of shrinkToFit
// set the grid width
dummyTestRegex = new RegExp(dummyColumnNamePrefix+"(\\d)+");
The working demo you can see here.
UPDATED: Another answer with the demo shows how to create the grid which has another format of input data: [[], [], ...] (array of arrays) - matrix.
