Draw multiple line in jqplot using json Data - jqplot

Iam trying to Draw multiple line in jqplot using json Data
I have doubt on jqPlot, i am using json data to plot a chart in jqPlot.I have two sets
of json data like this
var jsonData1 = {"PriceTicks": [{"Price":5.5,"TickDate":"Jan"},
var jsonData2 = {"PriceTicks": [{"Price":1.5,"TickDate":"Jan"},
suppose i have a javascript arrays i can call like this
$.jqplot('chartdiv', [cosPoints, sinPoints, powPoints1, powPoints2, powPoints3],
title:'Line Style Options',
seriesDefaults: {
where cosPoints,sinePoints etc are the javascript arrays in the similar way i have to
call the json data , i Used the following way it is failed ,please help me.
$.jqplot('jsonChartDiv', [jsonData1,jsonData2] {
dataRenderer: $.jqplot.ciParser,
axes: {
xaxis: {

I didn't manage to get the ciParser Renderer Plugin to work with your Data Format Requirement.
In the following jsFiddle you see a working example to convert your JSON objects to the required datastructure which is needed to display a Line Chart.
// get array with both series
arSeries = [jsonData1, jsonData2];
// initalizat the output array for jqPlot
arJQ = [];
// for each Data Series
for (var z = 0; z < arSeries.length; z++)
// array for the prices
jqPrices = [];
var prices = arSeries[z].PriceTicks;
for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++)
jqPrices.push([prices[i].TickDate.toString(), prices[i].Price]);
// Result [["Jan",1.5],["Feb",2.8],["Apr",3.9],["Dec",9.1]]
// add to series array
To prevent the line going backward you should spedify either your date more granular or with the same tickes on each data record.


Count records excluding duplicates [duplicate]

I am stuck at a unique problem involving dc.js and crossfilter. I have some data which i need to display using Number Charts powered by dc.js. However i found minimal documentation for the number charts and hence posting my query.
Here is the JSFiddle for what i have conceptualized so far.
I basically want to show the unique project count in box 1 which in this case would be 3, unique place count in box 2 which in this case would be 11 and the screen failure rate which would be 2/15*100 i.e. 15.3%
Currently i have made this working using jquery but thats just a hack. I would like to have these number charts based on cross table aggregation so that i can drill down on the data.
I have come across examples for reductions to calculate counts but they were for bar charts but in the number chart we need to have a value accessor for displaying data.
Can someone help me out please?
Here is the jquery code that i wrote. Dont know if this would be helpful.
$(document).ready(function() {
var baseURL = window.location.origin;
url : baseURL + '/api/PlaceTable',
type : 'GET',
data : {},
async : true,
dataType : "json",
success : function(response) {
//Project Count
var projectIdCount = [];
for (i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
if(response[i].Project != undefined){
if($.inArray(response[i].Project, projectIdCount) === -1){
//Place Count
var placeIdCount = [];
for (i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
if(response[i].Place != undefined){
if($.inArray(response[i].Place, placeIdCount) === -1){
And for displaying a running sum of a column containing binary values i used this code, which worked in the number chart:
.valueAccessor(function(x){ return +flag.groupAll().reduceCount().reduceSum(function(d) { return d.Flag; }).value();})
The failure percentage calculation is a separate problem which I think you've asked elsewhere. To get the unique count, it is pretty easy to make a "fake groupAll" which returns the number of unique keys in its value method.
We'll also need to filter out the empty bins since crossfilter doesn't do that automatically.
function bin_counter(group) {
return {
value: function() {
return group.all().filter(function(kv) {
return kv.value > 0;
var projectGroup = project.group();
.valueAccessor(function(x){ return x;})
Updated fiddle here, still ignoring the failure% part:

unique Count of values in dimension using crossfilter (dc.js) [duplicate]

I am stuck at a unique problem involving dc.js and crossfilter. I have some data which i need to display using Number Charts powered by dc.js. However i found minimal documentation for the number charts and hence posting my query.
Here is the JSFiddle for what i have conceptualized so far.
I basically want to show the unique project count in box 1 which in this case would be 3, unique place count in box 2 which in this case would be 11 and the screen failure rate which would be 2/15*100 i.e. 15.3%
Currently i have made this working using jquery but thats just a hack. I would like to have these number charts based on cross table aggregation so that i can drill down on the data.
I have come across examples for reductions to calculate counts but they were for bar charts but in the number chart we need to have a value accessor for displaying data.
Can someone help me out please?
Here is the jquery code that i wrote. Dont know if this would be helpful.
$(document).ready(function() {
var baseURL = window.location.origin;
url : baseURL + '/api/PlaceTable',
type : 'GET',
data : {},
async : true,
dataType : "json",
success : function(response) {
//Project Count
var projectIdCount = [];
for (i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
if(response[i].Project != undefined){
if($.inArray(response[i].Project, projectIdCount) === -1){
//Place Count
var placeIdCount = [];
for (i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
if(response[i].Place != undefined){
if($.inArray(response[i].Place, placeIdCount) === -1){
And for displaying a running sum of a column containing binary values i used this code, which worked in the number chart:
.valueAccessor(function(x){ return +flag.groupAll().reduceCount().reduceSum(function(d) { return d.Flag; }).value();})
The failure percentage calculation is a separate problem which I think you've asked elsewhere. To get the unique count, it is pretty easy to make a "fake groupAll" which returns the number of unique keys in its value method.
We'll also need to filter out the empty bins since crossfilter doesn't do that automatically.
function bin_counter(group) {
return {
value: function() {
return group.all().filter(function(kv) {
return kv.value > 0;
var projectGroup = project.group();
.valueAccessor(function(x){ return x;})
Updated fiddle here, still ignoring the failure% part:

D3 stack() vs nested objects

I'm running into an issue when trying to implement a normalized stacked bar chart using D3v4.
The problem occurs due to my data format which contains nested object arrays populated dynamically on the server side.
var data = [{x:"data1", y:[{name:"red", value:10}, {name:"green", value:20}]},
{x:"data2", y:[{name:"red", value:30}, {name:"green", value:5}]}];
Calling d3.stack() on this will not work since d3 doesn't know how to traverse into the object array y. (https://jsfiddle.net/xv1qgqjg/)
Is there any way to tell d3.stack() where to find the relevant data similar to the .data(function(d){ return d.y; }) used elsewhere?
It doesn't seem to be possible. According to the documentation regarding stack(data[, arguments…]),
Any additional arguments are arbitrary; they are simply propagated to accessors along with the this object.
Thus, you'll have to change your data, creating an array which you can pass to d3.stack(), such as this:
Given the data array in your question, there are several ways for creating the above-mentioned array. Here is my solution (the new array is called newData):
newData = [];
data.forEach(d => {
var tempObj = {}
d.y.forEach(e => {
tempObj[e.name] = e.value;
Here is a demo:
var data = [{x:"data1", y:[{name:"red", value:10}, {name:"green", value:20}]},
{x:"data2", y:[{name:"red", value:30}, {name:"green", value:5}]}];
newData = [];
data.forEach(d => {
var tempObj = {}
d.y.forEach(e => {
tempObj[e.name] = e.value;
var stack = d3.stack()
.keys(["red", "green"])
var series = stack(newData);
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>

unique values count in dc.js + crossfilter

I am stuck at a unique problem involving dc.js and crossfilter. I have some data which i need to display using Number Charts powered by dc.js. However i found minimal documentation for the number charts and hence posting my query.
Here is the JSFiddle for what i have conceptualized so far.
I basically want to show the unique project count in box 1 which in this case would be 3, unique place count in box 2 which in this case would be 11 and the screen failure rate which would be 2/15*100 i.e. 15.3%
Currently i have made this working using jquery but thats just a hack. I would like to have these number charts based on cross table aggregation so that i can drill down on the data.
I have come across examples for reductions to calculate counts but they were for bar charts but in the number chart we need to have a value accessor for displaying data.
Can someone help me out please?
Here is the jquery code that i wrote. Dont know if this would be helpful.
$(document).ready(function() {
var baseURL = window.location.origin;
url : baseURL + '/api/PlaceTable',
type : 'GET',
data : {},
async : true,
dataType : "json",
success : function(response) {
//Project Count
var projectIdCount = [];
for (i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
if(response[i].Project != undefined){
if($.inArray(response[i].Project, projectIdCount) === -1){
//Place Count
var placeIdCount = [];
for (i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
if(response[i].Place != undefined){
if($.inArray(response[i].Place, placeIdCount) === -1){
And for displaying a running sum of a column containing binary values i used this code, which worked in the number chart:
.valueAccessor(function(x){ return +flag.groupAll().reduceCount().reduceSum(function(d) { return d.Flag; }).value();})
The failure percentage calculation is a separate problem which I think you've asked elsewhere. To get the unique count, it is pretty easy to make a "fake groupAll" which returns the number of unique keys in its value method.
We'll also need to filter out the empty bins since crossfilter doesn't do that automatically.
function bin_counter(group) {
return {
value: function() {
return group.all().filter(function(kv) {
return kv.value > 0;
var projectGroup = project.group();
.valueAccessor(function(x){ return x;})
Updated fiddle here, still ignoring the failure% part:

Assigning functions to multiple slickgrids

Please help to solve this very annoying problem. I am using a for loop to iterate over an array of data and create multiple grids. It is working well but the filter function is not binding properly (it only binds to the LAST grid created) Here is the code:
// this function iterates over the data to build the grids
function buildTables() {
// "domain" contains the dataset array
for (i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) {
var dataView;
dataView = new Slick.Data.DataView();
var d = domains[i];
grid = new Slick.Grid('#' + d.name, dataView, d.columns, grids.options);
var data = d.data;
// create a column filter collection for each grid - this works fine
var columnFilters = columnFilters[d.name];
// this seems to be working just fine
// Chrome console confirms it is is processed when rendering the filters
grid.onHeaderRowCellRendered.subscribe(function (e, args) {
$("<input type='text'>")
.data("columnId", args.column.id)
// respond to changes in filter inputs
$(grid.getHeaderRow()).delegate(":input", "change keyup", function (e) {
var columnID = $(this).data("columnId");
if (columnID != null) {
// this works fine - when the user enters text into the input - it
// adds the filter term to the filter obj appropriately
// I have tested this extensively and it works appropriately on
// all grids (ie each grid has a distinct columnFilters object
var gridID = $(this).parents('.grid').attr('id');
columnFilters[gridID][columnID] = $.trim($(this).val());
//##### FAIL #####
// this is where things seem to go wrong
// The row item always provides data from the LAST grid populated!!
// For example, if I have three grids, and I enter a filter term for
// grids 1 or 2 or 3 the row item below always belongs to grid 3!!
function filter(row) {
var gridID = $(this).parents('.grid').attr('id');
for (var columnId in grids.columnFilters[gridID]) {
if (columnId !== undefined && columnFilters[columnId] !== "") {
var header = grid.getColumns()[grid.getColumnIndex(columnId)];
return true;
dataView.setFilter(filter); // does it matter than I only have one dataView instance?
In summary, each function seems to be binding appropriately to each grid except for the filter function. When I enter a filter term into ANY grid, it returns the rows from the last grid only.
I have spent several hours trying to find the fault but have to admit defeat. Any help would be most appreciated.
yes, it matters that you have only one instance of dataView. and also sooner or later you will come up to the fact that one variable for all grids is also a bad idea
so add a var dataView to your loop, it should solve the problem
